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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Just lifted this from Orctalk, not sure if I am being whooshed here but does this imbecile mean condescending? Also witty use of random capitals! This is in reply to the Falkirk fans topic.


Despicable ,this is disgusting .

I am sick now of Fans of other Clubs coming on here ,and being Con descendent, and Preaching to us about Sporting Integrity .Enough is enough no more Debating with you's ,Canabilism is alive, and well in Scottish Football.

The Bridges have been Burned.

Now do one ya Twat, and don't Come Back.

We have put our points across to you people, and you have all made your Minds up, and decided to go with what the Corrupt and Unfit for Purpose SFA /SPL Dealt Rangers .

The time will come when you all will be in the position where we are and you will see what it is like when that Day comes.

He's correct about the 'Corrupt and Unfit for Purpose SFA/SPL' at least. It's terrible that they idly sat by and let Rangers destroy Scottish football's integrity without taking swift and decisive action, allowing the whole affair to drag on all summer.

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Rangers Football Club 1872-2012


More than 1000 fans turned up to bid farewell to Rangers Football Club, the somber affair was presided over by the hon. John Brown. An initial verdict of death by misadventure was recorded in the postmortem.

Rangers Football Club (140) is survived by it's brother Celtic.

Looks like the cover of a George Romero DVD - Dawn of the Ned

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And to add... I liked when he was talking about winning the lower leagues...

If other teams spend 150k, we'll spend 250k to win the 3rd... If the budgets in the first are 500k, we'll spend 650k on wages...

Now forgive me if I'm wrong, but it's that sort of disregard that got them in this mess.

Wondering how Brown works 250k to win Division 3. McCulloch and Wallace alone are currently on 16k and 10k weekly.Is Brown hoping they will play for a few hundred quid a week.

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OMG. Has he got some sort of mental instability? Was he drugged up? Was he pished? Does he actually believe that crap he just spouted? Would you

trust a man who swears on his Grandsons life?

If i was putting in £10m id bloody well hope ive got more say in the running of the club than someone putting in a grand.

Surely, even the most ardent Gers fan wouldnt blindly put £500 into a fund every year till theres enough to buy a stadium.

If he wants to know who owns the stadium why doesnt he just ask the land registray?

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This thread has often been viewed in slack-jawed amazement - it really has been compelling viewing, and will doubltless be the subject of many MBA Case Studies! I thought of starting at the beginning of the thread again - and just jotting down all the key events and dates over the last few months, but I don't know where I would find the time!

What I'm hoping for is the next episode of "The Men Who Sold the Jerseys"!! - I imagine it will be an episodic tale of corruption, cheating, bigotry, abuse etc etc - and could be syndicated world-wide (you could make a fortune).

So I'm just going to be lazy and continue to sit back with my bottle of Irn Bru and Big Mac and watch the final death throes of the Institution. Honestly, I don't think there's an institution in the world big enough to contain the demented hordes that'll be pounding the streets on the day of the wake!

Edited by Rusty 218
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I think the fact the end is nigh has dawned on most of them and only the most deluded can see any future for the light blues. The last hurrah was John Brown last night with his rallying call. If he honestly thinks folk are gonna give him £500 to put into a fund, in the middle of the worst economic crisis the world has ever know, then he is, quite frankly,.................................. aff his fecking trolley.

If the wages havent been paid today and no application made to the offices of the SFA made tomorrow then its fair to say Scotlands Shame is finally over.

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I'm not Scottish, have no allegiance to any SPL/SFL team but have been, keenly, following the events in this case because HMRC are clearly using this as a test of just how far they can go, when dealing with companies in administration or liquidation, to maximise revenues reclaimed/realised.

So, ignoring all of the emotive issues, the most important points (in my eyes) are that there are now investigations being carried out into the conduct of past employees/directors of Rangers FC and Duff and Phelps.

Now, if those investigations find that anything untoward existed in D&P's appointment OR in their subsequent actions then every decision they took can be reversed/unravelled, including the sale of RFC assets.

From where I sit, their conduct does appear to be questionable in a number of areas and so that scenario is, I think, a distinct possibility if those actions are, also, shown to be illegal or not having been in accordance with their responsibilities. .

This would mean that Sevco 2088 and Sevco Scotland or any other company would have to return them (including TUPE transfers) and the whole process would then start again BUT with the disposal being carried out by a court appointed agent.

I think this story still has a long way to go, before the final chapter is written, which would make it appear increasingly unlikely that Rangers (under whatever name) will be playing in any league next season.

Why would the SFL be prepared to admit an entity when the, actual legality of it is being, actively, investigated and could, consequently, cease to exist at any time?

Edited by Laeotaekhun
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Sorry if already posted but sadly just found our vice chairman's comments on his feeling on sevco in the first division.mad.gif

"The current educated speculation is that a newcoRangers may be relegated to Division 1 and this can only be good news for a club like Cowdenbeath. We would relish two trips to Ibrox plus two all-ticket games at Central Park. We would also be looking for two full houses against old rivals Dunfermline who we open the season against at Central Park.''

As a Cowden fan in exile I am deeply saddened by John Lints comments. If the club vote for newco rangers to enter the first Division (not relegated as Mr Lints suggests as Rangers are deid) sadly I will never watch the team again. This decision I do not take lightly. From being a ballboy going through the agony of missing out on promotion v Queens Park in 79 ish, the sheer joy of days like winning promotions and leagues v alloa, brechin, elgin etc. These days are some of my best days on this earth, however, selling sporting integrity for 30 pieces of silver is inexcusable.

Never thought I'd see the day when I felt ashamed of the club I have loved since I was a boy. Even in the likely event of the newco losing the vote but Cowden vote yes the club will be dead to me. Therefore the brothers grim can go ahead sell the club to sevco/newco whatever they are and be exaulted as heroes by the Bigot Brothers as keeping the vile traditions of sectarianism alive and well.

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Wouldnt worry about it too much as they are finished and no got tuppence tae rub the gether let alone enough tae buy a club.

our owners have no interest in the club just the ground hence we are homless at the end of coming season sad.gif

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Am i missing the point here?

The players and i mean those that was getting paid by Glasgow Rangers will not be paid because that company is in liquidation.

Now the 3 players that have signed up for Newco company will get paid along with staff that work at Sevco, is that right or has Green come out with a statement saying all players in the old company will be paid regardless if they signed for sevco?

Green transferred all the contracts over without asking did he not? If he has a chance in the promised litigation against those who have walked, surely he must pay them today?

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