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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Be careful what you wish for. That was the advice McCoist offered to those of us who advocated the need for proper sanctions against Rangers FC for their years of cheating. It is a mantra that has been taken up by many of the apologists since.

I don't share the pessimism that has developed in this thread in recent days. Whatever the actions of the SPL chairmen I think events will dictate that Rangers' punishment will be proportional, even if it's left to the SFA, the one body that has shown a modicum of leadership. Of course I may be wrong and the SFA may capitulate to the perceived needs of the SPL self interest.

However, whilst the SPL chairmen have been fretting over the impact of kicking Rangers out of the top league have they given any consideration to the impact of letting a newco gain admission. What sort of Rangers will they be admitting? Do they expect a contrite Rangers; a Rangers that will accept that they have done wrong and, in their new guise, be anxious to atone and co-operate with their fellow clubs for the greater good of the Scottish game?

No, they will be offering succour to the abusive husband who, just at the point of being bested, has once again been given his stick back. Rangers will revert to type using their financial muscle and dominance in the league to their own advantage and to the disadvantage of those who didn't have the courage and self belief to do the right thing.

The right thing is to impose severe penalties. Not because it's Rangers, but because any club who is forced to liquidate as a result of years of massive financial cheating should suffer such penalties. If it were my club, Dundee United, they would deserve to be kicked out the SPL and probably steps would already be in place to do so by know.

I'm in my late 50's and so have been following the game longer than many who have posted on this thread. I cannot remember a more defining point in top flight Scottish football. Whilst optimistic about the likelihood of proportionate sanctions I feel nonetheless that the words and possible actions of club chairmen will live on long after Rangers' immediate fate has been decided. Chairmen who think they can ignore the views of their club's fans over this matter are playing a dangerous game.

It's not just the immediate prospect of supporters deserting their clubs that concerns me. What will be the backlash over the next few seasons if (when) an unpunished Rangers start getting dodgy referee decisions due to crowd pressure or are poaching our players on the cheap? People who did not abandon the game immediately may see the impact of no or minimal sanctions and walk away then.

The perception has been growing for some time that SKY will influence the immediate future of SPL football more than the paying fans. If that perception becomes a reality supporters will abandon the game. It may be a trickle rather than a flood but through time the impact will hit home.

We have all had a good laugh at Rangers' plight, many of us do not like the OF for a number of understandable reasons. However this ultimately is not about Rangers per se but about the willingness of the Chairmen of other clubs to treat them differently because of their perceived influence and financial clout. Pandering to Rangers may seem to be the better option than risking SPL football without them but, at best, it will be a short-term fix and one that will alienate many of the people who give tangible support to football.

The continuation of SKY money and supposedly bigger crowds because of a league that includes Rangers may be on the wish list of SPL chairmen for next year but this will come at a significant price. As Allly McCoist says - be careful what you wish for.

Great post, GD..........apologies ran out of greenies !

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Be careful what you wish for. That was the advice McCoist offered to those of us who advocated the need for proper sanctions against Rangers FC for their years of cheating. It is a mantra that has been taken up by many of the apologists since.

I don't share the pessimism that has developed in this thread in recent days. Whatever the actions of the SPL chairmen I think events will dictate that Rangers' punishment will be proportional, even if it's left to the SFA, the one body that has shown a modicum of leadership. Of course I may be wrong and the SFA may capitulate to the perceived needs of the SPL self interest.

However, whilst the SPL chairmen have been fretting over the impact of kicking Rangers out of the top league have they given any consideration to the impact of letting a newco gain admission. What sort of Rangers will they be admitting? Do they expect a contrite Rangers; a Rangers that will accept that they have done wrong and, in their new guise, be anxious to atone and co-operate with their fellow clubs for the greater good of the Scottish game?

No, they will be offering succour to the abusive husband who, just at the point of being bested, has once again been given his stick back. Rangers will revert to type using their financial muscle and dominance in the league to their own advantage and to the disadvantage of those who didn't have the courage and self belief to do the right thing.

