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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Sorry if it has already been posted, but thought Alex Thomson blog tonight on this is one of his best yet,


One of the things I have enjoyed about his musings, is having the opinion of someone on the relative outside looking in

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Falkirk, Dunfermline,Raith Rovers, Morton, Peterhead, Annan are all definate No votes for Newco in the SFL 1 is there anyone I have missed out.

Longmuir really needs to see that when three of the larger clubs in the 1st are lining up together he is flogging a dead donkey.

Alloa have just posted on the official website that they are seeking fans views. If the replies on the Duffle are anything to go by then it will be a definite no. Also don't think our chairman has any great love for the team formerly known as Rangers.

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Sorry if it has already been posted, but thought Alex Thomson blog tonight on this is one of his best yet,


One of the things I have enjoyed about his musings, is having the opinion of someone on the relative outside looking in

He should be the voice of us fans to be honest. Seems a bright fellow who's dissected this story inside out. Go Alex T!

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Anyone else think that Doncaster's latest ploy is just a f**k you as he knows he's heading out of Scotland with a cloud hanging over his head. I think it's a combination of the following:

1. After months of working on league reconstruction his plans were kicked into touch. Fail.

2. After trying to keep Rangers in the SPL the fans made clear it was not going to happen. Fail.

3. As a result of the above, and the growth of social media, he has become the biggest joke figure in Scottish football ever, EVER. He must visit sites like this, he must know he is call Cockwomble, he has seen the stupidest picture of him continually reused, he has seen his picture integrated into the most unflattering images. Fail

and to top it all

4. When this whole charade is over there is going to be the biggest, f**k off party at Poz's house with free beer and he knows, he just knows, his invite will be lost in the post.

He is a broken man and we are suffering the death throws.


Could he be even more despised than Traytor?

Traytor wind up peoples for a living. Doncaster destroys football associations.

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Livingston will be a No as they're still bitching and whining about their demotion to the Third. Stirling Albion will have to take account of their fans, so that'll be a No too. As far as I see it the game is up for this shite piece of brinkmanship.

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Anyone else think that Doncaster's latest ploy is just a f**k you as he knows he's heading out of Scotland with a cloud hanging over his head. ........

He is a broken man and we are suffering the death throws.

Fingers crossed. :thumsup2

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Sent to SFA

Dear Sirs/Madams

Could I just remind you of the most important value of UEFA from its Eleven Points:

In everything that we do, football must always be the first and most important element that we take into consideration. Football is a game before being a product, a sport before being a market, a show before being a business.

When does an inducement as put out by the SPL become a breach of the Bribery Act 2010? Speaking as a fan ( Dundee FC) that is what this plan amounts to, intimidation laced with open bribery. Seldom in my life have I been ashamed to call my self Scottish but the actions shown by those running football in this country have however shamed football, shamed the country and above all else has shown complete disregard for the opinions of your customers, namely me and fellow football fans.

It also shows complete disregard for your own objects as to why you were established in the first place as laid out in 3 (2) of your Memorandum of Association.

May I suggest you read 1 Timothy 6:10:

"For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows."

In the case of Scottish football never has a truer word been spoken.

I regret to inform you that if this proposal goes forward then I will turn my back on Scottish football which is not something I want to do but principals and integrity are paramount, everyone has their own line in the sand, with me this has crossed.

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Guest Kincardine

Sorry if it has already been posted, but thought Alex Thomson blog tonight on this is one of his best yet,


One of the things I have enjoyed about his musings, is having the opinion of someone on the relative outside looking in

I think Thomson's conclusion is one that most on here will agree with:

"It should all be about real change, real opportunities for clubs who are not toxic and for Rangers to have the chance – genuinely, credibly, cleanly – to put this behind them, do their time and come good as they surely will, with any deserved bragging rights earned the hard way in coming years."

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While I'm not normally the type of person to write to people to complain (and one that didn't during the initial phase of Newco protest) I finally felt I had to contribute my tuppence, and sent the following e-mail to the SFA, SPL and SFL accordingly:

For the attention of Messrs Doncaster, Longmuir & Regan,

Throughout the Rangers debacle, I have tried to remain objective. As a Ross County fan, I was in the unique position where my pride and excitement for the new experience of competing at the top level of Scottish Football held me back from criticising my club and with-holding my Corporate Sponshorship/Hospitality payments. The protests against the Newco/SPL vote, although I supported, I did not take part in. I appreciated the unique and difficult circumstances my club was placed in due to this scenario, and trusted in my chairman and other clubs to do the right thing. A large contingent of our support felt the same way at the time. Fortunately, either down to genuine morals, or down to fan pressure the concept of Sevco immediately entering the SPL seems destined to fail.

With that been said, the latest developments with regards to parachuting the new entity which will represent the old "Rangers" directly into the second tier (be that SFL1 or SPL2) have drastically changed my thinking. The thought that my club could be complicit in the abhorent blackmailing of SFL clubs both disgusts and infuriates me. I fear that my long term loyalty to the sport is being questioned here, and my personal turmoil with the situation has led me to question whether I should continue to support a game which is quite clearly rigged in favour of a select few. If the proposals as reported go ahead, then battle lines will have been drawn, and I fully expect that the fans' threats of walking away from football altogether will come to fruition. Personally, I will also rethink my contributions to my club, along with my ongoing my membership to the Scotland Supporters Club.

As custodians of our national sport, sirs, you have a duty to act in the best interests of Scottish football. These latest plans are nothing more than a poor charade to cover the self serving interests of preserving one cheating (and dare I say deceased) institution and is in direct contrast to the continuing of what little integrity remains in our game. I implore you to rethink your actions, and urge you to endorse the fair and just route of encouraging Sevco to apply for the impending vacancy at the bottom of SFL3, and for this application to be judged on merit alongside any applications by clubs such as Spartans, Cove Rangers etc. Anything else will be a betrayal of fans, and the concept of sport.

We're at a tipping point here, and nearing the end game. While I agree that there is a need for change within Scottish football, I implore you that these changes need to be based on fairness, integrity and as Mr Doncaster once said, "without fear or favour". The very future of our national sport depends on it.



A little bit thrown together from a previous post I put on here, but hopefully gets my point accross.

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Concise and to the point. Given I've a debilitating hangover I hope you don't mind if I template that for my own correspondence.

Things look, so, so much better after a day. The outrage is heightened, the authorities don't know how to react, and the diddy clubs are pulling through for us. Never been more proud of the club until I read Rae's interview in The Scotsman.

Template away my friend, template away. And sign all our best players while you're at it. Think I'll go and watch Morton next season...na na na naa Mark McLaughlin na na na naa Mark McLaughlin.etc

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