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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Hibernian Supporter's Association Statement

For Hibs and their fans this summer should have been solely about a much needed rebuilding process.

Instead we have watched with increasing concern as the whole Scottish game has been tarnished by the financial collapse of Rangers.

As Hibs fans we know only too well how men concerned more with profiteering than the wishes of fans can risk the very existence of a football club.

So it is with increasing dismay that we have watched Scottish football tear itself apart in its attempts to protect a business model that operates more for the benefit of TV executives than ordinary supporters.

We believe that the new Rangers - if they can satisfy the usual standards demanded for SFA membership - should start out again in the Third Division.

We welcomed the "no" vote passed by the SPL, including our own club, but we have watched with dismay as the SPL clubs have stood silently on the sidelines as their own Chief Executive - with the help and approval of a now entirely discredited SFA - has tried to bully and threaten lower division clubs into submission.

Not only do we find the tactics used by Neil Doncaster and Stewart Regan abhorrent, we also take issue with the doomsday scenarios they have offered as evidence.

While TV money and corporate sponsorship are undoubtedly important we do not believe that all of them would vanish if the Rangers newco was not guaranteed a place in the SPL within 12 months.

We would also argue that additional benefits - including a return to more regular 3pm Saturday kick off times - would offset some of the lost revenue.

This, however, is an issue that should go beyond finances.

It is essential that Hibernian - like all clubs - are part of a fair and equitable league structure with governing bodies that are consistent and reasonable in their treatment of all clubs.

We do not believe that is currently the case and we would call on all SPL clubs - including our own - to urgently address the damage being done to the game by Neil Doncaster and Stewart Regan.

We have long felt that reconstruction of the league structure was a critical factor in strengthening the Scottish game.

The proposals that are currently being discussed destroy the prospect of a strong Scottish game and are aimed solely at rebuilding a strong Rangers.

These attempts at craven gerrymandering for the sake of one club are an affront to all the commitments to "sporting integrity" we have heard over the last few months.

Many Hibernian fans feel cheated. While the financial sacrifices made at Easter Road have not always found favour with many of our fans we do appreciate that these decisions have been made in the interests of long term stability.

We now find our voices ignored as rules are broken or rewritten to favour a club that has spent money it could not afford to buy success.

It is heartbreaking for us to hear members speak of not going back to Easter Road or of turning their back on the Scottish national team.

These are not hollow threats. They are a symptom of the disillusionment many fans feel at a game that seems to constantly betray its paying customers.

While we have sympathy for ordinary Rangers fans left bewildered by current events we have also been saddened over the last few months to hear Ally McCoist attempt to destroy a disciplinary process that had been created to help move the game forward.

Other comments from high profile Rangers figures such as Sandy Jardine have seemed to be nothing more than vindictive threats against other clubs. These have left us shocked and angered.

Now we find ourselves in the unacceptable position of watching Charles Green attempt to sign players while footballing debts to other clubs - debts that are as important as any projected TV or sponsorship income - remain unpaid.

Yet this apparent lack of contrition is being ignored as the Scottish football authorities unite to do what they feel is best for just one club.

We would hope that the European and global footballing authorities are watching these developments with interest and will move to censure the Scottish governing bodies.

Hibernian Football Club is our passion. We want to see a strong Hibs on the pitch and off the pitch. We want to see a sustainable Hibernian at the heart of our community.

22 years ago we united as fans to save Hibernian.

Today we find ourselves united in calling for Scottish football to end the current uncertainty, withdraw the current campaign of bullying and threats aimed at our friends in the Scottish Football League and allow Rangers to rebuild their devastated club from the Third Division.

Fans of other clubs have been accused of "hating" Rangers.

We are defined not by hatred of any club but by our love of Hibernian.

A strong Hibernian in a strong Scottish game will forever be our one and only aim.

A few men motivated by greed and money currently risk that vision.

Fans of Hibernian and every other club cannot stand silently by and let that happen.

Hibernian F.C. Supporters Association


Well Said

Wow strong words !! well said more power to your elbow !!!!!! this might be our last chance !!! Save scottish football and get rid of Doncaster and the rest !! again much respect to the hibees !!

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I unfortunately just read that column in the SM -

Absolutely shocking and jawdroppingly stupid. "If their clubs were to go missing nobody would bat an eyelid", Pittodrie resembling closed door friendlies, part time community clubs with very little relevance beyond the borders of their town. Maybe it's my fault for reading the SM in general but please just **** off Burley.

"You can hear the outraged screams from Forfar to Annan..." - is that the furthest place from Annan this muppet could think of? Craig: You just singlehandedly caused what you call 'football argmageddon'. Congratulations.

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Great statement from Hibs Supporters Club. Heartened to see Annan sticking to their guns as well.

