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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Well I have yet to hear a Celtic fans say they were wanting their 'tainted' titles, people are wanting them to have their titles null and void but Ive yet to hear one say we want them to be credited to us.

I think that's what should happen, "not awarded" should be in the histroy books

I, as an Ayr fan, would certainly welcome the 2002 League cup coming our way.

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Leggat is madder than a box of frogs and a self-confessed bigot. Some of the vitriol he comes out with is potentially actionable.

Leggat is a complete fruit-loop basketcase however amongst his rants of today he has one decent point (Scary, I know).

Duff & Phelps were aware of the contents of the programme, the were asked to be interviewed and pulled out last minute, and due to the speed of their statements in repsonse.

If they knew when they refused to be interviewed about the allegations why no application for interdict to halt the programme.

This threatened libel just drags things out rather than having the interdict thrown out prior to the programme, which would only give the allegations more weight.

So many leggat blogs and one gem of a point has at last appeared.

Edited by MEADOWXI
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On another note If SDM made £6.3million through EBTs why does he not pay the tax back instead of Rangers. At 40% that would be £2.5million in tax. He profited not Rangers.

Apologies if this has been covered in the intervening pages (I'm still catching up since last night).

Rangers did profit from this - taking the example above, the employee pays tax and NI contributions, the employer also pays Employer NI contributions - someone estimated earlier that the amount on Employer NI alone on the £50millon paid into the trust works out at around £14million.

Even if you assume that the employee should pay back the Tax and NI that he gained from not paying (which is rubbish as the employer is responsible for deductions before payment in this country) RFC still gained by not paying the Employer contributions.

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I cannot see any room for manoeuvre here for both the SPL and SFA, the SPL must meet today around their own investigation into EBT's which can only lead to expulsion for Rangers and from Scottish football.


as Chazza1910 reminds us,

But what's going to happen in the meantime while this whole mess is sorted out? The SPL are suddenly demanding more information when they should have sorted it out months ago.

The spl commenced their investigations into EBTs on 5th March, and are still 'patiently' waiting for Rangers to co-operate. BBC link

There is no will on the part of the spl to complete the investigation within any reasonable time scale (or indeed at all). Still waiting for RFC (IA) to comply with a request made, say, 12 weeks ago? This might explain why Doncaster keeps on about Newco admittance: he sees a Newco as devoid of responsibility for the double contracts.

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Well I have yet to hear a Celtic fans say they were wanting their 'tainted' titles, people are wanting them to have their titles null and void but Ive yet to hear one say we want them to be credited to us.

Celtic Quick News are already backslapping over "12 in a row"


With a hilarious footnote on Juninho's EBT. Usual CQN gold.

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Well I have yet to hear a Celtic fans say they were wanting their 'tainted' titles, people are wanting them to have their titles null and void but Ive yet to hear one say we want them to be credited to us.

Fair enough.

Some of my Celtic supporting mates are getting a bit of a hardon about it though, rightly or wrongly.

At the end of the day its the only reason why most fans follow the OF, for the glory. Even if the titles are void it means Celtic will have probably won the same amount ,maybe even more.

From what i have seen on the net the Rangers fans seem more worried about losing their titles than their club actually surviving.Which is sad, really really sad.

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Celtic Quick News are already backslapping over "12 in a row"


With a hilarious footnote on Juninho's EBT. Usual CQN gold.

Post your favourites :D

Mine so far is "por cierto" :-

"Your (sic) right Paul, exactly, the most important thing to come out of the programme tonight is the Playing of illegible (sic) players in Competitions that Celtic took part in."

Celtic fans are utter utter morons :lol:

Edited by H_B
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The spl commenced their investigations into EBTs on 5th March, and are still 'patiently' waiting for Rangers to co-operate. BBC link

Oh I'm acutely aware of the SPL investigation into EBT's at Rangers, maybe the SPL should have employed the BBC or RTC to carry that out

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Oh I'm acutely aware of the SPL investigation into EBT's at Rangers, maybe the SPL should have employed the BBC or RTC to carry that out

So will Celtic also be thrown out of Scottish football? Is that what you are pushing for?

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Its not the BBC that are hounding Duff and Duffer - its actually Leggo and he's moving in for the kill. tongue.gif


He's on top form today with this nugget: "They won’t be paying any attention to dribs and drabs of information leaked to the BBC by some disgruntled tax official, probably of a Parkhead persuasion."

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Post your favourites :D

Mine so far is "por cierto" :-

"Your right Paul, exactly, the most important thing to come out of the programme tonight is the Playing of illegible players in Competitions that Celtic took part in."

Celtic fans are utter utter morons :lol:

I do like

"They can’t even cheat with any dignity. "


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Did Campbell Ogilvie not join Hearts as a Director after leaving Ibroke ? (Always thought that was a bit of a retrograde move for CO) His vast knowledge of EBT's and how to subvert paying tax will surely have been of great interest to Mr. Romanov.

Just a thought.

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I thought that the guy Sammy came across as any well meaning fan would. Spoke well about his love for the club and how it meant a lot to him in his life - the same as some people on here about their own club. Pity that he seems to be a sole voice in a sea of retards. Actually felt quite sorry for him as he appeared to be genuinely upset.

Sympathy over , now back to planning on when we can all have the party when Rangers die :D

And just back from dropping someone at the airport , family of *** all wearing the strip going on holiday , had a chuckle as i was driving past them :D

My own club, unfortunately, has sailed far too close to the wind at times. At the time of our second admin, under the reign of Massone, there was a very real fear and more importantly a very real acknowledgment of the fact that the club could die.

Within around a minute of the documentary starting last night, Sammy had stated that his club were "too big to die". I'm not for one minute going to decry anyone for loving their club, but it is that stinking attitude that appears to be all too prevalent within their support, which means they get f**k all sympathy from me.

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I do like

"They can't even cheat with any dignity. "


They've learned well from their blue bigot counterparts also. Anyone saying "erm, hang on a minute here, did Celtic notify the SFA about Juninho's double contract" is dismissed as being a bear behind enemy lines :D

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Post your favourites :D

Mine so far is "por cierto" :-

"Your right Paul, exactly, the most important thing to come out of the programme tonight is the Playing of illegible players in Competitions that Celtic took part in."

Celtic fans are utter utter morons :lol:

Well it seems that I have been paying for something I have not been getting, a fair competition, I'm sure there are many different views from Celtic fans, as there from the fans on here, as to what is important is all of this.

The bottom line is has the rules of the game been followed? if not what punishment is deemed sufficient?

incidently if Campbell Oglivie does not resign this morning then he should be given gardening leave until the SPL investigation on EBT's reports

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Well it seems that I have been paying for something I have not been getting, a fair competition,

You didn't answer the question.

If Celtic are found not to have informed the SFA about Juninho's double contract do you agree Celtic should also be dismissed from Scottish football?

Perish the thought you are displaying, gasp, double standards???? :unsure:

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Why would Celtic be thrown out of Scottish football...enlighten me?

Did Celtic disclose to the SFA the full remuneration paid to Juninho at the time he was playing for the club, during which you were winning matches?

Edited by H_B
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