The right thing is to impose severe penalties. Not because it's Rangers, but because any club who is forced to liquidate as a result of years of massive financial cheating should suffer such penalties. If it were my club, Dundee United, they would deserve to be kicked out the SPL and probably steps would already be in place to do so by know.

I'm in my late 50's and so have been following the game longer than many who have posted on this thread. I cannot remember a more defining point in top flight Scottish football. Whilst optimistic about the likelihood of proportionate sanctions I feel nonetheless that the words and possible actions of club chairmen will live on long after Rangers' immediate fate has been decided. Chairmen who think they can ignore the views of their club's fans over this matter are playing a dangerous game.

It's not just the immediate prospect of supporters deserting their clubs that concerns me. What will be the backlash over the next few seasons if (when) an unpunished Rangers start getting dodgy referee decisions due to crowd pressure or are poaching our players on the cheap? People who did not abandon the game immediately may see the impact of no or minimal sanctions and walk away then.

The perception has been growing for some time that SKY will influence the immediate future of SPL football more than the paying fans. If that perception becomes a reality supporters will abandon the game. It may be a trickle rather than a flood but through time the impact will hit home.

We have all had a good laugh at Rangers' plight, many of us do not like the OF for a number of understandable reasons. However this ultimately is not about Rangers per se but about the willingness of the Chairmen of other clubs to treat them differently because of their perceived influence and financial clout. Pandering to Rangers may seem to be the better option than risking SPL football without them but, at best, it will be a short-term fix and one that will alienate many of the people who give tangible support to football.

The continuation of SKY money and supposedly bigger crowds because of a league that includes Rangers may be on the wish list of SPL chairmen for next year but this will come at a significant price. As Allly McCoist says - be careful what you wish for.

Dear Mrs Danger, the only problem that the diddy clubs will have without RFC will be that they might have to organise their finances for next season as Dunfermline have had to do, i.e. cut their cloth to suit less income. Better to kick the ba4s=tards now that they are down and go with the new mantra, from the film "Network", "I'm madder than Hell, and I'm not going to take any more". Now's the chance to get a step up the ladder for the rest of us, and if RFC come back and get past us again, good luck to 'em, but this gives us a chance to maybe get a wee bit closer to getting a shot at European glory every now and then.

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Be careful what you wish for. That was the advice McCoist offered to those of us who advocated the need for proper sanctions against Rangers FC for their years of cheating. It is a mantra that has been taken up by many of the apologists since.

I don't share the pessimism that has developed in this thread in recent days. Whatever the actions of the SPL chairmen I think events will dictate that Rangers' punishment will be proportional, even if it's left to the SFA, the one body that has shown a modicum of leadership. Of course I may be wrong and the SFA may capitulate to the perceived needs of the SPL self interest.

However, whilst the SPL chairmen have been fretting over the impact of kicking Rangers out of the top league have they given any consideration to the impact of letting a newco gain admission. What sort of Rangers will they be admitting? Do they expect a contrite Rangers; a Rangers that will accept that they have done wrong and, in their new guise, be anxious to atone and co-operate with their fellow clubs for the greater good of the Scottish game?

No, they will be offering succour to the abusive husband who, just at the point of being bested, has once again been given his stick back. Rangers will revert to type using their financial muscle and dominance in the league to their own advantage and to the disadvantage of those who didn't have the courage and self belief to do the right thing.

The right thing is to impose severe penalties. Not because it's Rangers, but because any club who is forced to liquidate as a result of years of massive financial cheating should suffer such penalties. If it were my club, Dundee United, they would deserve to be kicked out the SPL and probably steps would already be in place to do so by know.

I'm in my late 50's and so have been following the game longer than many who have posted on this thread. I cannot remember a more defining point in top flight Scottish football. Whilst optimistic about the likelihood of proportionate sanctions I feel nonetheless that the words and possible actions of club chairmen will live on long after Rangers' immediate fate has been decided. Chairmen who think they can ignore the views of their club's fans over this matter are playing a dangerous game.

It's not just the immediate prospect of supporters deserting their clubs that concerns me. What will be the backlash over the next few seasons if (when) an unpunished Rangers start getting dodgy referee decisions due to crowd pressure or are poaching our players on the cheap? People who did not abandon the game immediately may see the impact of no or minimal sanctions and walk away then.

