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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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1340703692[/url]' post='6375026']

What kind of wage is Wallace getting? I'd imagine it'll be creeping near 5 figures a week? Not sure a team in the lower leagues, even Rangers, can sustain such a hefty wage tbh :unsure:

True, but if he's sold on the cheap, that's better than losing him for nothing?

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Judging by the way that the people charged with the responsibility of looking after the interests of their own clubs (ie Chairmen, Boards of Directors )and also tasked with the responsibility of running their own league, ie member clubs of the SPL, have been and are still currently behaving, then its absolutely no surprise that the Scottish game is in the state that it is. Greed, delusion,fear, self-interest, procrastination are just some of the character traits that are currently being portrayed by the afore-mentioned office bearers for each of the respective clubs. They are to busy trying to be seen to be pleasing the "rent-a-mob fan base" that have suddenly surfaced waving the sporting integrity banner in one hand and their club colours in the other hand. To pass a decision of this magnitude over to the afore mentioned rent-a-mob fans is nothing short of ridiculous (it`s also a breach of their fiduciary duties as a Company Director) It would appear that not one of them has had the courage to actually say "NO COMMENT " when being asked which way their club will vote on July 04th whilst at the same time actually then looking at all the COMMERCIAL implications of rejecting an application for NEWCO to join the SPL. By pandering to the rent-a-mob they are collectively signing the death warrant of the game in Scotland and consigning the SPL to years in the doldrums. I`ll guarantee you that all the so called "supporters" who have been on the forums, newspapers, radio etc over this saga will be the very same ones who will be on the same media vehicles a year from now complaining about the state of Scottish football and how poorly regarded we are by the rest of the world,we need league re-construction,oh woe is me, etc..................... do these so called office bearers currently charged with making these decisions today really think that all the rent-a-mob fans are going to be digging deep into their pockets and turning out in the middle of winter when moneys tight, Xmas is coming and the weathers crap because Dundee/Dunfermline/Club 12 are coming calling. The rent-a-mob fans will be out shopping with their wives,sitting at home on their key boards typing crap about something else,sitting watching the darts on TV.......the only thing they won`t be doing is out supporting their clubs. It will be a similar story in the last quarter of the season as well because 99% of them will have ZERO to play for. So by the end of the coming season each of the clubs (the ones that survive,because Administration is a heart beat away for at least 2 of them) will then see the real effects of the decision made this season. Budgets and revenues will be slashed to levels that will then finish the job of consigning the SPL to a level that it will never recover from. This decision will send ripples through the Scottish game right down to grass roots level so the SFL, Junior and Amateur leagues are all going to feel the effects of this decison for years to come.


1. The diddly club chairmen seem to be basing their decisions on the fact that the fans are the main income stream of their clubs. If the fans don't turn up, then the money doesn't appear. I see nothing wrong with this.

2. I'm hoping you are taking the piss with the "rent a mob" line, considering the vast majority of Rangers "fans" never set foot inside Ibrox in their lives. Strange as it may seem to an old firm "fan" , non old firm clubs have a hard core fan base who are going to turn up regardless of how shit their team is playing or even what division they're playing in.

3. Scottish football is already in the doldrums and held in poor regard by the rest of the world, so nothing to lose there.

4. Many diddy fans will be more likely to turn out to see their club play Dundee/Dunfermline/club 12 in the run up to Xmas instead of intentionally staying away when Rangers come calling and subjecti their ground to sectarian bullshit

5. The ripples sent down through the Scottish game should be for the good of all. SevCo will have the chance to do it the hard way like ICT and Ross County have done and progress from the 3rd division to the SPL while running their clubs within their means. That can only be for the good of the game in the long run, surely?

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True, but if he's sold on the cheap, that's better than losing him for nothing?

If Newco is happy to TUPE Wallace over then they must also take the £800k of football debt with him, otherwise Hearts will be well within their rights to object to his registration.

