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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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There is a distinct possibility, with only 31 days from the Newco vote until the season kicks off, that the SPL could very well stick with 11 teams. The rules don't state clearly who should be the 12th team, and there's not enough time for any legal wrangles between Dunfermline and Dundee. If this is the case, there would be no place in the SFL for Servile-scumCo 5088 at all...

I wonder what chaos would lie ahead with regards to promotion / relegation. Surely this would give the following options:

1) Every one of the 2012/13 SPL teams is guaranteed safety this season, making the league a joke when you thought self-preservation couldn't get any worse.

2) The team in 11th gets relegated and TWO sides get promoted from SFL1 to make it a league of twelve again in 2013/14, making the upcoming First Division a rather tasty prospect.

... or am I having a dim moment and there's another way around this? unsure.gif

Edited by Hedgecutter
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So it does matter, surely?

Absolutely. Its totally disingenuous to suggest that club were motivated by direct contact with supporters yet social media (including forums like this) played no part. Without social media there would not have been the groundswell of support, nor the accurate information and analysis so badly missing from the MSM, that resulted in so many emails, letters and phone calls.

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Can I remind you of this.

It's a fair cop. You bring the salt 'n' vinegar quavers, I'll get some beers in. Party time, excellent. We'll need to watch re-runs of the 1987 cup final though, pausing the video at the appropriate moment where Kevin Gallacher was clearly 100 yards offside at United's 'goal'.


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There is a distinct possibility, with only 31 days from the Newco vote until the season kicks off, that the SPL could very well stick with 11 teams. The rules don't state clearly who should be the 12th team, and there's not enough time for any legal wrangles between Dunfermline and Dundee. If this is the case, there would be no place in the SFL for Servile-scumCo 5088 at all...

That'll do me.

But would clubs not lose revenue as a result? And some clubs might go bust without it.

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Why are so many Motherwell supporters on here thick as f**k?

SFL3 clubs dread a home cup tie against the of and would much rather play Spartans or Cove etc? Is this what I'm not grasping cos I always thought they were seen as a much needed cash cow with juicy udders that could give clubs enough money to see then through a season or two?

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That'll do me.

But would clubs not lose revenue as a result? And some clubs might go bust without it.

Plus 'Top 6 - Bottom 5' or 'Top 5 - Bottom 6'? Someone's going to get some extra games unless the split gets chucked.


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Is this what I'm not grasping cos I always thought they were seen as a much needed cash cow with juicy udders that could give clubs enough money to see then through a season or two?

Are you also not grasping that this is a bit of a different situation than getting Rangers in a cup?

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Oh, and celtic? We're watching you. The death of rangers means the death of whataboutery. So play nice, OK?

I had exactly the same thought today as it happens. This isn't just good for football, if it helps play a part in ridding our country of sectarianism and religious bigotry it will be the most significant event for our society in the last 50 years and is far more important than so-called independence.

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A few weeks ago I predicted the SPL vote would likely be 11-1 No, as once it became clear it was going to be No, the other clubs would be mad not to follow suit. It seems certain it will be no worse than 10-2. So, I'll get my crystal ball out again (they can't touch you for it) and predict that the SFL vote, if it comes to it, will be something like 25-5 or 26-4 No. I hope to be wrong and it's 30-0.

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The saddest thing about this whole debacle is that Rangers - their fans and previous owners - could easily have saved themselves by uttering one simple word. 'Sorry'.

It seems sorry really is the hardest word to say.

Had they held their hands up, apologised, canvassed the supporters of the other clubs they have cheated and bullied for years and promised to turn over a new leaf given a chance I'm sure humanity would have taken over and they would have been spared. In times of trouble you would like to think the 'best of you' appears. Unfortunately for Rangers case the opposite happened. The worst of Rangers Football Club appeared.

The threats, the 'Bully Boy' tactics, the utterly flabbergasting sense of self importance and self righteousness have caused their own downfall. Too big too fail? Nope, it's just nobody likes you enough to bother to save you and that's your own doing.

They always say, you better be nice to people on the way up.....you'll meet them on the way down again.

Bernie Taupin could have written these words for this very situation.

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Plus 'Top 6 - Bottom 5' or 'Top 5 - Bottom 6'? Someone's going to get some extra games unless the split gets chucked.


Chuck the split then - 11 teams - play each other 4 times - 40 games - 1 extra home game to make up for no Orcs.

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David Longmuir is a prize dumpling. He is looking for clarity!!!!!

Sorry David. You are the leader of the organisation (SFL) and you should be providing the clarity by stating here and now that the current rules do not allow a newco to be introduced into the set-up anywhere other than SFL 3. End of. All the blustering leads us to believe that you are looking for a way to pander to the pro OF lobby. You are a disgrace. His statement today is even stranger considering he said this 2 weeks ago,

“It would be a newco scenario and the only way we could accommodate any new application would be to create a gap in the Third Division through the play-offs with teams shuffling up,” said Longmuir

“We would then judge every case on its own merits. There would be no provision for any newco Rangers to go into the First Division rather than the Third Division.”

No to Newco in the SPL. If you want to re-organise the leagues (which is possibly in the better interests of the game, do that but aim for the start of season 2013 - 14 and get it right. Do not rush the job and create a monster because you are bending over backwards to save the blue half of the shame of Scottish Football.

Edited by Geefoxer
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I wonder what chaos would lie ahead with regards to promotion / relegation. Surely this would give the following options:

1) Every one of the 2012/13 SPL teams is guaranteed safety this season, making the league a joke when you thought self-preservation couldn't get any worse.

2) The team in 11th gets relegated and TWO sides get promoted from SFL1 to make it a league of twelve again in 2013/14, making the upcoming First Division a rather tasty prospect.

... or am I having a dim moment and there's another way around this? unsure.gif

First Division champions go up, playoff between 2nd and SPL 11th?

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