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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Why ? They don't meet the criteria for entry as things stand, do they ?

Traynor is an empty headed fool just trying to keep an editor off his back.

yes but i would much rather he peddled that line than others like keith jackson who think they should be in division 1

its still bias in their favour but its fairer bias if you get me

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Tweet from Chris McLaughlin. No surprises here....

SFL board meeting over. Nothing decided. More consultation next week.

Probably the most important meeting they've EVER had, and all they can cobble together is "nothing decided" ?

Obviously waiting to see if ZombieNewcorpse can meet Friday's deadline.

Even now, inertia rules at the SFA / Banana Republic.

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First part of his quote is actually correct... it wasn't expressions of outrage on P&B, Twitter etc. which galvanised clubs into action - it was the lobbying of supporters' trusts, the receipt of E-mails, letters and phonecalls from individuals, and at some clubs the lowering of ST sales. Granted much of that activity was promoted on places like here.

So it does matter, surely?

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That'll be fcuking right! We'll need a 'big hoose' to host everyone... Jelly, ice cream and parlour games.... pinning the tail on the cockwomble, etc.

Might be " an empty " down Govan way that will be big enough.

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That podcast is painful listening from the Record.

Its now the fault of 14 year old boys using their mum and dads computer.

I wonder how many contributors to this thread are even children, the vast minority I would wager.

"for all his faults Michael Johnson is the one man who has spoken the truth" - Jim Traynor.

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Why are the SFA requesting anything from Baron Greenback????

Shurely if he wants in, it's up to him to come up with it. If he doesn't, he doesn't get in !!!!

They're probably just trying to get it over and done with. If they can't get the relevant details together by Friday (which they probably can't considering they couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery) then the SFL can proceed to ask for new applicants for SFL3.

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Can someone post the full article?

"“@MattLindsayET: Dingwall said: "I think the actions of some clubs will leave a legacy of bitterness and sour Scottish football for decades." #rangers #spl”

Dingwall always makes me laugh, just another example of RFC fans showing zero humility

Rival clubs say 'no' to newco Rangers in SPL By MATTHEW LINDSAY

RANGERS fans will continue to support the Ibrox club in huge numbers – even though they will not be playing in the SPL.

That was the defiant message from Gers supporters today after it emerged the club will lose its bid to get back into the top division.

Aberdeen, Inverness Caley Thistle and St Johnstone all confirmed yesterday that they will vote against Rangers newco getting into the league on July 4.

Dundee United, Hearts and Hibs had already declared they would give the thumbs down to the Glasgow outfit joining them in the 2012/13 campaign.

That means Rangers will be unable to achieve the 8-4 majority they need at a vote to be held at a meeting of the country's leading clubs at Hampden next month.

It is still unclear whether the Light Blues will have to start off in the Third Division or will just drop down to the First Division.

But Rangers Supporters' Trust board member Mark Dingwall is confident Ally McCoist's team will still receive the backing of their fans wherever they end up playing.

He said: "I think the attitude of most Rangers fans is that we will Follow Follow our club wherever it ends up, in the First Division or the Third Division."

Dingwall has also hit out at the decision by the SPL clubs not to allow Rangers newco automatic entry into the top flight next season.

And he has predicted tough times ahead for the nation's top teams without the Glasgow giants involved in their league.

He said: "Fans of all clubs have suffered for the misdemeanours of owners.

"It is sad to see there is very little recognition of that in the deliberations of the SPL clubs.

"They seem to be driven by the politics of envy and hatred rather than a genuine belief in sporting integrity.

"I think genuine football fans like to see relegation and promotion decided by what their team does on pitch rather than as the side affect of what happens off the park."

Dingwall added: "I think the actions of some clubs will leave a legacy of bitterness and sour Scottish football for decades to come.

"God forbid any of the clubs get into a predicament like Rangers have got into in the future because they will be judged by their behaviour in this instance.

"I include Celtic in this. No Scottish football club is financially safe in the medium to long term.

"Our view would be that you need to apply common sense at this time. There is no sense saying to a club: 'We want you to continue playing football, but we aren't going to let you sign players and we're going to make you promote kids who aren't up to the job'.

