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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Time to bin this thread ,to discuss "them " only perpetuates the myth that they're still around and have some relevance . They're gone ,time to move on to the coming seasons events. :D

This thread is no longer about "them", this thread is now about ensuring the people running Scottish football cannot impose something that we as fans do not want. Asking for the thread to be moved is not really adding to the debate.

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Falkirk - consistently sell players to avoid turning promise into promotion. A little investment and they could have been back into the SPL. But they are run as a First Division team as their benchmark.

Ah, I see, you don't get the idea of 'living within your means'. That's why you lot are deid!

Also, mind that time we pumped you in the cup last season when you had team full of international players you couldn't afford? I bet you thought it was bad then!

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The Big Thread must stay open!

That's the bottom line!

Scottish football needs the Big Thread, otherwise dozens of other threads will collapse!



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I remain totally bemused that people allow personal prejudice to rule their minds. Surely the whole issue is the future of the Scottish Game and the implications that any decision will have.


The majority of posters continue to wallow in the demise of another club - and forget to look at the impact that this may have on their own club and Scottish Football in general.

Scottish Football needs to unite in moving forward for the survival of our game. Solutions are required and the talking needs to stop. Henry McLeish was appointed and paid loadsa money to help improve the game and that has as usual produced no outcomes.

I think you are missing the point largely here. While you mention other clubs, you forget that if any of these encountered the kind of trouble that the old Rangers did, they would have had the book thrown at them, from Livingston's demotion to division three to Dundee's 25 point deduction (which barring a brillinat run from that team would have seen them relegated) ultimately to Gretna's 100 metre sprint to oblivion. None of them would hav ehad the hea dof the SFA and SPL demanding that the SFL be reconstructed in such a way as to accomadate a Sevco club, none would have had the great and the good trying to force the most blatant of league fiixing to try and save their own hides.

While there must be some schadenfraude over the fate of Rangers and now sevco 5088 due to the behaviour of both clubs' mutual support over the years (the sense of entitlement, the sectarian bias... not the only ones guilty mind you, but one evil at a time) in reality the majority of the fury from the diddy club supporters is due to the attempts to corrupt and fix the game in sevco's favour.

Yes, many of McCleishe's recommendaqtions should be taken up but not as a bribe for ignoring the wrong doings of others.

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Also, can we move this thread to misc other football, as it is noting to do with SPL football, and indeed the thread title is misleading, perhaps split the thread in two - one part for the liquidation of Rangers (maybe leave that in the SPL forum for posterity, along with their history) and mis other football for the sevco 5088 discussions.....

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The Big Thread must stay open!

That's the bottom line!

Scottish football needs the Big Thread, otherwise dozens of other threads will collapse!



Hardly anyone's attending the other threads anymore. The General Nonsense forum used to be a hive of activity a few months ago but now there's currently just 20 members viewing it. The Big Thread is killing Pie and Bovril and must be shut down! tongue.gif

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Sorry if this has been said but are these comments not slowly becoming self fulfilling prophecies?

IF the new spl tv contract does state must have rangers and Celtic in SPL, this can't happen since the rangers referred to are being liquidated! Therefore if sky want to renegotiate they will, the great and the good have basically shown they are willing to move heaven and earth to appease sky so why wouldn't sky just cut the deal down anyway? Surely there needs to more positivity people are getting involved in Scottish football both for the love of the game or for the cache! Does anyone think irn-bru makes more money because it's sponsors the lower divisions or cash converters for sponsoring well?

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Yorkston's comments cheered me up a bit. I should stop swallowing the shite spoon fed to us by the football authorities, Sevco sympathists and English based radio stations and the Scottish main stream meedja.

Stand string fellow diddies, it could be a glorious 12th of July. I might even buy a lambeg and bang it outside Greens Playhouse :)

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At the time the Chief Executive of the SFA is trying to dictate to Scottish football, we must not forget who the Chairman of that organisation is. EBT recipient Cambell Ogilvie.

The Scottish Football Association - bringing our game into disrepute.

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Rangers oldco name change

Hardly unexpected, but the smoke and mirrors surrounding who is/what are Sevco continues as the Oldco will change its name to Rangers 2012 allowing Sevco to change its name to The Rangers Football Club Limited. "Who are these people? We need to be told."

Be interesting to see what HMRC/BDO/Companies House say about that. I doubt it will be that straight forward.

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Regan's an arsehole. Where was the social unrest when 40,000 orcs stayed in their beds in the early 80s?

Getting sick of all this scaremongering and threats. Football is a fucking GAME. We're talking about one club out of forty two playing at a lower level for a couple of years, To hear this twat talk you'd think Thatcher was coming back to burn babies and stop giros to Glasgow.

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Hardly anyone's attending the other threads anymore. The General Nonsense forum used to be a hive of activity a few months ago but now there's currently just 20 members viewing it. The Big Thread is killing Pie and Bovril and must be shut down! tongue.gif

Can the big guns of the Rangers in Administration thread get together and setup a Rangers in Administration Two thread which the General Nonsense forum could apply to be merged with? Jelly and ice cream will be provided to new members, not as a bribe more of an incentive.

Must be clear though, the Rangers in Administration top brass will be in overall charge. And the leader of both Rangers in Administration and Rangers in Administration Two will be Pozbaird. Our own Neil Doncaster. ohmy.gif

Otherwise there could be virtual social unrest. mad.gif

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Rangers oldco name change

Hardly unexpected, but the smoke and mirrors surrounding who is/what are Sevco continues as the Oldco will change its name to Rangers 2012 allowing Sevco to change its name to The Rangers Football Club Limited. "Who are these people? We need to be told."

Have they even made the application to the liquidators yet for them to be allowed to use the name Rangers ?

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I remain totally bemused that people allow personal prejudice to rule their minds. Surely the whole issue is the future of the Scottish Game and the implications that any decision will have.

There are supporters from clubs who have contributed very little to the game in Scotland for years trying to take the moral high ground. Which I find really quite amusing but also very sad at the same time.

I read your post, enjoyed the belittling of teams like Clyde and the Shire. I was trying to decide if you had a point regarding the validity of their views in this debate.

Then I saw that you are a Linlithgow Rose 'fan'.

You can tell yourself to f**k off.

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Regan has annoyed me so much in this that I've packed up my SSC membership pack and will be sending it back to Hampden later along with a letter explaining my reason why.

Sent mine back also. What's the point? I never volunteered to support the nowdeidrangers and I'm not doing it now via the SFA.

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In his interview on Radio Scotland, and in that article in The Scotsman, Regan keeps referring to them as "Rangers". Does he not get it that " Rangers" are no more? "Rangers" are dead. "Rangers" are liquidated ( or almost). This is for the application of a new club into the Football league, and as such should be treatred that way. They should never be referred to as "Rangers" especially by those in position's such as Regans. His comments show him up to be the absolute fud that he is, and has been reading too many Cockwomble books.

Never thought I'd say these words but I'm with Graham Spiers on this name "issue." The club is called Rangers, and probably always will be (unless they call themselves Ninja Dragon Fire Athletic FC, which would be an awesome name for any club). Calling them Sevco or "Rangers" is quite childish IMHO.

In fact that comment has caused social unrest in my general surroundings.

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