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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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The corpse continues to twitch, but surely it is all over for what remains of Rangers FC as was.

Eventually something will emerge from the swamp - they do have a large supporter base whatever - and no matter what guise they eventually return as (it looks as if the Servco model won't go very far) the rest of Scottish Football must insist as a condition for admission to any level the the official club name must be registered in the HSV Hamburg / PSV Eindhoven / MTK Budapest stylee as something like 'UTB Glasgow Rangers'

The Orcs can call themselves 'Rangers' but every time the are spoken of or written down officially or in the media, everybody is clear that this is 'Used To Be' Rangers we are talking about

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Oh they can apply, but there must be no precedent for letting Walter Mitty led phoenix clubs back into the league. It must be rejected.

Absolutely, but if you pop over to the division 3 forum / thread you'll notice a worrying number of limp-wristed, short-sighted numpties eyeing up two big home gates and willing to let them back in. Makes me weep. Think of a scotland in 15 yrs with no rangers and the benefits of a whole new generation of fans who might just support their local team instead.

We have a once in a lifetime chance to banish sevco for good but some are only thinking short term.

If we are to keep up the pressure then we first need to convince our own lower league fans to man the fck up.

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Why the fuck would guys like Whittaker and Naismith agree to play in (potentially) the 3rd Division? It's an absolute no-brainer to reject the Newco. Buns on my Facebook are baying for the pair's blood.

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Absolutely, but if you pop over to the division 3 forum / thread you'll notice a worrying number of closet currants eyeing up two big home gates and willing to let them back in. Makes me weep. Think of a scotland in 15 yrs with no rangers and the benefits of a whole new generation of fans who might just support their local team instead.

We have a once in a lifetime chance to banish sevco for good but some are only thinking short term.

If we are to keep up the pressure then we first need to convince our own lower league fans to man the fck up.

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A dream scenario would be for Newco to start in the 3rd, Ally to sign a bunch of haddies then be sacked because they are struggling in the league,the Orcs to stop going, and finally Green to pull out his £2 investment.

A whimpering end to this blight on society.

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The treatment of these guys by the Newco fans is astonishing.

They took at massive wage cut to save the club on what seems now to be broken promises from Green.

How many Berrrz would do the same?

Judging by the pitiful amount they raised for the RFFF not many.

The Rangers players' actions have been one of the few acts of good grace in this whole sorry saga. The idea that they are mercenaries for walking away is ridiculous.

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Thought it might be worth keeping track of the 'ever hard done by' Sevco. Here's a squad list (taken from Sky) with notes for those rejected the switch to newco/out of contract. If there's any errors, please feel free to correct.


Alan McGregor - Rumoured to be rejecting switch to newco

Neil Alexander - Out of contract

Scott Gallacher

Grant Adam


Dorin Goian

Kirk Broadfoot

Sasa Papac - out of contract

Lee Wallace

Steven Whittaker - rejected switch to newco

Carlos Bocanegra - rumoured to be rejecting switch to newco/on verge of signing for Toronto

Ross Perry

Chris Hegary - out of contract

Darren Cole - out of contract


Lee McCulloch - rumoured to be staying

Maurice Edu

Steven Davis - rumoured to be rejecting switch to newco

Alejandro Bedoya

John Fleck

Jamie Ness

Salim Kerkar

Kyle Hutton

Andrew Mitchell

Rhys McCable - rejected switch to Newco

Robbie Crawford

Lewis MacLeod

Barry McKay

Juan Ortiz


Kyle Lafferty - rumoured to be rejecting switch to newco

Steven Naismith - rejected switch to newco

David Healy - out of contract

Andrew Little - out of contract

Sone Aluko - rejected switch to newco

Kane Hemmings

If I've missed any OOC players, or indeed any other players, feel free to update. I'll keep this up to date as best I can.

Rhys McCable :lol: Sounds like a sexual perversion!!!

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Absolutely, but if you pop over to the division 3 forum / thread you'll notice a worrying number of limp-wristed, short-sighted numpties eyeing up two big home gates and willing to let them back in. Makes me weep. Think of a scotland in 15 yrs with no rangers and the benefits of a whole new generation of fans who might just support their local team instead.

We have a once in a lifetime chance to banish sevco for good but some are only thinking short term.

If we are to keep up the pressure then we first need to convince our own lower league fans to man the fck up.

I have no problem with Rangers 2 standing for election in to the 3rd. They'd almost certainly win, but that's fair enough. Entry into the first division would be as scandalous as entry into the SPL, but there's a worrying number on the First Division forum tacitly supporting the idea by claiming its all a done deal anyway. That's where the real effort needs to be placed, into preventing Rangers 2 getting, somehow, into the first division.

I can see them being suspended for a year and reinstated into the first division - a remodeled version with 18 teams - in two years time.