"I might be wrong, but I think the majority of Rangers fans would like the club to go down to the Third Division rather than the First Division if we have to go down. Then hell mend what is left behind. Let them deal with their self-created problems."

Dingwall added: "We will come back up and we will come back up stronger."

St Johnstone chairman Steve Brown admitted the Perth club could struggle without Rangers in the SPL – but insisted they were making the right choice for Scottish football.

A club statement read: "Any reduction in income will have a serious impact on this football club.

"But the board believes that sporting integrity should not be sacrificed in favour of economic expediency."

Meanwhile, Aberdeen chairman Stewart Milne confirmed: "It is our intention to oppose readmission to the SPL for any Rangers newco."

And Inverness chairman Kenny Cameron said: "We have listened to all our customers and taken the decision and we now look forward to their support going forward."

Matt Lindsay was referring to Dark Mingwall as "defiant fans chief" on Twitter. Bet Kerr & McMillan are delighted about that.

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Sure it's been mentioned before that the criteria for entry are guidelines rather than unbreakable rules.

It's crazy to suggest that SFL3 chairmen would rather have a Spartans or a Cove in the league if they could have Rangers

So you'd take a chance on an organisation that couldn't provide any audited accounts or records of good financial housekeeping over others who could, just because they are called "Rangers" ?

Do you not think that you might be leaving yourself wide open to more chaos further down the line ?

Are you Jim Traynor ? 8)

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Sure it's been mentioned before that the criteria for entry are guidelines rather than unbreakable rules.

It's crazy to suggest that SFL3 chairmen would rather have a Spartans or a Cove in the league if they could have Rangers

There aren't actually any criteria at all for SFL in terms of ground, accounts, etc. ... the rules just demand some fee payments, and the obtainment of SFA membership. We're told that the 3yrs accounts thing from SFA is discretionary. And a Bronze license isn't yet mandatory for SFL3. Anything else is whatever SFL put together as criteria "from time to time" or something like that.

So you'd take a chance on an organisation that couldn't provide any audited accounts or records of good financial housekeeping over others who could, just because they are called "Rangers" ?

Do you not think that you might be leaving yourself wide open to more chaos further down the line ?

Tbf, that's exactly what 11 of 27 eligible voting clubs did in 2002 when faced with the final stage ballot between "Airdrie United" and Gretna FC (having already eliminated 3 EOS + 2 HFL clubs in earlier stages), so it's clear why a great many people imagine Rangers in a similar scenario could have a good chance.

Edited by HibeeJibee
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That Paul Hughes piece could have been lifted straight from this forum. Who is Paul Hughes, never heard of him personally.

What was needed a few weeks ago was for some of our so-called "heavy hitter" journos to write pieces espousing similar thoughts but they were all posted missing, either too scared or still struggling to get the metaphorical H*n cock out of their mouths.

Now it may be too late for most journos because The Internet Bampots have, to a greater extent, captured the moral high ground. For the moment at least, it is the diddies who have the loudest voice and the most clout. Run of the mill journos, especially of the Succulent persuasion, are read mostly for fun IMHO. For a laugh. We read them online (who'd pay money to read that doggerel ?) to see who has invented the most ridiculous, unbelievable tripe on any given day. Leggo, Traynor, Young (is he really MIA ?), Jackson etc. are completely irrelevant now. They and their editors stuck all their money on a nag that's just been carted off to the glue factory.

They are now stumbling around trying to make some sense of the new world order that is threatening to envelope Scottish football. If the SFL chairmen follow their SPL counterparts, this WILL come to pass.

The Succulents and the apologists, the quislings and the lickspittles, they are now engaged in an internicine war of blame. Now that the source of their past puff-piece 'exclusives' has left The Big Hoose and their wee cabal of acolytes within the SFA are too afraid to make any utterance, it is all finger pointing and "a big boy did it and ran away".

We've got quite a way to go yet. The fact that Young is in hiding and rumoured to be getting his jotters from the BBC, Traynor is desperately trying to change horses in mid-stream and the rest just can't seem to find the door that will lead them to the exit, tells us that they know the game is up.

You missed out "capitalist running dogs" - other than that, very good! smile.gif

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Sure it's been mentioned before that the criteria for entry are guidelines rather than unbreakable rules.

