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Merely running a Google search on 'neil doncaster cockwomble' gives you a right good laugh when you read the first hit. :lol:


Ran out of greenies already (how many do we get a day?) but this is outstanding!

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Away from the Neil Doncaster fun


Even their fans have had enough of Haudit & Daudit

"I don't know what more they can do to them other than banish them from the face of the earth, which I don't think would do Scottish football any good," Macmillan said.

"If Rangers go down to the Third Division, I think it would kill Scottish football.

"I don't think very many [fans] would accept it would be a reasonable punishment for the club.

"If either of the Old Firm left the SPL you would find it difficult to get a sponsor for the league and get a TV contract up and running."


the same old shit, time and again, which keeps being repeated unchallenged, time and again.

Mark Daly's one thing, but where is the investigative journalist who would set out hard facts and figures with regard to what the finances would look like without Rangers?

sick of this pish being repeated as though it's gospel, let alone flying the blatant lie that not many fans would regard Rangers' demotion to Div 3 as a fair punishment. Even the more reasonable Rangers fans on here seem to agree that such a sanction would be fair enough. The only people who don't agree are a working majority of SPL chairmen.


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Aye, but the last few paragraphs make you want to punch your computer screen, as yet again, we are fed the 'we need Rangers or we die' horse-shit.

They have no shame. We need to keep flinging back at them, every time they come up with this sh1t, "Why then did you try to leave the SPL and join an English league?", and in light of that attempt,"Explain why we should do you any favours now, or even feel the smallest piece of sympathy for your team's situation"

Are we likely to hear them say, "Yes, we wrong to try to do that and we are sorry" ?

Edited by Happy Buddie
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They have no shame. We need to keep flinging back at them, every time they come up with this sh1t, "Why then did you try to leave the SPL and join an English league", and in light of that attempt,"Explain why we should do you any favours now, or even feel the smallest piece of sympathy for your team's situation?"

Are we likely to hear them say, "Yes, we we wrong to try to do that and we are sorry" ?

"Let us back in (so we can boycott your clubs)"

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snapback.pngThistle_do_nicely, on 24 May 2012 - 14:36, said:

Neil Doncaster Neil Doncaster Neil Doncaster http://cockwomble.org/ http://cockwomble.org/ http://cockwomble.org/

(does it matter how often you say cockwomble's name along with the link?)

snapback.pngwelshbairn, on 24 May 2012 - 14:46, said:

Not Neil Doncaster sure Neil Doncaster how Neil Doncaster it COCKWOMBLE works but the more the CockWomble merrier I would say..ph34r.gif

snapback.pngexiled jambo, on 24 May 2012 - 14:48, said:

Do you mean that from now on whenever we use the name Neil Doncaster we should be linking his name i.e. Neil Doncaster to the cockwomble website. Thereby irrevocably linking the name Neil Doncaster to the cockwomble website in the eyes of Google so that every time someone googles the name Neil Doncaster they will get a hit for the cockwomble.org website.

That would be very apt because I think Neil Doncaster is an absolute cockwomble.

snapback.pngThistle_do_nicely, on 24 May 2012 - 14:52, said:

As much as I like this post about how Neil "Cockwomble" Doncaster is such a http://cockwomble.org/ I have reached my quote for positive votes for today. :(

snapback.pngCaff, on 24 May 2012 - 14:58, said:

Cockwomble = Neil Doncaster :D

snapback.pngkillingfloorman, on 24 May 2012 - 14:58, said:

Just wanted to make sure that Neil "cockwomble" Doncaster and http://cockwomble.org/ are linked :lol:

We should start a seperate thread with nothing but people posting that Neil Doncaster being a cockwomble

Edited by killingfloorman
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"Let us back in (so we can boycott your clubs)"

I imagine that "Ze Boycott List" (don't tell him, Pike) is growing by the day. If they want to make it a real boycott, the RSA should recommend no fans go to any away matches, and ban all away fans from Ibrox, in fact don't allow the players to go to away matches, and don't allow any other SPL teams to play at Ibrox, ......no........wait........that's what's going to happen anyway :lol:

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"If either of the Old Firm left the SPL you would find it difficult to get a sponsor for the league and get a TV contract up and running."

Can you believe this guy from the Rangers supporters association? They still think this is a good enough reason to save their arses???

And prey tell, just which companies and organisations and institutions will want to be seen to sponsor a league or a cup or anything else for that matter that has the amount of resentment and toxicity that the SPL will be festering with if Rangers get in?

Hardly a PR gem when the stadiums are half full and the ones who do attend will be waving banners reminding the good folks at home in their armchairs watching it on SKY SPORTS 1690 telling RFC to GTF. Trust me, the major corporate sponsors already know the strength of feeling out there and won't exactly being queuing up to put their brand name on something so corrupt, they have their own ongoing corporate image to think about.

The only sponsor that would fit would be Andrex so we could at least wipe our tears away, blow our noses and clean up the shite after your pox ridden club and their support have defecated all over the sanctity of sporting integrity once again. There's certainly much shitting of breeks going on behind closed doors today me thinks.


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Clyde - could be in danger if their board decides sod it.

First of all, we are a community interest company meaning that no one person or consortium can own over 49% of our shares so it won't happen anyway.

Secondly, even if it were remotely possible, the board are mostly made up of Clyde fans so the chances would be impossibly slim. On top of that, each member of the CIC (Clyde fans who have purchased membership) would have to vote in favour of it. Its an absolute non starter.

The suggestion that we're crippled with debt doesn't apply anymore either. Rather than taking the easy administration route, we cut our cloth and slashed our budget to practically zero a few years ago (hence our league position) and are due to be completely debt free by 2014

I'd be extremely surprised if they bought out anybody to be honest. I just can't see it happening.

As a side note, surely I'm not the only one to have noticed the absolutely pathetic contribution the Rangers fans have made to help their team? Last I heard, they'd raised about £500,000 for the 'Fighting Fund'. For a club that supposedly has millions of fans worldwide, that's an embarrassingly low amount and kind of adds weight to the suggestion that they're all vile gloryhunting shitgibbons who, contrary to the new club mantra, would happily walk away at the first hint of adversity

Edited by Shawfield Stallion
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"I don't know what more they can do to them other than banish them from the face of the earth, which I don't think would do Scottish football any good," Macmillan said. Ohhhhh, I just came!

"If Rangers go down to the Third Division, I think it would kill Scottish football. Naw it widnae.

"I don't think very many [fans] would accept it would be a reasonable punishment for the club. Aye they wid.

"If either of the Old Firm left the SPL you would find it difficult to get a sponsor for the league and get a TV contract up and running." So, f**k.

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