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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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We should get punished for living within our means :blink: .

Strictly, you're not really, what Gilmur's effectively saying if you got relegated and didn't bounce back right away you'd go bust.

I don't think so.

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This post isn't meant to sound as bad as it will, some of you may even agree with me here.

When the SPL was founded in 1998 it wasn't to help Scottish football, it was to make large sums of cash for the original 10 clubs expanding to 12 2 years later.

The SFL have continually wanted to make it easier to get into the SPL with more promotion places and playoffs, but were told no.

Now we have the SPL clubs needing the SFL's help and i myself can't help but feel f**k you.

Guaranteed it is the same teams who blocked ideas of more relegation from the SPL who are the ones in the most financial trouble here.

I know Falkirk haven't always been a role model of financial prudence, but we do pay our debts and our players on time.

The SPL has too many clubs who try to spend their way away from relegation, where as our cutbacks cost us our SPL place.

Sort your own mess SPL, not our problem.

Fully agree.

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If this lot want to play in the SFL, they have to give assurances that they can fulfil their fixtures - I have seen no indication that this would be the case. Imagine the reaction if they gain an SFL place and then fold before Christmas.

that is the same for the SPL too though........

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Your chairman isn't very bright is he?

1. Say what you like, but we got outbid by Kilmarnock and St Johnstone for two of our players, once it became clear what was happening. I didn't hear too many predictions saying Rangers would not be in the SPL next year when we signed Jim Goodwin.

2. To stand up and talk to the fans for an hour and a half in the current circumstances gains him my respect.

3. Given where we are now, compared to where we were when he took over, makes you wonder where we'd be if our chairman was "very bright"

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I wonder if the SFA/SPL have thought of the following scenario.

If Rangers do play in the 1st Division next season and say end up mid table, and outwith the promotion spots - what happens then?

By the way they are talking today it sounds like things will be fudged so that they get promoted next season regardless!

Also what happens int he other scenario that they are kept int he SPL this year, but end up being relegated - quite possible if they are hit with a transfer embargo / points deduction ! - Do they abolish relegation for a season ?

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SFA president and SFL president both Rangers shareholders....paranoid?

their shares, if not worthless now, will be when they are liquidatedlaugh.gif

even still, that should make their positions untenable and thney should step down immediatelymad.gif

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Strictly, you're not really, what Gilmur's effectively saying if you got relegated and didn't bounce back right away you'd go bust.

I don't think so.

The majority players have relegation clauses in their contracts. They don't have "Rangers go out of business" clauses.

Edited by iceblink
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So, is evryone going to carry out their promise, never to return to a football match in this country after this stitch-up ?

It was all only going to end one way with the length of time it's taken to come to a decision.

If Rangers Newconare playing anywhere else other than the 3rd Division next season I, for one, will never attend another football match in this country, it's pointless, the league is corrupt and the rules are only there for teams outwith the Old Firm.

f**k the SFA, SPL and the SFL if they vote this in, it's an insult to the clubs who live within their means and to the long suffering fans of non-Old Firm clubs that have to put up with being treated one step below dog shite by not only the governing bodies but also, it would seem, by their own clubs who have chased the dream, being paying over the top wages for crap players in a bid to keep up with a club that cheated for decades by bringing in players they couldn't afford.

Sorry, sporting integrity does matter, the rules are the rules, Newco must start in Division 3, no ifs, buts or excuses.

If other clubs who have got themselves into financial bother by buying into the SPL monopoly, tough, they should place themselves into administration with immediate effect and as for Sky, just where do they feature in the rule book ?, cheats are cheats, end of.

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I like Gilmour, he strikes me as a decent man with good intentions. However, and this goes for my club too, if we can't see out this storm there are 30 odd other clubs who would gladly accept the challenge.

If this goes through we're utterly fucked until the end of time. Not just a season or two.

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We should get punished for living within our means :blink: .

Leeds United were "living within their means" while they were getting Champions League money every season. If St Mirren are "living within their means" by budgeting for bottom six nearly every season (and let's not forget that last year's splurgings were by a manager from the second division, to replace the second division players he'd brought with him) and relying on television money to stay solvent, then they were always going to be fucked in the long run. Pity they've chosen to live on their knees instead.

Barring a truly momentous regrowth of testicles all round in the next nine days, my favourite outcome now would be for the SPL clubs to about-face now and let Sevco in tomorrow - and then for Sevco to promptly fold after running out of money, promptly arsefucking all the other clubs anyway.

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So, is evryone going to carry out their promise, never to return to a football match in this country after this stitch-up ?

It was all only going to end one way with the length of time it's taken to come to a decision.

If Rangers Newconare playing anywhere else other than the 3rd Division next season I, for one, will never attend another football match in this country, it's pointless, the league is corrupt and the rules are only there for teams outwith the Old Firm.

f**k the SFA, SPL and the SFL if they vote this in, it's an insult to the clubs who live within their means and to the long suffering fans of non-Old Firm clubs that have to put up with being treated one step below dog shite by not only the governing bodies but also, it would seem, by their own clubs who have chased the dream, being paying over the top wages for crap players in a bid to keep up with a club that cheated for decades by bringing in players they couldn't afford.

Sorry, sporting integrity does matter, the rules are the rules, Newco must start in Division 3, no ifs, buts or excuses.

If other clubs who have got themselves into financial bother by buying into the SPL monopoly, tough, they should place themselves into administration with immediate effect and as for Sky, just where do they feature in the rule book ?, cheats are cheats, end of.

