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Beaks should give Gers fans break while probes and battles rumble on

ANALYSIS By James Traynor

Photo captions: ENDURING HISTORY The footballing feats of the likes of club legend John Greig, who was honoured with a statue outside Ibrox, will never be forgotten

NO more than a good John Greig clearance away from Hampden one of the world's oldest clubs lies dying. And no one on Hampden's sixth floor even bats an eyelid.

No one up there in the offices of the SFA and SPL said a word.

Rangers FC as we know them are dead. It's all over. They are about to shut down for ever but not a single person among the game's hierarchy was open for comment.

And that just about sums it up for Rangers, the club the rest of the Scottish game came to detest.

We are still waiting for the verdicts on EBT schemes and dual contracts but the fans of every other club have passed judgment. Rangers are guilty.

Of course they are. They're cheats and liars. Everybody knows that. They can't help themselves, it's in their DNA.

And of course they must be stripped of their titles, trophies and dignity. Oh, and don't forget those five stars above their badge, Get them torn off as well.

It's all madness rooted in jealousies and twisted logic. Rangers have a seriously bad lot but the majority of the people who support the club are decent.

Yet everywhere so many people are waiting to dance on this club's grave.

Well, they should get their pumps and tap shoes tied up because it won't be long now. Yesterday the CVA proposal put forward on behalf of Charles Green by administrators Duff and Phelps was rejected by HMRC.

They didn't even wait until tomorrow's creditors' meeting, although that will still go ahead.

But Rangers FC won't. They'll slip into liquidation within the next couple of weeks with a new company emerging but 140 years of history, triumph and tears, will have ended.

No matter how Charles Green attempts to dress it up, a newco equals a new club. When the CVA was thrown out Rangers as we know them died.

They were closed and a newco must start from scratch although their fans will insist the history will be boxed up with the strips and balls and carried into the future with the new club.

Technically that history belongs to something else, some other company but even though the governing bodies appear consumed by technicalities and protocol supporters have other priorities.

They strive for continuity and Rangers fans will never be separated from or denied their past.

The name might change slightly, there will be a new owner, new players and a new beginning. But somehow nothing will have changed for many of the people who buy the tickets.

HATRED They'll never forget and they'll remember yesterday, too. Even though they and everyone else knew the decision to accept or reject Green's CVA was 50-50 this was such a momentous day in the history of Scottish football.

Yet, unbelievably neither the SPL nor the SFA had anything to say as Rangers' death warrant was signed.

Maybe they were bored, or maybe even stupefied by the twists and turns, outlandish demands and hopes, claims and counter claims which started in May last year and then began clattering down relentlessly since February.

With the noise and the clamour it has been difficult to make sense of it, to keep track and to understand the hatred and lack of compassion. It is almost scary that so many fans cannot see how damaging Rangers' demise is to the game in general.

Whether you like them or not they are important. Along with Celtic they are the engine that drives our game.

But the dislike hasn't been confined to the cheap seats. Other directors and chairmen have also relished watching Rangers fail and then fall.

Yet they should have known better and despite the voices of reason saying be careful what you wish for those clubs who have sounded off about sporting integrity will now have to be true to their own word.

If they have been listening to their fans, as a number of them claim, then they won't allow a newco into the SPL.

But let's just see if, when the time comes to vote, enough of them keep their hands down when asked if they want a reformed Rangers back in.

And they'll have to do this quickly because fans will need to know which teams will be in which divisions before buying season tickets. The SPL and SFL will produce their fixtures on Monday and although Rangers will be found in the top-flight schedule it remains to be seen if they'll actually be playing there.

But can the SPL do without Rangers and their supporters? They may have been suggesting they can but it will not prosper without Rangers and this is what all the chairmen, despite their bravado, will have to consider.

It was easy, and also foolish, to be bold when Duff and Phelps suggested HMRC had hinted they might accept the CVA but now the moment of truth has arrived for these clubs. And what will force the issue? Pressure from fans or pressure from banks? Of course, they could let them back in while insisting the new club has to accept penalties for the behaviour of the old, especially if the SPL enquiry finds Rangers guilty of issuing players dual contracts with their EBTs.

