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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Let’s revisit a gem from Scotland’s journalistic oracle Jim Traytor :

“It does not matter what fans say on social media. Football clubs do not listen to fans,they listen to Bank Managers and they will be telling them that they have to vote Rangers into the SPL”.

(Borrowed from CE on RTC)

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Just listened to Jackson on Talksport. Jeez, I've heard Rangers fans' spokesmen more restrained than him. He showed his true colours.

Makes you realise how these 'papers' have stitched it up for the OF for so long now. But their influence is gone. Now we know what's really going on.

Going on about 'malevolence' 'putting the boot into Rangers' and so on. Guy sounded at the end of his tether. Let's hope he is, and takes the rest of that shower of Glasgow media shit with him.

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DAFC Survey questions:

1. Should “Newco” be voted into SFL1, in return for a restructuring of Scottish Football, as has been speculated? Yes/No

2. Should “Newco” have to reapply for membership of the SFL, and if successful, compete initially at SFL3? Yes/No

3. For the long term interests of DAFC, which Division would the Club be better served playing in next season? SPL/SFL1

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Would be quite good if SSN got some non ex-Rangers to give their tuppence worth. I'd bet they wouldn't be as forthcoming with their 'we need Rangers in the SPL\Scottish footbal is dead' guff.

Pat Nevin, for example, is never usually backward at coming forward and giving a no-nonsense, well crafted opinion. However, in this case, I would imagine that the potential for some kind of action / retaliation by the meatheads and knuckledraggers that purport to 'follow, follow' will make some of our more independent thinking pundits think twice about getting involved.

Makes me cringe.


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SFA have given Rangers a deadline of Friday to apply to transfer their SFA membership to Sevco Rangers. Presumably the outstanding appeal punishment would transfer with it.


havent had a good deadline for a while

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Just listened to Jackson on Talksport. Jeez, I've heard Rangers fans' spokesmen more restrained than him. He showed his true colours.

Makes you realise how these 'papers' have stitched it up for the OF for so long now. But their influence is gone. Now we know what's really going on.

Going on about 'malevolence' 'putting the boot into Rangers' and so on. Guy sounded at the end of his tether. Let's hope he is, and takes the rest of that shower of Glasgow media shit with him.

Perhaps a Thelma and Louise stylee double suicide with cheeky chirpy chappie Chico ?

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Let's revisit a gem from Scotland's journalistic oracle Jim Traytor :

"It does not matter what fans say on social media.

Slightly OT, but seeing as it's a slow news day do far: Jim Spence has been at the vanguard of putting across the views from social media in the press, but has said (at times) he's not keen on it but it's a necessity to adapt. Has he ever said what in particular he dislikes about social media?

I have to say, until stumbling across PnB a few months ago, I wasn't quite so aware about the massive gulf in fan opinion versus the MSM portrayal of fan opinion I got from tuning into Sportsound. It's been quite the eyeopener...

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Maybe the SFA will do a Duff and Phelps and delay the deadline?

The SFA have apparently asked Duff & Phelps to provide clear information as to the 'fit and properness' of Charlie Green and his mysterons.....

Duff & Phelps - about to be investigated themselves by the polis'. FFS.... Insert your own 'I don't bee-leeve it' style comment right here.

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snapback.pngsjc, on 26 June 2012 - 13:48, said:

What would we all settle for an outcome in this whole episode ?

The Newco Rangers FC in Division 3 ? definately....but with all this talk of reshaping the leagues I'd settle for:

  • 3No Divisions of 14 Teams (with 7-7Split after 26games) - The Newco Rangers in bottom league. - hate this idea, split is way too early, plus 7 in each half leaves 2 teams with no game every week
  • 2Up 2Down with 3rdTop v 3rd Bottom Play Off in all Divisions. - I like the current playoffs just fine, 2nd vs11th for SPL would be good though
  • Regional Pyramid System to include Junior Teams etc (Highland, East, West & South). Meh, pyramid is a nice idea but needs some more detailed thought, should happen eventually
  • Teams Restricted to 16No Professional Players over the age of 21or23. No, just putting 24 year olds out of Scottish football for no reason
  • Maintain 4No u21's in matchday squad. Fine
  • Shared Gate Money. There is no way this happens. Celtic, Hearts, Hibs and Aberdeen have way too much to lose plus there will be clubs cooking the books
  • Equitable TV Revenue Split. Bound to happen, should still be based on league position though.
  • Move towards 51/49% fan ownership as per German League including Accountancy Checks at 2 points of the season. And would these fan groups take on half the debt run up at Killie, Hearts, Aberdeen, Dunfermline, Dundee United etc. That has a long way to go before it can happen at all clubs.

Did I miss anything ? Comments ?Think your being a bit short sighted with that one mate......Clubs can have the best 16 players in the World if they want but can only have 16 of them ! The necessity to have better youth players will drive clubs to improve their development......as well as this it will deter the bigger clubs from stockpiling players and having an advantage over the rest of the league due to a bigger squad size.

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