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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Except that the "assets" are so tied up with stuff like planning permission etc.

It may well be his plan, but it looks like a shite plan.

One of the rumours going round (think I read it on RTC) is that West of Scotland Rugby club will swap their ground for Murray Park. Green can then sell off their old ground for residential development. Not got the same restrictions as Murray Park and only a few miles apart.

Dont know if it's true but it's a good rumour.

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Pressing concerns

The b*****ds even have the Davis picture appearing to hit big Lee on the face with the ball(because he's committed and said he's staying)...these pictures have been VERY carefully hand picked by these disgusting c***s

FFS :lol: :lol:

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I totally see your take on this.

Except that the "assets" are so tied up with stuff like planning permission etc.

It may well be his plan, but it looks like a shite plan.

Time will tell.

This is better than a good book.

It's interactive entertainment. Hope I can tear myself axay for the game tonight.

What game ?

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Just heard, well done Mr Rae

the fans are being listened to

Well, at least he's consistent! Pleased to hear the news nevertheless.

Not a cat in hell's chance of The Rangers being in the First next season now. Some Third clubs might vote No out of self-interest, and why not.

Plus let's hope the 1964 grudge is still bwing held.

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Bomber Broon just been interviewed ootside Der Ibrox Gates on SSN.

He said nothing different from what was contained in the Sun. In fact, he looked like a trained monkey who had been somehow managed to memorise and 'ape speak' the script of that press release The Super Soaring Scottish Sun printed.


didn't understand any of what he was saying, apart from that he was proud to play for a stadium!!!!!!! 2.15 mins in to the video, that is what he says

was it a pre requisite when signing for Rangers(RIP) that players were absolute fucknuggets, the "spokesmen" that have appeard over the past few months would suggest this was the case

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Just been asked my opinion on the situation by a Sevco-supporting client.

I tried to make it as simple as possible, and said "They owe a lot of people a lot of money, and if they're not going to pay it they shouldn't be allowed to continue in any form".

I was informed. "You're a bigot. It's a different form of bigotry, but you're all disgusting bigots".

The old classic of being a bigot for being against bigots. Bigots say it all the time. Bigots.

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Just been asked my opinion on the situation by a Sevco-supporting client.

I tried to make it as simple as possible, and said "They owe a lot of people a lot of money, and if they're not going to pay it they shouldn't be allowed to continue in any form".

I was informed. "You're a bigot. It's a different form of bigotry, but you're all disgusting bigots".

Says the fan of the club that bought out another Scottish club. Hypocrisy in it's best form.

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Wow - that is taking paranoia to another level. Are you Celtic in disguise?

It gets worse - if you

1) go to the BBC Sport Scotland website

2) download the SPL highlights on the iPlayer and then

3) watch the Rangers games backwards

...all the Bears' goals are disallowed and every single game finishes 0-0!

Are there no depths to which the BBC won't stoop?

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