The perception has been growing for some time that SKY will influence the immediate future of SPL football more than the paying fans. If that perception becomes a reality supporters will abandon the game. It may be a trickle rather than a flood but through time the impact will hit home.

We have all had a good laugh at Rangers' plight, many of us do not like the OF for a number of understandable reasons. However this ultimately is not about Rangers per se but about the willingness of the Chairmen of other clubs to treat them differently because of their perceived influence and financial clout. Pandering to Rangers may seem to be the better option than risking SPL football without them but, at best, it will be a short-term fix and one that will alienate many of the people who give tangible support to football.

The continuation of SKY money and supposedly bigger crowds because of a league that includes Rangers may be on the wish list of SPL chairmen for next year but this will come at a significant price. As Allly McCoist says - be careful what you wish for.

Superbly put. Have a greenie, Sir.

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New blog from 'Rangers Tax Case' lays into Cockwomble a bit


I have to say that this....

We are heading for a newco of some description. The key point, Mr. Doncaster, is whether Craig Whyte’s floating charge is still meaningful. If it is (and people with more advanced legal training than me cannot find a consensus on whether it will be) Whyte will be content to let this drama unfold. His friends at Duff & Phelps will continue to potter about while reality continues to sink in with the wider Rangers support. In the end, Whyte will play his trump card and call in a receiver who will sell all of Rangers’ assets to a newco for a sum that will go entirely to Whyte- stuffing all of the other creditors. A plan to achieve this outcome would explain a lot of Duff & Phelps’ actions over the last few months

....is almost exactly the scenario I laid out about 400 pages ago.

At the time, I thought it seemed a bit overtly conspiracy theorist in nature, but, as time has worn on, I've been more inclined to buy into it.

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Be careful what you wish for.  That was the advice McCoist offered to those of us who advocated the need for proper sanctions against Rangers FC for their years of cheating.  It is a mantra that has been taken up by many of the apologists since....

Exceptional post, GD.

With your permission, I intend copying and pasting it onto the St Mirren site I frequent and where I have been 'debating' this issue for a few weeks now, as your post sums up my feeling remarkably well, but is presented in a far more elequent and succinct manner than I could hope to achieve.

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I hear diddiies like you are going to boycott Ibrox :lol: :lol: :lol: That boycot has been going on since 1986 and has made very little difference.


false rangers are in administration

the long game was played here wink.gif

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Be careful what you wish for. That was the advice McCoist offered to those of us who advocated the need for proper sanctions against Rangers FC for their years of cheating. It is a mantra that has been taken up by many of the apologists since.

I don't share the pessimism that has developed in this thread in recent days. Whatever the actions of the SPL chairmen I think events will dictate that Rangers' punishment will be proportional, even if it's left to the SFA, the one body that has shown a modicum of leadership. Of course I may be wrong and the SFA may capitulate to the perceived needs of the SPL self interest.

However, whilst the SPL chairmen have been fretting over the impact of kicking Rangers out of the top league have they given any consideration to the impact of letting a newco gain admission. What sort of Rangers will they be admitting? Do they expect a contrite Rangers; a Rangers that will accept that they have done wrong and, in their new guise, be anxious to atone and co-operate with their fellow clubs for the greater good of the Scottish game?

No, they will be offering succour to the abusive husband who, just at the point of being bested, has once again been given his stick back. Rangers will revert to type using their financial muscle and dominance in the league to their own advantage and to the disadvantage of those who didn't have the courage and self belief to do the right thing.

The right thing is to impose severe penalties. Not because it's Rangers, but because any club who is forced to liquidate as a result of years of massive financial cheating should suffer such penalties. If it were my club, Dundee United, they would deserve to be kicked out the SPL and probably steps would already be in place to do so by know.

I'm in my late 50's and so have been following the game longer than many who have posted on this thread. I cannot remember a more defining point in top flight Scottish football. Whilst optimistic about the likelihood of proportionate sanctions I feel nonetheless that the words and possible actions of club chairmen will live on long after Rangers' immediate fate has been decided. Chairmen who think they can ignore the views of their club's fans over this matter are playing a dangerous game.

