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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Statement by Charles Green:

"We are fully aware that one of the sanctions available to the Appellate Tribunal should the matter be referred back there is the suspension or termination of Rangers Football Club membership of the SFA.

"That in our view would be a disaster for Scottish football and a major setback to our plans to take Rangers forward after a particularly difficult period in its history.

"Equally, the alternative sanction of expulsion from the Scottish Cup is itself a very serious punishment which would also have a severe impact on Scottish football as well as on our Club.

Why would this be a disaster for Scottish football now, when only a couple of years ago, the gruesome twosome were hitching their skirts at the thought of leaving for the EPL and telling the rest of us, that it was the only way forwards?

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They are shitting it.

I'd like to know what punishment is acceptable, if they can't afford a fine, no transfer ban despite cheating other clubs out of money and players, cant kick them out of Scottish football, or the Scottish Cup

What punishment is left that would be acceptable to Rangers? :rolleyes:

Make them play in green and white hoops? :lol:

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Chic should be put in front of a firing squad of proper journalists. It was noticeable yesterday that Sportsound was a much better listen without that pair of morons . Jim Spence and Tom English talked sense and no hysterical DR bullsh*t.



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No, what he goes on to say is that just because he has found the transfer ban to be ultra vires does not necessarily mean that Rangers will "escape to a lighter and ineffective punishment". In other words, Leggos argument of "they cant ban them because they already said that was too harsh" is nonsense.

glennie says what happens next is nothing to do with him at the moment, he is only considering the right of the panel to make up their own punishment.

lego is arguing that due to the panel already stating explusion/suspension is too harsh they can't now use that punishment. glennie has absolutely nothing to say either way on that issue in his verdict.

bringing up glennie in relation to leggo's argument is completely irrelevant.

and the people who thought that the quote by glennie of the sfa qc was glennie's own opinion clearly don't have a clue.

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Guest Kincardine

They still don't get it!

I've just had a quick look at RM and much to my surprise they have a thread called 'Why are we hated in Scotland?'

So far the best reasons they can accumuate are jealousy, bitterness, it's a Republican conspiracy and that's about it really. We need another A-Z folks.

I'll start with A.... Arrogance

If you're quoting RM then it's you who doesn't get it.

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That statement sounds like the last desperate plea for mercy from a guy who's been on Death Row for 5 years. This venal slimebag and his "investors" (read "carpetbaggers") are on the hook for £5.5m and don't they have a "binding agreement" with Duff & Duffer ?

As previously mentioned, Charlie boy is cakking his pants. Would love to know if Jack Irvine ghost-scripted that statement for him - it appears to have Media House's grubby mitts all over it.

Looking forward to tomorrow's analysis by The Succulents.

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"That in our view would be a disaster for Scottish football and a major setback to our plans to take Rangers forward after a particularly difficult period in its history.

EH since when did rangers become Scottish football itself ? I thought there was 42 teams and at least 30 of them don't need durty rotten cheating B*stards to stay afloat ! DO THEY ?.

Maybe if it was quoted along the lines of "this could be a disaster to the SPL because Rangers cheated for years thinking they would never be caught out by defrauding the HMRC".

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If they do that, I can't see Glasgow being rebuilt in time for the commonwealth games :ph34r:

It would really be rather amusing.

It would be a way of letting them put themselves out of their misery. They could still sign players and no financial penalties, but the fans simply couldn't face turning up to support a team in these colours.

Crowds would dwindle, someone would set up a new diddy style team that represented the "real" Rangers and a split would start, leading to the implosion of Ibrox.

I think it's a potential winner ;)

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glennie says what happens next is nothing to do with him at the moment, he is only considering the right of the panel to make up their own punishment.

lego is arguing that due to the panel already stating explusion/suspension is too harsh they can't now use that punishment. glennie has absolutely nothing to say either way on that issue in his verdict.

bringing up glennie in relation to leggo's argument is completely irrelevant.

and the people who thought that the quote by glennie of the sfa qc was glennie's own opinion clearly don't have a clue.

Did you even read what I posted?

In point 23, where Glennie quotes the SFA QC, he goes on to say

...the fact that I find the imposition of the additional sanctions to be ultra vires does not necessarily mean that the petitioners will escape to a lighter and ineffective punishment. That is entirely a matter for the Appeal Tribunal and not for this court.

in other words, the fact that they previously discounted suspension or expulsion does not, now, prevent them from choosing those punishments. The only stipulation Glennie put on the punishment is that it should be from those available, specifically, in the SFA rules.

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3. The Association is a member of FIFA and UEFA. Accordingly, it is itself obliged to:-

(1) comply with the statutes, regulations, directives, codes and decisions and the

International Match Calendar of FIFA, UEFA and the Court of Arbitration for Sport

and the Laws of the Game issued by IFAB;

(2) recognise the jurisdiction of the Court of Arbitration for Sport as specified in the

relevant provisions of the FIFA Statutes and the UEFA Statutes;

133.3.6 Decisions of the Appeals Board

The decision of the Appeals Board shall be final and binding on all parties

concerned subject to the arbitration procedure which may be available to the

appellant to the Court of Arbitration for Sport. However, in relation to any

matters concerning National Club Licensing or the National Club Licensing

Procedures, the decision of the Appeals Board shall be final and binding on all

parties concerned.

Is there any evidence to suggest that they requested a referral to CAS?

Edited by keepitsafe
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Given the acceptance that Rangers will just Newco to avoid punishment and piss off HMRC, their creditors and the SFA who are trying to punish them I just can't see it being that simple.

Too many powerful organisations would be really pissed off if Rangers Newco are playing SPL football in 9 weeks time and have no debts and a host of new players on big wages chasing Celtic to the title.