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Probably already been posted but I hope fans and directors of Albion Rovers, Berwick, Brechin, Stenhousemuir and Stranraer have good memories :)

Naughty buns

EDIT: Definitely already been posted :lol:

Wouldn't back on our vote - chairman is a fan of the club formerly known as Rangers FC :angry: so don't suppose he's taht interested in what his club tried to do to ours in'64 unfortunately. That said I have lobbied our Trust who are major shareholders and asked them to put pressure on the board.

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Raith Rovers FC continues to closely monitor developments in the saga of who will replace the liquidated Rangers within Scottish football.

As proud members of the Scottish Football League, we may soon be called upon to consider proposals for the way forward not only in relation to any vacancy that may arise in our league but also in respect of the future construction of the game in Scotland.

Whilst we retain an open mind on the subject of league reconstruction, and will carefully consider any proposal put to us by the SFL board in this regard, the board of directors of Raith Rovers FC is unanimous in its view that we shall certainly not cast our vote in favour of any integrated plan that in our view compromises sporting integrity by involving the admission of any ‘Newco’ directly into Division One.

'Mon the Raith. :wub:

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For those who haven't seen this...

Raith say "f**k off Newco"

1 down, 7 to go. With Livi and Falkirk's comments, I'd expect similar from them and with the pressure applied by the Thistle fans, I'd expect them to say no to newco in division one. That's before considering the lower leagues, who will want some Rangers money.

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A sensible piece from a journalist without the OF specs on (Paul Hughes) can be found here


SCOTTISH football will never be the same again.

It’s changing right in front of our eyes. By the minute, by the hour, by the day.

The catalyst has been the demise of Rangers.

The accelerant has been the determination of fans from every club in the SPL.

That makes for sore reading for the Ibrox supporters struggling to comprehend what’s happened to their club.

Across the city it’s a source of celebration for the Celtic fans who lay claim to uncovering a decade of alleged tax evasion and financial doping.

Across the country, though, it represents the chance to achieve something that seemed impossible not that long ago.

A revolution.

With the old Rangers in the process of liquidation, one of the first things the New Rangers had to do was apply for membership to the SPL.

Had it been the decision of the chairmen and the chairmen alone, I’m pretty sure Rangers would have been back in.

But while they were busy counting the value of the current TV deal with Sky, what they didn’t count on was the feeling of the fans.

They have made their stance clear beyond all doubt. For once, their views seemed to have been taken on board.

Ask the pessimists and they’ll assure you it’s the beginning of the end. The SPL without Rangers would be like a windmill without the wind.

It wouldn’t work.

I’m an optimist though. I think this whole, ugly business opens the chance for the beginning of something better – for EVERYONE.

Year Zero.

A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to re-set the clock and start all over again.

The chance to make every club an equal, instead of the sideshow to the Old Firm they used to be.

It should have happened a long time ago. Clubs were simply too scared to see lucrative clashes with Celtic and Rangers wiped from the fixture card.

Last season’s shambolic attempts to re-structure the SPL proves that.

So while dealing with the immediate issue of where a Newco Rangers play, Scottish football’s paying customer might just have pushed through a way to re-vitalise our game.

The first real whiff of change emerged last Thursday.

Motherwell Football Club decided to lead the way, releasing a statement regarding their stance on whether or not to vote a Newco Rangers back into the SPL.

Their position was simple; the fans would decide. Take the logical conculsion and you only had one outcome.

Newco 0 SPL 1.

Then Inverness Caley Thistle piped up. They claimed their supporters didn’t feel Rangers had been punished adequately enough. The club inisted they would listen to their fans.

Newco 0 SPL 2.

Then it was the turn of Hearts, who made their feelings clear through their loose cannon owner Vladmir Romanov.

Rangers were cheats. They had lied their way to numerous SPL titles, Scottish Cups and League Cups. They were to blame for all of Scottish football’s ills.

As were BskyB, apparently, as Mr Romanov accused the satellite giants of ripping the heart out of Scottish football.

