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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I'm liquidating myself. Starting up as a newco poster on a Morton fan forum. I am therefore not responsible for any posts made by the oldco 'Pozbaird'. :)


Sign the petition.

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I notice the red tops feel Rangers dominating the sports pages and back cover isn't enough, they have them on the front cover and a few pages in.

Seriously, is their nothing more important to write about than these chancers?

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I notice the red tops feel Rangers dominating the sports pages and back cover isn't enough, they have them on the front cover and a few pages in.

Seriously, is their nothing more important to write about than these chancers?

Sorry, who?

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I notice the red tops feel Rangers dominating the sports pages and back cover isn't enough, they have them on the front cover and a few pages in.

Seriously, is their nothing more important to write about than these chancers?

They did the same with Elvis, decades after his death they were reporting that he was still alive and working in Burger King. ;)

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Have to say, I find the mocking of someone with a mental illness quite distasteful. It's not Messrs Goram's fault.

I think one of them is to blame, don't know about the other one. :unsure:

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We have a responsibility to remind Sevco fans at every opportunity that they are not and never will be Rangers, they have ties to Rangers but Rangers are dead.

I like to say that Rangers Football Club was shut down. Forget throwing in any excuse which uses the word 'company', it was the club that was shut down. Gone, like Third Lanark, remaining only in the history books. If I got 10 mates to join me in a game against some local kids at the Cathkin park pitch, that doesn't make us Third Lanark, we're still just a bunch of s***e players not even good enough to make it through the trials of an amateur club.

What I said before was that it was a potential 'half-reasonable' excuse, meant to infer that Orcs would still think they have a club in their minds and have a go at us even though everyone other than them know it would be bulls**t. Let them have a fresh start and they wouldn't even bother as it would be like arguing that the brown cow in the field next door is green.

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This has probably already been posted but I'll be buggered if I'm looking for it. Post quoted below comes from P&B Rovers supporter 'Yoss' in 'The New Raith Rovers Thread'.

Right, I'm about to head out for the day, but just before I leave I'm going to throw in this idea.

My relationship with the club has been strengthened by their stance over the past few days, and over time that will of course be reflected financially in one way and another. But I know they're tight for cash right away, so I was trying to think of some way of making an immediate and concrete gesture to show my support.

One idea I've come up with - we've got this game at Wick coming up, something myself and a lot of the matchgoing fans are well chuffed about and looking forward to. But for the club it's the worst draw they could have got financially, a significant extra cost they could have done without. So how about we have a whip-round (probably best done via the Trust, or somesuch) to see if we can sponsor that specific cost for them. I'd imagine it'd be in the region of a four figure sum but we can mail the club for costings if need be.

Not only would it help the club, it'd be a very visible demonstration of loyalty and support for their stance, both to the club itself and to the wider world. There's been a fair amount of focus on us this week - and on the relationships between clubs and their supporters more generally. If we were able to do something quickly and tie it directly and explicitly to our support for their stance then it'd be something we could publicise and I expect there are at least some corners of the press would be happy to mention it.

Does that seem like a plausible idea? FanTalk would have been a better place for this, but I don't have an account there. If it looks like it might catch on I'd invite someone to transfer the post across.

Happy to start with a pledge of £100, though I wouldn't be expecting others to put up that much. If enough people could find ten or twenty I'd hope it ought to be doable.

If anyone has any other ideas then please, fire away.

This scheme is now up and running, and is a genuine account hosted by the fans' representative on the board of Raith Rovers, a Mr David Wann.

Account Name : Support Rovers

Account Nr: 06025487

Sort Code 80-16-84

This is not a post begging for money by any stretch of the imagination, merely a heads-up to those who said earlier in this thread that they wished to donate some sort of cash to Raith Rovers as a reward for Turnbull Hutton's stance on the Newco issue - probably far easier, and just as helpful, than attending a game later in the season. I did, as it happens, read of supporters from an Aberdeen forum who have clubbed together and will be sponsoring a shirt at Stark's Park this season - tremendous gesture, and hugely appreciated by the club I am sure.

I've already donated £50 and several others have donated too. I believe updates will be provided as to how we get on at covering the club's costs for the Ramsdens Cup match at Wick.

Just thought I'd put this here for anyone who may be interested. Feel free to ignore, as I say it's not a beg by any means, and it's been set up for Rovers supporters to show our appreciation to the club for the stance adopted in recent weeks. Any help, however small, would be greatly appreciated. :)

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Nice point. Does he honestly think that because he was signed on S-Forms at Airdrie during his youth but playing a grand total of 0 prof' games (can't beat a bit of wiki research wink.gif) that it makes him more qualified to write his opinion than the more sensible fans on here and that it has more authority as a result? Obviously so.

Well he clearly has a vast knowledge of clubs who have gone bust and tried to sneak back in through questionable routes....

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Goram saying bomber putting a new bid in next week ,,,,I pray green sells then they dont get into any devision :lol:

Right now he'll be recruiting weans of the right persuasion to trawl the slums of the Southside in search of empty gingey boatils by day and stripping the lead fae chapel roofs by night.

Every little helps.

Edit :- BTW, if Brown is even remotely serious about this 'bid', the first thing he should do is go and see a speech therapist / public speaking coach because at the moment, his pronouncements come across as remnants from the 'Kristallnacht' purge.

Edited by Florentine_Pogen
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Great post re Raith. Have seen the Aberdeen thread about sponsoring a player. I'm going to look into option to support Clyde as well - my Dad was a fan (he had a trial for them, in the olden days). Believe you can buy a fan share for a year. Will get over to Fife to take in a Raith game once the season kicks off.

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The first few paragraphs were ok but avoiding the issues that befell the SPL and the reality of it built on the whole greed is good culture.

The rest is more sniping at the diddy teams and people who see the game beyond the bigot brothers and is as much about protecting his employment status

and the red top readership figures as any campaign to save Scottish football.

His vitriol towards Turnbull Hutton is another example of playing up to the Glasgow readership, life outside the West coast of Scotland does not exist absolute bollocks !!!

The SPL and Murray's regime killed off clubs bringing through their own players for the quick fix,

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Is posting bank details of an account thought to contain a four figure sum a good idea? I got an email from a Nigerian prince the other day looking to stick some money in my account. Maybe Raith deserve it more and I could forward these details onto him? unsure.gif

Edit: Just remembered some wifey on Rangers media at the start of this crisis suggesting that setting up a joint 'save the Gers' account would be a great idea. laugh.gif

Edited by Hedgecutter
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Just heard Keevans on TalkSport putting Micky Quinn and Co right on all things Sevco :unsure:

What a twat......a load of rubbish (surprisingly, he failed to say that this is a new entity applying for a slot in SPL/SFL) - and the TS guy's thanked him for the "facts"!

FFS :wacko:

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