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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Only in Scotland can we rejoice in the demise of another Scottish Football Club and the possible severe financial implications that this may bring to your own/other clubs.

Rangers may now follow the Airdrie route and hostile takeover and rebrand another club. St Mirren were some of their Directors not in talks with Whyte a while back?

"Rangers" don't exist.

Sevco won't do that.

MAYBE if someone else bought out Sevco, it could happen.

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Only in Scotland can we rejoice in the demise of another Scottish Football Club and the possible severe financial implications that this may bring to your own/other clubs.

Rangers may now follow the Airdrie route and hostile takeover and rebrand another club. St Mirren were some of their Directors not in talks with Whyte a while back?

Rangers don't exist. Where would Sevco get the money from?

And we're not rejoicing in the demise of a club, we're rejoicing in fair play which has been a long time coming.

My team "Linlithgow Rose" :lol:

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Only in Scotland can we rejoice in the demise of another Scottish Football Club and the possible severe financial implications that this may bring to your own/other clubs.

Rangers may now follow the Airdrie route and hostile takeover and rebrand another club. St Mirren were some of their Directors not in talks with Whyte a while back?

No just the one director was trying to buy the club and he showed some private documents to a chap who was connected to Whyte.Something like that anyway, we dont know what the directors motives were.

That director was sacked off the board.

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Well my stance remains...

I will not be back to another Scottish football match unless SevcoFC are put into division 3 AT BEST.

this is NOT about "what way did my club vote", it's about how Scottish football AS A WHOLE acts regarding this.

To say you are gonna buy a season ticket because your SPL club voted no is completely missing the point, and defeating the purpose IMO

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I went for Spartans as I thought Cove didn't have the ground :unsure:

I think it's just got a narrow pitch. I'd probably rather Spartans too, but would do everything to encourage applications from as many non-league teams as possible.

Only in Scotland can we rejoice in the demise of another Scottish Football Club and the possible severe financial implications that this may bring to your own/other clubs.

Rangers may now follow the Airdrie route and hostile takeover and rebrand another club. St Mirren were some of their Directors not in talks with Whyte a while back?

Most teams don't have 140 years of shameful sectarian historY, neither have most teams been fiddling Scottish football for their own benefit for the past couple of decades.

Also, if the clubs can't survive without Rangers - that's their own fault. It isn't like this happened overnight.

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It appears that some of the reports of Celtic being the abstaining vote may have originated in a "joke" fake BBC tweet posted on KDS with hidden text revealing the "joke" that was subsuquently circulated as fact rapidly.

This of course does not mean anything per se, just that the pitchfork and torches can be put down until further confirmation.

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They will probably enjoy the lower league away days. Put my Newcastle hat on for a min (I know that pisses many off) but my most enjoyable season as a Newcastle fan was the Championship season. New grounds, new banter, just different. Barnsley > another trip to Bolton. I assume it will be Annan > another trip to St Mirren.

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Well my stance remains...

I will not be back to another Scottish football match unless SevcoFC are put into division 3 AT BEST.

this is NOT about "what way did my club vote", it's about how Scottish football AS A WHOLE acts regarding this.

To say you are gonna buy a season ticket because your SPL club voted no is completely missing the point, and defeating the purpose IMO

The clubs that voted no have done everything that has been asked of them and rejected Sevco what more do you want them to do, burn down Ibrox !

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The usual apologies if this has been raised before.

Now that the release clauses have been triggered for the television companies with Newco not playing in the SPL isn't it time we turned our attention to them?

There's no arguments re integrity where they're concerned but they remain reliant on a strong customer base to thrive. It's been their entry into the game that's caused this almighty mess, and the fact they based their financial distribution on sheer numbers, without taking into consideration the partisan nature of football, that attracted the sharks to the pool.

The main culprits are obviously Sky but there are others just as guilty for feeding off the scraps.

Without the Sky money the SPL would not have seen the likes of Larsson (for very long at any rate), Wee Dick's follies, or Mitno's team of ageing also-rans that dominated at the turn of the century. But so what? Without them there would've been a much better chance of Scotland producing players of equal quality.

Football, unlike nearly every other type of business, relies upon a completely equal split of all resources that aren't generated by the index club. Comparisons in music can be seen in U2 and REM who split the royalties equally regardless of who wrote the songs, they survived longer than the rest. The Smiths didn't and that ended up in court.

Now Sky's not going to allow wee diddy Scotland to tell them what to do as they adopt the same manner of distribution to the EPL and won't want to set any precedents; but the English forums are filling up with dissatisfied punters who are waking up to the fact the Prem is essentially a 4 horse race with a host of make-weights to fulfil the calendar.

We've witnessed the effect some diddy keyboard guerillas can have on the football powers, why not use this momentum to lobby Sky into ensuring an even split in the future? Surely in a strict business sense they must realise their previous strategy was flawed and they can see the results from today's vote.

Just a thought.

On a side note I cancelled my Sky 4 years ago after being hectored by the missus about "outgoings". Was half-cut when I called their call-centre at 10pm to cancel and was confronted by some double-wide sales-boy telling me how much I could reduce my monthly bill. Not being arsed to listed to the the spiel and still pissed off at having to cancel in the first place I told him to stop right there, I'd just found out my wife's sister was pregnant with my baby, and my Sky contract was the least of my worries. The lad said he understood in a hushed tone and promised to cancel my direct debit, which he duly did. Thing is, they didn't turn the Sky signal off for another 18 months despite me not paying. Reckon that lad hit a big "sympathy" button on his console on hearing my messy situation. ;-)

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There was a cracking wee post last week, can't remember from whom, basically saying that if SevCo went into SFL3 then there might be a some defenders looking to take a few SevCo forward's scalps.

These nuggets on Goebbels Media who think that a season in SFL3 would be all fluffy bunnies and "is there honey still for tea" might have another think coming.

However, my fave theory is that Charlie just liquidates them out of existence now that the SPL have said GTF.

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Just thinking, on one hand 'Rangers' should really be suspended from all football for the amount of amoral activities they have undertaken - my specific bugbear is tax avoidance at such a massive level (cheats every single one of us, cheats our nurses, doctors, soldiers etc. who get paid and suplied via our taxes). I think a 1 - 2 year ban then allowing them to reapply is fair.

That said, if at the begining of all of this if you'd have told me they wouldn't play in the SPL, there was a good chance they'd be in Div3, that Naismith, McGregor, Davis, et al would all leave for nothing and that their business case doesn't appear to stack up, I'd have a gentle - and just - smile.

Thought three of course is that I might now want them to stay in the SPL as that'd mean we wouldn't be the shoo-ins for relegation we appear to be this year. (joking - let them die).

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Rangers don't exist. Where would Sevco get the money from?

And we're not rejoicing in the demise of a club, we're rejoicing in fair play which has been a long time coming.

My team "Linlithgow Rose" :lol:

and never misses a game home or away,can you say the same.doubt it

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