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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Who are the Chuckle Brothers ?:lol:

They are popular vaudevillian artistes, sir!

Well they are TO ME.

Perhaps not TO YOU.

Oh ! It's also the nickname given to P&B's favourite firm of Administrators.

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Prediction for Tuesday's Court of Session hearing :-

"The Court of Session is now in order.

Please rise for the honourable Judge Glennie.

Please be seated."

Judge Glennie: "Will the counsel for the plaintiff state the grounds for the complaint ?"

Richard Keen QC: "We are the people."

Judge Glennie: "Case dismissed."

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Prediction for Tuesday's Court of Session hearing :-

"The Court of Session is now in order.

Please rise for the honourable Judge Glennie.

Please be seated."

Judge Glennie: "Will the counsel for the plaintiff state the grounds for the complaint ?"

Richard Keen QC: "We are the people."

Judge Glennie: "Case dismissed."


sadly though not beyond the realms of possibility

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Les Buns have applied to the Court of Session to overturn the transfer ban.

Yippie-ki-yay Melon Farmers, here comes UEFA......

If the registration ban is overturned then I hope the SFA go for the jugular and apply one of the penalties that D&P accept - total elimination!

Kill the basturds stone dead!

Edit: Of course they are going to take the view that this will take several months to be resolved and the ban will be temporarily suspended. By the time the decision goes against them the season will be so far underway that there is no way the SFA will kill off Rangers.

Edited by WeeHectorPar
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Would someone be able to tell me what Vanguard Bears' investigation into the blogger behind the Rangers Tax Case blog has actually found out that is of any importance whatsoever? My favourite bit was them stating that he worked for Aamer Anwar - friend of Paul McBride vis a vis, he must be a Celtic supporter................ lol wut? Even greater than that is the naive Rangers fans on Rangers Media lapping it up. God, you could tell them anything and they'd believe it, unless it was something that they perceive as harming their beloved club.

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Would someone be able to tell me what Vanguard Bears' investigation into the blogger behind the Rangers Tax Case blog has actually found out that is of any importance whatsoever? My favourite bit was them stating that he worked for Aamer Anwar - friend of Paul McBride vis a vis, he must be a Celtic supporter................ lol wut? Even greater than that is the naive Rangers fans on Rangers Media lapping it up. God, you could tell them anything and they'd believe it, unless it was something that they perceive as harming their beloved club.

Now we know they're making it up.

Aamer Anwar? Friends?

Aamer Anwar doesn't have friends, has never had friends, only people that are useful to him at any one given time.


Bit like that cockwomble Neil Doncaster.

Edited by WaffenThinMint
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Prediction for Tuesday's Court of Session hearing :-

"The Court of Session is now in order.

Please rise for the honourable Judge Glennie.

Please be seated."

Judge Glennie: "Will the counsel for the plaintiff state the grounds for the complaint ?"

Richard Keen QC: "We are the people."

Judge Glennie: "Case dismissed."

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: A deserved greenie

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And outside of Scotland, they're still doing things a little differently. Darlington relegated four divisions for failing to agree a CVA... on the instruction of the English FA.


But SPL chief executive Neil Doncaster said: "Newcos have been allowed within UK football for many years."


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Would someone be able to tell me what Vanguard Bears' investigation into the blogger behind the Rangers Tax Case blog has actually found out that is of any importance whatsoever? My favourite bit was them stating that he worked for Aamer Anwar - friend of Paul McBride vis a vis, he must be a Celtic supporter................ lol wut? Even greater than that is the naive Rangers fans on Rangers Media lapping it up. God, you could tell them anything and they'd believe it, unless it was something that they perceive as harming their beloved club.

He/she is a Celtic supporter and has said as much several times.

However, it's not because he/she's a Celtic supporter that people are reading and agreeing with him/her. It's because he/she is putting facts on the table and illuminating them brilliantly.

The only people who are really going to discredit what RTC says because he/she is one of "them" are people already predisposed towards Rangers (sadly this doesn't mean it'll only be Rangers fans.)

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But SPL chief executive Neil Doncaster said: "Newcos have been allowed within UK football for many years."


The Cockwomble also tried to imply that there is no difference between exiting administration through a CVA or a newco but the SPL panel he sat on discussed implementing sanctions on newcos including -10 points for 2 years and loss of SPL income but these sanctions are not to be implemented on clubs exiting administration via CVA. If they are the same thing then they require equal punishments.

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Apparently the panel seriously condidered expulsion but felt that this would have been too harsh. Consequently, Rangers escaped with the 12 month transfer embargo. From these facts we can establish that the panel were conscious of the effect on Rangers should they go the whole hog and exclude them. So, Rangers were handed down a punishment that reflected the seriousness of the breach.

The appeal failed so now it stands to reason that if Rangers' case is upheld in court, the SFA will be required to revert back to the punishments available to them. It would seem quite conceivable that they would reconsider the sanctions available to them and come to the conclusion that expulsion is as appropriate a punishment that is available to them.

By going to court in the first place, Rangers are leaving themselves open to further punishment for ignoring the directive that forbids this action and that will be the case whether they win or lose. All that said, I can see no logic in Rangers taking this step, especially when one considers that they have no money and Charles Green is determined that rangers will operate within their means.

Something is not quite right with all these developments. Rangers are staring into the abyss and their last ditch strategy appears to involve jumping in. As has been the case throughout this saga, I just don't get it.

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Greg Ioannidis on Twitter repeating over and over again that if a club sues its national association through the civil courts, it must be relegated. He must be getting bombarded by Scottish fans.

Got a Twitter link, I'm struggling to find him?

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