Yep. If they vote Sevco in and then promote them to the 1st, I'll be at East of Scotland league matches - mainly Peebles Rovers.

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The majority players have relegation clauses in their contracts. They don't have "Rangers go out of business" clauses.

That I realise but your chairman is screaming without Rangers it's disastrous for St.Mirren, you've been in the First Division before, Tesco help not withstanding how the hell did you manage before ? I've never seen a SFL game post 1998 that features Rangers so how are all the SFL clubs managing to stay alive ?

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1. Say what you like, but we got outbid by Kilmarnock and St Johnstone for two of our players, once it became clear what was happening. I didn't hear too many predictions saying Rangers would not be in the SPL next year when we signed Jim Goodwin.

2. To stand up and talk to the fans for an hour and a half in the current circumstances gains him my respect.

3. Given where we are now, compared to where we were when he took over, makes you wonder where we'd be if our chairman was "very bright"

Your points are all fair and thanks for replying, but...

You haven't once addressed the reason i called him "not very bright"

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Caught up at lunchtime, expected a fairly large number of posts in reaction to today's meeting/predictions for tomorrow's meeting.

What I did NOT expect, but probably should have, is yet another delay in ANYONE coming out and saying what appears to be the unsayable:

The rangers football club cheated its way to dominance over a period of decades,and completely ignored their responsibility to help eradicate the problem of sectarianism in Scotland - rather they actively promoted a separatist agenda as part of their business strategy (in common with another club).

After having been found out in their theft of money from the taxpayers of this country, rangers refused to accept that they were acting in anything other than a proper fashion - even trying to sign or destabilise players when they knew they had no funds to carry through transfers.

Having been allowed to transfer control of the club to their preferred administrators, they acted thus:

Made no redundancies AT ALL in over FOUR months - contrast this with the administrations at Portsmouth and Bradford Bulls.

Stalled and dissembled when tasked with finding a way to move the club out of administration.

Finally allowed the club to be liquidated, which saw all creditors lose ALL their money. The only assets the club had were sold to a "consortium" of extremely shy backers for a sum which was remarkably adjacent to the administrators' fee.

At no time in this sorry saga has anyone connected with this disgraced organisation shown the slightest regret at the damage done to creditors' businesses, the tens of millions of pounds stolen from the UK taxpayer, or the shame and ridicule being brought upon the Scottish game and, by extension, Scotland itself.

The reaction from all connected with rangers - the directors, the administrators, the management and especially those poor fans who "are only concerned with the football, we're no' bigots", has ranged from contempt to arrogance to downright hostility towards any who might foolishly have expected some kind of contrition from "ra peepul". Reactions included:

1. Discriminatory payments from the RFFFFFFFFFFFFF to highlight how they perceived Dundee Utd, among others, had wronged them.

2. Rabble-rousing and redundant calls for "transparency" from Alistair McCoist - the public face of the club. Calls which led to threats of vandalism and violence against a fellow SFA club. Calls which were entirely unnecessary, as the club already new the answers they were screaming for.

3. Threats from club "ambassador" Sandy Jardine that "we will remember who has stood against us, and we will be back". (Is "club ambassador" a vital position in a club in administration?)

4. Threats from fans to boycott other SPL clubs, in order to "punish" those clubs by denying income.

Now, to Sevco 5088. Still no apologies, obviously - just a promise that any zombie club would simply keep rangers' history while leaving any responsibility behind.

Whether or not Green tried to alter contracts in June, as claimed, or not, his threats to any player not meekly accepting his view of TUPE - and any club daring to sign said players - are nothing more than intimidation, with no basis in law or justice.

Sevco have made no attempt to shed light on where their money is coming from to run the club - who is/are the backers? Surely this would have to be disclosed before any application for SFA membership, let alone application to the SFL.

If this lot want to play in the SFL, they have to give assurances that they can fulfil their fixtures - I have seen no indication that this would be the case. Imagine the reaction if they gain an SFL place and then fold before Christmas. I am given to understand that the maximum ticket price in Div 3 is £12, but I don't believe the maintenance cost of ibrox will decrease by 60% in line with gate income. (This is assuming they sell out every home gamelaugh.gif)

Oh bugger it, I really can't be arsed. The only solution for the good of our game, Scotland's reputation in international football, and for the country as a whole, is to erase this poisonous "brand" from the face of our sport. We've got a new season just round the corner, and no club in Scotland knows what their league competition is going to look like. This mob's behaviour, and the craven inaction of the game's custodians, is KILLING Scottish football.

And I haven't even gone into Bomber's sash bash in front of Strathclyde's finest, the in-out Knights, the racist slurs thrown at the only serious bidder H&D managed to attract, the tax-free payment to another club's manager shortly before unloading an unwanted player to the selfsame club, the holding of shares by representatives of other SFA members.....

Dear God, someone grow a pair and cut this monster's head off, stuff the mouth with garlic, stake it through the heart and burn it at a crossroads.

Rant over. Sorry peeps, the rage is strong tonight.

Isn't it strange that some people think the only guilty parties are those who are 'kicking Rangers when they are down" ? A recurring statement is "Haven't we been punished enough" ?

There are plenty of people out there who would do well to read your post and try to respond. Please tell us where we are all going wrong.

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SPL are shitting it.

I hope now that they just vote The Rangers into the SPL.

What they are trying to do to the SFL is disgusting.

Mentioned on Sportsound....

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