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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Your obviously more willing than I am to buy into the bullshit. Firstly, I'm not sure they have the powers. Secondly, I would imagine even if they have the powers these could be subject to challenge on an appeal to UEFA. Thirdly, whilst I don't know the procedures I'm fairly sure the SFA board is elected by (and therefore, you would imagine, accountable to) the Scottish football clubs. Fourthly, would any club dictated to by a body whose representatives they elected br willing to be dictated to by that body? Fifth lay, even if they had the power and the inclination they simply would not have the time.

It is a threat and we, and I mean we as the people who are vital to Scottish football, need to be challenging this nonsense rather than acquiescing.

to the contrary, i think we should be continuing down the part we have set out all along, not in the game or division 3 regardless of what anyone (outside influences apparently) says

i think if the SFL say they have these powers we should be suggesting to clubs if that's the case they should feel free to vote "no" as it is not their fault then

& if they don't have the power the bluff will truly have been called

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i have no idea atall

but according to longmuir in the video i posted up earlier from stv they can overturn or push through what they want

If they're serious or stupid enough to think that they can pull this shit then they'll quickly go the way of Doncaster and Regan and find themselves on the receiving end of fans wrath up and down the country. Why are the people at the head of the three footballing bodies in this country so determined to commit career suicide?, surely scottish football can't be so bad that they think this is the best way out of it. :lol:

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Would the SFL chairmen stay strong if the SPL are offering 6 promotion places over the next 2 years?

Obviously i dont know what the deal is but just for the sake of discussion.

I think the SFL div1 teams would bite their hand off for that personally.

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Some people are either scaremongering or simply can't compute simple arithmetic.

How the fcuk will Newco not be able to pay for the upkeep of all their fixed assets in div 3?

Newco's business model is far better in div 3 than it ever will be in the SPL.

But their business model for SFA membership was delivered last Friday :D, and it won't be based on Div 3.....

Why are Airdrie abstaining? Something to do with Ballantyne?

Rangers shareholder, conflict of interest, blah blah......

they can overrule anything they want

its their ball

Not if the SFL show some baws and don't offer up a club for promotion........can't overrule that.

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Do they have a get-out clause which allows them to renege on paying this?

No. They're just flat-out threatening to break the settlement contract. Anyone who takes that threat seriously is an idiot. Unfortunately the Stenhousemuir board are apparently that fucking stupid.

So at the moment, it's one yes and three probable yes (Alloa, Falkirk, Partick Thistle). Still a bit short of 16.

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I've already e-mailed Stenhousemuir saying that I will not be attending any home or away cup games if we are drawn against them. If anyone wants to join me here's the address:


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I'm surprised that nobody has come up with this one as it seems to totally sum up what is happening in Scottish football at the moment.


Hang in there guys. The best is yet to come! :D

In the words of the philosopher Jagger: "If you try hard enough. you'll get what you need."

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Killie Trust Statement Regarding Rangers Newco Vote

5th July 2012

The Killie Trust would like to disassociate themselves from the actions of the Kilmarnock Football Club Chairman at the SPL meeting on Wednesday. It was important that we, as a club, were seen to be taking a moral stance as opposed to acting in self interest, and it is felt that we have been misrepresented by our majority shareholder and sole board member in this case. His refusal to vote was clearly not in the best long term interests of the club as it cast a shadow of doubt about our own integrity in this sorry affair.

We hosted an open meeting in conjunction with our Supporters Association last week which Michael Johnston attended and a unanimous show of hands from the floor should have left him in no doubt that Kilmarnock supporters were not in favour of any new club being allowed entry directly in the top division based purely on financial reasons. This was also backed up by various on line polls which indicated that 98% of those whom voted were also of the same mind, and we are more than certain that the "consultation", which the club paid for and then apparently decided not to act upon, would have reflected the same; although the results of said "consultation" was kept out of the public domain and not made available to those whom voted.

The decision taken by the SPL is indeed a momentous one and we hope that the fans of the clubs affected can now concentrate on getting behind their teams and ensuring that the embarrassing scare-mongering predictions of Neil Doncaster and Stewart Regan, who should be considering their own positions at this time, do not come to fruition. If ever it was more clear that we need only one governing body for a country our size it is now. We sympathise with the genuine Rangers fans out there who have, like so many others, been victims of so-called business men that have systematically pulled their club apart and we hope that their supporters will having a major say in how their club is run from here on in. The only good thing to come of all this has been the refreshing way in which most clubs have responded to the wishes of their fan base and we hope that the clubs in the SFL will respond in a similar fashion and not be bullied into accepting change they do not want, when it comes to doing the right thing there can be no compromise.

We have the opportunity over the coming season to start getting our house in order and we hope that Supporters Direct and fans in general will be given a say in the direction that Scottish football will take. The major stake-holders in our game cannot and will not be ignored any longer because without the fans there would be no clubs and the time has come for us to reclaim our place at the table and ensure that commercial greed and self interest no longer dictate the decisions that have to be made. We are all in this together and together we can get Scottish football back on its feet, from the bottom division to the top, anything less is simply unacceptable.

(Edited for formatting error)

Edited by Nutz_the_Squirrel
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I'm so sick of hearing how Rangers deserve special consideration because they are such a big club, would they be such a big club had they lived within their means for the last decade, had they signed players they could afford, had they paid tax and NI the same as everyone else?

And FYI Newco fans you are applying for the SFL,in whichever division they deem to allow you with a threadbare squad no European football and yet the arrogant assumption is that you will win whichever league you're allowed into.

Wake up and smell the coffee 1st day of pre season it was reported you had 13 players 4 of which were Goalkeepers.

This is the same arrogant beligerence that has led to so many fans contacting their "Diddy" Clubs to insist they voted no to newco in the SPL.

Edited by MFC_East_Stand_Al
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I'm still seeing a lot of people in this thread, "Rangers" apologists who like to bring up other clubs who were in administration and say that they have no moral high ground.

I thought every club who went into admin, slashed costs, released players and at the very least took massive steps to ensure that they didn't hit liquidation. Even Airdrie gave up it's history, name, colours and badge just to exist in any shape or form. Rangers did relatively nothing to try and avoid liquidation, they offered a 6 month reduced wage to players which means sod all because even if they came out of admin they'd have plunged straight back in as soon as full wages were paid. "Rangers" administration was a big middle finger to Scottish football as they not only kept their international quality players, they also then had the cojones to try and sign new players!

There is a moral high ground for those clubs because while nearly every club has had financial difficulties, all those who have had them have slashed budgets, lost valuable players, lost background staff and had fans chipping in as much money as possible to save the club. Usually this happened a day or two after admin, not after 5 months of it.

Oh and no other club has had a case to answer over cheating the tax man over EBT's or cheating Scottish and European Football with incorrectly registered players for over a decade.

For over a decade any team playing against Rangers has not been given an even playing field. So let's have our revenge and make sure they can only get into the Juniors where every away game they won't be playing on an even playing field (or at very least it'll be bumpy).

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I'm so sick of hearing how Rangers deserve special consideration because they are such a big club, would they be such a big club had they lived within their means for the last decade, had they signed players they could afford, had they paid tax and NI the same as everyone else?

And FYI Newco fans you are applying for the SFL,in whichever division they deem to allow you with a threadbare squad no European football and yet the arrogant assumption is that you will win whichever league you're allowed into.

Wake up and smell the coffee 1st day of pre season it was reported you had 13 players 4 of which were Goalkeepers.

This is the same arrogant beligerence that has led to so many fans contacting their "Diddy" Clubs to insist they voted no to newco in the SPL.

They have to be playing SPL football the season after next or we will all die.

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