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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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This may have been covered already, apologies if so. The thing that springs to mind more than anything is the pressure that may come from the creditors of the clubs voting. I have no doubt there will have been phone calls made by the major creditors of these clubs. A very dangerous precedent will be set if a newco is allowed back into the SPL. This will send out the signal for all clubs with major debt to follow the same route as Rangers. The banks/major creditors will be well aware of this, and I would be surprised if they don't take steps to safeguard outstanding monies owed to them.

This can maybe be shot down, but I'm hoping a Rapid Vienna representative has jetted into Glasgow today to say no to CVA, hold talks with Scottish footballing reps and tell them that Rapid will be on the blower to UEFA if they don't do something about the thieving Club.

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Succulent Leggo of Lamb in full-on permarage mode today. Go get 'em, Davy !!!!!!!


THE Sky may well just be about to fall in on Scottish football.

And crush all the hate filled bigots and fools who want to kick Rangers out of not just the Scottish Premier League, but out of the Scottish Football Association too.

The ultimate and vindictive punishment being urged by these bile filled bigots is to see Rangers booted out of football completely.

And the club killed off.

The truth is that as this ground swell of bigotry begins to roll, sanity could well be crushed by it and these people may just be handed what they wish on a plate.

With the first folk to cash in with an £80M windfall being the accountants at Sky Sports.

For then there would be no chance of the unsigned new £80M contract, due to give Scottish football clubs a jackpot from next season, ever being inked.

And that would see plenty of clubs being pushed towards the edge of meltdown.

Someone, from the always dwindling ranks of the Aberdeen support, even went so far as to insist that all that was needed for Aberdeen to make up for the cash lost through the loss of Rangers and the Sky dough was for 1000 extra Aberdeen supporters to turn up for every match at Pittodrie.

What? Even when their team is rubbish? Even when a top six place is beyond them?

I don’t think so!

But that is the level to which the argument has descended as hate blinds the bigots to the reality of just how this Rangers crisis can and will impact on Scottish football if vile vindictive people are allowed to influence events.

Of course Rangers must be punished for the dirty deeds carried out in their name by Craig Whyte, despite warnings to David Murray not to sell out to the conman from such a good Rangers man as Alastair Johnston.

But to exile them to Siberia?

Stalin, himself, were he still around, would be proud of some of the hate filled rantings of the bigoted fools.

On which subject. I note the usually impeccably well informed Celtic Quick News site is warning that there is danger coming to Rangers in the shape of the Appeals Tribunal, chairman Lord Carloway.

Despite the fact that Lord Carloway’s view on how Rangers should be punished was overturned and deemed to be unlawful by Lord Glennie, sitting in judgment amidst the Majesty of the Court of Session in Edinburgh and applying the ancient precepts of one of the oldest and most respected legal systems in the world, Scots Law.

I do hope the man behind the Celtic Quick News site, has not been tipped off by Scottish Football Association board member Peter Lawwell, a source many reporters believe is behind many of the Celtic Quick News stories.

After all, Lord Carloway sits at the head of a Tribunal which, as SFA chief executive Stuart Regan, Lawwell’s Hampden boardroom pal, insists, is independent of the SFA.

On top of which, the idea that a Judge such as Lord Carloway, whatever his social or soccer inclinations may be, could be influenced by such as Peter Lawwell or Stewart Regan, is utterly preposterous.

Isn’t it?

For if anybody believed such nonsense, then it is more than the Sky which would fall in on them.

posted by leggoland @ 08:35

Edit:- I am seriously surprised that Plod hasn't felt this guys collar. Some of his rants are incitement to riot. :angry:

I've always known Leggo was an idiot but now he's gone to new lengths.

Does he actually know the meaning of the word "bigot" ?

So, because I wish to see Rangers punished in accordance to their crimes and the only reasonable punishment is expulsion, I'm a bigot?

You couldn't make it up.

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So 'Super Ally "we don't do walking away" McCoist' is supposedly set to, erm... walk away within the next 48 hours?

Surely never. ohmy.gif

Seems to an awful lot of folk who "don't do walking away" that have indeed walked away recently.

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I love the way that Leggo chap is now claiming that anyone who wants the cheating Rangers expelled is a bile filled bigot :lol: :lol: :lol: Cee U Next Tuesday Leggo.

Just how can Rangers be saved? He never tells us that. Has he revealed the who the catholic conspirators are at BBC Scotland yet?

