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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Michael Johnston is a toad.

And if Kilmarnock have been existing like this, it's time they faced up to facts.

Dundee have no overdraft and no debt, but look what we had to go through to get there.

So any other club that's been hiding behind overdrafts and debt, I've very little sympathy for you. The situation is exactly the same as ours, just that we were found out sooner.

I can only assume you are having a laugh here?

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It has been decreasing. And that's all Johnston is interested in. That's why he has been cheerleading for Rangers' return to the SPL, because he sees the big pot of cash in the short-term and isn't really too concerned about the long-term future of the club in terms of support. He has judged this one badly wrong though.

If I remember correctly it was over £13m about 3-4 years ago? I think the next set of accounts should show it at well under £8m. This bank debt is secured on the assets (the hotel and land as realistically the stadium is of no value to a developer) so the bank are pretty well covered. It's been mentioned before but £6m of this debt is related to the hotel.

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The funniest thing about the MJ letter is all the bluster?

He could have saved all that effort by just writing:




Answer =

The result will still be the same, and he will still vote yes regardless of what we say.

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For years and years the OF fans have fought each other with hatred unmatched in football. Both sides believing they were polar opposites. But all along the two clubs have been nice and cozy with each other behind the scenes manipulating scottish football for their own benefit.

Decades went by where the clubs kept the fires of sectarianism stoked to keep the fans coming back for more.

But now? Celtic no longer have something to battle against outwith football. Let's face it, the OF isn't/wasn't about football.

Was watching Mystery Men the other night and it parallels nicely with Celtic's position just now.

The super hero has defeated all of his enemies, and has nothing to do, even losing some of his sponsors (it's a comedy) and having to contemplate retiring. But his multi-billioanaire alter-ego is given a chance to vote on whether to release his deadliest foe after he's been imprisoned for years. Seeing a chance to be a super-hero again, and only thinking of himself and not caring about the damage the villian will cause, he votes to release him, although the villian is still clearly mad.

Anyway, the villian wrecks havoc and takes down the super-hero with him, and in the end it's left to a band of ordinary guys (and a girl) to end the carnage before the villian wipes them all out.

The point being there is a symbiosis between the two clubs. They both exist in their current forms (vile as they maybe) because of each other. If one no longer is around then the other is no longer "a twin" and doesn't really know what to do with itself.

Will Celtic be the all powerful team that wins the league for years to come, maybe. But at some point even their own fans will be disillusioned and get bored. And who knows, by that time the english leagues may decide they would like celtic and scottish football can rebuild.

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What is outrageous about it?

It's almost as if us diddies are wanting the clubs to say:

Don't worry guys, there's going to be a massive upturn in support from other clubs if we vote no, also, Rangers don't really bring all that much money to the league, and Sky haven't said anything and hellbhoy on P&B says there's no chance they'll want to renegotiate the contracts, and the sponsors according to magee86 won't want to renegotiate anyway, so really it's all scare stories and besides the money and continued sustainability of our club that we own and have significant money invested in means nothing. Plus on rangerstaxcase, timmybhoy said that celtic fans will definitely boycott if we vote them in so that's us convinced Everything will be brilliant without Rangers and we'll have loads of money and great youths, I read about it on Aberdeen-mad

It's outrageous because he's asking people to vote, giving them 2 yes options and 1 no option complete with threat. As for the rest of the diddies, gi' yourself a shake min, most of us don't give a monkey's about newco, what's important is that our own clubs do the right thing rather than chase the big buck which never seems to materialise anyway. The two worst club responses so far is this Killie joke letter and AFC mickey mouse "no comment". No one is expecting to be better off; we just want the shafting to stop somewhere. Oh, and keep you're timmybhoy sh*te, you're slip is showing.

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From reading Johnstons statement i'm interpretting that he is in effect admitting two things;

1) Killie are built around income from the OF and they're unable to amend budgets to prevent serious financial impact. Should Rangers not be allowed in then they themselves will be in trouble - incidentally why can't Killie just not sign a couple of players or not offer better deals to a few?

2) The SPL board have shown themselves to be completely incompetant (like it needed confirmation!) in allowing contracts to be drawn up in such a way that 'there must be an OF'. We're all well aware that the OF are the box office for the league, but to have contracts requesting that there must be games between the two is ridiculous. If Sky look to renegotiate or walk away at the end of next season then the SPL should be looking to implement either SPL TV or look towards ESPN / BBC Scotland for a live game/ highlights carve up.

