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Craig Burley is best ignored. I read the first sentence and knew to read on would me angrier and angrier. Is there no Gordon Waddell article to add a bit of balance?

I wish I'd stopped at the first sentence. Gone way past angry now. mad.gif

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Burley's masterpiece:

"I’ve heard comments from clubs like Cowdenbeath, Peterhead insisting they must start from scratch in the Third – who are these people and how are they qualified to make a decision that will affect clubs 10 times their size?"

eh..................? Donald Findlay.....................

His article is exactly the reason it all has to change. The absolute and total lack of respect for wider footballing community is galling, and telling at the same time.

Keep focussed on the prize, which to me means abandonment of the whole SPL debacle and punishment/consequences within the existing rules.

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Its the last desperate thoughts of a man who knows that if the sky/espn deal is scrubbed, then he is out of a job as a pundit

He's not even a good journalist columnist, as he couldn't even write an original piece for this week, most of it is plagirised from last weeks column, hence the reason for my earlier post.

Face it Burley,your a waste of space cool.gif

ETA got my right/rite/write wrong

Edited by rustyarabnuts
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He calls us (diddy teams fans) knuckle draggers and neanderthals. He should be sacked for that column.

Surely Craig Burley should know that a knuckle dragger and homo neanderthalensis are one and the same. In fact, makes you wonder if he isn't a bit of a homo (neanderthalensis) himself!

Homo neanderthalensis


Craig Burley


Edited by Danish Pastry
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Bumley admitted this year that before he signed for Celtic he knew nothing about Scottish football.

Not much has changed then.

But doesn't it just show how out of touch our media is when they constantly drag out ex players that havent kicked a ball in Scotland, nevermind actually live here in over 10 years.

These guys are so out of touch with anything outwith the EPL and SPL that other clubs just don't exist to them.

When did ex players stop badly running pubs and start writing columns in crayon for someone else to translate into print???

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Someone posted this on ONEF:

Longmuir has come out with his statement, and we now know that no matter what the chairmen decide in vote 1 (lets face it, if they vote no, to them entering sfl, dongcaster and regan will slip them into spl somehow)

Time for them to realise they've forgotten the biggest factor in sfl football. US

Regans secretarial staff - 'anne_marie.mcghie@scottishfa. co.uk'

'sandra.buchanan@scottishfa. co.uk '

SFL 'info@scottishfootballleague. com'

Lets clog the mailboxes. and let your clubs know what needs doing, it will be financially worse if they allow them into sfl1, as it'll be empty stadia

The 4 voices of reason so far, have been turnbull hutton, steven pressley, john yorkston and alex thompson.

But the biggest voice of all needs to be the fans... .yes it'll hurt, and may hurt the club you love....... but whats the point on a rigged league.

If newco are not winning the league by mid season, what do you bet some rule changes will come into play?

You, raith, dunfermline, any od the 1st division clubs, cannot win, and who wants to win a fixed hollow victory anyway.

Lets bring the B******s down.

Bump ....

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Bump ....

I've already e-mailed the SFL once explaining how disgraceful it would be if a newco are entered straight into the First Division. Fat lot of good that did. If I send another e-mail it'd just say 'You are all corrupt c***s!'.

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Apologies for posting a Daily Heil link, but I think this article sums up the situation very well.



I do not read the Daily Mail and am therefore unfamiliar with Patrick Collins.

I've just looked up a couple of his pieces and, for an English based sports journalist,

he seems to be and knowledgeable and unbiased.

No doubt someone will disabuse me of this notion.

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Thing is if the suits get their way and corrupt the league it wont be a boycott per se more that the vast majority of fans will simply be turned off a tainted product. It takes a conscious effort to spend hard earned cash and support r team in the arse end of a Scottish winter.it will be very easy to find cheaper warmer things to do and then the financial armegeddon will come to pass

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Sevco being a giant omnishambles is down to years of cheating coming to a head and Duff and Phelps fannying around, but what isn't right is the way Stranraer, Airdrie, Dunfermline and Dundee have been dragged into all this.

These 4 clubs will have signed players to handle the challenges of the league that they are in on wages suitable to that league, also they will have sold season tickets at prices based on being in that league and could suddenly find themselves promoted up a league with around 4 weeks to prepare for week 1 of the season.


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Very well written piece here on a little blog that I know. Not mine I hasten to add, I lack the insight that this guy has, as well as his ability to put it into words.

jagsforum blog - simply the rest

edited to add

I've now read what Burley has to say today and this is the antidote. A fan with a keyboard who says what all right minded fans are thinking.

Edited by archie guevara
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Right I've pretty much been drunk for the past 24 hours, anything interesting happen?

Not much - other than the SPL, SFA, and SFL chief executives/boards are unfit for purpose, and possibly all SPL clubs were perfectly well aware of this cunning plan to get newco Rangers into Div 1 all along. What is galling about SPL club chairmen possibly being 'in on it', is that they got us all to renew our STs on the back of their 'No to newco in the SPL' vote, and received back-slaps and applauds for 'doing the right thing'.

I could go on - but basically it looks like the whole thing is a massive stitch-up.

Doncaster, Regan and Longmuir: Possibly, and I say possibly in cahoots with SPL and SFL chairmen... shame on you all.

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Just read Burley's staggeringly bad troll and Smith's touching plea for clemency. Em, from who, Gordon? Rangers killed themselves without assistance from us 'Neanderthals'.

Reading the opinions of Traynor, Smith and co. is like a glimpse into a parallel universe. A universe where Rangers didn't die and these goons opinions are worth something.

Edited by Fife Saint
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