Who gives a toss what McMoist has to say, he'll be back to pumping the hole of Sue Barker before Andy Murray is dumped out at SW19.

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Ah c'mon - you cant suddenly start appreciating the bloke in pish stained brown y-fronts just cos his rambling of the day winds-up the Orcs ;)

He makes me feel wonderful about my own mental health, I will say that for him.

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I simply do not believe any 1 of the other 11 clubs will vote Rangers in. Rangers seem almost certain to lose the vote so why would say Kilmarnock for example vote to have Rangers in and upset their supporters. It would be madness for them to do this. Nope SFL 3 it is.

Just to add i never read Leggo bit i did read the post above. Was he trying to break some kind of record for getting the word 'Bigot' into the 1 Blog. :lol:

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I asked this before but got no answer - will Everton actually owe money for Jellyfish? How can you pay a company who no longer exist?

That's the kind of funds the Liquidisers (;) ) will chase before they wind the company up (which can take years. I heard yesterday that Blair Nimmo is still involved in the winding up of Airdrieonians)

Edited by Happy Buddie
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I simply do not believe any 1 of the other 11 clubs will vote Rangers in. Rangers seem almost certain to lose the vote so why would say Kilmarnock for example vote to have Rangers in and upset their supporters. It would be madness for them to do this. Nope SFL 3 it is.

Just to add i never read Leggo bit i did read the post above. Was he trying to break some kind of record for getting the word 'Bigot' into the 1 Blog. :lol:

^^ This

As I said earlier the vote will be unanimous (except Rangers oldco)

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I've always known Leggo was an idiot but now he's gone to new lengths.

Does he actually know the meaning of the word "bigot" ?

So, because I wish to see Rangers punished in accordance to their crimes and the only reasonable punishment is expulsion, I'm a bigot?

You couldn't make it up.

He's behaving like the Wehrmacht in retreat from Stalingrad - burning every bridge and scorching the earth.

Don't forget that Leggo is in exactly the same liferaft as Chick Faeces and Jabba Traynor - No H*ns = No job.

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Send ‘em down

down_1528251a.jpgVOTE ... Ross County's owner Roy MacGregor

They heaped pressure on SPL chairmen ahead of a vital vote on Gers’ future.

Aberdeen, Hearts, Hibs and Dundee United supporters all want them kicked down to the Third Division.

And their outspoken opinions have dramatically raised the stakes for SPL top brass ahead of the crucial ballot.

Dons fans’ chief Greig Ingram said: “We have already made representation to chairman Stewart Milne about how we’d like to see him vote.

“We believe he should vote AGAINST a newco getting into the SPL.

“Financial considerations should not be the first thing here — they should not over-ride integrity and fair play.

“We keep hearing how financially important Rangers are to the SPL and that they should be given special consideration because of money.

“But we gave figures to the club and they were scrutinised by the chief executive, who is an accountant, and he did not take issue with them.

“It only takes 300 season ticket holders to wipe out the benefits of having Rangers in the SPL.

“The fans should be consulted by every club.

“If this was any other club than Rangers this debate would not be happening.”

Derek Watson, chairman of the Hearts Supporters’ Trust, echoed Ingram’s sentiments.

He said: “We believe very much that Rangers should be relegated from the SPL and have to work their way back through the divisions again.

“I don’t think the amount of money involved will be massively significant and I think that an SPL without Rangers would bring about more of a challenge at the top.

“Celtic would probably win the league, but the battle for second place — and possibly Champions League football — would see the crowds come back.”

Dundee United followers have already lobbied chairman Stephen Thompson over the thorny issue.

ArabTrust chairman Derek Robertson admitted his group’s attitude towards Gers has been influenced by the way they have handled themselves through the unfolding saga.

He said: “It’s been a classic example of how not to win friends and influence people.

“The whole thing has been handled terribly — a PR disaster from start to finish.

“The lack of humility has been astonishing.

“It has certainly made the mood among people very bad.

“The level of sympathy towards Rangers, because of the way they have conducted themselves, is going rapidly.

“You’d be hard pushed to find anyone who thinks a newco should be voted back in.

“A lot of that is down to their attitude — and the bully-boy tactics.”

Hibs fan chief Mike Riley agreed last night: “There is only one course they can take and that is not to allow them back into the league.

“If things are not done right then you don’t deserve to be there in the first place.

“There are a lot of clubs who can’t afford to lose the money.

“But there again, they face losing money anyway because a lot of fans have said they won’t go back to games if Rangers are involved. I honestly believe the majority of clubs will vote against Rangers.