Losses will be amde at clubs, but its within those clubs powers to minimise the impact by reviewing their squad refreshment and other revenue streams.

At least Motherwells statement gave a worst case scenario and left it to the fans...Johnston seems to be saying Killie must have a Newco

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I can only assume you are having a laugh here?

So tell me which bit you're disputing. OK, the Falkirk guy said you were trying to service your debt,. Fair enough.

But MJ sounds like a desperate man, as if you could be forced into admin, just as we were.

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Dear Shareholder/Season Ticket Holder,

There are three options to which you should respond

1 - YES - the "New" Rangers FC should be admitted to the SPL in order to avoid the SPL being in breach of its contractual obligations to "Sky" and other commercial partners

2 - NO - the "New" Rangers FC should NOT be admitted to the SPL under any circumstances, regardless of the consequences for Kilmarnock FC

3 - YES - subject to the "New" Rangers FC accepting a range of sporting and financial penalties (short of exclusion from the SPL) for the wrongdoing of the owners of the "Old" Rangers FC

AND undertaking to support reform of the SPL's voting structure, the "New" Rangers FC should be admitted to the SPL. Please include 1-YES or 2-NO or 3-YES in your subject heading which will help us to evaluate the responses

Yours sincerely,


Michael Johnston,Chairman,

Kilmarnock FC

League Cup Winners 2012

Cut out some of the above text, obviously written by a lawyer in an attempt to send us off to sleep. But the truth is in there somewhere. :huh:

As a specialist in armed bank robberies, I have carried out a big one every year for the last 15 years or so. Never been caught :D until this year.:(

I have found the police, the procurator fiscal and the banks to be extremely understanding. I really did need the proceeds every year to maintain my lifestyle and to keep up with the Joneses and especially the Greens. Well not just keep up but show them a better lifestyle. And I had a bunch of kids to support. About 40 of them you must understand. I call them 'my squad'.

And none of the banks ever told me that robbing banks was wrong. Am I supposed to find out for myself? :o

So my understanding is that the Procurator Fiscal is giving the banks I stole from various options.

Should I go to prison for life? Sent as a criminal to Botany Bay? Or change the law so we all can understand better that bank robbery is not a good thing and tell people like me not to do it again. Or else!!

The banks are going for number 3 - for the overall benefit of society. It will make the world a better place. Some of the people I shot are complaining, but there are always casualties along the way in this tough old world. Some have been quite cruel to me, not really spending any time understanding the pressure I was under at the time. :unsure:

Fortunately it looks as though I will be allowed to keep the proceeds of the bank robberies. I have spent all of it after all. Except for the amounts I put into my wife's name, and also transferred my nice big hoose into her name too. Nice not having to pay it back. :lol:

I will be a good boy in the future and I am sure my wife will be a nice person for the banks to deal with in the future. ;) So a sincere thank you to all those banks and their customers.

Anybody want to buy a good gun, seldom used? It is a Glock 1690, EBT model.

Edited by thelegendthatis
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Obvious but I'll say it anyway: MJ has simply ballsed this up royally to the detriment of his own club by needlessly coming out with what he's said so early. It's inevitable that while everyone else voted Sevco out, Killie (and Motherwell to an extent) will be remembered as the only ones who were going to vote yes and they'll almost certainly be punished financially by away fan boycotts. Surely there's no way that any other club will come out in support of the 'Yes' campaign (Celtic included) and needlessly risk the wrath of almost every SPL fan next season? Nice one MJ. Nice one.

Edited by Hedgecutter
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It's outrageous because he's asking people to vote, giving them 2 yes options and 1 no option complete with threat. As for the rest of the diddies, gi' yourself a shake min, most of us don't give a monkey's about newco, what's important is that our own clubs do the right thing rather than chase the big buck which never seems to materialise anyway. The two worst club responses so far is this Killie joke letter and AFC mickey mouse "no comment". No one is expecting to be better off; we just want the shafting to stop somewhere. Oh, and keep you're timmybhoy sh*te, you're slip is showing.

