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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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If you diddies keep this up, within the hour i'll have more posts than Magee.

and over c.1740 pages, more than the combined total of all the Rangers fan posts on here too (No.8 being an exception of course)

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By making up an unlawful sanction to further punish us outwith the rules? For what it's worth i'm on record on here as saying we should have accepted the years ban but once D&P took us down that road there was no going back.

The way most saw it was saving you from suspension by making up a sanction out with their rules. We will see where that road that D&P took you down leads when the appellate reconvene, assuming there is a club to place sanction upon.

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The way most saw it was saving you from suspension by making up a sanction out with their rules. We will see where that road that D&P took you down leads when the appellate reconvene, assuming there is a club to place sanction upon.

That Rangers is sadly no more, so how can a new club which lacks the old clubs history take a suspension meant for the old club.

Unless the SFA wants to confirm that our history still stands then .....

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So, what's happens when a club that doesn't exist fails to submit its non-existant accounts to the SPL by the Friday deadline?

What's the penalty for that?

Ah, well remembered - Ranjurs were given extra time to submit accounts weren't they to get a licence. Rangers will still exist on Friday and failed that deadline too

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OK, I'll bite....

1. Stop asking for me to justify myself.

2. Never been to Atlantis - is there a ferry to Stranraer? (another piece of abuse there, too. Nice.)

3. I meant in the philosophical sense. Maybe a bit deep for you so....

Bigot (n):

a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion.

I've already stated my belief that peoples' opinions and beliefs are their own affair/problem. My problem is when thousands of people assemble and shout intolerant, vitriolic hatred at a sporting occasion, or use sport to advance their views. If I am in the ground, I am forced to listen to/watch this shite. From glorification of terrorism to the vilification of Roman Catholics, it's got absolutely f**k all to do with football. So, you see, carry on being a bigot and justifying the rest of your mob while whataboutering the other lot. It's a free country after all. (partly because of those guys the poppies commemorate). Just keep it away from the football. Too much to ask? Thought so.

1/ You said you gave reasons, so if you stop justifying yourself and then making dumbass comments based on the opposite, then i will stop.

2/ You emigrated down South, beat it.


Bigot (n):

a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion.

You are intolerant of the currents 'cos of their 'beliefs' I do declare. Bigot.

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So, even if your club comes out and states, "We voted no" (and they get in, you will punish your own club by not giving them revenue?

It's not a punishment of my own club, regardless of what they do.

If the league is corrupt, I won't pay to watch it.

I'm not justifying our f**k-up. My point is that Scottish companies should have rights to access to Scottish courts. I don't see how any reasonable person should object to this. The whole FIFA "Ma baw so ma game" stance is shite.

Your "company" does have the right to go to the courts for business issues. But when it comes to the footballing side of things, they agreed to be members of an association where sporting issues are dealt with in house.

Nobody forced them to join that association or agree to those rules.

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Guest Kincardine

If rangers want to go to the courts I say let them; open the books to the court and let everyone see exactly what has been going on over the last 20 years, let the law of the land decide your fate. I would be happy with that. Your club would be utterly destroyed, not facing a few piddling sanctions.

And I'd be very happy if that happened. In fact on reason HMRC rejected the CVA was that the liquidators (BDO) could investigate history. I think - and most Gers fans- think this is a good thing.

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Worth repeating.

Get an email off to your chairman / club. NOW.

I had a reply from Kenny Cameron about 10 minutes ago.

He assured me that any media speculation as to how ICT would vote were just that, speculation. ICT were treating the situation as though Rangers would exit administration through CVA and the board have not discussed a vote on newco but now the board will meet and the supporters trust will be consulted before any decision is made. The main point he had was that no decision has been made and will not be made without consulting the fans of the club.

I am happy with his reply.

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That Rangers is sadly no more, so how can a new club which lacks the old clubs history take a suspension meant for the old club.

Unless the SFA wants to confirm that our history still stands then .....

Thats the peach of it all, Rangers are no more, they can be stripped of the titles without anybody complaining :D

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That Rangers is sadly no more, so how can a new club which lacks the old clubs history take a suspension meant for the old club.

Unless the SFA wants to confirm that our history still stands then .....

You can't have it both ways - either you are deid and it's a pheonix or take all the shit including the 54, 53, 52 .51..........

Do you wish to retain history and get titles stripped or be a pheonix club with Rangers 1872-2012 in the history books?

Either way you'll be known as the thieving scumbags.

Edited by Claymores
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Guest Kincardine

Your "company" does have the right to go to the courts for business issues.

Thank you. We agree. This is just what we did.

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1/ You said you gave reasons, so if you stop justifying yourself and then making dumbass comments based on the opposite, then i will stop.

2/ You emigrated down South, beat it.


You are intolerant of the currents 'cos of their 'beliefs' I do declare. Bigot.

1. Alright. Shut it.

2. South of Atlantis? My country is Scotland. Part of a confederation of smaller countries making up a United Kingdom in which I still live. I don't need a passport on the regular occasions I visit home.

3. My post:

I've already stated my belief that peoples' opinions and beliefs are their own affair/problem. My problem is when thousands of people assemble and shout intolerant, vitriolic hatred at a sporting occasion, or use sport to advance their views. If I am in the ground, I am forced to listen to/watch this shite. From glorification of terrorism to the vilification of Roman Catholics, it's got absolutely f**k all to do with football. So, you see, carry on being a bigot and justifying the rest of your mob while whataboutering the other lot. It's a free country after all. (partly because of those guys the poppies commemorate). Just keep it away from the football. Too much to ask? Thought so.

Get that? Believe what you want. Hold whatever opinion you like. Just don't infect a sporting occasion with it. Irish history, from whichever viewpoint, has nothing to do with football. Is it really that hard?

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Aye? Congratulations on your clubs gold star mate, you mind and take good care of it now.

Oh we will........you remember to take care of yer 5 made up stars.............oh wait.............doh!:lol:

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