“The whole thing has been an embarrassment for Scottish football. I can see the fallout from it dragging on for years.

“I think the majority view among the Hibs supporters is that Rangers should be punished. And punished severely.

“They have done wrong and should stand up and take whatever comes their way.

“For them to come back as a newco and go straight back into the SPL would upset a lot of people.

“I know a lot of Hibs fans who would be very unhappy if that was to be the case.”

Gers will need eight votes to stay in the top flight when SPL chairmen meet.

Inverness Caley Thistle chairman Kenny Cameron has promised to listen to his fans before casting his vote.

He said: “I would expect the SPL to call a meeting of the clubs very shortly.

“It is never good to see a Scottish club going into liquidation and it is a pity that Rangers have come to such a position.

“We will consider our position and listen to our supporters once the picture becomes clearer.”

Ross County chairman Roy MacGregor added: “Rangers need an 8-4 majority but I have no idea how the other clubs will vote because so much has happened since I went to the first meeting.

“I will listen to all the arguments for and against admitting a newco to the SPL.

“I am conscious of having to balance fair play with the financial realities of the league.

“Once I know what all the options are then I’ll think about which way to vote.

“I have only been to one SPL meeting and, I have to say, everyone left thinking the CVA would go through.

“But what has happened with HMRC has changed the goalposts dramatically.

“I’m surprised HMRC rejected the offer but they clearly want to make an example of the decisions made at the club.

“It now leaves the SPL with a huge decision to make.”

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Is Sandy Jardine still lifting a wage from Rangers as a club ambassador?

Maybe not the most pressing issue of the day, but still, the gobshite wound me up with his march to Hampden and speech pish. Just interested to know if a club teetering on the brink of extinction are paying a wage to a club ambassador who in this time of crisis surely doesn't have much ambassadoring to do.

The money that could be saved by not paying this bawbag could easily be diverted to Kyle Bartley, allowing him to monogram his burdz' name into the head-rests of his white Ranger Rover Sport, beside his initials.


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I asked this before but got no answer - will Everton actually owe money for Jellyfish? How can you pay a company who no longer exist?

It will be the job of the liquidator to recover as much funds as possible to pay the creditors of Rangers. They will do this by selling the existing assets for the highest price and also by recovering any existing debts owed to Rangers, so I'm afraid Everton will still have to pay. The liquidators may put a proposal to Everton to reduce the total owed if they pay a lump sum rather than the agreed instalments they may have at present. No-one that owed Rangers money will be able to walk away without paying tho (unless they too are in administration/liquidation)

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I've always known Leggo was an idiot but now he's gone to new lengths.

Does he actually know the meaning of the word "bigot" ?

So, because I wish to see Rangers punished in accordance to their crimes and the only reasonable punishment is expulsion, I'm a bigot?

You couldn't make it up.

Nope you're a 'Bile Filled Bigot' ;)

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Sky won't bail out if the newco are told to GTF.

Re-negotiated reduced terms, yes, but they will not bin the deal altogether.

My guess would be that St Mirren would lose something in the region of £200K p/a if the newco are hunted - nothing even resembling £500K as the 10000Hours people are apparently claiming - I'm not impressed with this intervention on their part.

I spoke with Stewart Gilmour within a fortnight of the original publication of the SPL's proposed financial fair play rules. It seemed to me that his stance was largely based on the having access to the detail of Sky's position. On the basis that Sky are most likely to stick around, I believe SG will vote to deny the newco direct entry to the SPL. If he doesn't, I'll be disgusted, frankly, and as I told him at the time, I will not be back at St Mirren Park.

With Aberdeen seemingly showing their cards, I now believe the others should take courage from this and follow suit. If they don't, our game is all but dead. This would be the legacy of Ranger's cheating, but culpability would be shared with others beyond the gates of Ibrox.

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It will be the job of the liquidator to recover as much funds as possible to pay the creditors of Rangers. They will do this by selling the existing assets for the highest price and also by recovering any existing debts owed to Rangers, so I'm afraid Everton will still have to pay. The liquidators may put a proposal to Everton to reduce the total owed if they pay a lump sum rather than the agreed instalments they may have at present. No-one that owed Rangers money will be able to walk away without paying tho (unless they too are in administration/liquidation)

Although, debts can be sold as assets, so the Jelavic debt may be sold as part of the £5.5m asset transfer and Everton will have to settle with Newco.

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