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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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What's the situation then if both refuse to go up?

It's not that crazy given the notice period and the fact they both have budgeted for league 1.

Then there's no spaces going.

However, it's clear this isn't going to happen, Yorkston's been falling-over himself to stake their claim.

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This whole situation has become the film High Noon. Sheriff is faced with the return of a criminal who is out on a legal technicality. Wifey says, it's nothing to do with us, lets just move on. Criminal returns to town with three other gang members and calls sheriff out. Sheriff shoots down two of the gang and the wife helps with the other. And they both help to kill the villain.

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I'm so effin sick of this shit. It's beyond entertainment now, it's actually upsetting.

I'm totally torn about next season for me. Was looking forward to celebrating my club's first ever season in the top flight. Something I have been looking forward to, since they joined the SFL Division 3 in 1994. Yes, my team joined the SFL in the correct manner and worked hard to play in the top league.

However, the game is so obviously weighted and corrupt that I don't know if I want to be part of it. In all seriousness I really wish my team was back in the Highland league.

My dream has been ruined by cheating b******s and cottupt suits.

I blame Ralph Slater.

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I'm so effin sick of this shit. It's beyond entertainment now, it's actually upsetting.

I'm totally torn about next season for me. Was looking forward to celebrating my club's first ever season in the top flight. Something I have been looking forward to, since they joined the SFL Division 3 in 1994. Yes, my team joined the SFL in the correct manner and worked hard to play in the top league.

However, the game is so obviously weighted and corrupt that I don't know if I want to be part of it. In all seriousness I really wish my team was back in the Highland league.

My dream has been ruined by cheating b******s and cottupt suits.

The novelty of dining from scraps at the top table soon wears off and you will realise that the Highland league was/is far better craic, I'm looking forward to having you lot in the SPl as it gives a bit of local rivalry to the competition which our seasons keeping one step ahead of you was lacking. The SPL will be a far better place with C*unt* in it from my perspective, even more so without the cheats there.

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Can't we just bombard dundee & dumfermline with e-mails asking them to refuse entry to the SPL, That's the best way to throw the whole thing back in the authorities faces.

They would just give the option to Falkirk, then Hamilton and on and on until somebody accepted it.

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Can the clubs turn up and have a vote of no confidence and completely reject this nonsense?

Apparently not!

Just checked the rules. Once elected, a member of the board is a member of the board until;

- their term expires

- they get voted out at an AGM

- they retire / resign

- declared bankrupt (Financially I assume. What about morally?)

- banned from holding a company directorship

- they are pronounced unfit by a doctor

- are pronounced insane by order of a court

- are voted out in the interests of the game by the other board members.

Still a few straws to clutch at mind...

Edited by fozzie
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Apparently not!

Just checked the rules. Once elected a member of the board is a member of the board until

- their term expires

- they get voted out at an AGM

- they retire / resign

- are declared bankrupt (Financially I assume. What about morally?)

- banned from holding a company directorship

- they are pronouncded unfit by a doctor

- are pronounced insane by order of a court

- are voted out in the interests of the game by the other board members.

Still a few straws to clutch at mind...

any doctors on p&b fancy going above & beyond?

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Hey folks,

Complaints welcome re Jim Traynor. We don't pay our licenses for such abysmal sub standard (almost non-existant) journalism. Alex Thomson is embarrarring the BBC so let them know. Funny it's taken an 'outsider' to lead the way. Looks like the corruption runs deep. The welcome death of RFC is having a poultis effect, all the shite is coming to the surface and being exposed, Traynor included.


And we don't need to look around us to understand fairness, our collective moral compass works well. If we did, well Italy would be just about the worst place to start.

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The more official statements that come out from the SFA, SPL, SFL the more annoying it gets.

I at least have the comfort that this time next week it should be settled and the team formerly known as Rangers will be in the 3rd division and well can all move on or all they will be in the First Division and a lot of us will be done with Scottish Football. Either way i'd like some closure on the whole issue.

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Dundee and Dunfermline refusing entry in to the SPL is not going to happen.

The only hope is that over the next 3/4 days enough chairmen raise their voices against the proposals and create unrest. However i dont see that being sufficient enough to alter what is going to happen. The noise coming from the SFA, SPL and SFA boards is that the newco have to be in SFL1; if the SFL clubs vote yes to SFL1 then fantastic if not then tough thats where they are going.

As i wrote many hundreds of pages ago if you going to screw 1 then you might as well screw them all. It doesnt matter that 80-90% of clubs want them in SFL3, 90% of the fans want them in SFL3 and even the newco fans and boss want them in SFL3, that is an inconvience that can be easily overlooked for the 'good' of the game ie finance.

More than likely after all this is over Doncaster, Regan and the others who have fixed it will walk away with a large wedge of cash deluded into thinking they saved the game when in truth it will be broken beyond repair.

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More from Alex T - blog 2 of the day

My link

Well boys and girls, Alex T will be pushing the right buttons at FIFA and UEFA from the press side of things it's time we the keyboard bashing internet bampots started doing what we do best and backing up his words with our own views on the subject.




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interesting regarding fiorentina and shows other countries have similar problems.

Leeds Utd were formed in 2007 but didn't have to start again in bottom league.

I wonder what La Liga would do if debt ribben Barca or Real went bust?

I would think they would welcome the chance in La Liga. As the top two negotiate their own TV rights and have a different debt level at the detriment to the rest of the league.

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That is one very dangerous game they're playing there.

No to any league it is. Here was me thinking we were all being reasonable allowing them entry to the Third.

Now, more than ever - NO to Newco.

Spot on here. I was also thinking SFL3 and the story ends. But we now need to banish this cancerous pollop from the anus of Scottish Football once and for all!

In the SFL's defence though, "proposal 2" does leave room for considerable manoevre and leverage - the SFL hold all the power here; although it would mean going against all the votes of your members. As you say, a very dangerous game. Banish Newco, let's do it and consign them to history!

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Well boys and girls, Alex T will be pushing the right buttons at FIFA and UEFA from the press side of things it's time we the keyboard bashing internet bampots started doing what we do best and backing up his words with our own views on the subject.




Yes, absolutely

Can you keep bringing this post back to the top to remind everyone

get typing guys and gals

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