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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Might I suggest future conversations along the lines of

"What team do you support?"


"Did you support the old Rangers"


"Whit's it like switching your support from one team to another?" (Runs)

"What team do you support?"


"Cool, I've never met a Berwick fan before" (Runs)

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Okay. Lets look at the nearest comparable case we can find. A quick read of the following should help:


Now. Which tense do they use to refer to Gretna. F.C.?

The fact that Zombie Rangers will appear the second Rangers 1873 - 2012 cease to exist shouldn't blind you to the fact

that they will be a new club.

Playing in the same stadium, division and colours though. not good!

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Leggo sucking up to HMRC :lol:

For David Murray is the man who HMRC will turn the spotlight of their probe into Rangers on.

Is this English?

"For David Murray is the man on whom HMRC will turn the spotlight of their probe into Rangers"

I'm only 6 months old and even I know better than that. :lol:

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Adolf Hitler, Edward Longshanks, Maggie Thatcher, Douglas Haig, David Murray, Gordon Brown, Gordon Smith, Gordon Ramsay, Wendy Alexander, Walter Smith, Robert Mugabe, Dougie Donnelly, Douglas Alexander, Colin Montgomery, George W Bush, George Peat, George Burley, the SFA, Rule Britannia, BBC Scotland, the Scottish football media, Derek Johnstone, Martin Bain, Ming the Merciless, Darth Vader, the baldy *** bitten by the Alsatian in Manchester, JR Ewing, Idi Amin, Mike McCurry, Graeme Souness, Graham Roberts, Real Radio, Jim White, Radio Clyde, Darryl Broadfoot, Rangers Supporters Trust, **** Judean Peoples Front, Johnny Adair, Elizabeth Windsor, Donald Findlay, Darrel King, the Edmiston Club, people from Harthill, people from Larkhall, people from Bridgeton, the Orange Order, Pol Pot, Dr Evil, Sheriff of Nottingham, Shellsuit Bob, Bob Malcolm, Joe Stalin, the Scottish Conservative and Unionist party, Ian Paisley, Raman Bhardwaj, Ewan Cameron, Ebenezer Scrooge, Richard Littlejohn, Oliver Cromwell, General Franco, General Pinochet, Jeremy Paxman, Jeremy Clarkson, anyone called Jeremy and Attila the ***……your boys took one hell of a beating.

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But the player registrations will have been sold to the newco before the oldco is liquidated.

The only players who'll allow this to happen are the one's without any real value.

Naismith, mcgregor and the rest of the big earners will run like the wind :lol: , why would they move to the newco to be sold when the can pocket that cash themselves, you won't see them for dust.

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Adolf Hitler, Edward Longshanks, Maggie Thatcher, Douglas Haig, David Murray, Gordon Brown, Gordon Smith, Gordon Ramsay, Wendy Alexander, Walter Smith, Robert Mugabe, Dougie Donnelly, Douglas Alexander, Colin Montgomery, George W Bush, George Peat, George Burley, the SFA, Rule Britannia, BBC Scotland, the Scottish football media, Derek Johnstone, Martin Bain, Ming the Merciless, Darth Vader, the baldy *** bitten by the Alsatian in Manchester, JR Ewing, Idi Amin, Mike McCurry, Graeme Souness, Graham Roberts, Real Radio, Jim White, Radio Clyde, Darryl Broadfoot, Rangers Supporters Trust, **** Judean Peoples Front, Johnny Adair, Elizabeth Windsor, Donald Findlay, Darrel King, the Edmiston Club, people from Harthill, people from Larkhall, people from Bridgeton, the Orange Order, Pol Pot, Dr Evil, Sheriff of Nottingham, Shellsuit Bob, Bob Malcolm, Joe Stalin, the Scottish Conservative and Unionist party, Ian Paisley, Raman Bhardwaj, Ewan Cameron, Ebenezer Scrooge, Richard Littlejohn, Oliver Cromwell, General Franco, General Pinochet, Jeremy Paxman, Jeremy Clarkson, anyone called Jeremy and Attila the ***……your boys took one hell of a beating.

^^^ Trying too hard :)

Just relax and enjoy it mate.

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Adolf Hitler, Edward Longshanks, Maggie Thatcher, Douglas Haig, David Murray, Gordon Brown, Gordon Smith, Gordon Ramsay, Wendy Alexander, Walter Smith, Robert Mugabe, Dougie Donnelly, Douglas Alexander, Colin Montgomery, George W Bush, George Peat, George Burley, the SFA, Rule Britannia, BBC Scotland, the Scottish football media, Derek Johnstone, Martin Bain, Ming the Merciless, Darth Vader, the baldy *** bitten by the Alsatian in Manchester, JR Ewing, Idi Amin, Mike McCurry, Graeme Souness, Graham Roberts, Real Radio, Jim White, Radio Clyde, Darryl Broadfoot, Rangers Supporters Trust, **** Judean Peoples Front, Johnny Adair, Elizabeth Windsor, Donald Findlay, Darrel King, the Edmiston Club, people from Harthill, people from Larkhall, people from Bridgeton, the Orange Order, Pol Pot, Dr Evil, Sheriff of Nottingham, Shellsuit Bob, Bob Malcolm, Joe Stalin, the Scottish Conservative and Unionist party, Ian Paisley, Raman Bhardwaj, Ewan Cameron, Ebenezer Scrooge, Richard Littlejohn, Oliver Cromwell, General Franco, General Pinochet, Jeremy Paxman, Jeremy Clarkson, anyone called Jeremy and Attila the ***……your boys took one hell of a beating.

