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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I don't particularly want to see the whole club killed. A new start in division three seems reasonable to me. I think they'd get the votes for entry at that level, and probably steamroller the leagues on the way up, but it would provide a clean slate and a chance for the club to remove itself from the vile bigotry that accompanies it.

Serious question SH, have you been to any Rangers games?

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Poz, just checked your profile - 1630 and excellent. I'm 97 and also excellent. I don't feel worthy of sharing the same adjective. Could Div not come up with another category. Super Excellent maybe or Majestic maybe.

I just want dibs on that free booze!

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From todays Daily Record -

It just looks increasingly like Green is playing some sort of end game that does not require an actual Football Club.... What is he playing at??

Yesterday morning the Ibrox club trumpeted the news that Lee Wallace has pledged to stick it out and will report for pre-season training as scheduled.

Lee McCulloch will also pledge his future to the Ibrox club with Romanian Dorin Goian, too, coming back.

But last night it was clear they will be in the minority.

Davis and McGregor are believed to have been infuriated by Green’s stubborn refusal to communicate with the squad or answer questions about his plans for the future. We have also learned the players were outraged to learn on June 14 Green had, in fact, transferred all contracts without informing them, their agents or the SPFA.

This is now being probed by lawyers who believe the club was in breach of employment law.

It is also being claimed by sources close to the players that the situation is being made even more complicated by the club’s refusal to enter into negotiations to strike flexible agreements.

One source said: “There are some players who would be willing to move over to the newco so long as the worst-case scenario next season is playing for Rangers in the First Division.

“But if the club finds itself in the Third Division they would wish to reconsider. But no one at the club is making any effort to talk to them.”

It’s understood Fleck spent yesterday attempting to contact the club’s management but his calls were not returned.

By teatime frustrated Fleck was on the verge of throwing in the towel and could be among a final raft of players to snub Green today.

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:) <- was just a marker until I found this back on page seven hundred and odd.


A long long time ago

I can still remember how

Those songs used to make my skin crawl

And I knew if I had my chance

That I could end ra people's dance

And maybe I'd be happy with it all

But February made me shiver

With every paper I'd deliver

Good news on the doorstep

I couldn't take one more step

I can't remember if I sighed

When I read about the death of their pride

But something touched me deep inside

The day the Rangurs died


Bye, bye Fat Ally's Pie

Tried to sign Cousin but the kitty was dry

Them good ole boys were drinking whiskey in Rye

Singin' this'll be the day the scum die

This'll be the day the scum die

Did you write the songs of hate

Before they locked Ibrox's gate

Because the lodge told you so?

Now do you believe in karma ho?

Can BK save your mortal soul?

And can you teach me how to die real slow?

Well, I know that you're all bigots loads

Cause I saw you marchin' through the roads

In your sahses and in your shoes

Man, I dig those death throw blues

I was a lonely teenage broncin' buck

The Rangurs are dead and I don't give a f**k

But I knew we coudn't get much more luck

The day the Rangurs died

I started singin'

Bye, bye Fat Ally's Pie

Tried to sign Cousin but the kitty was dry

Them good ole boys were drinking whiskey in Rye

Singin' this'll be the day the scum die

This'll be the day the scum die

Did you write the songs of hate

Before they locked Ibrox's gate

Because the lodge told you so?

Now do you believe in karma ho?

Can BK save your mortal soul?

And can you teach me how to die real slow?

Now, for ten years they've been paid in loans

And Ally grows fat on chewin' a bone

But, that's exactly why we used to moan

When the scum they sang for the king and queen

With faces that were never clean

And in a voice that diss'ed you and me

Oh and while the Queen was reading faxes

The scum they came and stole her taxes

The courtroom was adjourned

No verdict was returned

And while Duff and Phelps read a book on tax

Thier under 18s were fielded on the park

And we sang dirges in the dark

The day the Rangurs died

We were singin'

Bye, bye Fat Ally's Pie

Tried to sign Cousin but the kitty was dry

Them good ole boys were drinking whiskey in Rye

Singin' this'll be the day the scum die

This'll be the day the scum die

Did you write the songs of hate

Before they locked Ibrox's gate

If the lodge tells you so?

Now do you believe in karma ho?