For all people say they can't see Rangers getting a severe punishment and things going back to normal, I'm at the opposite end of the quantum and can't see how they could get away with this.

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CHARLES GREEN, who is leading a consortium to purchase Rangers Football Club, issued the following statement today.

He said: "On behalf of the consortium purchasing the Rangers Football Club, it is my firm view that it is vitally important for the current issue of the SFA player embargo to be resolved and neither I nor my investors wish to see an outcome that would be to the detriment of Scottish Football.

"Throughout this process, the Club, the Administrators and most importantly the supporters have taken the view that any sanction against Rangers - due entirely to the misdeeds of individuals no longer at the Club - should be proportionate.

"We and the Administrators did not want to take the matter to a civil court at all.

"Unfortunately, the route to apply to the Court of Arbitration in Sport was not open to the Club because the SFA's own articles fail to include a specific provision permitting appeals to CAS and the Judicial Panel Protocol contains a rule which prohibits any form of appeal to CAS or any other body.

"Our position has been endorsed by Lord Glennie in the Court of Session. The Club was prohibited from appealing to CAS by the SFA's own rules.

"The Judicial Review was not an appeal rather it was the Club exercising its right under Scots Law to have the court review whether or not the imposition of the transfer embargo was within the power of the tribunals of the Judicial Panel.

"All of the appeal points put to the appellate tribunal relating to the harsh and excessive nature of the embargo were dropped as it would not have been appropriate to have taken those to the Court of Session"

In one sentence, Green claims it was not an appeal.

In the next sentence he refers to "appeal points put to the appellate tribunal"

blink.gif Is he as thick as the average R*ngers fan, or just as slippery as the previous owner?

The SFA can make this very simple. Just expel R*ngers permanently.

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Given the acceptance that Rangers will just Newco to avoid punishment and piss off HMRC, their creditors and the SFA who are trying to punish them I just can't see it being that simple.

Too many powerful organisations would be really pissed off if Rangers Newco are playing SPL football in 9 weeks time and have no debts and a host of new players on big wages chasing Celtic to the title.

For all people say they can't see Rangers getting a severe punishment and things going back to normal, I'm at the opposite end of the quantum and can't see how they could get away with this.

The newco cant take the oldcos place in the SPL without inheriting, at least, the SFA penalties. You never know with the SPL but surely even they couldnt allow a transfer of share to a newco without also insisting it takes any penalties coming?

The only way a newco could guarantee no penalties would be to start again at the bottom

In one sentence, Green claims it was not an appeal.

In the next sentence he refers to "appeal points put to the appellate tribunal"

blink.gif Is he as thick as the average R*ngers fan, or just as slippery as the previous owner?

The SFA can make this very simple. Just expel R*ngers permanently.

It wasnt an appeal the CoS. The points to the appellate tribunal relate to the original SFA appeal

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The newco cant take the oldcos place in the SPL without inheriting, at least, the SFA penalties. You never know with the SPL but surely even they couldnt allow a transfer of share to a newco without also insisting it takes any penalties coming?

The only way a newco could guarantee no penalties would be to start again at the bottom

Thanks for clearing that up.

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Done and dusted by Saturday morning.

There is a dawning realisation in Green's statement that those real people within Scottish football (the 40 other senior clubs, Celtic excluded, and their support don't give a ball hair about Rangers), he's called in Pickfords.

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I've just had a quick look at RM and much to my surprise they have a thread called 'Why are we hated in Scotland?'

You mean this thread?


They already know the answer to this,

There seems to be an alarming rise in Republicanism in this country. Too many people served by self-interest, bitterness and hatred. To them, having a kick at Rangers is as good as having a kick at the monarchy and unionism.

British and Protestant.

1- We're better than everyone else, and always have been.

2- We command the press and dominate the news in times good or bad because of how huge we are.

maybe too many bitter **** are in high positions within the media and the problem is they are the real bigots, they hate Protestants and they hate all things British and thats why they attack Rangers
Only signing Protestants still sticks in peoples craws even though we have moved on from that era but when you consider the two most successful Clubs on the planet are from Protestant backgrounds, Rangers and Linfield, we must have been doing something right.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I dont think theres ever been a Protestant in the bheggars boardroom, has there?

So for me, Protestant, British and the most successful Club in the World is why we're hated - No one likes, We dont care!

We are the chosen people, we have an original sense of identity in this country, most successful team and even if we were to vanish tomorrow; the *****s would have to survive another decade an a half to have out-lived us.

Protestant work ethic, my friend, there's your evidence for it right there. Rangers & Linfield 100+ titles.
my opinion is that it has absolutly nothing to do with envy or football it is polotics.the ***** want independence and we are the one and only institution in scotland that stand for the union.if they get rid of us then there is no opposition.might sound a bit ott but this has been a deliberate and nonstop attack on our club
Look, you're only saying what many of us are thinking. If the Rangers fall, the Union may be next.


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Thanks for clearing that up.

No probs. I suppose I missed one scenario, which would be applying for a new SFA membership but then parachuting straight into the SPL. I would hope that was unlikely to happen, but it would get rid of any football punishments.

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I really don't think the SFA are going to think "We're in charge of the game here, but you know what, that chap Green has a point you know

The other 41 clubs don't matter and neither do we. Rangers ARE Scottish football. All of it. From Peterhead to Palmerston. We are all insignificant and Rangers are the barometer of the Scottish game.

I'm glad he's cleared that up. We had been deluding ourselves for years. Time to go home for a lie down and a nice cup of tea".

Aye right. Mr Green, with your new best friends H&D you have painted yourselves into a corner beautifully.

Suspension or expulsion? We can see you sweating already in that grey suit.

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