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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Demonstration at Ibrox 3pm tomorrow

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Posted Today, 08:51 PM

Lets all gather at the stadium and chase these "Rangers men" out of our club before they finish it off with their "help".

Number 12s dont need advice from folk who were paid to wear the shirt.

I'm busy myself.........going to see Ice Age 4.

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Thistle obviously like the look of the firesticks, shiny stones and metal cooking pots that they are being offered. They can't decide where the moral line in the sand is let alone whether they are prepared to cross it. Fair enough, if that's what the board feel, then fine. Not what I would have done or said, buy hey ho.

"The Club Directors would be doing both current and future generations of fans a disservice if it did not take enough time to discuss the document and its long term implications, in detail."

Discuss the document.......????????

The only thing to discuss is who should get the honour of wiping their arse with it & mailing it straight back to Cockwomble!

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He looks like Dennis Nilsen. Although Nilsen probably had more morals and integrity.

Doncaster's happy to rip the league apart and watch it go down the shitter so you can draw some parallels I suppose.

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Mentioned already but this really is succinct and to the point.


In the name of everything that's right and fair and just, the SFA should reject Sevco's application for a membership. I'd be f***ing amazed if they met all the criteria required to become a fit and proper member. SFA should kill them stone dead, no excuses.

Perhaps the time is right and to rid Scottish Football of at least a good part of Scotland's shame. We will recover financially even if it takes some time but the value of no longer having to be subjected to the filth and bigotry of the Rangers support is immeasurable. No more Rule Britannia and Nazi salutes, no more FTP. This could be the best breath of fresh air the Scottish game has had for a century. Bring it on. No to newco!! End of!!

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if you want to really go by the rules then yes perhaps Newco Rangers shouldn't even get in Division 3. although I believe 3 years of financial accounts etc - this is guidance. at the end of the day if they have the stadium and even if they only have 1/10th of the fans of the old Rangers they would be bringing 5000 fans to games.

i think saying they shouldn't even be in Division 3 is taking things too far.

Div3 is where rangers should go for the crimes committed. they should attempt to work their way up through the leagues. this appears to be what 90%+ of fans including Rangers want.

why this has sickened me is the following. this (laughable) "document" has been out for well over a day now. just because St.Johnstone Chairman Steve Brown wasnt there at the meeting it doesn't mean it doesn't have Saints support. it wasnae me i was at McDiarmid Park all day will not wash. the longer that time goes on and Saints dont distance themselves from the document then the more and more one has to believe they are a backer of the document. ( and the same goes for other chairman of the other clubs)

Brown is on the SPL board and is the chairman of one of the SPL clubs. If this released without his knowledge in a last ditch desperate attempt by Doncaster/Longmuir etc then he should come out and say so ????

lets not forget that this document is effectively BLACKMAILING the SFL clubs. The same SFL that the SPL at ever opportunity in the past has shown 2 fingers to from the moment the SPL was formed in order for the top clubs to keep a bigger share of the pie.

SO. if the SFL clubs are brave and stick together and make Rangers start in division 3 I will of got what I believed to be justice.

HOWEVER. How can I continue to support Saints if I believe they have been a part of this blackmail plot to stick Rangers in SFL1 (in the hope they bounce back in a year) and by threatening the SFL1 clubs that if they dont support it they will break away and form an SPL2.


Also , this isnt the time for "oh well we tried our best, lets get back to supporting Saints" . This is the time for one final push as these decisions at SFL/SPL are being made next week and fans uproar / outrage needs to be at its loudest on the days leading up to these decisions.

As an article from the States said today Scottish Soccer is dead if these proposals go through. What you will be spending your hard earned money on is SOCCERTAINMENT. a RIGGED game ( not sport ) where everything is done to ensure the top two are always Rangers and Celtic.

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There are only ten times when history is made that the "F" word has been considered acceptable for use:

10. What the f**k do you mean we're sinking? - Capt. E.J Smith of RMS Titanic, 1912

9. What the f**k was that? - Mayor of Hiroshima, 1945

8. Where did all these fucking Indians come from? - Custer, 1877

7. Any fucking idiot could understand that. - Einstein, 1938

6. It does so fucking look like her! - Picasso, 1926

5. How the f**k did you work that out? - Pythagoras, 126 BC

4. You want WHAT on the fucking ceiling? - Michelangelo, 1566

3. Scattered fucking showers, my arse! - Noah, 4314 BC

2 Aw c'mon. Who the f**k is going to find out? - Bill Clinton, 1999

1. f**k off with your stupid plan Doncaster. - Scottish Football fans, 2012

Excellent. I'd love to hear that in a kind of music chart run down format. Big build up to the big f**k off. Does it for me.

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I wonder when we are going to have the first divorce, with the P&B Rangers Admin thread cited as the reason.

Wifes annoyed with me checking the posts every half hour :lol:

I keep explaining that its like her watching Coronation street, got to keep watching to see whats going to happen next.

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Presumably we are all expecting their SFA Membership application to be rubber stamped without question, was there not supposed to be some caveat about 3 years accounts etc.

This is the thin end of the wedge folks the 1st set of rules to be over looked for sevco Scotland FC

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1341005742[/url]' post='6387387']

He looks like Dennis Nilsen. Although Nilsen probably had more morals and integrity.

Nilsen became known as both the Muswell Hill Murderer and the Kindly Killer due to the fact the majority of his murders were committed at an address in the Muswell Hill district of North London and that he believed that his method of murder (the strangulation and drowning of his victims), followed by a ritual in which he bathed and dressed their bodies, was the most humane method of murder.[2]

Nilsen was the kindly killer ,meanwhile the cockwomble is butchering his way through scottish football!

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I wonder when we are going to have the first divorce, with the P&B Rangers Admin thread cited as the reason.

Wifes annoyed with me checking the posts every half hour :lol:

I keep explaining that its like her watching Coronation street, got to keep watching to see whats going to happen next.

I just refresh this thread. I don't even read other threads at the moment! :ph34r:

People ask how I cope without owning a tv. All I can say is that this thread is far more entertaining, and far more addictive!

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Apologies if this has been posted already....


Ahh, I love the smell of bullshit in the morning!

So Lee Wallace thinks it's still the same club that he was playing for last year. I'm sure he'll be having a word with his chairman about the £800k that Hearts are still due for him then.

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All very well, but unless Cowdensash's vote counts for 15 they're not exactly getting early evidence that 50% will actually vote for it, are they?

Edited by Thumper
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