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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Reading Dingwalls comments and those of Sevco fans in general i don't get this attitude of going to division 3 will mean them coming back in a stronger position!

Do they understand the massive hit in sponsorship and match day income they will take working through the divisions? Even after all that's gone on there still seems to be an arrogance and assumption that because it's 'The Rangers' everything is going to be alright.

I'm pretty sure it was this same head in the sand displayed when they were told problems were afoot at Ibrox.

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Do/can they satisfy any of the guidelines then??????

Is it really that attractive to have the Sevco hoardes descending on SFL3 grounds, no doubt incurring increased costs through being all ticket and increased police bills? For only one season.

How much will they really make 'on the day'?

I don't know the guidelines personally, but I'd imagine the thousands of fans they'll bring compared (bigotry, vermin, vile blah blah blah) to a couple of hundred at most will sway their thinking somewhat. And why shouldn't it?

In fact, haven't some of the other eligible teams said that they won't even bother applying as they themselves recognise that Rangers could offer more to the league than them?

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There aren't actually any criteria at all for SFL in terms of ground, accounts, etc. ... the rules just demand some fee payments, and the obtainment of SFA membership. We're told that the 3yrs accounts thing from SFA is discretionary. And a Bronze license isn't yet mandatory for SFL3. Anything else is whatever SFL put together as criteria "from time to time" or something like that.

Tbf, that's exactly what 11 of 27 eligible voting clubs did in 2002 when faced with the final stage ballot between "Airdrie United" and Gretna FC (having already eliminated 3 EOS + 2 HFL clubs in earlier stages), so it's clear why a great many people imagine Rangers in a similar scenario could have a good chance.

The SFA membership bit covers those though ground accounts etc, SPL as it stands you don't need to be in the SFA but for SFL you do so they have to meet thecriteria for SFA for the SFL. SFL can vote to changetheir rulesif a big enough majority in favour .

Edited by Bloomogganners
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That'll be fcuking right! We'll need a 'big hoose' to host everyone... Jelly, ice cream and parlour games.... pinning the tail on the cockwomble, etc.

Don't try to get out of it. I distinctly remember you posting that you were hosting the wake and there would be free beer.

I'll probably be able to find the post as you only have a few on this thread. :lol:

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Are the fans of the gruesome twosome really surprised that the majority of Scottish football fans hate what the Ugly Sisters represent. Years of disgraceful bigotry and treating other clubs with disdain in terms of asset stripping for peanuts, often to see the players acquired sit on the bench, have led to this. We have an unprecedented opportunity to move the Scottish game in the right direction.

Has anyone listened to this

PODCAST: Rangers newco face SPL wilderness


How these OF apologists are too frightened to accept that the fault lines in the Scottish game are due to the In-firm is beyond me.

To continue to suggest that the game will suffer if Rangers are punished appropriately is as factually inaccurate as it is ridiculous.

Rangers will shortly not exist. Fact. Sevco 5088 may apply for SFL membership as the door to the SPL will be closed. They must start at the bottom as it makes a mockery of fairness and sporting integrity for them to start anywhere else. If the game is re-organised into SPL 1 & 2, Sevco 5088 must not be allowed to join. Simples.

just imagine if they actually found out the World isn't flat ! tongue.gif

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Do/can they satisfy any of the guidelines then??????

They'd meet as many basics as Airdrie United did in 2002... they were also a start-up.

When it comes down to it, all you need to play in the Third Division is a suitably enclosed ground with 500 seats and floodlight (although, again, this isn't actually specified in any rules). Everything else is a subjective judgement whether via guidelines or voters' heads... how credible are the finances, how deserving the case, what standard will they obtain, what'll they bring to the league, etc.

Of course applying is one thing, deserving to win the vote is another.

The SFA membership bit covers those though ground accounts etc, SPL as it stands you don't need to be in the SFA but for SFL you do so they have to meet thecriteria for SFA for the SFL. SFL can vote to changetheir rulesif a big enough majority in favour .

You don't need a License to play in SFL. There's current SFL clubs without licenses, and the 3yrs accounts are supposedly 'discretionary' as opposed to 100% mandatory (infact much of it probably has that theoretical get-out).

Edited by HibeeJibee
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Don't try to get out of it. I distinctly remember you posting that you were hosting the wake and there would be free beer.

