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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Could you get the calculation up here so we could mail it to chairmen?

To be honest, I can't even give you an approximate post number - this has been a bit of a mental ride, after all. Suffice to say, it took out the difference of a currant visit to an average gate, subtracted the TV money, and then worked out how many more fans you'd need to fill that gap.

As I said, the most impressive thing was that the calculation was incomplete, in that it didn't ADD a figure for whatever TV money there will be without Govan United, or the gates for the games when an honest team would be the visitors. I reckon the Arabs would be better off even if their average gate didn't show a massive increase - hell, I work with a Dee supporter, so there's four (three if Killie make the top six) pairs of tickets there already.....

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If all the big players do walking away, and they are allowed to dabble in the transfer market, they could, if they were determined to bring in replacement players at low cost , bring in a load of players on loan. They could then change their name to The Loan Rangers.

I'll get my coat.

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This guy is a sports lawyer, so you would think he knows his stuff, but I think he's wrong and the collective minds of P&B are right.

I wish I had the time and patience to trawl through the early parts of this thread and dig out the posts from certain Ranjurs fans along the lines of: "Erm, set's see - will I listen to experienced professionals in charge of the situation or just some bellends like yourselves on a football forum? Hmm... that's a pretty tough choice 1eye.gif".

GIRFU the lot of ye's.

Edited by Hedgecutter
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I am pretty sure they're not allowed to call themselves that under liquidation rules. You can't use something that is so similar to the previous company's name.

You shouldn't believe everything the failed Social Worker or Disgraced Lawyer tells you :rolleyes:

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I was going to say quite a bit of money had been spent on Ibrox during Whytes time at the club...What i should say is quite a bit of work was done on the Stadium during the last 12 months.

I would suspect Rangers Leccy bill will be at such a rate due to running the undersoil heating which seemingly costs a fortune. The Big Screens are another luxury we can do without. I am sure we will be able to cut the costs right back.

We will rake in quite a bit from player transfer fees in the coming months.

We will still have 10,000 season ticket holders ... I don't think that is overly ambitious and will have cut our wage bill down from Millions to whatever is considered needed to get us back up the leagues.

Rangers might be playing in the SFL 3 but we are not going to lose every single one of our supprot. There are your hardcore support who will still go. There are the ones who will go out of sheer defiance and of course there will be a few who will go along for the odd game here and there.

I very much doubt this wiil be the case.

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I was going to say quite a bit of money had been spent on Ibrox during Whytes time at the club...What i should say is quite a bit of work was done on the Stadium during the last 12 months.

I would suspect Rangers Leccy bill will be at such a rate due to running the undersoil heating which seemingly costs a fortune. The Big Screens are another luxury we can do without. I am sure we will be able to cut the costs right back.

We will rake in quite a bit from player transfer fees in the coming months.

We will still have 10,000 season ticket holders ... I don't think that is overly ambitious and will have cut our wage bill down from Millions to whatever is considered needed to get us back up the leagues.

Rangers might be playing in the SFL 3 but we are not going to lose every single one of our supprot. There are your hardcore support who will still go. There are the ones who will go out of sheer defiance and of course there will be a few who will go along for the odd game here and there.

No chance. There is no way the valuable players will transfer to the newco as TUPE clearly states that they have a choice. Put it this way, if McGregor, Naismith et al are advised by their agents (as I'm sure they have been) that they can either transfer across and the newco recoups a transfer fee OR they can consider their registrations null and void and get a huge signing on fee from somewhere else, what do you think they'll do? Oh I forgot, they don't do walking away. :lol: Keep clutching at those straws though!

Edited by Mabawsa_Ritchie
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I can sense ebil No8 is with us today.

I just get pissed off with people believing everything they read on Blogs!! These guys have an agenda...just like Leggat. I cant believe Leggo was once a well respected sports Journalist..If ever there was an advertisement to stay off the bevvy.

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We will rake in quite a bit from player transfer fees in the coming months.

Don't be ridiculous:

1. The players could walk away for free under TUPE

2. If they don't and you are not in SPL then the club will HAVE to get rid of them. Who in their right mind would pay millions in a fire sale?

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