More of this sort of thing.

not really, under thne current terms of vote annan are effectively voting them into SFL 1

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How many of the sevco orange order adhere to these rules:

Requirements for entry to Orange Order

"An Orangeman should have a sincere love and veneration for his Heavenly Father, a humble and steadfast faith in Jesus Christ, the Saviour of mankind, believing in Him as the only Mediator between God and man. He should cultivate truth and justice, brotherly kindness and charity, devotion and piety, concord and unity, and obedience to the laws; his deportment should be gentle and compassionate, kind and courteous; he should seek the society of the virtuous, and avoid that of the evil; he should honour and diligently study the Holy Scriptures, and make them the rule of his faith and practice; he should love, uphold, and defend the Protestant religion, and sincerely desire and endeavour to propagate its doctrines and precepts; he should strenuously oppose the fatal errors and doctrines of the Church of Rome and other Non-Reformed faiths, and scrupulously avoid countenancing (by his presence or otherwise) any act or ceremony of Roman Catholic or other non-Reformed Worship; he should, by all lawful means, resist the ascendancy, encroachments, and the extension of their power, ever abstaining from all uncharitable words, actions, or sentiments towards all those who do not practice the Reformed and Christian Faith; he should remember to keep holy the Sabbath Day, and attend the public worship of God, and diligently train up his offspring, and all under his control, in the fear of God, and in the Protestant faith; he should never take the name of God in vain, but abstain from all cursing and profane language, and use every opportunity of discouraging those, and all other sinful practices, in others; his conduct should be guided by wisdom and prudence, and marked by honesty, temperance, and sobriety, the glory of God and the welfare of man, the honour of his Sovereign, and the good of his country, should be the motives of his actions.". [120]

Made me chuckle.

If that is real it is very interesting.

The Catholic faith, as indeed all faiths, require the same blind obedience.

For me the telling phrase is and most fundamentally wrong is " fear of God".

Alternative philosophy forum for my psih! ;)

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not really, under thne current terms of vote annan are effectively voting them into SFL 1

Really? "We feel Rangers should be in Division Three and our stance hasn't changed."

Sounds fairly like they're for voting Newco into Division 3.

Edited by capt_oats
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not really, under thne current terms of vote annan are effectively voting them into SFL 1

how so?

"We feel Rangers should be in Division Three and our stance hasn't changed."

by that id say they'll vote for the resolutions accepting sevco as an associate member and accepting the resignation of dundee or dunfermline, and vote against the middle resolution.

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Really? "We feel Rangers should be in Division Three and our stance hasn't changed."

Sounds fairly like they're for voting Rangers into Division 3.

yes if rangers are to play in SFL1 the way the vote is they must be voted into SFL3 & moved by the board

there is no vote rangers to SFL1 optionunsure.gif

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I like the Annan chairman's comments about dealing with league reconstruction seperately. That must be done after any place in any league has been decided and the heads of SFA, SPL and SPL have all left. Why should we negotiate new leagues with people who have shown no knowledge of how sport works.

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Maybe this has been posted, maybe not....

Brilliant questions from the comments in a Scotsman article:


John McVey

Sunday, July 8, 2012 at 06:38 AM

Ten questions the SFL Chairmen should be asking before any vote takes place:

1. Who actually owns Ibrox park? Did Craig Whyte illegally put the assets of Rangers FC into a new company to avoid them being sold off to pay their debts and taxes or was this illegal activity contrived between the corruption of Duff and Phelps and Green’s Sevco? My guess is Whyte, Green, Duff & Phelps are all in this together!

2. It is the liquidator’s legal responsibility to question the contrived sale on the cheap of Murray Park and Ibrox to Green’s Sevco thereby quashing any chance of the creditors getting the money back they are rightfully owed. Does the SFL wish these Court cases to hang over our football for the coming years?

3. Why did Duff and Phelps sell the assets of rangers, reported to be worth over 106 million pounds, to a dodgy character who required a loan to purchase the said assets for the measly sum of 5.5 million? Will the liquidator manage to confiscate Ibrox and take it back to the rightful owners, HMRC, Ticketus and the other creditors?

4. How will the administrators and SFL club chairmen feel when a huge amount of fans turn their backs on the game when they see the obvious unfair corruption going on and the blatant disrespect for the rules of the game.

5. Will Craig Whyte, Green and Murray be liable for criminal charges brought against them?

6. What are the SFA going to do regarding the fact Rangers FC players and staff broke the rules by registering players without declaring the dodgy EBT scheme.

7. If our administrators think tearing up the rule book is worth it for the overall good of our game, where will they stop? For instance, if Sevco don’t win promotion will they restructure the leagues to accommodate them in the SPL anyway, and will they instruct referees to “help” Sevco gain the success they need for the overall good of our game and commercial interest?

8. What will our Administrators do if Sevco have to go back into administration as they are likely to do?

9. What is to stop other SPL teams doing the same as Sevco, and go into liquidation to avoid paying their debts, then re-emerge as a “newco” debt free continuing in the top tier of Scottish football. Or are the rules only to be bent for Sevco?

10. What will our administrators do when UEFA punish the whole of Scottish football by flouting the rulebook putting commercial interest ahead of sporting integrity?

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My take on things is that insufficient SFL clubs are going to back all of Friday's resolution.

Whether this means the entire lot falls so they come back a week later to admit Rangers to SFL3 - or they vote for 1+3 and/or an amendment and get it done-n-dusted then - who knows.

You then imagine a lot of pressure falling on Regan + Doncaster + Longmuir, though in each case it'll depend how much it was their own initiative and how much the instruction of their Boards.

Of course perhaps some/all 3 want out anyway, given their bleak financial forecasts, so potentially they've not a lot to lose...

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