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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Hello everybody its me the frizzy haired devils advocat here to troll by calling you all bigots.

I don't "troll". I never have done, and I never will.

So you're actually of an age to see how much of a vile institution your club has become. All the fines, the fan trouble, the bigotry, the racism the exclusionary signing policy....and you're still proud to associate yourself with all that. Because THAT is what makes Rangers what it is. A beacon to the bigots.

A really decent person would have renounced all that in disgust. But you evidently haven't.

I'm an Arbroath fan. As I've said in multiple posts, I've been cheering on the demise of Rangers, and I'm desperately hoping that final nail goes in. If Rangers start the season in the SPL, then I am done with Scottish football. You missed my point massively.

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James Traynor posting about online vitriol.

I'm assuming he means this forum.

If so, Traynor, I know you're reading; You are a fucking hopeless apologist. You are keeping a good journalist out of a job, go fuck yourself over the skull with a heavy wrench, if you don't kill yourself, you'll at least increase your intelligence exponentially.

There's vitriol for you, you absolute CUNT. :)

Bravo, Sir. And yeah - Get it right fucking up you Traynor.

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If Celtic fans had suggested it, then people would be screaming blue murder. Not to mention the way so many people on here have gone on and on about how obsessed OF fans are with bigotry. Somehow though, its okay if its done ironically? So if Rangers fans were to sing some songs at OF games, purely to wind Celtic fans up and mock the way Celtic fans obsess about religion, would that be acceptable?

You are shite at this. Are you James Traynor?

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Sigh. I moved to Stirling at 17, should I have supported Stirling Albion instead? What diddy fan actually does that? Moves house and then decides to support a new team and ditch the old one?

I don't think "moving house/switching team" is the issue there.

You grew up in Arbroath, yes? How many fellow Lichtie fans were in your year through primary and secondary? I knew precious few. Mostly OF or Arabs even though they were Arbroath born and bred. That's the issue.

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I'd admit that there are decent people who are Rangers fans. I am close friends with a fair few. Nicer, more intelligent guys you couldn't meet anywhere. However, when it comes to matters Rangers, their arrogance and blinkeredness about all things "thepeepel" shines through as much as the next sport-sock-wearing-spearmint-chewngum-eating moron.

Decent guys that support Rangers? I'd imagine they are plentiful. Decent Rangers supporters? Hmmmm.


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So you're actually of an age to see how much of a vile institution your club has become. All the fines, the fan trouble, the bigotry, the racism the exclusionary signing policy....and you're still proud to associate yourself with all that. Because THAT is what makes Rangers what it is. A beacon to the bigots.

A really decent person would have renounced all that in disgust. But you evidently haven't.

:lol: Whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh!

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I don't know what is worse. Reading this thread or the wife laughing...'Is that a tear i see'...'Grow up it's only football'...'Never mind. Think about the money you 'waste' watching that rubbish'.

Fucking setee for me tonight!! I am officially huffing!!!!!

I give you props for still posting during this time

The Lone Ranger

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I don't know what is worse. Reading this thread or the wife laughing...'Is that a tear i see'...'Grow up it's only football'...'Never mind. Think about the money you 'waste' watching that rubbish'.

Fucking setee for me tonight!! I am officially huffing!!!!!

No chance you've got a burd.

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So you're actually of an age to see how much of a vile institution your club has become. All the fines, the fan trouble, the bigotry, the racism the exclusionary signing policy....and you're still proud to associate yourself with all that. Because THAT is what makes Rangers what it is. A beacon to the bigots.

A really decent person would have renounced all that in disgust. But you evidently haven't.


I knew there was something about that Arbroath team i found i liked.

The clue is in the wee bit that says 'My Team : Arbroath' ;)

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I'd admit that there are decent people who are Rangers fans. I am close friends with a fair few. Nicer, more intelligent guys you couldn't meet anywhere. However, when it comes to matters Rangers, their arrogance and blinkeredness about all things "thepeepel" shines through as much as the next sport-sock-wearing-spearmint-chewngum-eating moron.

Decent guys that support Rangers? I'd imagine they are plentiful. Decent Rangers supporters? Hmmmm.

we're not all ra peepul chanting halfwits you know, Yes I love my team with a passion but i'm not blinkered to the problems my team has/had the sectarian nonsense the superiority complex and the chip the size of the rock of Gibralter on many fans shoulders means Rangers are a much unfancied institution.

as for todays events and what will happen on Thursday, its deserved justice as much as it pains me to see it happen. but I honestly don't think the worst of the troubles are over. I imagine that greens newco is going to be a complete farce and this is only the start of some seriously bad times for Rangers fans. To be honest if we're playing football at all come august be it division three or not i'd count that as a blessing.

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It's the equivalent of somebody saying..'I know for a fact they will lose the BTC'... I think they will lose the tax case but we don't know that for a fact....FACT!!!!!!!!!!!

Zombie Rangers wont lose the BTC, HMRC have said that because they are a newco their financial history dies with the oldco. FACT!!!!111!!

Of course by the same precedent so does their footballing history. :D

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I don't think "moving house/switching team" is the issue there.

You grew up in Arbroath, yes? How many fellow Lichtie fans were in your year through primary and secondary? I knew precious few. Mostly OF or Arabs even though they were Arbroath born and bred. That's the issue.

Primary, damn few. Secondary, I went to Montrose, so even fewer. My point is though that this "support your local team" is all very well and good, but its a bit embarrassing when you see (say) Cowdenbeath fans in Aberdeen berating OF for the same thing. Also, earlier today, people were saying that even if you support the OF as a kid, when you grow up and see that the OF have some baggage, you should switch team. There are massive double standards at work here.

Or is that irony too?

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From Alex Thomson's blog, apologies if already highlighted.

"In short, this is a warrant for the proper, detailed, lengthy and forensic investigation of just what David Murray, and to some extent Craig Whyte, were doing at Rangers and – yes – all those men who walked away from the club they professed to cherish and love and have run from any serious kind of questions ever since in the celebrated style of Glasgow football, largely unencumbered by any pursuit and awkward questions from the compliant press of that city who cannot handle the idea that Rangers was after so many years too corrupted to survive liquidation."

This Traynor. Exactly this.

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If decent Rangers fans really were decent, they would be supporting their local club and not the odious monster that Rangers FC has become.

A wee thought: Rangers and Celtic don't have any city / town in their name (few go around calling them Glasgow X) within Scotland so if Rangers were to reform as Glasgow FC or something similar, would it make a difference to folk outwith the Glasgow area as it's easier to say "why do you support Glasgow when you live in Aberdeen/Edinburgh/Stornoway?" Seems that the "three generations of my family have supported the... newco Rangers" excuse might fall on it's arse with that one.

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