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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I am just listening to the sportsound podcast and just nearly blew a fuse completely after hearing JIM FUCKING TRAYNOR slabbering pish in favour of Rangers newco from every orifice he can expel air from.

There is an old firm derby and the biggest in Scotland as of this year and has at least one hundred years of history to sell to whatever TV company bids the highest.This derby is one of the most fiercest derby's on the planet,both teams hold such bile towards each other when the derby is played it is only matched by the big derby's in the leagues of Europe top derby's outwith the usual Celtic V's Rangers in Scotland.This is the Capital City Derby ! yes when you insert Capital City Derby this has international appeal to who ever looks at that title.I think the Donkeymaster cockwomble has totally missed the selling appeal of a Capital City derby completely ! they are so completely fixated on the traditional Glasgow OF derby that they totally undermine the Hearts V's Hibs or Hibs V's Hearts just to appease both sets of supporters as they can be like the OF fans n aw that.

The main selling point in any TV deal must have the Old Firm Capital City Derby at it's core,Hearts and Hibs have now found themselves if they can grasp it as the selling point to getting a better TV deal as our biggest game in Scotland as it stands at the moment.You Hearts and Hibs or Hibs and Hearts fans now have the responsibility to sell Scottish fitbaw.How does that feel that your derby is now the biggest game in Scotland ?,I now feel that's it's your duty to sell out on season tickets this year and feck whatever else any fucker in the media sells about doom and gloom about the death and loss of the Glasgow Old Firm.I feel that this is Edinburgh's time to rise to the occasion and stand up to save our game,we should be pestering the media ! Hey you what about the the new biggest derby in Scottish football PROMOTE IT FFS !.

I'm all for a better league and a damn competitive one at that,but looking at our situation as it is now I am looking at what we have to offer as a product.Other than fast tracking them cheating fuckers that were the Rangers into the SPL what do we actually have to offer ? we do have an Edinburgh Derby and why are we not making this the main focus until they tax dodging fuckers return eventually to the SPL IF !.I really would love it if the Capital City teams had reported all season tickets were sold out before the start of the season.If both teams get off to a flyer and strengthen in the January transfer market because they have the cash to do so THEN ! who the feck are Newco Rangers ?.

So come on the Edinburgh fans do something for all of us including us Celtic fans,show us the loss of the former club known as the Rangers is nothing at all.You have the biggest game in Scotland as of now and are our only probable way out of the OF Glaswegian oppression,.This is a real chance if all Edinburgh fans of their 2 clubs stand up and fork out some money and fill up their stadiums to finally drive a nail into the death of the Glasgow OF derby is the so called life and financier of the SPL.

Sorry thought I'd throw in a wild card there that does not include the newco in the SPL to make lots of TV revenue.:D

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According to Alex Thomson SFL Chairmen are angry at this EGM and the two resoultions.

Raith Rovers have quoted outstanding issues that are with the SFA eg Appellate decision needs to be confirmed first. They also need assurances from SFA that no other issues eg are BDO likely to question the asset sale and that SFA can issue a club licence. Other clubs are arguiing it is for the SFA to decide not the SFL.

Now if we are agreed that this is a promotion/relegation issue and the placement of Sevco has all the hallmarks as by precedent they should start at the bottom but might be placed higher ie ” promoted” then

FIFA Statute Article 19 Principle of Promotion and Relegation

is most arguably applicable in deciding the placement.

There are 4 points of principle contained in Art 19

The SFL Board arguably could make a judgement on the first (sporting merit) but not the second which is the province of the SFA (licensing etc)

They might struggle justifying approval under the third which prohibits ” Altering the legal form or company structure of a club to facilitate its qualification on sporting merit and/or its receipt of a licence for a domestic league championship, to the detriment of the integrity of a sports competition”

However given SFL anger the 4th is a doozy.

” Each Member (ie the SFA) is responsible for deciding national issues, WHICH MAY NOT BE DELEGATED TO THE LEAGUES. Each Confederation is responsible for deciding issues involving more than one Association concerning its own territory. FIFA is responsible for deciding international issues involving more than one Confederation.”

Now if I were an SFL Chairman not wanting to be railroaded I would be asking FIFA why I was being asked to do the SFAs job and why the SFA were delegating it to my league against a FIFA statute.

If I were AT I would be asking FIFA why the SFA were not following point 4 and it is all over Twitter so he will know.

So, on the usual FIFA/UEFA will not get involved argument how does it stack up if members of a member association tell FIFA that FIFA rules are being ignored and damaging sporting integrity? When a recognised journalist with credibility asks a similar question how can FIFA not get involved or is it not an Article 19 issue?