It's crazy to suggest that SFL3 chairmen would rather have a Spartans or a Cove in the league if they could have Rangers

Do/can they satisfy any of the guidelines then??????

Is it really that attractive to have the Sevco hoardes descending on SFL3 grounds, no doubt incurring increased costs through being all ticket and increased police bills? For only one season.

How much will they really make 'on the day'?

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United factions? A veritable understatement, good sir. What has become apparent on this thread that when the future of our game is at stake, petty rivalries take a back seat. I have had good relationships develop with fans from almost every other side in Scotland, strengthened by our common desire to see the game survive. Yes, there's already been one casualty, and a bloody big one too. Yes, there could be more - I'm a Killie fans, ffs, so the possibility is more real than for some.

What has shone through for me across this whole sorry saga has been an acknowledgment of common ground - the things that bind us together as football fans. The shared experiences of the highs and lows inherent in investing your emotions in a completely irrational manner. The ability to recall the shit times with a "we were there" wry grin, the mental ability to recite cup-winning teams from decades ago, the mental card-index of where to buy a pie and when you're better off going to the chippy down the road......

Most importantly, the majority of the fans on here (including at least one of the No. 8s) are FOOTBALL fans. We love our sides, but we also love the game. If I can't get to Killie (and it's not easy for me to regularly take a whole 7am-11pm day trip), then there's usually a game at York, Hull, Leeds, Sheffield. And then there's the idiot-box - loads of lovely Bundesliga/La Liga on there.

This is what the (follow) followers of rangers just don't get. Football is, for the majority, secondary to their definition as the anti-celtic. Proud to be prod, tarrier conspiracy, ****** b*****d, thimmy, etc. The whole "with us or against us" mentality. Well, you've got your answer now. The majority of Scottish football and, I believe, Scotland, cannot wait to see the back of this festering sore on the face of our nation. And it's not mob rule. It IS the will of the people.

This club has spent decades cheating the taxpayer, its fellow clubs, and its own supporters(although they were more than willing to buy into the fantasy). They have been caught. They have no place in any sporting arena. None.

I only hope that we can be as civil to each other when the season starts and battle resumes. I'll try and respect Cutty Old and Itzdrk, but you can bet WFAANW will surface at some point during the season. No doubt plenty will have a pop at Killie's style of play or our outspoken manager (who says what he wants, BTW). Fine - that's banter.

It's about football. WE are about football. Let's remember that and move on. It is indeed a once in a lifetime opportunity, and to turn it down for thirty pieces of tainted silver would be unforgivable.

Oh, and celtic? We're watching you. The death of rangers means the death of whataboutery. So play nice, OK?

Are the fans of the gruesome twosome really surprised that the majority of Scottish football fans hate what the Ugly Sisters represent. Years of disgraceful bigotry and treating other clubs with disdain in terms of asset stripping for peanuts, often to see the players acquired sit on the bench, have led to this. We have an unprecedented opportunity to move the Scottish game in the right direction.

Has anyone listened to this

PODCAST: Rangers newco face SPL wilderness


How these OF apologists are too frightened to accept that the fault lines in the Scottish game are due to the In-firm is beyond me.

To continue to suggest that the game will suffer if Rangers are punished appropriately is as factually inaccurate as it is ridiculous.

Rangers will shortly not exist. Fact. Sevco 5088 may apply for SFL membership as the door to the SPL will be closed. They must start at the bottom as it makes a mockery of fairness and sporting integrity for them to start anywhere else. If the game is re-organised into SPL 1 & 2, Sevco 5088 must not be allowed to join. Simples.

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Probably the most important meeting they've EVER had, and all they can cobble together is "nothing decided" ?

Obviously waiting to see if ZombieNewcorpse can meet Friday's deadline.

Even now, inertia rules at the SFA / Banana Republic.

well they dont have to make any decisions yet

the transfer of share has not been denied/withdrawn yet

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Dingwall is half-right in what he says. I want Rangers gotten to fuck due to hatred, but most importanly, due to the integrity of football in this country.

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Rangers team list at present:

Allan McGonner

Tata Papac

Free Wallace

Dorin Gone

Adios Bocanegra

Steven Whitcontract

Release McCabe

Gone Aluko

Leave Davis

Steven Naicontract

Solong Kerkhar

Jamie Less

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