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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Masterstroke in the sense that they have their fans swallowing bullshit whilst hoping to f**k that the club get what they really want?

Not sure why it matters either way? Celtic haven't made a statement and any fan can believe what he or she wants. Won't change the outcome in any way what-so-ever.

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Third Lanark's derby rival was Queen's Park, who probably gained a few supporters from their demise (by then it should be remembered that Queen's Park's support was down to a trickle). Aside from a short period during Third Lanark's championship year when relations were strained over the move to the 3rd Cathkin Park (what had been the second Hampden!), relations between the two were always excellent - Queen's Park supporter Bob Crampsey used to write for their programmes and annual review.. Back in the early years of football, the Hi Hi were often one of the two sides that accompanied the Spiders on their exhibition tours to spread the game across Scotland (the other being Vale Of Leven).

Cheers Waffen for the info and nice to know relations between rivals were on a friendly basis not like some rivals of today's modern game.

I've been to Cathkin Park on many occasions walking my dog and standing at the top of the stands looking down thinking "this place was full of fans a some point shouting on their team to win" and goes to show how lucky the orcs are to have the powers that be bending over backwards to have these fcukers newco team play in the leagues in some other form or other.Third Lanark's debt when folding £40,000 ! Rangers £100 million plus and rising each day :blink: and they seem to think they have the right to come back to be dominating the leagues again :unsure: SHOCKING.

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agree just cause the SPL head guys say no should not mean we don't keep on it,

your last point though, seems things are looking up Kirk Broadfoot has said he is staying

:lol: the dirty dozen is taking shape. They cam maybe do a world tour of world wide hotspots until someone let's them in out of the cold. I'd send them to Syria first..

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http://sport.stv.tv/ ...-rangers-plans/

SPL threaten breakaway second tier if clubs do not agree to Rangers plans.

Wow. Well. That is pathetic.

That is disgusting, if true.

I really hope that it's just Cockwomble spouting unfounded nonsense in the hope of bullying the diddies into following his plan for "expansion of the brand".

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STV Sport@STVSport SFL clubs have been threatened that SPL will form breakaway SPL2 if they do not agree to plans to put Rangers in Div 1 http://bit.ly/MBgpnt

Fucking disgraceful behaviour by the SPL clubs, if this is indeed true. If true, this really is 'final nail' stuff.

Totally with you on that front......disgraceful.

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You can fcuk right off with this one Cockwomble:

The Scottish Premier League could form a breakaway second tier if plans to put Rangers in the First Division are not approved by clubs.

STV understands a number of sides in the Scottish Football League have been warned they face being cut adrift from the top tier if they do not agree to proposals for league reconstruction.

Plans emerged on Thursday which would see the merger of both the SPL and SFL, the introduction of play-offs and a change to financial distribution between clubs in the top two tiers.

Central to the suggestions is the SPL finding means to relegate Rangers from their league, meaning they would play First Division football next season as a new company.

If they do not gain the approval of clubs, it is understood the long-mooted SPL2 could be created, with the ten SFL First Division sides invited to join.

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:lol: the dirty dozen is taking shape. They cam maybe do a world tour of world wide hotspots until someone let's them in out of the cold. I'd send them to Syria first..

Seems apt since Syria got kicked oot The Arab League..........common backgrounds

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This is completely outrageous behaviour.

I am embarrassed to support an SPL club the way things are going on, we're simply palming off the problem to keep our Sky money, keep things sweet and then threatening to freeze others out of an SPL 2 is nonsense.

The shouting about voting no to appease fans was only done with this in mind where they knew revenue would continue on, hence clubs signing players still. This nonsense needs to stop now, Rangers should apply to enter D3, start at the bottom of the league system and an end can be put to it.

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Putting the squeeze of the diddies to vote the way the SPL wants? Surely this is now a case for UEFA? How can a governing league body tell clubs "if you don't vote the way we want you to then you are no longer welcome"? They aren't even bothering to pretend that they aren't corrupt if this is true. It's time we told the SPL to stick their league up their arse and all joined the SFL again.

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STV Sport@STVSport SFL clubs have been threatened that SPL will form breakaway SPL2 if they do not agree to plans to put Rangers in Div 1 http://bit.ly/MBgpnt

Fucking disgraceful behaviour by the SPL clubs, if this is indeed true. If true, this really is 'final nail' stuff.

Yep, toys out of the pram time indeed!!! Don't play nice to help Ra Pepul out and we'll form our own league. I find it difficult to believe that the majority of SPL chairmen, after how the fans feel has been made clear enough to them for them to refuse Rangers re-application to the SPL, would actually think that this kind of threat is acceptable. If so, then sod them all!

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The very fact this is even being considered surely shows there are critical issues at certain clubs. Motherwell have said they may go into Administration without the money brought in by The Rangers.

Rangers supporters i know believe now it is the SFL 3 and are disgusted the champions of Sporting integrity would even consider this.

To claim there are no critical issues at quite a few other clubs smacks of head firmly in the sand

No8, as usual you speak much sense. If the outcome of all this is that some teams have to cut their cloth accordingly then so be it. When my father started taking me to football (in my pram I may add) all these ludicrous salaries, inflated gate prices beyond what the common man could comfortably afford, and the rest didn't exist.

It's more fun going to smaller grounds and meeting real supporters than it is getting herded about in the SPL. For many years I watched a SPL team home and away (non-OF I must make clear) and never had so much fun as the several seasons they spent in D1. Sadly, age and disability stops me continuing to watch that club and although I list PTFC as my club this will be my first season as a full-time supporter (although I've gone for many years with Thistle-supporting mates when the opportunity arose).

If restructuring Scottish football for the benefit of the people means some clubs have to make huge cutbacks so be it. A fair game played by part-time players and with honest crowds or full-time sides with over-priced "stars", inflated prices, and knuckle-dragging hangers-on? What would be your choice?

APOLOGY: I think I've just posted something sensible. I must be drunk.

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