It's not just the immediate prospect of supporters deserting their clubs that concerns me. What will be the backlash over the next few seasons if (when) an unpunished Rangers start getting dodgy referee decisions due to crowd pressure or are poaching our players on the cheap? People who did not abandon the game immediately may see the impact of no or minimal sanctions and walk away then.

The perception has been growing for some time that SKY will influence the immediate future of SPL football more than the paying fans. If that perception becomes a reality supporters will abandon the game. It may be a trickle rather than a flood but through time the impact will hit home.

We have all had a good laugh at Rangers' plight, many of us do not like the OF for a number of understandable reasons. However this ultimately is not about Rangers per se but about the willingness of the Chairmen of other clubs to treat them differently because of their perceived influence and financial clout. Pandering to Rangers may seem to be the better option than risking SPL football without them but, at best, it will be a short-term fix and one that will alienate many of the people who give tangible support to football.

The continuation of SKY money and supposedly bigger crowds because of a league that includes Rangers may be on the wish list of SPL chairmen for next year but this will come at a significant price. As Allly McCoist says - be careful what you wish for.

Think we might well have a top contender for 'Best Post of the Thread' (apart from bearwithme's hilarious defences of his club)

Far more insightful than anything in the mainstream media.

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Dear Mrs Danger, the only problem that the diddy clubs will have without RFC will be that they might have to organise their finances for next season as Dunfermline have had to do, i.e. cut their cloth to suit less income. Better to kick the ba4s=tards now that they are down and go with the new mantra, from the film "Network", "I'm madder than Hell, and I'm not going to take any more". Now's the chance to get a step up the ladder for the rest of us, and if RFC come back and get past us again, good luck to 'em, but this gives us a chance to maybe get a wee bit closer to getting a shot at European glory every now and then.

The only real danger the diddy clubs will have is one less excuse for non-achievement, and that's what I reckon terrifies some of them, no longer able to shrug their shoulders and say "och, what can you do when the Old Firm are so far in front?"

As the honours start being more spread around, when suddenly the likes of St Johnstone, Motherwell, etc are picking up the odd Scottish Cup and League Cup at the least, fans of similarly strong clubs have the right to ask "when's it our turn, instead of selling every decent player that comes through our ranks for chocolate buttons to Celtic or some English club?" They're terrified of fans no longer settling for less.

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Neil Doncaster thinks a new co is the same as a CVA.

Neil Doncaster is the man charged with investigating Double contracts.

Sure to do a fine job when you look at his history of speaking absolute bollocks.

I am pretty sure anything this smug twat does he phones up sky to ask if its ok.

Is there any chance someone can start one of those petition things to get him


Neil Doncaster


"We've certainly had the indication that the plan on the table is more attractive to TV than the status-quo," Doncaster told BBC Radio Scotland.

Hi sky Neil here how many teams do you want in the league. Ten you say I will get right on it.

Neil Doncaster on the British cup idea.

'I certainly wouldn't rule it out at all,' he said.

'I think it would be a very exciting innovation. It would certainly bring a lot of money into the game, and a lot of interest into the game.

When is the british cup due to start Doncaster you idiot.

Neil Doncaster GTF you freaky looking twat.

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Why should i and 50,000 other Rangers fans along with the estimated 1 million armchairfans allow your club to live off our money whilst we are unfairly penalised?

Well, if we are going to go down the route of 'diddy' clubs living off the money of Rangers fans, then what would you say to 'diddy' fans' wages being used to subsidise Rangers' tax-dodging? That's as big a case living off someone else as I've seen. And the money brought in by Rangers fans coming to games is not significant enough to be a deal-breaker. The other 11 clubs need to see Rangers as a cash cow - if it benefits them to have them in the spl then keep them, if not then hello the berrs v East Stirlingshire

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It is people like you that make my blood boil...Reveling in other teams misery because you choose to support some shitty team that contributes very little in the grand scheme of things but feel so superior to Rangers suporters...f**k off!!