Sounds like the 12" Billy Joel "We didn't start the Fire":D

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One hour special on radio clyde with delahunt, keevins & king, its going to be special all right laugh.gif

No to the newco being allowed back in the SPL & if they want to go to the 3rd div they should have to wait behind Spartans, who have not cheated Scotland and Scottish football for years.

Strip the cheats of their titles.

Who will the police go after ? Will ogilvie be on that list ? Why is he still at the SFA ? & why is cockwomble backing him ?

say goodbye to your tainted history, cheats laugh.gif

Champagne with tonights jelly & ice cream ph34r.gif

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They still have a good chance of being suspended next year or even expelled for bringing the game into disrepute as they thought the transfer ban was harsh(haha!). The SFA have shown thatthey have balls to stand up to their cheating.

The SPL now also should have the info to punish them on double contracts and deal with the decade or more of cheating

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That's a lot of assumptions.

1. New Rangers will struggle to be financially sustainable. Rapid promotion would be far from certain with the players they could afford.

2. Rangers fans are notoriously disloyal in times of strife. Crowds dipped regularly below 10,000 in the early 80s, and they were still in the Premier Division and reaching cup finals etc then.

Just for the most obvious couple.

Rangers will stroll through the lower divisions and will be able to out spend any of their opponents. To suggest otherwise is just madness.

Rangers were officially the best supported club in the early 80s :rolleyes:

Crowds were never under 10,000 on a regular basis. There was the odd League Cup section game where Ibrox crowds were under that mark but it was hardly a regular occurence.

Those were different times when Football crowds were at a particular low for various reasons

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I see that Duff and Phelps are saying now they will proceed with the sale of Ranegrs for £5.5m to Green's SEVCO company.

I don't know much about the wheelings and deelings of business, but surely now they have to bascically asccept the the most money for each component of the club ensuring the creditors get the best price back.

And if that means each player is sold seperately, and each brock of ibrox is sold seperately so be it.

So how can they say that they will just sell the entire show for £5.5m ??

This is the bit that puzzles me also,why isn't it being put to auction.If the offer for it is more than Greens £5.5m then he has the option to come back with a counter offer.If it doesn't,then his first offer will stand.

That way the creditors will get a better option of return....and you never know,someone outwith football may just want the land :D Nah,surely we can't be that lucky more than once in a day.

Edited by Forever Diamond
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That's a lot of assumptions.

1. New Rangers will struggle to be financially sustainable. Rapid promotion would be far from certain with the players they could afford.

2. Rangers fans are notoriously disloyal in times of strife. Crowds dipped regularly below 10,000 in the early 80s, and they were still in the Premier Division and reaching cup finals etc then.

Just for the most obvious couple.

My thoughts exactly Wings. Everyone is expecting Govan United to rise majestically (is that like Her Majesty?) through the leagues IF they get into the 3rd divison.

With the attendances they will get at that level and a team of youngsters and semi retired has beens that is far from certain. My money says that every team that comes up against zombie Rankers will do all they can to pump them and to keep them down where they belong and that their return to the top flight in the shortest time possible should not be taken as a certainty.

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When coping with a death, you may go through all kinds of emotions. You may be sad, worried, or scared. You might be shocked, unprepared, or confused. You might be feeling angry, cheated, relieved, guilty, exhausted, or just plain empty. Your emotions might be stronger or deeper than usual or mixed together in ways you've never experienced before.

Some people find they have trouble concentrating, studying, sleeping, or eating when they're coping with a death. Others lose interest in activities they used to enjoy. Some people lose themselves in playing computer games or eat or drink to excess. And some people feel numb, as if nothing has happened.

All of these are normal ways to react to a death.


Sounds like a plan.

Champagne anyone.

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If Whyte has a floating charge (or his dads company does) over Murray Park & Ibrox, then surely it is he, and he alone that will get the income first for the asset sale ? I think there is still a long way to run to get a newco setup and Whyte is still a player.

Can anyone shed any light on the floating charge issue ? It seems to have been forgotten in all this but seems important

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FC Govan 2012 will stroll through the lower divisions and will be able to out spend any of their opponents. To suggest otherwise is just madness.

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Hmm, good question, and this is where I have great sympathy for Rangers manager Ally McCoist and the players. Put yourself in his shoes for a moment - where does this leave the club he has supported, played for and managed? How safe is his job? What budget does he have for players? Can he sign any? How many players will he have in his squad? In which league will his team will be playing? Will he ever lead Rangers into a European match again?


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What if Tesco offer £10 million for the two sites (Ibrox & Murray Park)?

might be wrong here.but im sure when rangers got the ground for murray park,it was stipulated that the grounds have to be used for sports only.

might be wrong though.but tesco united does have a ring to it ;)

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