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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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What does the DEATH :rolleyes: of RFC mean for the likes of Goram, Hately, etc with their ghost-written rag columns/ nae mair of their inane shite? Ya beauty, ya dirty wee dancer :lol: .

Edited by Happy Buddie
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If United vote to keep Rangers are in the SPL next season I will not be renewing by season ticket. I've already written to ST telling him this; going by his recent statement I am not the only one.

For those fans who are still going to games I ask this question. When your team get humped by a Rangers side who can still afford decent players because they are effectively debt free what are you going to do?

As fans we only have one 'weapon'. It's a pretty serious one but it's the only one we can use. The only way club chairmen will may attention is if we show we are serious about this.

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Is it not the case that if the SPL clubs vote a Newco in, they are effectively removing any real chance to have the voting system changed?

I posted this a few pages back - SPL Chairmen should vote no (except Celtic) - it is financially and strategically prudent to do so - without Ranjurs to back-up Seltik, the voting structure can be changed and no old-firm veto

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I am writing to let the supporters trust know that myself and my family are currently

holding off regarding our season ticket renewals until we see which

way the club votes on the admission of a NewCo directly into the SPL.

In our opinion this should not be countenanced, as it is an insult to

every club which has acted in a responsible and sporting fashion.

Furthermore, the attitude of the Rangers support regarding the

boycotting of clubs who speak out against them cannot be condoned,

and might well mean there is little financial benefit to having them in the SPL.

Regrettably we will be unable to continue our support of the club

if they do not act for the good of the game.

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grandparents on holiday in north england atm

just got a text thanking me for letting them know yesterday as they would probably have missed it in the english papers

apparently global brand Rangers liquidation managed one sentance in the "Sports Shorts" section laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

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What does the DEATH :rolleyes: of RFcmean for the likes of Goram, Hately, etc with their ghost-written rag columns/ nae mair of their inane shite? Ya beauty, ya dirty wee dancer :lol: .

pair Chick Young must be greetin into his cornflakes today :lol: Get Jim White called back from holidays to host SSN on Thu!

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The choice is pretty simple for the SPL chairmen:

1. vote No, take a financial hit for maybe 3 years, and invest to build for a future where the game is watched by more people because for the first time in 25 years games might actually mean something; in the longer term TV may well pay more again for the rights to a more competitive and open league;

2. vote Yes for short term financial stability and OF serfdom for the rest of recorded time. Risk 1,000s of disgruntled fans walking away from what will obviously be a rigged competition, and hope that in time numbers improve with new generations of football fans coming through.

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Is it not the case that if the SPL clubs vote a Newco in, they are effectively removing any real chance to have the voting system changed?

They won't give a f**k, they're selling their souls for money again. Much like they did for the creation of the league, much like we did in maintaining the one up-one down system (Rovers chairman at the time was the guilty party, much like they did with the ridiculous SPL criteria in terms of stadia and undersoil heating, like setanta, like allowing the likes of Doncaster to run out games.

Frankly, it's disgusting to see. There is no accountability in Scottish football, particularly for the Old Firm. Rovers are up to their necks in debt trying to ward off administration or worse in the most honest means that they can. We've had to scramble together money to fend off the tax man at times during the last year after they moved the goalposts. Rangers on the otherhand decided that they'll screw the taxman for the tune of tens of millions, on top of creditors before coming back as a whole new company who the other chairmen are happy to bend over and take it right for the cash.


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Quick look through The Sun down here in the Cotswolds and no mention at all about yesterday's HMRC decision or it's implications.

No surprise there then. If you mentions Rangers down there then they'll probably think of QPR first.

Global brand my arse.

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Apologies if already posted.

If only we had the ability in this country to crack down on the cheats the way the Chinese do. In fact, the Scottish method of corruption seems to be far more insidious.

You listening, Campbell ?


Oh, we do. look at the Pakistani cricketers last year, for a few no-balls thrown. And remember, the SFA tribunal said RFC's behaviour was JUST SHORT of match-fixing, and I suppose the no-balls were JUST SHORT of match-fixing. Over to you, Chief Inspector.

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Just had a cursory glance through the reports and interviews in the media. I find it absolutely gobsmacking the attitude of Green and Rangers fans, it beggars belief.

Today is no different to any other as far as this lot are concerned, threats are the order of the day, Scottish football will be fucked without us (even though we're boycotting every club if we are kept in the SPL), the taxman canny dae that tae us we arra peepul, SKY won't be interested in the SPL blah blah blah

It's all shite, they've cheated for as long as I can remember and to allow this club entrance immediately to the SPL is morally wrong, they have to start at the bottom and work their way up. I would also suggest a five year suspended expulsion verdict to ensure they play the game properly when working their way back up the leagues, one further misdemeanour and it's instant termination of their right to play in this country.

