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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Anyone listen to Off the Ball Extra yesterday with Graham Spiers, I know he is a huge apologist but still he refuses to do his profession a favour, when he said he speaks to David Murray but Murray will not say anything on the record !! Obviously ... Can't this guy get it ? If the supporters of the diddy teams win this then these guys will be toast . Even the Orcs will have it in for them. I don't understand the old pals act, it isn't if Murray will return to the game , so why isn't this journalist asking him questions about his reign whether Murray says its off the record . He does not have the right to walk away and blend into the background.

The excuse trotted out for the phone hacking was it was in the public interest so why is this not and why isn't the editor getting him to stop kissing and start grilling Murray.

Absolutely pathetic these guys who have lived high on the hog for not asking questions. Part of their remote is to investigate the claims of their veracity.

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rolleyes.gif All of that money from their fans and transfer fees. Think of how long it'll be before you smaller clubs end up the same way as them. Think about it, the consequences of say.... Hearts disappearing. Nothing. No one cares. You know all this football integrity counts for nothing when you go under.

We of course would be let into another league. EPL? Probably. I'm not worrying. I'm loving this but the rest of you......be careful what you wish for lads. Mark my words......

look who's back ?! laugh.gif

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This thick cnut can't understand that an appeal is just that ! an appeal against a decision that went against his cheating club and why they are appealing.

Maybe I'll feed the troll a bit !

Rangers got found guilty by the HMRC on the EBT's.They did not need to go to court to impose the tax amount wanted.

Why ? now read carefully Davie ! no payments were ever received back into the EBT fund not one solitary single penny and the HMRC has labelled the loans as !!!! bonuses.

As bonuses the HMRC are entitled to the 40% tax bracket when they where paid out.

Now this is why your club is appealing against it AND the SFA have been told that Rangers have a case to answer for for dual contracts.

Yer lucky yer team has only been liquidated but much worse is about to happen I fear :lol: Green is totally going to screw yer newco club up as well.I'd hate to see your face when Green liquidates yer newco and do enjoy NO FOOTBALL what so ever next season :P.

Sorry HMRC have yet to rule of the EBT'S

Rangers were found guilty of bringing the game into disrepute for not paying PAYE during the Craig Wyhte era.

Rangers appael was not against the guilty verdict , it was against the punishment.

The appeal tribunal cannot re-convene until newco Rangers application for membership to the SFA is accepted.

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rolleyes.gif All of that money from their fans and transfer fees. Think of how long it'll be before you smaller clubs end up the same way as them. Think about it, the consequences of say.... Hearts disappearing. Nothing. No one cares. You know all this football integrity counts for nothing when you go under.

We of course would be let into another league. EPL? Probably. I'm not worrying. I'm loving this but the rest of you......be careful what you wish for lads. Mark my words......

You've been on the bevvy, ain't ya?

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Sorry HMRC have yet to rule of the EBT'S

The HMRC have ruled, and sent out a bill for unpaid tax, plus interest, plus penalties.

The tribunal has yet to rule on the Rangers appeal.

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Reading the thread on the Sunderland messageboard that someone posted a while back has reminded me that my favourite part of all this has been the attitude of Rangers fans who say " The club still exists!11!!, we still have all our history. 54 titles and the most successful club in the world. We the fans didn't cheat, our club didn't cheat, it was Murray and Whyte that cheated and they are gone. "

" Oh right, so if it was Murray responsible for this, and you've kept your history, does that mean the titles that Rangers won while he was cheating financially to give Rangers an unfair and illegal advantage over the other teams should be taken off Rangers?, meaning they're no longer the most successful club in the world, and that they've never won nine in a row, unlike their greatest rivals Celtic "

"Eh....Naw. They're oor titles. WATP! "

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Oic so you realise don't you? Aye you know what it would mean. Your extinction. Maybe you'll set up a wee junior club in Camelon drinking tonic wine and attacking the officials but you can kiss goodbye to your stadium

Aye, we'll really struggle without the Sky money in the SFL..

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Reading the thread on the Sunderland messageboard that someone posted a while back has reminded me that my favourite part of all this has been the attitude of Rangers fans who say " The club still exists!11!!, we still have all our history. 54 titles and the most successful club in the world. We the fans didn't cheat, our club didn't cheat, it was Murray and Whyte that cheated and they are gone. "

" Oh right, so if it was Murray responsible for this, and you've kept your history, does that mean the titles that Rangers won while he was cheating financially to give Rangers an unfair and illegal advantage over the other teams should be taken off Rangers?, meaning they're no longer the most successful club in the world, and that they've never won nine in a row, unlike their greatest rivals Celtic "

"Eh....Naw. They're oor titles. WATP! "

Can you chuck me a link to that. Sounds hilarious!

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I have a dog who can discuss logical positivism with me at length. He also has a habit of barking sectarian obscenities. I love wee Jambo so I do wink.gif

It's not him though, it's another dog that barks that so he says when he gets back to the philosophy


just like the old Sammy.

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As usual missed the point. If the bankrupt person changes their name they still can't get credit.

Nevertheless they still remain the same person.

No! You've totally missed the point. If the business goes into Liquidation, it ceases to exist any longer.

If some chancer like Hughie Green comes along and makes a "slight" name change and proclaims that they are just a continuation of the old club, then your looking at a phoenix company - not a newco. HMRC dont really take kindly to phoenix companies so you will likely end up exstinct, so you might want to subscribe to Sky for the Movie channels.

If you want your history then pay your debts, take your punishments and then you can play with the big boys again. Your the diddiest of the diddies now!

Perhaps a wee apology wouldnt go a miss too. The Arrogance of EVERYTHING related to your dead club are why this thread exists. No-one likes you and you DO care. Maybe a wee rethink on that saying if you do survive might just stop this happening again.

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No! You've totally missed the point. If the business goes into Liquidation, it ceases to exist any longer.

If some chancer like Hughie Green comes along and makes a "slight" name change and proclaims that they are just a continuation of the old club, then your looking at a phoenix company - not a newco. HMRC dont really take kindly to phoenix companies so you will likely end up exstinct, so you might want to subscribe to Sky for the Movie channels.

You mean something like THIS.....

Edited by mrpaddyx
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What is all the pish about RANGERS and EBTs'?

Dont you know that Rangers have been found guilty of NOTHING yet , that means, for the dull /ignorant/daft among you, (i.e. most), that they are still officially INNOCENT - its called legal due process in case you didn't know . Im sure at least some of you will be acquainted with the justice system as 'the accused' but you maybe didnt realise that presumption of innocence is the rule.

Deary me. :blink:

HMRC have already ruled on the EBTs. Rangers WERE found guilty and have been asked to pay the tax plus interest and penalties.

The ruling that Rangers are currently awaiting on is their appeal.

Rangers are currently guilt until proved innocent.

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