Why should i and 50,000 other Rangers fans along with the estimated 1 million armchairfans allow your club to live off our money whilst we are unfairly penalised?

You and the other diddies have lived of Rangers for too long and now your chairman are worried things are going titis up..Yep they most certainly are. I have always defended the Scottish game as a whole but after reading the utter drivel that is posted on here on a daily basis i have had enough. It is long over due that Rangers looked after No.1 and starting from next season that is exactly what we will be doing...First thing i do when i get my Season Ticket renewal form in is cancel my CCCS..No away games from me or anybody i know.

OK it wont kill you off but it will lead to a massive reduction in your income and will mean the loss of players and staff at every SPL except for maybe celtic.

I hear diddiies like you are going to boycott Ibrox :lol: :lol: :lol: That boycot has been going on since 1986 and has made very little difference.


The vast majority of teams manage to get by without money from the old firm. St Mirren and St Johnstone spent many years not that long ago in the First Division and came out the other side. Without clubs like St Mirren you wouldn't have anybody to ride roughshod over as your lovely club went about accumulating all those titles (some of them tainted). I hope every last one Rangers fan boycotts away games, the good folk who hate football in towns and cities up and down the land will welcome it too.

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Be careful what you wish for. That was the advice McCoist offered to those of us who advocated the need for proper sanctions against Rangers FC for their years of cheating. It is a mantra that has been taken up by many of the apologists since.

I don't share the pessimism that has developed in this thread in recent days. Whatever the actions of the SPL chairmen I think events will dictate that Rangers' punishment will be proportional, even if it's left to the SFA, the one body that has shown a modicum of leadership. Of course I may be wrong and the SFA may capitulate to the perceived needs of the SPL self interest.

However, whilst the SPL chairmen have been fretting over the impact of kicking Rangers out of the top league have they given any consideration to the impact of letting a newco gain admission. What sort of Rangers will they be admitting? Do they expect a contrite Rangers; a Rangers that will accept that they have done wrong and, in their new guise, be anxious to atone and co-operate with their fellow clubs for the greater good of the Scottish game?

No, they will be offering succour to the abusive husband who, just at the point of being bested, has once again been given his stick back. Rangers will revert to type using their financial muscle and dominance in the league to their own advantage and to the disadvantage of those who didn't have the courage and self belief to do the right thing.

The right thing is to impose severe penalties. Not because it's Rangers, but because any club who is forced to liquidate as a result of years of massive financial cheating should suffer such penalties. If it were my club, Dundee United, they would deserve to be kicked out the SPL and probably steps would already be in place to do so by know.

I'm in my late 50's and so have been following the game longer than many who have posted on this thread. I cannot remember a more defining point in top flight Scottish football. Whilst optimistic about the likelihood of proportionate sanctions I feel nonetheless that the words and possible actions of club chairmen will live on long after Rangers' immediate fate has been decided. Chairmen who think they can ignore the views of their club's fans over this matter are playing a dangerous game.

It's not just the immediate prospect of supporters deserting their clubs that concerns me. What will be the backlash over the next few seasons if (when) an unpunished Rangers start getting dodgy referee decisions due to crowd pressure or are poaching our players on the cheap? People who did not abandon the game immediately may see the impact of no or minimal sanctions and walk away then.

The perception has been growing for some time that SKY will influence the immediate future of SPL football more than the paying fans. If that perception becomes a reality supporters will abandon the game. It may be a trickle rather than a flood but through time the impact will hit home.

We have all had a good laugh at Rangers' plight, many of us do not like the OF for a number of understandable reasons. However this ultimately is not about Rangers per se but about the willingness of the Chairmen of other clubs to treat them differently because of their perceived influence and financial clout. Pandering to Rangers may seem to be the better option than risking SPL football without them but, at best, it will be a short-term fix and one that will alienate many of the people who give tangible support to football.

The continuation of SKY money and supposedly bigger crowds because of a league that includes Rangers may be on the wish list of SPL chairmen for next year but this will come at a significant price. As Allly McCoist says - be careful what you wish for.