Rangers simply cannot be allowed to continue as if nothing has happened, matter what guise they take. The arrogance of the club and their supporters, who think they are bigger than Scottish football and can do whatever takes their fancy, beggars belief and they must be punished in an appropriate manner.

It has to be a minimum of relegation to the third division, suspended expulsion and further point and revenue deductions for 5 years. This club must never again have a stranglehold on the game in this country.

VOTE NO TO NEWCO, it's the only way to save our game in the long term.

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What a day! I'm still glowing with joy, but as I said on an earlier post this is just the beginning of the end.

I fully expect things to unravel further from here. I am totally convinced that now HMRC have shown their hand the whole stack of cards is going to come down. If Green knows what's good for him he'll save whatever face he has and get the hell out before he wastes even more money, time and *cough* reputation on this farce.

That Sun front cover needs to be framed and placed in the boardroom of every professional football club in the country. A reminder that if you try and cheat your way to success it will eventually catch up with you. I only hope that the powers that be have the courage of their current convictions to follow this up with the full investigation it requires. As a UK tax payer I'm livid that SDM and Whyte and characters of that ilk continue to walk away from these types of tax dodges as if nothing wrong has occured. In these tough times we as a society need to bring these cancerous characters to account for their deeds.

Looking back on yesterdays response by fans of the football club that used to exist called Glasgow Rangers I am bemused that they still haven't got the slightest clue that HMRC aren't to blame. The blame lies solely at the door of the current and previous governance of the company. It appears to me that their support consists of 70% uneductated, bigoted, dimwits (I include Green in this group) and 30% cowards. The majority just lap up the pish spouted by which ever figurehead is in rolled in front of the camera on any given day whilst the remaining 'decent' supporters deep down know what's going on but don't have the courage to speak out against it, let alone take any action. Just goes to show how blinded by success this group of glory hunting bast*rds have been.

Finally it has also struck me again how disconnected most of "the ppl" are from the reality of diddy opinion. They genuinely seemed shocked that almost to a man, woman and child fans of the smaller teams want a Scottish football system without their poisonous, corrupt and arrogant club. My first contact with "them" was as a 12 year old kid following my local team. A cup visit to Starks' was widely unremarkable in my memory apart from Butcher/Roberts et al playing keep ball for the final 20 minutes to avoid a cup upset and earn a credible draw against our diddy team of part timers from Fife. The return at Ibrox was quite different. At this point I had only one experience of attending big football matches - a pretty mental Chelsea v West Ham game at the height of the football hooligan problem. Its a local derby, tensions were running high. As a kid I did kind of get the connection between the context and the Beruit like scenes post match. I never felt threatened or intimidated even when the mentals were kicking seven shades out of each other just across the street. The mentals fought themselves and generally the sane supporters didn't get caught up in the trouble. The experience at Ibrox was totally different.

Going into the ground getting spat at, verbally abused, threathend with violence and generally intimidated by grown men as a timid 12 year old kid going to the football with my dad and younger brother. Why? Because I had the gall to support a diddy team that clearly threatened the status of the mightly Glasgow Rangers. We got hammered 5-1 I think. Didn't stop the continual goading throughout the match, sectarian singing, various forms of body fluids being discharged from the top of the Broomloan road stand in our direction along with coins and who knows what else and so on. Compared to the friendly, good natured banter and experience over the years at virtually all other Scottish grounds (including Scumferline) the Ibrox experience is one I doubt I'll ever miss. This was just my first taste of the Rangers experience. There are plenty more both as a kid and adult. My brother who got a job selling match day programmes at home games as a teenager had such a bad experience getting bullied by grown men in the Rangers support he ditched the job and even to this day rarely goes back to Stark's.

These are not isolated incidents. Having spoken with many friends of diddy teams over the years this is a common experience. Add systematic cheating over a period of many years and continued arrogance and threatening behaviour in the face of an insurmountable weight of evidence against your club is it any wonder you are the most hated football club in Scotland? Sorry I should say WERE the most hated football club in Scotland.

The fact that in a few hours you will cease to be brings great joy, not just to me, but hundreds of thousands of football supporters across Scotland. That you can't understand the reason why we are delighting in every single piece of negative news in this epic farce is beyond belief.

I genuinely hope that the footballing authorises take this opportunity to send you the way of Third Lanark. Scottish football and Scotland as a country will be a better place without you.


