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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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sorry to disagree, but the stripping of titles is for another day, it is not important at this time.

Te big issue is the question of whether or not there is a direct connection between the oldco and newco.

The likes of Sir Walter of Cardigan, Davie Queen, Fat Sally etc etc realise that their main objective is to see a continuation of the two clubs, hence all the posturing that has been going on.

let's all keep focussed on the main issue at present - NEWCO means NEW CLUB and let's stick to that issue and not be sidetracked.

titles for the the old rangers fc will, no doubt, be stripped in due course when the dust has settled.

Newco means new company not new club,if the SFA membership is allowed to be transferred between the old company and the new company then there is an argument for a continuos club. Let's keep focussed.

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Newco means new company not new club,if the SFA membership is allowed to be transferred between the old company and the new company then there is an argument for a continuos club. Let's keep focussed.

Agreed, and is why the SPL and SFA should punt this into touch.

The whole new club thing is a sideshow. It takes the focus away from the cheating.

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Did the graphic contain season 2001 - 2009?

No,and neither did i. Read the post it says the years between 2001-2009. While the reading of this investigation goes back to 1998-99 season,the first season of the existing SPL the years that this investigation actually covers is the EBT years,2001-2009.

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Would you be saying this if was another club (other than Celtic)?

I'd be saying it if it was Killie. It'd break my heart as a fan, but behaviour like this is indefensible. We have to kick them out now and try to repair the damage that they (and others pandering to them) have wreaked upon OUR game.

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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Agreed, and is why the SPL and SFA should punt this into touch.

The whole new club thing is a sideshow. It takes the focus away from the cheating.

Irrespective of any stripping of titles,it still has to be established as to whether it is endorsed and ratified as a continuos club or simply a new club.

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The newco application should be shot down as a matter of sporting principle which would take care of the SFA's decision.

Retrospective amendments to the history of affected competitions should then take place and any applications for association membership should be treated in line with the sporting merit system we have in place.

A club is bust and can no longer fulfill their membership requirements. Tough luck.

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Irrespective of any stripping of titles,it still has to be established as to whether it is endorsed and ratified as a continuos club or simply a new club.

Oldco (1899 Rangers Company in Liquidation) is transferring its SPL share to Newco (2012 Sevco5088 Company)

No continuation as far as that goes.

Newco is a new club although it's home ground, facilities and colours might be the same as the Rangers that are in liquidation.

If its prospective supporters regard it as their rangers then fair enough, but it's a new club in business/legal and football administration terms.

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Things just got even more f*ucked-up than they were already:


How can the SPL apply any charges due to the actions of scumgers on the zombie newco? There is a clue in the name - NEWco, ie. not the OLDco oops.gif1eye.gif

The assets of oldco scumgers, who cheated Scottish football for years, have been sold and the club will cease to exist in the not too distant future. The authorities appear to be trying to have their cake and eat it but that won't work. Reading between the lines, they are trying to force the zombies to make the decision to enter the SFL at a lower level with the incentive being that they will then get scumgers registration but without the penalties (financial and disciplinary ones at least) that go with it.

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Irrespective of any stripping of titles,it still has to be established as to whether it is endorsed and ratified as a continuos club or simply a new club.

OK, here's a simple question. If, as Charles Green and others claim, the The Rangers Football Clubis in effect a rebranding exercise and all the Oldco titles, trophies and traditions can seamlessly 'follow, follow' on, then will yourself and your fellow bears accept the logic that if that is the case then all the related debts, penalities and associated baggage must also transfer across to the Newco ??

In other words, no-one should be allowed to cherry-pick a way thro this. So what is it to be - hang on to the titles and take on the bad stuff or admit that Rangers FC and it's history from 1873 (yes 1873) died last week. ? If you wish a clean financial and moral slate from now on then I'm afraid it has to be the latter. There is no 'simply a new club' scenario here.

Over to you......

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Oldco (1899 Rangers Company in Liquidation) is transferring its SPL share to Newco (2012 Sevco5088 Company)

No continuation as far as that goes.

Newco is a new club although it's home ground, facilities and colours might be the same as the Rangers that are in liquidation.

If its prospective supporters regard it as their rangers then fair enough, but it's a new club in business/legal and football administration terms.

From RTC Blog Comments

Weescotty says:

19/06/2012 at 12:04 pm

Even a blind man can see what the governing bodies are up to, the only question is are the members in on it.

Oldclub are no longer a club and have no audited accounts. They therefore should have had their SPL membership terminated.

By not doing this they are making the vote a TRANSFER of the share. 8 votes needed.

If they remove oldclubs SPL membership it would then be a GRANTING of the share, needing 10 votes.

Where do the members clubs come into it – plausible deniability! Much more credible to claim ‘it wasny


(My emphasis)

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I'd be saying it if it was Killie. It'd break my heart as a fan, but behaviour like this is indefensible. We have to kick them out now and try to repair the damage that they (and others pandering to them) have wreaked upon OUR game.

7-2s original point, as I read it, was that Rangers should disappear completely. I disagree. If it was United I would expect, and probably get, every sanction including kicked out the SPL. I wouldn't object to this. However as a fan I would want a club that could start at the bottom and work its way slowly back up. We cannot bang on about sporting integrity then treat Rangers newco differently.

Again, in his original and subsequent posts 7-2 brought in the bigottry issue. That's not what we're dealing with here. If we think the SFA/SPL should address that issue then that's fine but it's a seperate matter.

