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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Gonna risk this:

Doncaster on about the clubs taking the decision on sanctions on a newco.

Flexibility of "appropriate sanctions" Am I being thick here?

If the clubs can meet and hand out sanctions on an apt punishment for club X. What is to stop club X from going to court to say "there is nothing in the rules to permit these sanctions"?

Surely they have a list in place to choose from?

Or did I miss that bit?

A newco isn't a member of the SPL. They would have to accept the nippy sweetie before being issued with the share.

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Rangers Media poster doing to P&B what P&B has been doing to Rangers Media for weeks.

You smell fresh currant bun? Only time will tell. I feel the point is fair - I expect a lot of public disorder offences in Glasgae when the knuckledraggers hear of their final demise. Where I live in fife is aboots 400m from where the loyal buses leave the hun bar of a Saturday morning - on the day they're deid I'm gonna park abouts a mile away to make sure my car doesn't get a kickin!

Edited by Claymores
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OK, so this is my first post, not only on this thread, but on the site as a whole. Great work folks. Keep going because you are making a difference.

Anyway, it looks like the guy with the nails is standing over the coffin with a hammer in his hand. The worrying thing for me is what happens next. If Rangers suffer a suspension or exclusion can you imagine the hell that is going to be unleashed, particularly in and around Glasgow? The riots in England will look like an old folks outing by comparison. If, after the axe falls, you can remember ever having looked at a Rangers fan kinda funny then get the hell outta Dodge.

Seriously though, this decision may have serious public order implications and I just wonder if any pressure is being applied to the SFA to ensure that they don't light the blue touchpaper.

The fact you suggest there may be "public order implications" is one of the key reasons why decency and the integrity of Scottish football must prevail.

We are fed up of the Ugly Sisters and their "heritage" and threats in 21st century Scotland. Why should we put up with bullies? Or is it because some people love the 4x a season hate-fest and hospital (and prison) filling that is allegedly the only reason Scottish football can get a TV deal.

Well me, and countless other diddy fans have had enough. We love football, not religion and violence. We have local, intense rivalries that don't descend into bloodshed or have to be played at 12.30 on a Sunday so the crowd can behave themselves.

Enough is enough

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its ok, he said that all other clubs would get paid in full from the prize money due to them, when i pointed out a £1.2M deficit there was no reply, same how he was bringing up the 8 diddy rule (sorry 3 foreigner rule) that was abolished due to EU rules, and i mentioned that a certain club had around 100 years of discriminating players due their religion


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We talk here about registering players, Rangers going to court, how good or useless the SFA is, but there are some basic truths to consider which in an ideal world would be the basis of any decision about Rangers.

Rangers I am sorry to say are just evil, a stain on society.

Their presence at a sporting event is the closest thing you can get to a BNP rally. Travel on public transport before or after their games and you are confronted by the foul behaviour. Who wants to sit on a train and listen to a mobile ring tone which is the sash including the F the Pope shout at the end?

Charities created on the back of the Rangers stain, such as Nil by Mouth - a kid murdered for wearing a Celtic top Cities going into lockdown at the hoards arrive in blue, even for friendlies for God's sake.

UEFA having to step in to penalise their repeated offensive and violent behaviour. How Rangers ran their business to their own set of rules is consistent with everything else they have done.

No 8 in his usually reasonably polite way, still personifies the arrogance that sits alongside fascist behaviour so easily. And the most dangerous part is that the Rangers faithful still think they are behaving normally, and the blame always lies with someone else.

If you don't think Rangers is a fascist organisation have a look at http://www.rense.com...eral37/char.htm It talks about Governments, but many common themes.

Closing them won't make all this go away, but sure as hell it is a good start.

The rest of us are 'the people'. Not Rangers.

Missed a few hours, have already ran out of greenies. But in terms of most eloquent and poignant post so far (while I catch up, in case anyone gets offended) this by far sums up an averaged fan consensus for me in a totally non bitter, succinct and general way, unless I have completely missed the point of every single opinion offered here. If this doesn't make top 3 posts on the thread when it closes........then I'm one of the 20 mystery bidders in Greens consortium.

Great job mate. Well done smile.gif

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so you think it is fair that an individual or a business can be punished by a private organisation for exercising their legal rights as defined by national and supranational law?

I couldn't care less, frankly. The laws regarding football disputes are established, and FIFA won't be losing a wink of sleep over a threatened challenge by a club without the time or finances to mount a lengthy and utterly ridiculous legal challenge, all to try and circumvent a registration ban: the more lenient of punishments for their actions.

In short, once Rangers are given their deserved shoeing, there won't be a club to challenge the decision.

Edited by vikingTON
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The last time i looked on Follow Follow 95+% thought the SFL3 route was the way to go...Obviously that will have changed due to Greens CVA being reliant on being in the SPL but the Rangers support has been far from 'hysterical' over relegation

Apologies in advance if anyone has already pointed this out, but....

If Rangers aren't in the SPL next season, it won't be due to relegation.

Dunfermline have been relegated. They competed in the competition, but weren't quite good enough to stay up. Someone has to finish last. This is an alien concept to Rangers. Rangers don't believe in the meritocracy of a league competition. This is the absolutely fundamental issue here. Rangers have seen themselves as apart from the normal scheme of things. They clearly didn't want to compete - take their chances with everyone else, and accept the final analysis. Rangers' approach has been to manufacture their status, and it isn't simply cheating, it is about a refusal to accept that competing is about winners and losers, not just winners and all the other pieces of shite that they leave in their wake. This is the very antithesis of what I believe football (and sport in general) to be all about.

