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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I don't know what is worse. Reading this thread or the wife laughing...'Is that a tear i see'...'Grow up it's only football'...'Never mind. Think about the money you 'waste' watching that rubbish'.

Fucking setee for me tonight!! I am officially huffing!!!!!


I fucking hate when women say that.

And they say there's never an excuse for violence.

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Fixed that, as we're looking to a bright future....

The treble's on - Rangers 1873 die officially, Murdoch empire brought to it's knees, The Sun gone and finally Thatcher dies. What a week that could be. Queen Mother beat my treble one week in 1997, who'd have thought she'd outlive Di and Mother Theresa.

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I'm liking the Mirror's take on the story, I have to say. Useful reality check after the Sportsound suck-a-thon:

Rangers finished: Liquidation next – and 'new club' likely to be voted out of SPL

Crippling debts sound death-knell as taxman rejects Charles Green consortium proposal for continuation

- now assets will be stripped and club likely to have to start again in lower leagues


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Primary, damn few. Secondary, I went to Montrose, so even fewer. My point is though that this "support your local team" is all very well and good, but its a bit embarrassing when you see (say) Cowdenbeath fans in Aberdeen berating OF for the same thing. Also, earlier today, people were saying that even if you support the OF as a kid, when you grow up and see that the OF have some baggage, you should switch team. There are massive double standards at work here.

Or is that irony too?

Personally I'd have a lot of respect for someone who moved to Aberdeen and continued to support Cowdenbeath.

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When we get towards page 1690 there will be such a flood of posts that we will make the site crash. Can we please line up in an orderly queue and let the top 25 contributors make their posts in peace? :lol:

Who are the top 25?

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I fucking hate when women say that.

And they say there's never an excuse for violence.

I was going to post if she says it one more time i'll be in Barlinnie before whyte but you know what this place is like...I would have had all the 'Typical OF wife beater'.

I think i have had a hard enough time today without that shit. ;)

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Traynor says he doesn't understand the anger online at Rangers, if he actually tried speaking to anyone who wasnt a Rangers fan he might find out. If any other spl team was in Rangers position they would be in division 3 already and would have been completely liquidated its the fact folk like traynor keep looking for excuses to allow blatent cheating which gets me so annoyed also its our money which was being used to pay for Rangers players earning thousands of pounds a week and frankly we want it back.

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Personally I'd have a lot of respect for someone who moved to Aberdeen and continued to support Cowdenbeath.

Well, obviously you would continue to support a more successful team that way. ;)

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When we get towards page 1690 there will be such a flood of posts that we will make the site crash. Can we please line up in an orderly queue and let the top 25 contributors make their posts in peace? :lol:

I'll post this now as no chance of getting on THE page, for the succulent lamb cooks......


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I wonder how many of the loyal glory hunters would be left if Rangers got appropriate sanctions like demotion to Div 3 and a 3 year ban from the Scottish Cup.

Can we also have the cup back that we were cheated out of in 2008.

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The treble's on - Rangers 1873 die officially, Murdoch empire brought to it's knees, The Sun gone and finally Thatcher dies. What a week that could be. Queen Mother beat my treble one week in 1997, who'd have thought she'd outlive Di and Mother Theresa.

I've got rangers, Thatcher and Mugabe in a treble - if the two evil dictators pop their clogs in the next couple of days, I might nip in and gazump Hughie myself - then it's Red Road time at the Big Hoose!

Actually, I'm half hoping Thatcher pops it just before the Olympics - try putting on a state funeral in that traffic.....

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