Can BK save your mortal soul?

And can you teach me how to die real slow?

It's a bit rushed, and a work in progress but:

Feel free to mix it up with mine if you can find anything worth using in it. I am liking your chorus.

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.... except we know that won't happen. IF Sevco 5088 enter Div 3, that means they'll have a team, a stadium, an infrastructure... and a cause. It'll be WATP x 1000.... and IF they reached the SPL again, boy, that first game at Pittodrie will be fun.

It'll be worse than now. Their bombast and superiority WATP complex, never mind the Billy Boy pish, would be in hyper-drive.

Doing a 'Third Lanark' would be the best thing for Scottish society, not just Scottish football.

I'm beginning to come round to this way of thinking.......their fans (the vast majority) complete and utter lack of humility and scatter gun method of apportioning blame at everyone bar the owners of their Club convinces me that their WATP vitriol with be turned up to 11 if/when they return to the SPL.

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Poz, just checked your profile - 1630 and excellent. I'm 97 and also excellent. I don't feel worthy of sharing the same adjective. Could Div not come up with another category. Super Excellent maybe or Majestic maybe.

I just want dibs on that free booze!

I keep telling Granny Danger, you'll get no free booze out of a Paisley Buddie like me! We're worse than Aberdonians.

I don't think the green dot count reflects on me particularly... Most of it probably down to the Doncaster cockwomble image!

Are they no' deid' yet?

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Poz, just checked your profile - 1630 and excellent. I'm 97 and also excellent. I don't feel worthy of sharing the same adjective. Could Div not come up with another category. Super Excellent maybe or Majestic maybe.

I just want dibs on that free booze!

I think the categorisation should be “f**k all better to do”. :P

(I know pot, kettle black) :ph34r:

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What end of the pantomime horses is this ?

I wonder who is next in line to ride to the rescue

Old Lizzie Sachs Coburg Windsor.

Dick Advocaat and Paul Le Guen

I thought book tokens were the gift that just keeps giving

Is this story just going round in circles ?

No fair on Paul le Guen.

He actually tried to get them playing football but they didn't like it.

He 'lost the dressing room', no surprise there. He's probably a tarrier.

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I don't particularly want to see the whole club killed. A new start in division three seems reasonable to me. I think they'd get the votes for entry at that level, and probably steamroller the leagues on the way up, but it would provide a clean slate and a chance for the club to remove itself from the vile bigotry that accompanies it.

I'm trying to take the whole Rangers baggage aside and think of them like any other club (difficult, I know). If this was Queens Park who'd been liquidated (tricky for an amateur club with few enemies if any, but hey), would we be saying:

1) "Well, there's another Glasgow club who've got a lot of history behind them plus a world class 5-star stadium - we'd better let SevcoQP12 back in."


2) "Queen's Park are sadly gone. They had their time and now it's time to give another club their shot. A real shame I know, but that's football..." (as the Rangers fans shrug and say nobody will miss Glasgow's pub team)

A no-brainer for me even with a club I admire and so I hope Sevco are wiped from the face of the Earth just like Rangers FC before them.

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To Rangers and Celtic fans.

As a soldier on Call Kaye this morning said in connection with the Queen shaking hands with Martin McGuiness, it's time to move on, it's time to acknowledge past wrongs and move forward.

He is 100% right.

Whatever happens to what was Rangers, now is a chance to look at yourselves and ask is this hatred doing you any good?

What is past is past, as you visit other clubs this season you'll have to put up with some stick. Take it on the chin and in good humour, in time it will pass and if your fans behave then you'll be accepted back into the fold.

Celtic fans, if you drop the political Green Brigade stuff and temper your sense of superiority, then likewise. In time you will be more welcome in towns you visit. is it not a good time to drop the IRA or FTP nonsense and recognize we're all human beings who enjoy watching the sport of football?

And if both clubs would be more welcoming of visitors then more will turn up to make a better atmosphere. TBH, the standard of treatment at Celtic Park and Ibrox is shocking.

It's time to grow up. Some will be beyond saving, but over the course the decent fans can drown them out and it will disappear for good.