Aricle 19 in full.

Article 19 Principle of promotion and relegation

1 A club’s entitlement to take part in a domestic league championship

shall depend principally on sporting merit. A club shall qualify for

a domestic league championship by remaining in a certain division

or by being promoted or relegated to another at the end of a season.

2 In addition to qualification on sporting merit, a club’s participation

in a domestic league championship may be subject to other criteria

within the scope of the licensing procedure, whereby the emphasis

is on sporting, infrastructural, administrative, legal and financial

considerations. Licensing decisions must be able to be examined

by the Member’s body of appeal.

3 Altering the legal form or company structure of a club to facilitate

its qualification on sporting merit and/or its receipt of a licence for

a domestic league championship, to the detriment of the integrity

of a sports competition, is prohibited. This includes, for example,

changing the headquarters, changing the name or transferring

stakeholdings between different clubs. Prohibitive decisions must be

able to be examined by the Member’s body of appeal.

4 Each Member is responsible for deciding national issues, which may

not be delegated to the Leagues. Each Confederation is responsible

for deciding issues involving more than one Association concerning

its own territory. FIFA is responsible for deciding international

issues involving more than one Confederation.

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im still very chuffed that my own views on everything were actually mirrored almost word for word by my clubs chairman,he gets such a hard time from our support but i regularly find myself agreeing with what he says.

& also as ive already said its not my clubs fault the vote is set up to be rigged so i couldn't bring myself to hurt them off the back of it

i do understand however why that isn't popular, but if i have sent an email asking my club to vote them into SFL3 at highest & they do i struggle to see how i could justify(to myself) a boycott (of home games)

the clubs involed in the process of picking such a question yes i most likely would refuse to give my cash though

i dont understand the problem with my stance ,would someone mind trying one more time to explain why they believe this to be wrong?

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'Dear Sir or Madam,

NOTICE OF SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING – SCOTTISH FOOTBALL LEAGUE Notice is hereby given that a Special General Meeting of The Scottish Football League will be held within the Bell/Baird Suite on the fifth floor of Hampden Park, Glasgow on Friday, 13th July, 2012 at 11.00 a.m. for the purpose of considering and, if thought fit, approving the following proposals:-

(i) That the Scottish Football League Members agree to admit Sevco Scotland Limited as an Associate Member and agrees to permit Rangers F.C. to play in the League during Season 2012/13.

(ii) That the Scottish Football League Members direct the Board of Management of The Scottish Football League (the "Board") to provide that Rangers F.C. shall play in the Third Division of the Scottish Football League during Season 2012/13 unless the Board shall have to its satisfaction negotiated and reached agreement with The Scottish Premier League and The Scottish Football Association on a series of measures which the Board shall consider to be in the best interests of the game, how it is structured, how it is governed and how it is financed, whereupon the Board shall be authorised to provide that Rangers F.C. shall play in the First Division of the Scottish Football League during Season 2012/13.

(iii) That the Scottish Football League Members in terms of Rule 12 approve the resignation of either Dundee F.C. or Dunfermline Athletic F.C., whichever shall be admitted to join the Scottish Premier League for Season 2012/13, such resignation to take effect as at the date of admission of such club to the Scottish Premier League, notwithstanding that the requisite notice under Rule 12 shall not have been given.Details of the series of measures referred to at (ii) above shall be made available to the Members in advance of the meeting and an opportunity for full discussion of those measures will be given prior to the proposals being put to the meeting.

In accordance with the terms of SFL Rule 53, your club must send one representative to this meeting and I would be most grateful if you could advise me of the name of your representative by return.

A buffet lunch will be served at the conclusion of the meeting.

Kind regards,

David A. Longmuir

Chief Executive, SFL.'

Source - Alex Thomson.

Not sure if I'm correct here or not, I think the SFL and their lawyers have made a huge mistake here.

They have put the Dundee/Dunfermline issue in at (iii), obviously as a wee guarantee, ie, the SFL vote against (i) the SPL just make Newco club 12.

The work of your typical insidious conning b*****d, we've all accepted that.

But, how can the vote on question (i) be a simple majority, unless I'm missing a biggy, the order of questions constitutes a new structure ie 31 teams in the SFL, 75% required for that if I'm not mistaken.

Don't think they can have their cake and eat it, as much as they feel they can.

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im still very chuffed that my own views on everything were actually mirrored almost word for word by my clubs chairman,he gets such a hard time from our support but i regularly find myself agreeing with what he says.