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I think Rangers should suffer severe sanctions - no newco admission to SPL, SFL to decide if they admit them to division 3, existing fine, 3/4 years out of Europe and signing ban. Once that's happened they should be allowed back in and allowed to work theur wat back up.

I hated Rangers (and their 'neighbours') long before this all happened but it's important we apply the rules equally. Any team who has committed offences should pay the correct penalty then it should be over (if not necessarily forgotten).

Only the fine and the signing umbongo (:D) are actually punishments. The embargo is currently under appeal, 'cos they didn't like it (never mind that they couldn't sign players in administration anyway).

Of course a new club shouldn't go straight to the top table - it is one of the most embarrassing aspects of this whole affair that we should be even discussing the possibility.

If there's a vacancy in SFL3, applications are invited, and any zombieco can apply and take their chances with Spartans, Cove, and any other clubs. I would suggest that, accounts records aside, both those named tick more boxes in terms of stability and sustainability.

Out of Europe? They cannot play in Europe until they have the accounts available. It's not a ban, it's a failure to meet criteria for competition.

Soooooo.... a fine that they won't end up paying. That's it. And "rangers have been punished enough" is the cry from ibrox, zRM, Swallow Swallow and the MSM.

BOLLOX! They have almost killed our game, and care so much about Scotland they were whoring themselves all round for a better deal (for rangers) with nary a backward glance until scant months ago. Some of the fuckwits are still banging on about "f**k the SPL and the SFA. We'll go to England where we'll be better off."

They don't care about the Scottish game - why the f**k should we care about them? Kill them. Kill them dead and salt the earth.

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From RTC Blog Comments

Weescotty says:

19/06/2012 at 12:04 pm

Even a blind man can see what the governing bodies are up to, the only question is are the members in on it.

Oldclub are no longer a club and have no audited accounts. They therefore should have had their SPL membership terminated.

By not doing this they are making the vote a TRANSFER of the share. 8 votes needed.

If they remove oldclubs SPL membership it would then be a GRANTING of the share, needing 10 votes.

Where do the members clubs come into it – plausible deniability! Much more credible to claim ‘it wasny


(My emphasis)

I don't know enough about the rules to know if that is the case or not but it's pretty damned interesting.

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Yeah got the year wrong of hitler invading poland... i did think about going to school ten years ago,but changed my mind,so cut me some slack...:P glad its made you happy though ... how sad that is the kind of thing that makes your day.. now im off to Steal a boiler that should take 2-3 hours and i will make about £200 profit.. think about who is the 'thick' one when i am slurping soup in Barlinnie ....:)

Sorted that one for you.

Edited by Forever Diamond
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If Rangers have the same strip, the same sponsor, the same manager, the same stadium, the same players, the same crest.... and so forth, to all intents and purposes, they are the same club. If they get the same league place, what is there really to say the two clubs aren't the same? They need to be stripped of their titles or forced to have the year 2012 on the crest.

It's not clear whether the crests (jersey interlocking letters and round club crest) were acquired by Green as part of his purchase from the administrator. I assume that they will have been.

I think it's then down to the SFA and SPL as to whether the crests can be used. My guess is that the interlocking RFC might not be subject to trade/brand marks as per the umbro kit on release at the minute and that's probably ok still be used, but the other crest as logo for the oldco probably will be replaced.

Be interested to know how that works.

As for shirt sponsor, I have no idea if the tennents deal transferred to Newco or not.

Guess they'll be explained down the line.

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Only the fine and the signing umbongo (:D) are actually punishments. The embargo is currently under appeal, 'cos they didn't like it (never mind that they couldn't sign players in administration anyway).

Of course a new club shouldn't go straight to the top table - it is one of the most embarrassing aspects of this whole affair that we should be even discussing the possibility.

If there's a vacancy in SFL3, applications are invited, and any zombieco can apply and take their chances with Spartans, Cove, and any other clubs. I would suggest that, accounts records aside, both those named tick more boxes in terms of stability and sustainability.

Out of Europe? They cannot play in Europe until they have the accounts available. It's not a ban, it's a failure to meet criteria for competition.

Soooooo.... a fine that they won't end up paying. That's it. And "rangers have been punished enough" is the cry from ibrox, zRM, Swallow Swallow and the MSM.

BOLLOX! They have almost killed our game, and care so much about Scotland they were whoring themselves all round for a better deal (for rangers) with nary a backward glance until scant months ago. Some of the fuckwits are still banging on about "f**k the SPL and the SFA. We'll go to England where we'll be better off."

They don't care about the Scottish game - why the f**k should we care about them? Kill them. Kill them dead and salt the earth.

I had tried to give a reasoned response. My mistake. :lol:

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From RTC Blog Comments

Weescotty says:

19/06/2012 at 12:04 pm

Even a blind man can see what the governing bodies are up to, the only question is are the members in on it.

Oldclub are no longer a club and have no audited accounts. They therefore should have had their SPL membership terminated.

By not doing this they are making the vote a TRANSFER of the share. 8 votes needed.

If they remove oldclubs SPL membership it would then be a GRANTING of the share, needing 10 votes.

Where do the members clubs come into it – plausible deniability! Much more credible to claim ‘it wasny


(My emphasis)

Interesting, but the SPL aren't brave enough to pull the rug. I'm guessing the rulebooks and articles of association have been went through in fine detail by both the SFA and the Green consortiums lawyers though :(

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but it's a new club in business/legal and football administration terms.

Yip, football isn't above the law of the land

Rangers knew that when they took the SFA to court ;)

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