Edited by DuntoiRab
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Sky Sports News@SkySportsNewsRangers Chief Executive Charles Green tells #SSN players seeking an exit from Rangers are opportunists. Live at Ibrox throughout the morning

Charles Green laying into folk for being opportunists, eh? rolleyes.gif

To Rangers and Celtic fans...

Take it on the chin and in good humour...

I'd take one more look at who you addressed that post to if I were you.

Edited by Hedgecutter
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So Fleck going and Goian staying today, we should have a sweep on who else will go.

You gotta think Broadfoot will stay, he has a Rangers tattoo on his neck after all - Bocanegra to go today too?

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Interesting how some see going to SFL3 as a good thing to help get rid of the sectarian element at the club.

But for years the club has not only fed off of this but stoked it up, appealling to the knuckle draggers mind numbing stupidity, bile and hatred. Maybe this will subside a little in the lower leagues as the attendances would be less, but can you imagine how much pent up anger and frustration will be felt as they make their way through the leagues to the SPL? The first game against celtic would be a warzone!!!

Nah, let them die. We don't need a civil war.

Right, I'm away for a slash. (two G'n'R references in a row) cool.gif

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Having been on the end of many "no" answers in my time (mostly from women of varying levels of repute), I feel qualified to say that the "no" issued by the Raith Rovers board is as unequivocal as it is glorious.

And it is FUCKING glorious.

Well done the Rovers.

That made me chuckle haha

Well done rovers.

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To Rangers and Celtic fans.

As a soldier on Call Kaye this morning said in connection with the Queen shaking hands with Martin McGuiness, it's time to move on, it's time to acknowledge past wrongs and move forward.

He is 100% right.

Whatever happens to what was Rangers, now is a chance to look at yourselves and ask is this hatred doing you any good?

What is past is past, as you visit other clubs this season you'll have to put up with some stick. Take it on the chin and in good humour, in time it will pass and if your fans behave then you'll be accepted back into the fold.

Celtic fans, if you drop the political Green Brigade stuff and temper your sense of superiority, then likewise. In time you will be more welcome in towns you visit. is it not a good time to drop the IRA or FTP nonsense and recognize we're all human beings who enjoy watching the sport of football?

And if both clubs would be more welcoming of visitors then more will turn up to make a better atmosphere. TBH, the standard of treatment at Celtic Park and Ibrox is shocking.

It's time to grow up. Some will be beyond saving, but over the course the decent fans can drown them out and it will disappear for good.

I applaud the sentiment but during the whole debacle the 'decent' rangers fans, and yes I think they comprise the majority, have been stunningly silent.

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To Rangers and Celtic fans.

As a soldier on Call Kaye this morning said in connection with the Queen shaking hands with Martin McGuiness, it's time to move on, it's time to acknowledge past wrongs and move forward.

He is 100% right.

Whatever happens to what was Rangers, now is a chance to look at yourselves and ask is this hatred doing you any good?

What is past is past, as you visit other clubs this season you'll have to put up with some stick. Take it on the chin and in good humour, in time it will pass and if your fans behave then you'll be accepted back into the fold.

Celtic fans, if you drop the political Green Brigade stuff and temper your sense of superiority, then likewise. In time you will be more welcome in towns you visit. is it not a good time to drop the IRA or FTP nonsense and recognize we're all human beings who enjoy watching the sport of football?

And if both clubs would be more welcoming of visitors then more will turn up to make a better atmosphere. TBH, the standard of treatment at Celtic Park and Ibrox is shocking.

It's time to grow up. Some will be beyond saving, but over the course the decent fans can drown them out and it will disappear for good.

if only these fuckwits you talk of had the ability to read this ! unsure.gifph34r.giflaugh.gif

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I'm trying to take the whole Rangers baggage aside and think of them like any other club (difficult, I know). If this was Queens Park who'd been liquidated (tricky for an amateur club with few enemies if any, but hey), would we be saying:

1) "Well, there's another Glasgow club who've got a lot of history behind them plus a world class 5-star stadium - we'd better let SevcoQP12 back in."


2) "Queen's Park are sadly gone. They had their time and now it's time to give another club their shot. A real shame I know, but that's football..." (as the Rangers fans shrug and say nobody will miss Glasgow's pub team)

A no-brainer for me even with a club I admire and so I hope Sevco are wiped from the face of the Earth just like Rangers FC before them.


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