'we are all Granny Danger'

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This latest Thommo blog - my interpretation was that someone told him they had £850 million, had asked about buying Rangers and that they were knocked back but that he was hedging his bets whether it was true. I don't think he was exclusively revealing this to be a succulent fact.

Having 850 million is different to pumping it into the club. Indeedy, how would he have got that much cash ? By asset stripping maybes? Possibly offered 5 or 6 hoping for big returns, with no chance of the bears seeing much more.

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Be careful what you wish for. That was the advice McCoist offered to those of us who advocated the need for proper sanctions against Rangers FC for their years of cheating. It is a mantra that has been taken up by many of the apologists since.

I don't share the pessimism that has developed in this thread in recent days. Whatever the actions of the SPL chairmen I think events will dictate that Rangers' punishment will be proportional, even if it's left to the SFA, the one body that has shown a modicum of leadership. Of course I may be wrong and the SFA may capitulate to the perceived needs of the SPL self interest.

However, whilst the SPL chairmen have been fretting over the impact of kicking Rangers out of the top league have they given any consideration to the impact of letting a newco gain admission. What sort of Rangers will they be admitting? Do they expect a contrite Rangers; a Rangers that will accept that they have done wrong and, in their new guise, be anxious to atone and co-operate with their fellow clubs for the greater good of the Scottish game?

No, they will be offering succour to the abusive husband who, just at the point of being bested, has once again been given his stick back. Rangers will revert to type using their financial muscle and dominance in the league to their own advantage and to the disadvantage of those who didn't have the courage and self belief to do the right thing.

The right thing is to impose severe penalties. Not because it's Rangers, but because any club who is forced to liquidate as a result of years of massive financial cheating should suffer such penalties. If it were my club, Dundee United, they would deserve to be kicked out the SPL and probably steps would already be in place to do so by know.

I'm in my late 50's and so have been following the game longer than many who have posted on this thread. I cannot remember a more defining point in top flight Scottish football. Whilst optimistic about the likelihood of proportionate sanctions I feel nonetheless that the words and possible actions of club chairmen will live on long after Rangers' immediate fate has been decided. Chairmen who think they can ignore the views of their club's fans over this matter are playing a dangerous game.

It's not just the immediate prospect of supporters deserting their clubs that concerns me. What will be the backlash over the next few seasons if (when) an unpunished Rangers start getting dodgy referee decisions due to crowd pressure or are poaching our players on the cheap? People who did not abandon the game immediately may see the impact of no or minimal sanctions and walk away then.

The perception has been growing for some time that SKY will influence the immediate future of SPL football more than the paying fans. If that perception becomes a reality supporters will abandon the game. It may be a trickle rather than a flood but through time the impact will hit home.

We have all had a good laugh at Rangers' plight, many of us do not like the OF for a number of understandable reasons. However this ultimately is not about Rangers per se but about the willingness of the Chairmen of other clubs to treat them differently because of their perceived influence and financial clout. Pandering to Rangers may seem to be the better option than risking SPL football without them but, at best, it will be a short-term fix and one that will alienate many of the people who give tangible support to football.

The continuation of SKY money and supposedly bigger crowds because of a league that includes Rangers may be on the wish list of SPL chairmen for next year but this will come at a significant price. As Allly McCoist says - be careful what you wish for.

Splendid post GD.

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The one about Martin Bain ordering the letter proving tax dodging to be shredded? Hope it is.. rolleyes.gif

Of course you have prove of this? :rolleyes:

No, absolutely no proof of that exists. Channel 4 can just make up any old shite then broadcast it as fact. There's not the slightest possibility that they'd face legal action if they did that.

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Rangers (and again Celtic) tacitly use sectarianism to generate fans and support

can you give any tangible examples of this or is it a case of every OF fan must be a bigot by association. i don't know a single supporter of either of the OF who were drawn in because of the sectarian reputation that either has, nor do i know any who have switched allegiances from other teams due to the likelihood of winning trophies

(they could ban all sectarian overtures from their stadiums, they choose not too).

i don't recall either half of the OF being banned from attending any grounds due to their support being so unsavoury, infact don't you all ramp up the prices when the OF come to town.