So what if we are given the choice and then we vote no because the ramifications aren't clearly outlined and our club goes under. c***s would have killed their club would be up in arms they weren't given the facts. It's not a "threat" just because people don't want to hear it.

Last sentence is laughable fyi - and I'm not talking about the spelling.

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Obvious but I'll say it anyway: MJ has simply ballsed this up royally coming out with what he's said so far. It's inevitable that while everyone else voted Sevco out, Killie will be remembered as the only ones who were going to vote yes

That's the worst thing for Motherwell and Kilmarnock now. They are going to be stained with this for years, no matter what happens in the coming days.

And it's not Killie's fans' fault their chairman is a snivelling apologist toad.

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From reading Johnstons statement i'm interpretting that he is in effect admitting two things;

1) Killie are built around income from the OF and they're unable to amend budgets to prevent serious financial impact. Should Rangers not be allowed in then they themselves will be in trouble - incidentally why can't Killie just not sign a couple of players or not offer better deals to a few?

2) The SPL board have shown themselves to be completely incompetant (like it needed confirmation!) in allowing contracts to be drawn up in such a way that 'there must be an OF'. We're all well aware that the OF are the box office for the league, but to have contracts requesting that there must be games between the two is ridiculous. If Sky look to renegotiate or walk away at the end of next season then the SPL should be looking to implement either SPL TV or look towards ESPN / BBC Scotland for a live game/ highlights carve up.

Losses will be amde at clubs, but its within those clubs powers to minimise the impact by reviewing their squad refreshment and other revenue streams.

At least Motherwells statement gave a worst case scenario and left it to the fans...Johnston seems to be saying Killie must have a Newco

Well we need to ensure that the Kilmarnock fans groups send out an email to all members and fans to ensure they are given the other side effect.

IF kilmarnock vote YES, then every other club would boycott their ground. And the clubs when killie travel should ban selling the tickets to the kilmarnock away supporters. See how they would like that getting 0 income for all the other games in the SPL.

Im sure if that boycott did go through killie would be doing a rangers by xmas... :lol: and we get rid of another bigotted club

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McGregor is top ten EPL keeper

What, despite his numerous mistakes. Like the laughable one at Pittodrie or the fumble at Tynecastle or being beaten at his near post in Maribor or being lobbed from the touchline playing for Scotland...and many more, yet he is lauded as some great keeper. I've said it before but he made more glaring errors last season alone than Tomas Cerny made in three seasons in the spl for Accies. Who, out of those two, was by far the busier keeper?

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It's more the "Rangers has offered to accept" line that's interesting. As far as I know, this is the first mention of what Rangers are thinking in relation to the newco vote.

... and implies that there has been some dialogue, or horse-trading.... just tell them to GTF!!!

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That's the worst thing for Motherwell and Kilmarnock now. They are going to be stained with this for years, no matter what happens in the coming days.

And it's not Killie's fans' fault their chairman is a snivelling apologist toad.

Motherwell: they gave their fans the facts and allowed them to choose which way the club should vote - boycott these cocksuckers :blink:

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Maybe this has been posted before, but I read it on Rangers Media, well as much as to the point below I have quoted. It goes on and on in a painful manner, much like the shits you do the morning after a hot curry and a few beers. I need to go and find a short story to read now ASAP, I would hate to think if I Rangered now it would forever known as the last thing I read!

No. 12 Shirt

She had been battered, raped and pillaged for several months. Every fresh blow seemed to bring her closer to that final crushing blow. Like a wounded animal she tried to stand on her feet, to regain her dignity and honour, but the attacks were relentless and to the shame of all, none would come to her aid.

And finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the end was near. The Haters, Vultures and Ghouls made their way towards Ibrox for the telling knockout blow. In the interests of “sporting integrity” a boxing referee was enlisted to deliver the final count.

At the doors of Ibrox they were met by two sentinels who barred their way. Alistair McCoist and Lee McCulloch. It was pointless asking them to move. Neither would walk away.

Maybe it was a school project or something, I'm not too sure, the writer may even have got a gold star and a chocolate button for his efforts.

Will be brilliant to see the two sentinals at training on Thursday playing long shooty. Could see fat Sally grumping "If only one other person would turn up we'd have enough people to get on Question of Sport, Bags I captain!"

Free the John McVeigh is a tit!!!!

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