Edited by Munter
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I am writing to let the supporters trust know that myself and my family are currently

holding off regarding our season ticket renewals until we see which

way the club votes on the admission of a NewCo directly into the SPL.

In our opinion this should not be countenanced, as it is an insult to

every club which has acted in a responsible and sporting fashion.

Furthermore, the attitude of the Rangers support regarding the

boycotting of clubs who speak out against them cannot be condoned,

and might well mean there is little financial benefit to having them in the SPL.

Regrettably we will be unable to continue our support of the club

if they do not act for the good of the game.

Nice one - if a clapping smilie was available I would

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What a day! I'm still glowing with joy, but as I said on an earlier post this is just the beginning of the end.

I fully expect things to unravel further from here. I am totally convinced that now HMRC have shown their hand the whole stack of cards is going to come down. If Green knows what's good for him he'll save whatever face he has and get the hell out before he wastes even more money, time and *cough* reputation on this farce.

That Sun front cover needs to be framed and placed in the boardroom of every professional football club in the country. A reminder that if you try and cheat your way to success it will eventually catch up with you. I only hope that the powers that be have the courage of their current convictions to follow this up with the full investigation it requires. As a UK tax payer I'm livid that SDM and Whyte and characters of that ilk continue to walk away from these types of tax dodges as if nothing wrong has occured. In these tough times will as a society need to bring these cancerous characters to account for their deeds.

Looking back on yesterdays response by fans of the football club that used to exist called Glasgow Rangers I am bemused that they still haven't got the slightest clue that HMRC aren't to blame. The blame lies solely at the door of the current and previous governance of the company. It appears to me that their support consists of 70% uneductated, bigoted, dimwits (I include Green in this group) and 30% cowards. The majority just lap up the pish spouted by which ever figurehead is in rolled in front of the camera on any given day whilst the remaining 'decent' supporters deep down know what's going on but don't have the courage to speak out against it, let alone take any action. Just goes to show how blinded by success this group of glory hunting bast*rds have been.

Finally it has also struck me again how disconnected most of "the ppl" are from the reality of diddy opinion. They genuinely seemed shocked that almost to a man, woman and child fans of the smaller teams want a Scottish football system without their poisonous, corrupt and arrogant club. My first contact with "them" was as a 12 year old kid following my local team. A cup visit to Starks' was widely unremarkable in my memory apart from Butcher/Roberts et al playing keep ball for the final 20 minutes to avoid a cup upset and earn a credible draw against our diddy team of part timers from Fife. The return at Ibrox was quite different. At this point I had only one experience of attending big football matches - a pretty mental Chelsea v West Ham game at the height of the football hooligan problem. Its a local derby, tensions were running high. As a kid I did kind of get the connection between the context and the Beruit like scenes post match. I never felt threatened or intimidated even when the mentals were kicking seven shades out of each other just across the street. The mentals fought themselves and generally the sane supporters didn't get caught up in the trouble. The experience at Ibrox was totally different.

Going into the ground getting spat at, verbally abused, threathend with violence and generally intimidated by grown men as a timid 12 year old kid going to the football with my dad and younger brother. Why? Because I had the gall to support a diddy team that clearly threatened the status of the mightly Glasgow Rangers. We got hammered 5-1 I think. Didn't stop the continual goading throughout the match, sectarian singing, various forms of body fluids being discharged from the top of the Broomloan road stand in our direction along with coins and who knows what else and so on. Compared to the friendly, good natured banter and experience over the years at virtually all other Scottish grounds (including Scumferline) the Ibrox experience is one I doubt I'll ever miss. This was just my first taste of the Rangers experience. There are plenty more both as a kid and adult. My brother who got a job selling match day programmes at home games as a teenager had such a bad experience getting bullied by grown men in the Rangers support he ditched the job and even to this day rarely goes back to Stark's these days.

These are not isolated incidents. Having spoken with many friends of diddy teams over the years this is a common experience. Add systematic cheating over a period of many years and continued arrogance and threatening behaviour in the face of an insurmountable weight of evidence against your club is it any wonder you are the most hated football club in Scotland? Sorry I should say WERE the most hated football club in Scotland.

The fact that in a few hours you will cease to be brings great joy, not just to me, but hundreds of thousands of football supporters across Scotland. That you can't understand the reason why we are delighting in every single piece of negative news in this epic farce is beyond belief.

I genuinely hope that the footballing authorises take this opportunity to send you the way of Third Lanark. Scottish football and Scotland as a country will be a better place without you.


A fantastic post.

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