Must be my imagination but I don’t recall Vlad tearing up the fat cheques Sky have sent his way for four Old Firm games and four Edinburgh derbies every season.


Before the ten o’clock news hit our screens on Thursday night, Dundee United chairman Stephen Thompson confirmed his club would be voting no.

Newco 0 SPL 3.

As of today Hibs, Aberdeen and St Johnstone have all unofficially cast their votes.

Newco SPL 6

Of course, there is one cast-iron vote in favour of Newco Rangers getting back in. I still can’t get my head round the fact a club who isn’t actually a member of a league gets to vote on whether they’re allowed entry, but a vote is a vote.

Newco 1 SPL 6

So there you have it. It seems like a foregone conclusion. The Rangers Football Club are NOT getting in the SPL.

Plenty of journalists on the Scottish football beat have been debating this for weeks. All we could do was loosely guage opinion to form our own, but no-one ever knew for sure.

Now we do.

The big question is will it wreck or revolutionise our game?

Personally, I’m excited by the prospect.

Is it because I have an agenda? Absolutely – but not against Rangers. I just want to see our game flourish on an even playing field.

The old Rangers are no more because of the mess they got into by owners who shouldn’t have been allowed to run a bath, never mind a football giant.

Their punishment has been the winding up of the old club. The Newco deserves the chance to enter Scottish football free from the stigma of what went on before.

It seems like the SPL members feel the same, but that’s only half of the solution.

There’s only so much guess work that can go into calculating what happens to a Scottish Premier League without Rangers.

Will Sky pull the plug? Will attendances plummet or soar?

Will there be a workable merger in time for the new season?

The truth is no-one knows – but here’s two things I do know.

1) No league should be so heavily dependant on TV money.

2) Every fan of every club brave enough to make this decisions despite the money they will lose MUST give support like never before.

It’s not Sky’s fault Scottish clubs spent sky-high wages on bang-average players in the past. So anyone that says TV ruined the game is wrong.

The people who ruined the game were the ones in charge of it. The SPL has only ever been about trying to generate cash, not improve the product.

Through the most inconceivable of circumstances though, we now have a chance to change that.

How that happens still isn’t clear – but it’s not rocket science either.

A change to the 11-1 voting structure that currently allows crucial decisions to be side-swiped – historically by Celtic and Rangers.

A more even split of TV money. It takes two to tango remember.

A return of the play-offs. They work everywhere else and would go down a storm in the SPL.

Most importantly, clubs need to do everything they can to make sure their fans come through the turnstiles in a way they haven’t done for years.

The first step towards that is a cut in ticket prices.

I’ve never understood why clubs up here charge MORE than some Premier League teams in England.

If you live in Glasgow you could be at the Reebok Stadium to watch Bolton v Manchester United quicker than you could be to watch Aberdeen v Celtic. So let’s give ourselves a chance.

I don’t doubt there will be some pain involved in all of this. Clubs WILL have to cut their cloth in the short term. This is about the long-term though.

That’s why I refuse to buy into the scare-mongering that Scottish football is about to whither and die.

If we fix the things that are in need of repair and the fans buy into it (the crucial part), I genuinely believe the game will flourish.

It’s Year Zero, the chance to begin again.

Start the clock…

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You have to wonder if being thick is the entry requirement to becoming an orc?

It is hard to believe people that dumb are able to turn on computers and type.

My dog is 10X smarter than your average orc, but she can't type.

Maybe we should all type in script then they couldn't read what we're saying.

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1340703922[/url]' post='6375039']

glad your pleased now can you

afford to pay him
. and pay hearts for him.

afford to pay him
afford to pay him
afford to pay him


Oh and by the way, I'm sure The Rangers don't owe anything for him...