I'll probably be able to find the post as you only have a few on this thread. :lol:

Yeh I remember too.....was going to bring my Golf Clubs so we could have a round the next day.........its still ok for me to crash on your sofa , Poz ?! biggrin.gif

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Why is this thread still in the "SPL General Chatter" Forum, surely about time to have it removed, question is, where to put it, I suppose we could have a Forum of its own, - the Limbo Forum for example

Too tarrier sounding, imo.

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The SFA membership bit covers those though ground accounts etc, SPL as it stands you don't need to be in the SFA but for SFL you do so they have to meet thecriteria for SFA for the SFL. SFL can vote to changetheir rulesif a big enough majority in favour .

That's incorrect. As the governing body, the SFA issues licences to both SPL and SFL allowing their Clubs to play in Scotland. If this wasn't the case, how could the SFA have placed a transfer embargo on Rangers? :)

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Reading Dingwalls comments and those of Sevco fans in general i don't get this attitude of going to division 3 will mean them coming back in a stronger position!

Do they understand the massive hit in sponsorship and match day income they will take working through the divisions? Even after all that's gone on there still seems to be an arrogance and assumption that because it's 'The Rangers' everything is going to be alright.

I'm pretty sure it was this same head in the sand displayed when they were told problems were afoot at Ibrox.

Dingwall is clearly seething. Got to love his "hell mend you all now; and we'll be back stronger than ever" battle cry -- exactly the arrogant, superior, bullish attitude that turned the whole nation against them in the first place. They just don't get it, they'll never learn.

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As a general rule, we don't have paymasters and baying mobs to placate with a daily dose of Goebbelsisms.

One of the interesting asides to all of this has been looking at the official Oldco website to see the "News". They have a guy there called Andrew Dickson who writes content for the website news in straight tabloid-ese, in places written in a weird third person tense, which I've now seen is cut and pasted by many news organisations, particularly the online ones.

So in some cases, the media don't even need to write anything in order to insert a filler piece, they just lift it straight. Not sure if Celtic do the same thing.

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Can Serco 5088 seriously apply for a place in SFL if they are in Administration ?! tongue.gifcool.gif

Apply for what - there isn't a vacancy yet, the SPL have not as far as I know made any offer of a place to any other team to fill the vacant place left due to the demise of Rangers, and from what I have read in other forums there may be a legal battle to see whether Dunfermline or Dundee take up any place when it becomes available. Only then can the SFL accept applications for a place in their divisions. Witht eh start of the season fast approacing they all better get their collective skates on to avoid chaos at the start of the season.

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Bradford Bulls have gone into administration today and are saying they could be liquidated in 10 days. They can't bring in much money by selling players, and they say the prospect isn't looking good.

I wonder if Haudit and Daudit are available for another gig?

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More comedy gold from Ranger Media:

<h3 style="margin: 0px; padding: 8px; font-size: 1.1em; color: rgb(29, 54, 82); background-color: rgb(229, 236, 243); ">Questions for Charles Green?

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  • Richard Gough
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Posted 19 June 2012 - 11:08 PM

someone ask him what skool he went to.

games a bogey if hes a tarrier

<br class="Apple-interchange-newline">

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The SPL clubs have kicked them out because of money - they fear long-term they'll lose their fans die if they let them back in - and the SFL will use money to make their decision too. The SFL could help out the SPL (if the Sky one season away thing is true) by dropping them into the First but why should they? If they go down to the Third 80-90 per cent of SFL clubs will get at least two visits from Rangers and there will be the wet dream of a three-year television deal which can be spread around everyone - and at the budget several of these clubs work on you only need a small amount to make a massive difference. If the SFL wants to let them into the First, of course some jiggery pokery can be done but it will take an almighty bribe from the SPL to get it. A share of the current television deal and another promotion spot would seem the absolute minimum they should be looking to get and given the soon to be state of the SPL clubs, I'm not convinced they'll be willing to stump up. In that case the SFL as a whole stands to gain a lot more with Rangers going into the Third Division than falling over themselves to help the very SPL which was set up to shaft them in the first place.

Totally agree with this. Put them in SFL1 then a small % of clubs will play them twice. Put them in SFL3 nearly all the clubs will play twice, and they'll get some sort of TV deal for the whole time they're there. It would seem commercially stupid to put them in SFL1 from the perspective of SFL clubs.

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