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If your club acted like the walking dead oldco did would you be in a hurry to go back and support them especially if they continued spouting shite and trying to con their fans in their newco guise? Just wondering.......

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Archie McPherson? Really? When are we going to drag our national game into the 21st century I wonder.

Archie (why say 1 word when a thousand will do) McPhersonsad.gif

That dinosaur would give a packet of paracetamol a sair head.

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If your club acted like the walking dead oldco did would you be in a hurry to go back and support them especially if they continued spouting shite and trying to con their fans in their newco guise? Just wondering.......

Most fans would be too embarrassed to even be seen in your clubs colours, but for sevco fans they're used to their club being a fucking embarrassment. Hell even the fans are a pretty shameful bunch. An extremely well matched couple.

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it could be a petty tawdry bit of radio, those two will turn on Thomson, given the chance.

Archie's regarded as a national treasure, but he comes across as an out of touch old firm kiss arse. had his day. he can 'woaff' off for all i care.

Two semi-literate arsekissers won't prove much of an obstacle for old Thommo.

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it could be a petty tawdry bit of radio, those two will turn on Thomson, given the chance.

Archie's regarded as a national treasure, but he comes across as an out of touch old firm kiss arse. had his day. he can 'woaff' off for all i care.


Thomson will likely rip them new arseholes given half a chance, those 2 will play the Sevco apologist role down to a T.

Surely there's better people out there to be debating the facts or are these two being set up as patsies.:ph34r:

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Will try this for the third time (due to today's system gremlins) and I just know it's not going to be worth it!!

A couple of things annoying me still (more than a couple but I'll stick with these two)

1) SFA/SFL attempts to force RangersLite into Div 1 - as I understand it, Scottish football will be on its uppers if Newco aren't in the top league post haste. Looking at everything that's going on at Ibrox - what guarantee is there that Newco will be anywhere near the top come April next year? - does that mean we're now looking at 2nd/3rd and 4th all involved in playoffs with 2nd bottom of SPL? Do all these teams have to lie down to Newco during the playoffs? - what if they (Newco) are outside the top 4? - any refereeing decision "they" get throughout the season is going to come under even more scrutiny than usual (as if the refs' job isn't hard enough) Just don't see how any of the SFL 1 teams can vote for Newco entry on the basis of future sponsor money into the game and still be seen as impartial when playing Newco.

2) John Yorkston - happy to jump on the league re-structure badwagon for the last few years - looking to give more opportunities to those clubs in the SFL to get into the top league...until now! Come on John - it would appear that you may get a chance to agree to last season's runner up in SFL1 getting up into the top league (for probably no more than a season) and you start spouting about "no precedent" and how your own team should stay in the SPL - 1st chance and you go back to the closed shop approach - brilliant!

Finally - just wanted to commend this thread - I've been away from P&B for while due to the "banter" aka abuse that seemed to infect every thread. It's nice to see the humour return. More power to you P&B .

Wow, you've just posted a load o' pish. No wonder it was rejected twice.

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Out of all the apologists for NewCo, Craigan is the newest of the bandwagon hoping to make a tidy wee living. In the first few month he's up against one of channel 4's top investigative journalists who has interviewed people from the most conflicted parts of the world. Traynor and Young would have been absolutely slaughtered had they made an appearance. I remember Traynor sneering away earlier that he was just some war correspondent looking for a story or such, back in the early administration days, where they assumed everything would work out fine. Instead Craigan, who lets be honest, has no journalistic experience, will be slaughtered putting forth daft questions to Thomson.

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Is it actually taken as read that the Old Rangers fans will switch to this new team that Chicky Green is making up when it has no history attached to the old club.

Being absolutley serious for one moment, Rangers FC will no longer exist, The team, club and all that went with it will die when it liquidates.

Why does everyone believe they will just follow on and support this new team that's being put together, It's no more Rangers than Livingston are Meadowbank.

Are there any Rangers fans who see it this way or am I just being daft. If the new was in any way a continuation of the old I wouldn't ask the question, but it's not, they'll just be playing at the old Rangers ground, and that's an assumption that the new owner can afford to keep the old girl going as I think we all know Ibrox is hardly brand new and runs at a minimal cost.

It obvious follows on as to why anyone from outside the immediate area of Ibrox would even consider supporting this new venture, but that's a question for tomorrow.

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Were Brechin ever actually fined?

In March 2009 they were fined £30k "should they fail to comply within 3 years".