Edited by pansypotterthedirtyrotter
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It is people like you that make my blood boil...Reveling in other teams misery because you choose to support some shitty team that contributes very little in the grand scheme of things but feel so superior to Rangers suporters...f**k off!!

Why should i and 50,000 other Rangers fans along with the estimated 1 million armchairfans allow your club to live off our money whilst we are unfairly penalised?

You and the other diddies have lived of Rangers for too long and now your chairman are worried things are going titis up..Yep they most certainly are. I have always defended the Scottish game as a whole but after reading the utter drivel that is posted on here on a daily basis i have had enough. It is long over due that Rangers looked after No.1 and starting from next season that is exactly what we will be doing...First thing i do when i get my Season Ticket renewal form in is cancel my CCCS..No away games from me or anybody i know.

OK it wont kill you off but it will lead to a massive reduction in your income and will mean the loss of players and staff at every SPL except for maybe celtic.

I hear diddiies like you are going to boycott Ibrox :lol: :lol: :lol: That boycot has been going on since 1986 and has made very little difference.


This is precisely why we all hope your club dies.

Incidentally this is a pretty pathetic but entirely unsurprising stance from yourself. All nice and contrite while things were at their darkest for you lot, now at the first chink of light the mask slips and you've just become personification of the entire grotesque triumphalist shit-for-brains spectrum of hate and bigotry we've all come to expect from the Rangers support.

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Harper McLeod should take a look at Nerlinger’s contract filed with the SFA. Next they should obtain Nerlinger’s contract documents and payment history from Rangers FC (IA)’s administrators. Comparing the contract to the payment history alone will expose payments of well in excess of £1 million that are not listed on his SFA-registered contract. There is your prima facie case, Mr. Doncaster. There is no need to investigate any further to demonstrate that Rangers have a case to answer and that an independent inquiry is required.

There you have it, from the guy who has been ahead of the game at every turn. I would expect the press to be all over this. Surely?

Kick the cheats out, you spineless w**k.

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Michael Johnston is every bit a c**t as neil doncaster

Kilmarnock chairman Michael Johnston has further dampened expectations of heavy sanctions for a newco Rangers in the Scottish Premier League as he highlighted the "substantial penalties" already imposed on the administration-hit Ibrox club.

The SPL clubs are due to meet next Wednesday to vote on proposals for sanctions on newco clubs and increased penalties for clubs who go into administration.

Charles Green, who is fronting a Rangers ownership consortium, plans to push for a newco if a Company Voluntary Arrangement (CVA) is rejected and there is a feeling among many non-Gers fans that if the club is allowed to remain in the SPL, its forfeit must be heavy.

However, SPL chief executive Neil Doncaster has laid the ground for leniency by claiming there is little difference between both exit routes from administration and Johnston has claimed new owners should not be hamstrung by punishments.

Rangers have already been fined £160,000 and had a 12-month signing ban imposed on them by the Scottish Football Association for financial irregularities and the loss of their UEFA licence means they miss out on a Champions League qualifying place next season.

Speaking to Press Association Sport at Rugby Park after manager Kenny Shiels signed a new two-year deal, Johnston flagged up those sanctions by way of addressing the Rangers dilemma faced by the SPL clubs.

"I am a solicitor by profession and in terms of the distinction between a CVA and a newco, it can become quite complicated but at the end of the day, from a creditors' point of view, there is maybe no difference," he said.

"In terms of how it affects a sporting competition, I do share the view and I think the football authorities have traditionally taken the view, that a football club is not to be identified 100% with the people that own it, or the corporate entity that owns it.

"A football club has its own identity which consists of various components - the history of the club, the stadium, the players but most importantly, the supporters. So you have got to be careful if you are trying to protect a football club which is a very long-standing and historical institution.

"You have got to be very careful not to come in too heavily with penalties and points deductions or financial penalties going forward which actually put people off investing in that club and trying to make it healthy. After all, it's not the new owners who have done the damage, it is the previous owners."

killie never do their-selves any favours do they

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