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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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The key word in all of that is "MAY". Not WILL or SHALL, but MAY thus leaving wriggle room for the SFA to bottle the decision. I hope they don't, but the mechanism to allow them to do so is there sadly.

I think the CoS thing breaching articles of assocition then the liquidation rule means RFC have killed themselves off. If the SFA were worried about looking stupid over the CoS thing and that is why they said they would drop it, they have no worries about the liquidation rule, try taking that one back to the CoS, no worries about the suspension/expulsion debate now, one death sentence from the possible three will suffice.

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The liquidator has powers to examine the governance and administration of the club before its insolvency and report on any issues he feels should be raised with creditors.

Among these powers, include the right to apply for a court order to examine, under oath, people involved with the company.

The liquidator can also sell the assets and the business to pay off the debts and undo any dealings or trading which he deems to be void.

So are we looking at the possibility that the liquidator might overturn the sale of the assets to Green?

Edited by WeeHectorPar
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If true, no reason for the Chairmen to give any other decision than a minimum Div 3 demotion. Anything less spells the end of Scottish football as we know it!

The SPL chairmen can only vote on allowing a Newco back into the SPL or not. They have no say what happens to them if they're not allowed back into the SPL.

My understanding is that they would have to reapply to the SFL with any other teams interested on joining. Assuming they don't buy out another team anyway.

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No doubt because of the team i support you will think i'm protestant,understandable but you couldn't be more wrong,

Ah ha... makes sense now... i thought i saw you at mass last week youngsy.. :)

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I'm starting up a new business. A 5 star tattoo removal parlour. Let me know if any *angers fans are interested.

There'll probably be a high demand for replacement F5 keys soon as well, perhaps even keyboards in general (of the computer type, not the 'we don't do walking away' variety)

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Keevins was just on Talksport giving it the usual about how Scottish football needs Rangers and that the he is glad the decision to let them back into the SPL will be taken by the 11 clubs bank managers rather than the Chairmen or supporters.

Keevins is a FUD!!!!

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I can say this;in England various clubs that have been liquidated,Middlesboro being the prime example,have retained their history after liquidation as a new company was formed within a 21 day deadline since original liquidation. The club then applied for Football League registration under the new company which after acceptance entitled the club to retain it's history. This was accepted,endorsed and ratified by the Football League and the F.A. Whether this applies in Scotland i couldn't say but my bubble has not been burst,sonny.

Aye, but there's a lot of skeletons about to come shufflin' out of the ibrox cupboards yet. The shit you're in at the moment is SOLELY due to this year's cheating in order simply to carry on trading, and ONLY from HMRC. Once the dual contracts investigation and the BTC appeal start to bite, not to mention further HMRC investigation, and conflicts of interest aplenty in the upper echelons of the Scottish game (yes, Campbell, I'm looking at you) you'll be looking back on this as "the good old days". For the rest of us, it just gets better......

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Every SPL team should right now be preparing for using the carrot of a "no Newco" vote to get some lapsed fans out the house on a Saturday. What better way to drum up season ticket sales than a promise to utterly f**k the newco if they sell a certain amount? Each club could have a wee totaliser on their website with words "Gers Fucked" at the top :)

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Yes i read it and to be honest i wasn't in the slightest bit interested about the difference between religion and sects,completly disinterested.

No doubt because of the team i support you will think i'm protestant,understandable but you couldn't be more wrong,so again there are many fans of both sides who aren't bothered about others religious affiliations,there are many as we know who are bothered about it certainly,probably the majority to be fair,but to tar everyone with that outlook is way off beam.

I just ventured onto Follow Follow. If i wasn't depressed enough before...Deary me. I thought i was delusional. The latest plan is to buy the club out and put in our own board. Hmmmmm i wonder who started that thread Mr Dingwall? How many aliases has that fat b*****d got!!!! <_<

You're wasting your time Youngsy. They are so caught up in bigotry and hatred you will never get through to them. Time somebody told them it was the 21st century and we all have to move on. Fortunately they are a dieing breed ;)

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Its just a shame another bunch of financial cheats might benefit from Rangers demise.

I agree, that's why I think it's only fair we take Dunfermline's space in the league.

God bless!

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