Also, the SFA have still to work out what sanction to impose on the current Rangers who succeeded in getting a 12-month signing ban overturned in the Court of Session. The SFA will demand the new sanction be inherited by the newco but it seems to me more than a few on one side of this saga are in danger of becoming a little vindictive.

GUILTY Of course Rangers are guilty of shaming the game and they accept they have to be punished. But how many more times must they be kicked? Despite the baying mob and their crazy notion that Rangers should be shunned because they are cheats the fact is this club and these fans have themselves been cheated. If there is anything in their DNA make up that's irrational or wrong it is their love of their club and this game.

Get over the mock outrage and come down from the moral high ground.

Few fans of any club have any right to be up there in any case but now, as Scottish football arrives at a crossroads let's try to think straight. How about cutting Rangers some slack and doing the game a turn at the same time?

Jesus wept..:unsure:

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Given the way the SPL treated the SPL re stadium criteria, please let the SFL come up with a X thousand standing rule or something else that would get it up them.

It'd be quite funny anyway :lol:. SFL themselves typically demand floodlights, hardstanding (no grass / gravel banks), and 500 seats. They're also now tied to Bronze level club licensing - 500 cover (not 500 seats explicitly).

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You can't have it both ways, indeed, financial history dies and sporting history dies too, are you going to support the new club?

I'll be supporting Rangers,if the club was deemed to be defunct and extinct then obviously there wouldn't be a club to support. In that scenario i would probably visit Firhill,my fathers club,any time i was home in Glasgow. You know what the shout would be then,WAPT.:D

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I'm not abdicating responsibility. I genuinely believed the chairmen didn't have a say. If it gets to a point where Newco are applying for SFL membership I will certainly be letting my feelings known to my club. Unfortunately I don't think it will come to that... I have a horrible feeling that they will get straight into the SPL.

Exactly the same here. Until now I've just thought that this won't have anything to do with Brechin but this could be the nail in the coffin for me if we voted to let Rangers into the SFL (I'd still follow their results of course). Our chairman is elected to do a job on behalf of our fans as the season ticket holders own the club, so there's (almost) no chance we'd vote yes to 'newco'. One team out of 30 wouldn't have much swing on their own of course.

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SFL set their own membership criteria on an ad hoc basis, there's nothing in the actual rulebook demanding certain ground criteria, financials, etc.

Has anyone checked the Court of Session diary to see if they can fit in The Zombies FC when they are rejected from entry?

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Exactly the same here. Until now I've just thought that this won't have anything to do with Brechin but this could be the nail in the coffin for me if we voted to let Rangers into the SFL (I'd still follow their results of course). Our chairman is elected to do a job on behalf of our fans as the season ticket holders own the club, so there's (almost) no chance we'd vote yes to 'newco'. One team out of 30 wouldn't have much swing on their own of course.

Tbh - I think a lot of SFL fans would swing around to accepting the idea. "Think of the cash"... "give them a fresh start from the bottom"... "foot of the national structure"... "don't give ammo to a pyramid"... etc. etc.

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Listened to Talksport this morning and de Boer spinning the line that the SPL will die without Rangers, as a previous poster said, this is the new myth being propogated by the succulent lamb brigade and other Rangers apologists. So correct me if I am wrong, relegated Dunfermline will have no Rangers, no Celtic and no Sky money. They also have a significant level of debt, so will they die? Will they f*ck!! Other SPL Clubs will take a financial hit but not one that will sink them. For me I would be happy for my club to field a team of amateurs if this ensured that justice for the financial doping that Rangers are clearly guilty of was seen to be done.

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Last night I heard the Rangers singing their songs

New co players going cheap cheap

Woke up this morning and the Rangers were gone

New co players going cheap cheap

Where's your Rangers gone?