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In the summer of 1964, the fans of the Warriors, and four other small clubs, were shocked to discover that the other 32 clubs in the Scottish League were planning to dissolve the structure in place, and replace it with two new leagues of 16 teams. The plan, instigated by Rangers, had been revealed, secretly, to the 31 other selected teams at two April meetings held at the home of the Glasgow club, Ibrox. Albion Rovers, Berwick Rangers, Brechin City, Stranraer and Stenhousemuir would have no part to play in Scottish senior football if Rangers got their way.

The secret plans, according to Rangers, would make for a more competitive, attractive league set-up. However, for the excluded five, the scheme would possibly signal their demise, especially as in the mid-sixties, smaller clubs were highly dependent on pools money distributed by the Scottish League at £35 a point. In the season just ended, 1963-4, the Warriors gaining 35 points, were awarded £1225, a not inconsiderable sum at a time when many clubs were under pressure of extinction. Only three years later, Third Lanark, neighbours of Rangers, would go out of business, and the Steedman brothers were in the process of trying to kill off East Stirlingshire.

Previous efforts to restructure the leagues had ended in deadlock, therefore secretly Rangers were making an attempt to wind up the structure in place, and enforce one of their choosing. Of course, emotions ran high in Larbert and Stenhousemuir when the underhand plans were revealed. However, resentment and rage as sentiments themselves would not have halted the iniquitous scheme. Two special elements arrested the Rangers expulsion plans although it took four years to finally win a great victory!

Firstly, Jim Weir, the Warriors indomitable secretary, and Robert Turpie, committee man and Glasgow solicitor, formed a formidable partnership in forging a united approach from the five, and using every legal avenue open to rescue the situation. And secondly, although the press sided with Rangers in their illogical attempts at bullying, the 31 bedfellows gradually became more and more uneasy. In fact, at one of the secret meetings, on 28th April 1964, Alloa Athletic, Arbroath, Ayr United, Cowdenbeath, Dumbarton, East Fife, Montrose, Queen's Park, Raith Rovers and Stirling Albion were told that if they did not agree with the proposals, and vote with Rangers, then anyone of them could be expelled in place of one or more of the five.

Mr Turpie won an interim interdict on May 26th 1964, preventing Rangers winding up the structure at the Scottish League AGM two days later. This victory was short lived, although Rangers were finding support for their plans evaporating. Twenty-seven clubs led by Rangers issued a summons against the five in October 1964, and against five other clubs (including neighbours East Stirlingshire and Celtic, now powerful ally for the five). The summons stated that the Ibrox side should be allowed to submit winding up papers at a future meeting of the League .

The process of law is protracted. In November 1965, Lord Avonside rejected the majority of the preliminary defence pleas put forward by the five in opposition to Rangers: the five then turned to the Inner House of the Court of Session, who took over a year to issue a judgement. In December 1966, the Avonside decision was upheld. Nonetheless in February of that year, Stirling Albion had indicated withdrawal of support for the Rangers scheme.

The lowest point came in July 1967, when one of the five co- defendants was forced to give up the legal fight due to spiralling legal costs. This could have been the end of the fight. However, the four others agreed to meet any further legal costs, while, on the surface, the five looked to remain 'as one',

In the meantime, the support of those clubs remaining on the side of the Ibrox giants was weakening.

Even so it came as a huge surprise when on 7th November 1967, Rangers announced an out of court settlement had been reached with the five, which meant that, in exchange for a withdrawal of legal proceedings, the five could stay as part of any future new league set up! A Special General Meeting in April 1968 confirmed the status of the five, where a Brechin City proposal found the necessary two-thirds majority with ease. The greatest victory?

blink.gifaw ffs its far too early in the morning for history lessons laugh.gif

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True, but if he's sold on the cheap, that's better than losing him for nothing?

Maybe he couldn't find anyone to take him on, hence his stance? He's said himself, he wants security as he's got a wee one on the way. He's not going to take any offer if he's settled where he is, and earning big money. To be honest, this could be bad news for Rangers rather than good, especially if £16k a week McCulloch joins him.

Edited by Kyle
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