& also as ive already said its not my clubs fault the vote is set up to be rigged so i couldn't bring myself to hurt them off the back of it

i do understand however why that isn't popular, but if i have sent an email asking my club to vote them into SFL3 at highest & they do i struggle to see how i could justify(to myself) a boycott (of home games)

the clubs involed in the process of picking such a question yes i most likely would refuse to give my cash though

i dont understand the problem with my stance ,would someone mind trying one more time to explain why they believe this to be wrong?

That is exactly what those in control of the game are banking on, they've not only put pressure on the clubs themselves but the true fans of the clubs involved, they've totally reversed the situation and turned it against us i.e. Sporting integrity has a price, do you, the fans, want to punish your clubs for the wrong doings at Ibrox and I think that is why everyone is so rattled about it. It makes a total mockery of any fairness, any rule book and shows beyond any reasonable doubt that football in this country is purely for the benefit of a certain two Glasgow based clubs, anyone else is insignificant. I can't imagine that had it been any other club the consequences would have been instant and terminal.

If there is an expansion of the SPL and a total restructuring of the game to be gained and fairer distribution of the money in the game that could be a starting point for the future, however, that should happen as a matter of course, not as some last ditch attempt to buy Sevco's presence in the top tier of the SFL.

Threatening SFL clubs to influence a vote should be enough to attract the attention of the governing bodies, it should be shouted from every tree-top just exactly what's going on here, no club should permit themselves to be used as a patsy, it cannot, under any circumstance, be allowed - SFL clubs should either vote NO or destroy the process altogether by delaying and delaying the process for as long as they can, ousting Longmuir, the SFL board, complaining to Uefa or whoever but not one of them should allow their names to be attached to this folly, it is a major stitch up by the SFA, SPL and SFL.

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The Marco Negri Interview is indeed a fake. Circulated and then debunked in short order on Celtic forums periodically.

No orginal source is usually a giveaway.

Although it seems plausible enough (apart from the advanced agenda-driven English) it reflects poorly on anyone spouting off about integrity to post disinformation.

Does nothing but muddy the waters and quite probably benefits real bigots by allowing them to point out that people are 'spreading lies about us'.

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The 'true fans' of Scottish football who are saying they will buy season tickets and attend matches whatever happens are the people who are allowing Doncaster, Regan and Longmuir to destroy our game.

The only weapon we have is to withhold our support and our finance. I, for one, will not be complicit in destroying the integrity of Scottish football.

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I've been out of the loop and not really paying attention the last few days. My understanding is the SFL have drawn up a proposal to put to clubs on Friday, is that correct?

And that proposal's main theme is the inclusion of Rangers in the SFL1?

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Is the madness not over yet? The longest close season ever.

Just f***ing do the stitch-up already. We know Sevco are going to start the season in Div 1.

Get this pish over and done with so I can switch my attention to whoever the closest Junior team is to Dunfermline.

F**k the SPL. Die, f***ing die.

Hardly eloquent but who cares, the game is a w**k.

ETA: So mad I forgot how to spell and had to correct it due to my ocd

Edited by Stagmaster
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The 'true fans' of Scottish football who are saying they will buy season tickets and attend matches whatever happens are the people who are allowing Doncaster, Regan and Longmuir to destroy our game.

The only weapon we have is to withhold our support and our finance. I, for one, will not be complicit in destroying the integrity of Scottish football.

Seems to me the SPL clubs have done the right thing, with the exception of the Kilmarnock plonker who consulted with his own fans and then completely ignored them. If the SFL chairmen do the same, listen to their fans and act accordingly, there will be no need for any integrity to be lost.

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I've been out of the loop and not really paying attention the last few days. My understanding is the SFL have drawn up a proposal to put to clubs on Friday, is that correct?

And that proposal's main theme is the inclusion of Rangers in the SFL1?

No, their inclusion is being hidden out the back in the wheelie bin.

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Seems to me the SPL clubs have done the right thing, with the exception of the Kilmarnock plonker who consulted with his own fans and then completely ignored them. If the SFL chairmen do the same, listen to their fans and act accordingly, there will be no need for any integrity to be lost.

Have you missed the bit about a carve up?

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The 'true fans' of Scottish football who are saying they will buy season tickets and attend matches whatever happens are the people who are allowing Doncaster, Regan and Longmuir to destroy our game.

The only weapon we have is to withhold our support and our finance. I, for one, will not be complicit in destroying the integrity of Scottish football.

I am with you Granny!

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If the posturing of the chairman of Kilmarnock FC turns out to be correct, then we shall very soon see how a non Glasgow big team are treated in an insolvency event.

If, after Friday, Sevco are a first division team, every club with debts should put themselves into administration, 10 point deduction or in the event of liquidation and a newco, a place in the first division awaits.

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