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One thing's for certain, It's clear now that asking the appelate tribunal (remember them) to reinstate the transfer embargo is not an option for Rangers given their players are now rejecting being TUPEd.

Any word on when/if these guys are going to be sitting again - any word on whether the new rangers will be liable for any punishment dealt to the old rangers?

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I can see them being suspended for a year and reinstated into the first division - a remodeled version with 18 teams - in two years time.

Just said exactly the same to my brother.

For their own good they need to be suspended for a year to sort out their mess of a club. No way can all this be rsolved by the time the season kicks off. With the potential for more legal action over players contract it will drag on and on

Keep things as they are this year without zRangers and sort out a proper league reconstruction in time for season 13/14

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Why the f**k would guys like Whittaker and Naismith agree to play in (potentially) the 3rd Division? It's an absolute no-brainer to reject the Newco. Buns on my Facebook are baying for the pair's blood.

The Orcs live in a deluded world where they think that because they're 'more than a club', all players must feel the same. The reality is that the players rightfully saw Rangers as a club just like any other (with the added bonus of having the occasional interesting derby) and fans don't understand that playing in front of them is just a job for most of the players. Assuming that some of the 'Rangers' support have jobs, their passion for their club lies outwith that as a recreation which dominates part of their life even if they think their life is Rangers.

If Rangers do badly on the park, it just makes their life a bit more depressing but they demand that players destroy their careers and future life just for the supporter's 'fun'. They forget this is a business where you're 'past it' by the time you're 40 and these guys need to fulfil all career ambitions in the next ten years or so. Do they honestly expect them to spend at least three of those years playing against part-time players who themselves just play for fun outwith work Mon-Friday for £50 pocket-money a week? Wake up and smell the coffee.

Edited by Hedgecutter
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Edit: probably how it went ...

** phone rings **

seccy: SFA how can I can help you ..

Green: They're walking away .. help !!

seccy: Who are you ?

Green: Mr. Green the Rangers owner ...

seccy: Ranger's , lemme see .. no we have no record of a Rangers (pause) .. hold on a minute .. Sevco .... there's a note here stating people may ring insisting that Rangers still exist ... is that the one ?

Green: YES !!

seccy: So what can we do for you ..

Green: My players are refusing to transfer over to my new company and selling them on was part of my plan to screw the creditors and the oldco .. Can I take legal action

seccy: Mr Green you really need to seek professional legal advice in these matters it's not for the SFA to tell you what to do,

Green: Aye but I have nae pot to piss in ... I canne afford a lawyer.

seccy: Hardly our problem Mr Green .. bye . ** click ***

Investors (rumoured) gathered around his desk : "So whit did they say?"

Green: We are within our rights to seek legal redress against these scoundrels ...

OR maybe Green didn't write the number down properly and he's been getting advice from a wee guy in a single end in Vicky road.

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The Orcs live in a deluded world where they think that because they're 'more than a club', all players must feel the same. The reality is that the players rightfully saw Rangers as a club just like any other and fans don't understand that playing in front of them is just a job for most of the players. Assuming that some of the 'Rangers' support have jobs, their passion for their club lies without that as a recreation which dominates their life.

If Rangers do badly on the park, it just makes their life a bit more depressing while they demand that players destroy their careers and future life just for their 'fun'. They forget this is a business where you're 'past it' by the time you're 40 and these guys need to fulfil all career ambitions in the next ten years or so. Do they honestly expect them to spend at least three of those years playing against part-time players? Wake up and smell the coffee.

It makes what Ally McGoebbels said worse when he was going to walk away when Smith was hanging about for a day or so.

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There is not enough time to do what is needed to be up and running for the approaching season the claim is we dont do walking away thats exactly whats happening in effect Sevco are the essence of the old club but the cardigan put the mockers on that with his failed bid and sowed the seeds of doubt in the minds of the peepul so now they will not buy Charlies tickets so just like the tax fiasco it's a self - styled failure WATP my arse move on.

Edited by shiltrum
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“Of course, they had concerns but after asking all the relevant questions it was business as usual. That applies to the groundsmen, the tea ladies, the office staff and everyone else who make Rangers tick. Rangers is still Rangers and players, above all, should know that.”

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There is not enough time to do what is needed to be up and running for the approaching season the claim is we dont do walking away thats exactly whats happening in effect Sevco are the essence of the old club but the cardigan put the mockers on that with his failed bid and sowed the seeds of doubt in the minds of the peepul so now they will not buy Charlies tickets so just like the tax fiasco it's a self - styled failure WATP my arse move on.

I honestly don't see any circumstances in which Rangers aren't suspended for a season.

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When I read the reports from the Record, etc, and listen to the radio, I actually start to understand how the Rangers fans can be so deluded.

If all I read/heard was that Stephen Thompson was a billionaire and we were going to win the Champions League, I'd probably be off my head too!

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