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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I really dont know what some of these guys are on. Alex Rae in todays Record..."Ally needs a chief executive to be appointed to give him a hand off the park"....and eh how much is that gonna cost? Throw in the millions that Chasbo is gonna give Ally once they give the creditors 2p in the £ and clear their debt. Is it any wonder that they are probably the most hated club in the World. The arrogance is staggering!!!

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Does anyone know if, in a similar situation to this, the HMRC would announce in advance whether they were going to accept or reject a CVA or would they just wait to the creditors meeting?

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Sorry for being a bit late on this, but only just caught up with the thread, but why are people posting this nonsense about "Soccer" being the 3rd/4th most popular sport in the US?

You should learn from Ebbe Skovdahl about statistics.

The myth seems to have come from the published average attendance figures, in which the MLS has sneaked above NBA and NHL last season. There are reasons for MLS (just) having higher average attendances and one of them isn't that it's a more popular sport, the main ones being:

  • Ice Hockey/Basketball are played on smaller, indoor arena's which typically have a smaller capacity.
  • The season is shorter, making each match more of an event. Attendances would drop with a 70/80 game season.

If Ice Hockey and Basketball could draw in bigger crowds, don't you think they might - just might - play in bigger arenas?


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Edit: Didn't read above properlyohmy.gif I am now on Dragons Den!!! smile.gif

We could give it a twist. Each contestant needs to have a completely new plan each week. Questions about details like 'how much' or 'where is the money coming from' if answered with 'that is confidential but will tell you if we win' will gain additional points. If a plan survives for more than one programme the contestant is immediately disqualified. (This will be called a schoolboy error.) Fist fight between members of a 'consortium' will take you automatically into the next round.

The object is to end with a winner with the worst thought out, dodgy dealing plan that rips off the most people for the least investment.

We could call it "How to make £10million from a £2 investment and a brass neck". Programme sponsor Poundland?

Oh yes, and every contestant must have a colour in their name.

it must be called "colour of your money" surly

next week's episode will feature

(Mauve)in Andrews

Conrad Black

(purple) Prince

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Regular NFL season games at Wembley selling 90,000 tickets, 3 live NFL games per week on UK television, and the Superbowl live on the BBC would suggest that an NFL team 'doing a Rangers' would be pretty well reported in the UK.

Sports teams going into administration is far from global news, nobody really gives a shit about it apart from the fans directly connected.

You might get the odd update on it in faraway shores but "well reported", hardly likely, people are more interested in who wins the x factor or american idol than whether any sports teams can pay their bills, and they're even less interested when it involves a sports team at the other side of the world.

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If Ice Hockey and Basketball could draw in bigger crowds, don't you think they might - just might - play in bigger arenas?


They can't just build bigger stadiums, the games are 6 and 5 a side respectively and are both played on 'pitches' about twice the size of an indoor 5's pitch so there is only so far up you can build with the punters still being able to see. I've sat in the back row at the ACC and the Saddledome (both hold approx 20-25k) and you are a long way from the action. Hockey has an annual outdoor game which sells much more tickets because they don't have the space restrictions.

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What about taking in a few Queens Park games at Hampden, No8 ?

You could be a new breed of Queens Park Ranger.

I think Queens Park would be my team of choice. The last time i was there it was £11 to get in and £1 for kids. Everything in the pie stall was extortionate right enough.

Anyway a Glory Hunter like myself has to have a few visits to Hampden every season

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I think Queens Park would be my team of choice. The last time i was there it was £11 to get in and £1 for kids. Everything in the pie stall was extortionate right enough.

Anyway a Glory Hunter like myself has to have a few visits to Hampden every season

Well, if the Scottish Cup ban comes to pass, you might have to go to some QP games :P

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Well, if the Scottish Cup ban comes to pass, you might have to go to some QP games :P

With the team we are going to have the ban will be immaterial. We'll be lucky to reach the 4th round ;)

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With the team we are going to have the ban will be immaterial. We'll be lucky to reach the 4th round ;)

But Chas Green is building a warchest for up to 15 European players, including ones currently at Euro 2012;

Please tell me that this is not just tabloid nonsense, surely Rangers aren' falling into the hands of another chancer

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Leek - 5 signings from euro 2012

the guy that scored that goal

the defender that stop that goal

the midfielder that was in control

that guy you wiz startin

ok that guy who wiz there but no really there but was sitting the crowd.

heard this shit before, unfortunately yer fvck, and not even number 5 is on the way.


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You should head along to Scotstoun for next season to watch the Warriors, season tickets are cheap in comparison with Rangers, rivalry with Edinburgh and also some Irish teams in the league so you could morph any hatred you might have towards actual *****s, tarriers or whatever rather than the plastic ones that go along to Celtic park.

Edited by Northsea80
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I drive from Ayrshire to Paisley for the games and always park in Feegie as I like to get home before the official car park lets folk out at 10pm. Never had a problem and never had to pay anyone to 'watch' my car.

Things will be different next season. The Buddies are going to have a major Parkin problem. thumbup2.gif

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Does anyone know if, in a similar situation to this, the HMRC would announce in advance whether they were going to accept or reject a CVA or would they just wait to the creditors meeting?

They don't divulge anything whatsoever before the creditors meeting although usually the administrators would have a fair idea through their experience of dealing with HMRC whether or not their proposals would be likely to be accepted.

In the case of Duff & Phelps who knows ?, to the outside world their representatives in the Rangers administration are a couple of bumbling bufoons, maybe they're very clever at what they do and will get the CVA through...nah, I preferred the bufoons description.

There's loads more twists to come anyway....

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