This was later suspended in March 2010 after they performed some works.


Then the licensing system was changed in December anyway, and they now meet Entry + Bronze level dimensions.

You don't have to hold a license... it'd be farcical at Sunday league or schoolboy level... and SFL rules don't require clubs to have a license. You're not reading either's rules right or in the correct context.

Membership and Licensing are two different things. Sevco will be applying for SFA membership. The licensing bit can be done any time if they survive that long. What is the membership criteria is a better question to ask.

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Thomson will likely rip them new arseholes given half a chance, those 2 will play the Sevco apologist role down to a T.

Surely there's better people out there to be debating the facts or are these two being set up as patsies.:ph34r:

Thomson is intelligent/literate. Feel sorry for Craigan/McPherson.....Chick Young or Traynor would have been far better.

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Does anyone remember any Rangers fans all worried about the money they paid for Tore Andre Flo? Some thick *** I know is claiming everyone was raging at the amount they paid for him and not excited about a desperate attempt to catch Celtic.

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Does anyone remember any Rangers fans all worried about the money they paid for Tore Andre Flo? Some thick *** I know is claiming everyone was raging at the amount they paid for him and not excited about a desperate attempt to catch Celtic.

he was a hero until the start of his 2nd season when they realised he was a pile of pish

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Is it actually taken as read that the Old Rangers fans will switch to this new team that Chicky Green is making up when it has no history attached to the old club.

It is if you are Neil Doncaster and you have figures to put to SFL and SPL chairmen.

Take it nobody told donkey about no8 giving up on them after decades of loyalty.

Edited by Gaz FFC
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Think about it, eh? The reason German football is so (comparitively) cheap is because the clubs use their TV & commercial income to subsidise gate prices. If we got the same money as the Norwegian League, for example, Scottish clubs (other than the two obvious monstrosities) could subsidise gate prices by a £5 (or even a tenner) and still come out ahead even if gates remained static.

I have been saying this for years.

My club is on the gravy train that is the English Premier League and collected something like £45,000,000 in TV revenue last season alone. Our season ticket revenue is no more than one third of that despite crowds of around 40,000 average. We do not get the benefit of large numbers of away fans either as most of the league think its too far to travel and if they are going to bother, they would rather visit Newcastle in the (mistaken IMHO) belief that its a better night out. Next season the TV revenue is going to rise significantly yet again, but do I expect a discount on my £430 season ticket? What do you think? They will probably freeze the price again and pretend they are doing us a favour.

Sunderland are well supported by anybody's standards. For most of my life (I am in my mid 40's) and for most of our history, we have been one of the top ten best supported sides in England and have been as high as 3rd in that list at times, even while being outside the top division for long periods. I was once in a 52,000 crowd for a second division game at Roker Park and my elder brothers could raise that by another 12.000. I think we were 6th or 7th top supported side again last season. Despite this, we have spent large periods outside the top league and this happened even before the TV revenue was significant, so big crowds do not always = success.

It's about time that clubs in the Premier League gave something back to the people who create the atmosphere at grounds that sells their 'product'. Sunderland could let me and every other current season card holder in for nothing and not even notice the difference when this new TV deal comes into effect, but I won't hold my breath. They will pocket the extra and spend it on yet more foreign mercenaries in the forlorn hope of holding onto the coat tails of the likes of Liverpool, Villa and Spurs.

Its frightening to think that Sunderland's take from the TV revenue dwarfs by a factor of three, the figure that (If you believe the bull), will lead to civil unrest and financial Armaggedon in Scotland.

You might wonder what all this has to do with the Rangers story, but I see what is happening in Scotland now as a forerunner to what will happen down south sooner or later. Virtually every club in the top two divisions down here is budgeting for massive TV revenue and if it was ever to disappear then the Rangers thing will look minor by comparison. Even with riches beyond the dreams of what those of us who watched football in the 80's could ever dream of, clubs are still losing money year on year. Football seems to be the opposite of normal business practice in that the bigger your turnover, the bigger your losses. Not being funny, but if Sunderland had the equivalent of £45,000,000 in the 80's we could probably have won the European cup multiple times!!

We have already seen the likes of Leeds and Pompey go tits up over the last few years, but in all honesty, those two are not historically really big clubs by English standards. They have both had brief periods of success but for the most part are not among the elite and have never been consistently among the best supported. We ain't seen nothing yet.

Edited by Roker Rover
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