Rangers supporters talk about justice and unduly harsh sanctions, blah, blah, blah.... This means nothing when you don't play the game. You can't expect justice when you haven't bought into the terms and conditions. If you choose to opt out, you're beyond the scope of that justice. They are fortunate that sanctions are even being considered, because this assumes that they still have any part to play.

When this whole debacle kicked off, I had a wee chuckle to myself, but wasn't unduly concerned as to how it might pan out. As time has passed, and revelation after revelation has been thrown into the mix, I've grown mightily sick of the fact that they have caused me to question my interest in, and commitment to Scottish footballl, and, indeed, my own club.

Nah. Rangers have been playing with a loaded dice for years. If they drop down, they won't have been relegated. They will have been correctly thrown off the table. If you don't play by the rules, don't expect anyone else to invite you back at any level. Tainted indeed.

Edited by Drooper
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i still don't think fifa will be keen on anyone challenging their right to punish clubs for going to civil courts. it looks like a clear contradiction of article 47 of the eu charter of fundamental rights.

also fifa don't seem that bothered about all the shit going on in italy and turkey so i doubt they are tripping balls about this nonsense.

FIFA are all about looking after their power base. Italian corruption doesn't particularly bother them unless it affects their authority / money making ability. The Rangers case is a potential challenge to their authority so will be taken seriously.

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TSAR - leave the CoS/Fifa punishment issue out for the moment. Concentrate purely on the original charges, of bringing the game into disrepute, for which Rangers were found guilty and the punishment was the transfer embargo.

The CoS ruled that the transfer embargo was invalid because it wasn't specifically in the rules.

Now consider the statement that was made by the SFA Panel, quoted above :

'The initial judicial panel admitted they had considered throwing Rangers out of the SFA before deciding a transfer embargo was appropriate under one of the organisation's articles which allowed for sanctions considered appropriate'

The SFA are handing this one back to their appeal body; the decision of the CoS means the punishment this time must be one of those specified in the SFA Articles. They are, fine, suspension or expulsion. That's how clear-cut it is now. Rangers have already been fined but the SFA Panel didn't consider that a sufficient penalty.

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Just read an article on sportinglife website. 99% of it is nothing new but this paragraph caught my attention.

'The initial judicial panel admitted they had considered throwing Rangers out of the SFA before deciding a transfer embargo was appropriate under one of the organisation's articles which allowed for sanctions considered appropriate'

Hadn't heard that mentioned before. If expulsion had been considered beforehand then how much more likely is it to be the option now. The tax dodgers have dug their own grave.

here's the text of the origianl summary of the appeal.

the highlighted part makes me think it is unlikely they will be chucked out.

"It was competent for disciplinary tribunal to impose the additional sanction of prohibiting registrations of any new players of 18 years or older for a period of 12 months," it stated.

"The disciplinary tribunal was correct to determine that the conduct involved - especially the deliberate non-payment of very large sums, estimated in excess of £13m of tax in the form of PAYE, NIC and VAT - was attributable to the club as a member of the Scottish FA. "The disciplinary tribunal was correct also in holding that the maximum fine available for this breach was £100,000 and on its own was inadequate as a punishment for this misconduct. It was therefore correct to select an additional sanction.

"The sanctions available included expulsion from participation in the game and termination or suspension of membership of the Scottish FA, which would have had a similar effect.

"The appellate tribunal observes that serious consideration was given by the disciplinary tribunal to imposing one of these sanctions, which would have had obvious consequences for the survival of the club.

"The disciplinary tribunal rejected these as too severe and this appellate tribunal agrees with that conclusion.

"Although the appellate tribunal has listened carefully to the representations from Rangers FC about the practical effects of the additional sanction, it has concluded that this sanction was proportionate to the breach, dissuasive to others and effective in the context of serious misconduct, bringing the game into disrepute.

"In particular, the appellate tribunal recognises that the disciplinary tribunal decision does not affect Rangers' ability to extend the contracts of existing professional players, including those whose contracts will expire at the end of this season and including also those currently on loan to other clubs.

"The appellate tribunal observes that Rangers FC have over 40 professional players in this category."

Edited by T_S_A_R
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So, who is ripping up their contract first then?

I was told that some non league outfit were in for their top striker. I can only assume that would be Lafferty?

Tomorrow might be fun.

Blackpool is said to be in for Laffinboy - the town is short of donkeys to do the summer rides on the beach

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Were you the naughty RanjursMedia member who had the thread suggesting the mighty Gers could get round any SFA Transfer Embargo as it probably wouldn't cover female signings?! :D

no i tried to get them to boycott ibrox until lennon's shirt was taken down though

*duff-man is now banned

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FIFA are all about looking after their power base. Italian corruption doesn't particularly bother them unless it affects their authority / money making ability. The Rangers case is a potential challenge to their authority so will be taken seriously.

the real challenge to their authority would be a european court considering the legality of punishing european ctiizens for attempting to access justice.

which is why i think they would duck it.

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So, who is ripping up their contract first then?

I was told that some non league outfit were in for their top striker. I can only assume that would be Lafferty?

Tomorrow might be fun.

Crawley and the mighty Fleetwood Town look poised to battle it out for David Healy's signature. I don't know how Rangers can hope to fend off such giants in our game.

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here's the text of the origianl summary of the appeal.

the highlighted part makes me think it is unlikely they will be chucked out.

Add on the de facto breach of taking the SFA to the CoS, the resultant pressure by FIFA upon the SFA to act, and the 'severity' case (read; pragmatic in Regan's comments this evening) goes out the window. Which is why Rangers are fucked.

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If Rangers suffer a suspension or exclusion can you imagine the hell that is going to be unleashed, particularly in and around Glasgow? The riots in England will look like an old folks outing by comparison.

Mon then

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