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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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This could be a disaster for Green. Smith could have McCoist on board, and that duo would have the full support of the Rangers fans, meaning that the already dwindling support for Green's bid will plummet to almost zero. I could imagine that would have the knock-on effect of the players not transferring to Green's new club, and instead perhaps looking for employment with Smith's lot.

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Now that Green and his cronies have successfully managed to get the club liquidated and the debts suddenly become someone else's problem, Rangers 2012 surely becomes a more attractive proposition? Regardless of whatever punishment gets handed down, there has to be some potential there for a new owner.

Imagine the conversation...'We only now need someone to figurehead us so that the morons fans will welcome us with open arms and the players might stay?

I sniff a shitty plan from day one

Was Wattie not implicated in any EBT wrongdoing?

Here is the list of who used EBT's.


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The downside is that Chick Faeces will now come slithering out from under his rock to claim an "eckskloosif" interview with Walter. This will consist of Chick kneeling down in front of Sir Saviour and carefully, nay lovingly, taking out his tumescent member and blowing him in front of thousands of onlookers on the steps of the Deathstar.

Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose.

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So all these wonderful Rangers men with all their money, they conveniently show up AFTER the liquidation. I can only imagine the bank was so busy that they couldn't get the cash together in time to actually save the club they profess to love.....

How long will it be before they then stipulate that their involvement is conditional on RFC12 being kept in the SPL with no sanctions? And then Saint Walter's involvement will really drive the media to demand that this happens, hence more pressure on the chairmen for the vote - whenever that is now.

Cue The Cockwomble's arrival on the scene!

This is like Groundhog Day

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Here we go. I've been waxing lyrical for months to folk in work that as soon as rangers become newco, everyone and their granny will be desperate to lay claim to it. I expect the RST, RSA and Blue Knights to formally want in on a new 'fan led' rangers in one way or another, and all we'll get is no resolution in time for the new season due to months of legal wrangling.

The bitter custody battle for the rights to the newco begins here. I feel it will be long, messy, complicated and ultimately devastating for zombie rangers.

This is exactly what happened to Bohemians Praha. Both teams ended up in the Czech top flight at one point.

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This could be a disaster for Green. Smith could have McCoist on board, and that duo would have the full support of the Rangers fans, meaning that the already dwindling support for Green's bid will plummet to almost zero. I could imagine that would have the knock-on effect of the players not transferring to Green's new club, and instead perhaps looking for employment with Smith's lot.

Yeah, five hundred thousand disasters ;)

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If Rangers are finally removed from Scottish football then I shall be going out on one of the biggest celebratory piss ups South Manchester has ever seen.

A big party in Manchester to celebrate the death of Rangers? You might get a few locals joining you me thinks.

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I'm hoping the SFA sees sense and jumps in with a £4M bid for Murray Park it would be a whole lot better than spending double that building their own. Rangers will, in their death, be doing more for Scottish football than they have done in their short 140 year lives.

Indeed. When I picked up my papers last Thursday, the contrast between the back pages of the Record and the Hamilton Advertiser couldn't have been starker. The Record's was dominated by the Gattuso story. Here is a club in administration, days away from possible liquidation, and 34 year old half-blind Gattuso's agent is flying in for talks with Charles Green. Another foreign dud to go with so many over the years - Eggen, Ostenstad, Prodan, Amato, and more recently Ortiz and Celik. Then I look at the local paper's back page and it's 17 year old Accies striker Andy Ryan saying how Accies are leading the way in scottish football with their youth blueprint. Young Andy burst onto the scene in the second half of last season and scored several cracking goals, including our goal of the season. One club struggles to get any recognition in the MSM, another only needs a player to fart and it's on the back page. If only Accies had been able to afford facilities like Murray Park, we might have been able to produce some youngsters and sell them for big bucks to the Premiership. Oh, hang on...

No, much simpler to flash the checkbook and pillage other diddy clubs of their best talent, who mostly all support you anyway. And then they leave for the Championship like Kevin Thomson (can't lace McArthur's boots) or Cleveland Porkbellies. A Rangers fan in a pub two seasons ago, in Hamilton natch, asked me why I didn't support a good team like Rangers. I'd love to run into him again.

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Could this be the moment that RTC Blogger has been waiting for ? As soon as Sir Wattie of Cardiganshire shows his head above the parapet, he will winch up the Gatling gun ?

I sincerely hope so.

The major danger now is that all the Orcs and Berrs who had just about accepted SFL3 for next season will be pumped fu o adrenaline (or worse) and demand no punishment, membership of the SPL as a right, a place in Europe (cos Motherwell wid jist waste it, anywey) and expect to win the SPL next season, and we've got to got through the whole rigmarole again of persuading our Chairmen to vote "No", cos they'll fear if they vote for expulsion, they'll have bricks through the windows to deal with.................................................. and breathe.

Edited by Happy Buddie
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This is exactly what happened to Bohemians Praha. Both teams ended up in the Czech top flight at one point.

That would be devastating. Instead of one zombie rangers, we'd have two.

Nah, just kidding, civil war amongst their support would be an appealing thing to sit back and watch with a huge bucket of popcorn.

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The major danger now is that all the Orcs and Berrs who had just about accepted SFL3 for next season will be pumped fu o adrenaline (or worse) and demand no punishment, membership of the SPL as a right, a place in Europe (cos Motherwell wid jist waste it, anywey) and expect to win the SPL next season, and we've got to got through the whole rigmarole again of persuading our Chairmen to vote "No", cos they'll fera if they vote for expulsion, they'll have bricks through the windows to deal with. And breathe.

Yep...that's how I see the next few weeks too

But on any rational (ha!) interpretation of the situation should still be that Rangers are liquidated, a new phoenix company needs to start over from scratch, should still not be in the SPL, would still struggle to attract top players.

Its still down to the SPL chairmen to hold their nerve...are you listening Mr Johnston?

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I assumed they would be starting a rival bid to Green's, rather than buying it off him.

The article in the Herald that I linked to had both as a possibility

Would it really surprise you if H&D and Green claim they cant get out of the legally binding sale, even though they desperately want to, and then Green sells to Team Cardigan for an extra £500k?

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Yep...that's how I see the next few weeks too

But on any rational (ha!) interpretation of the situation should still be that Rangers are liquidated, a new phoenix company needs to start over from scratch, should still not be in the SPL, would still struggle to attract top players.

Its still down to the SPL chairmen to hold their nerve...are you listening Mr Johnston?

Nope sad.gif

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Leggo will have put his drink down, have one sock off and be furiously polishing his own lego tower at the thought of Wattie riding bareback into the fold.

Meanwhile Charlie Green will fight tooth and nail to keep what he has (from what I read, Duff & Duffer have taken a slice of his cash already) . He has a legally binding agreement. I'm sure if Wattie & Co want him to "walk away" they will have to grease his palms bigtime to make it worth his while.

Apologies if anyone has the mental image of Leggo, don't give me a red dot ;-)

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