Where's your Rangers gone

All your titles gone

All your titles gone

Little Sammy gone

Little Sammy gone

Fan-tastic day

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Why do people even give Traynor the time of day? He's a dinosaur who is petrified that his easy ride is coming to an end. Without the teet of the OF to suckle from he is going to have to do some real journalism, instead of being the scribe he currently is. I'm pretty sure we all know he's not capable of doing a actual journalists job.

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From the site that keeps on giving: (RM)

"A wee word for your uneducated kind(the mhanks), not that you will understand anyway .... that would require a brain which you are clearly lacking !!! First, the most basic universal human right is innocent till proven guilty"

First, the most basic human right is the right to life.

Secondly, you are guilty of not paying your taxes you dodging scumfucks.

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Listened to Talksport this morning and de Boer spinning the line that the SPL will die without Rangers, as a previous poster said, this is the new myth being propogated by the succulent lamb brigade and other Rangers apologists. So correct me if I am wrong, relegated Dunfermline will have no Rangers, no Celtic and no Sky money. They also have a significant level of debt, so will they die? Will they f*ck!! Other SPL Clubs will take a financial hit but not one that will sink them. For me I would be happy for my club to field a team of amateurs if this ensured that justice for the financial doping that Rangers are clearly guilty of was seen to be done.

To be pernickity... they'll have £250k SPL parachute and a share of the Annual Settlement. But yes, far less than they would get in SPL.

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Last night I heard the Rangers singing their songs

New co players going cheap cheap

Woke up this morning and the Rangers were gone

New co players going cheap cheap

Where's your Rangers gone?

Where's your Rangers gone

All your titles gone

All your titles gone

Little Sammy gone

Little Sammy gone

Fan-tastic day

Dont give up the day job rolleyes.gif

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The following online petition has been setup (and has been for some time). I have discussed it with some members from P&B already.

When it goes online, by signing it (you can remain publicly anonymous) it will automatically go via email to all SPL clubs and the SPL itself for the attention of all board members. So by filling in 3 boxes you send it off to 13 places.

Everything is in place, but would appreciate your comments on the letter. For this to be worthwhile it must reflect the wishes of the majority of us, and gain support beyond this group here.

Here it is.I would hope to open it up by Friday morning (15th), as we then know exactly what situation we are in. So comments before then please.


Vote against a Rangers Newco being admitted to the Scottish Premier League


I am signing this petition asking you to vote against Rangers Newco being accepted into the SPL.

I are appealing to each SPL club to penalise Rangers FC publicly for their wrong doing over many years and distance your own club from such behaviour. This is within your control as a member club.

Sport is about honesty and integrity. When we as supporters watch any sport we assume clubs have not cheated. That they have all operated to the same set of rules. Once that does not happen we are watching something totally at odds to the sport of football as has been played at all levels for well over 100 years, and that sport then has no real integrity or value.

The behaviour of Rangers with its inadequate governance, behaviour systematically against the rules within which your own club has operated is unacceptable to supporters across Scotland and beyond. The SFA tribunal laid bare many of these activities over the last year. With other Rangers cases pending, multiple law suits ongoing and many stories still to see the light of day, each one will drag the SPL, Scottish football and by association your club increasingly into the gutter. As supporters we realise we have been cheated, just as your clubs have been.

I are not threatening anyone to follow this preferred route. I do not do that nor do I want to see such threats to have any part in sport.

I are appealing to you to realise that any short term benefit will not result in a better future. More than anything I want a decision that sends out a message that cheating in sport at either an individual or institutional level will not be tolerated and has no part in our game.

Those institutions and clubs who cheat must be punished and be seen to be punished. A standard can be set that all the stakeholders involved in Scottish football will benefit from. Not least your own club.

As John McBeath says "If you look after the sport the money will follow you, if you look after the money you'll kill the sport.''.

I appeal to you to look after the sport. The sport I love.

Yours in sport

[Your name]

I are appealing to each SPL club to penalise Rangers FC publicly for their wrong doing over many years and distance your own club from such behaviour. This is within your control as a member club.

How on earth can you penalise a club that no longer exists ???

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