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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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That part of the vote places them in the third division for a nano second, then it's straight into the first with them. So Annan will vote no to them joining the SFL.

but thats not what they said

they said they would vote for SFL3......

"We feel Rangers should be in Division Three and our stance hasn't changed."

"Annan were the last club to join the SFL, in Division Three, replacing Gretna after their neighbours went into liquidation following relegation from the SPL four years ago and McLelland thinks that set a precedent."

clearly saying they will vote them into SFL3

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Maybe this has been posted, maybe not....

Brilliant questions from the comments in a Scotsman article:


John McVey

Sunday, July 8, 2012 at 06:38 AM

Ten questions the SFL Chairmen should be asking before any vote takes place:

1. Who actually owns Ibrox park? Did Craig Whyte illegally put the assets of Rangers FC into a new company to avoid them being sold off to pay their debts and taxes or was this illegal activity contrived between the corruption of Duff and Phelps and Green's Sevco? My guess is Whyte, Green, Duff & Phelps are all in this together!

2. It is the liquidator's legal responsibility to question the contrived sale on the cheap of Murray Park and Ibrox to Green's Sevco thereby quashing any chance of the creditors getting the money back they are rightfully owed. Does the SFL wish these Court cases to hang over our football for the coming years?

3. Why did Duff and Phelps sell the assets of rangers, reported to be worth over 106 million pounds, to a dodgy character who required a loan to purchase the said assets for the measly sum of 5.5 million? Will the liquidator manage to confiscate Ibrox and take it back to the rightful owners, HMRC, Ticketus and the other creditors?

4. How will the administrators and SFL club chairmen feel when a huge amount of fans turn their backs on the game when they see the obvious unfair corruption going on and the blatant disrespect for the rules of the game.

5. Will Craig Whyte, Green and Murray be liable for criminal charges brought against them?

6. What are the SFA going to do regarding the fact Rangers FC players and staff broke the rules by registering players without declaring the dodgy EBT scheme.

7. If our administrators think tearing up the rule book is worth it for the overall good of our game, where will they stop? For instance, if Sevco don't win promotion will they restructure the leagues to accommodate them in the SPL anyway, and will they instruct referees to "help" Sevco gain the success they need for the overall good of our game and commercial interest?

8. What will our Administrators do if Sevco have to go back into administration as they are likely to do?

9. What is to stop other SPL teams doing the same as Sevco, and go into liquidation to avoid paying their debts, then re-emerge as a "newco" debt free continuing in the top tier of Scottish football. Or are the rules only to be bent for Sevco?

10. What will our administrators do when UEFA punish the whole of Scottish football by flouting the rulebook putting commercial interest ahead of sporting integrity?




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Did that senile auld yap McPherson not say something on Off The Ball yesterday along the lines of Burley being a good pundit because "he's not afraid to speak his mind" ?

That pile of keech 'article' would indicate that the obviously semi-literate Burley is out of his mind. Just like Traynor, Young, Jackson, Keevins et al before him, Burley proves himself to be a lackey to other people's will and appealing to the Sevco 5088 knuckledragging fraternity.

Imagine having to prostitute yourself for a few hundred quid by putting your name to ignorant drivel that could have been better written by a 10 year old.


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Fans have already achieved a lot during this saga. Can we drive Craig Burley out of our game now? For Scottish Football to flourish guys like him need to be removed.

Not yet, because i'd sell my soul to the devil to see the tear-stained rant "he'd" write if Sevco5088 don't get voted into the SFL.

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but thats not what they said

they said they would vote for SFL3......

"We feel Rangers should be in Division Three and our stance hasn't changed."

"Annan were the last club to join the SFL, in Division Three, replacing Gretna after their neighbours went into liquidation following relegation from the SPL four years ago and McLelland thinks that set a precedent."

clearly saying they will vote them into SFL3

Goodness, this is hard work. I am quite sure that Annan understand the consequences of voting them into Division 3 ie they'll really be voting them into Division 1. Therefore to avoid that they'll vote no, which is the only possible way of getting them into Division 3.

Please don't reply. I'm getting tired.

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Goodness, this is hard work. I am quite sure that Annan understand the consequences of voting them into Division 3 ie they'll really be voting them into Division 1. Therefore to avoid that they'll vote no, which is the only possible way of getting them into Division 3.

Please don't reply. I'm getting tired.

Indeed: no club can claim to have been 'duped' by the authorities now their grand plan has been revealed.

The only way forward is to reject the proposals outright.

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Wish I could go but work does not permit. RRFC should set up some kind of ticket gifting scheme - I'd happily pay for a couple of tickets for local kids to attend.

Yep same goes, anyone from Raith think this would be a goer?

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Which SFL clubs would consider joining SPL2 now? Lines have been drawn in the sand by a few of the bigger SFL clubs, so you'd have a mish-mash of SFL quislings in amongst SPL2.

How long will animosity last, though?

Imagine this scenario... clubs hold firm. Rangers into SFL3. As a result SPL clubs p*ssed-off, and badly-hit financially. Some months go by. SPL clubs decide not to offer the "compromise" (merger/play-offs/increases parachutes/etc.) but instead to offer SPL2 with related incentives (but also those savings SPL2 entailed). Given 2yrs notice etc., this coincides with Rangers reaching Tier 2 and sponsorships improving.

Would your Falkirks, Hamiltons, Mortons stay out of that? I'm not so sure.

It involves plenty assumptions but maybe that's what Stenhousemuir etc. fear... a sort of delayed-action sting-in-the-tail.

Edited by HibeeJibee
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Goodness, this is hard work. I am quite sure that Annan understand the consequences of voting them into Division 3 ie they'll really be voting them into Division 1. Therefore to avoid that they'll vote no, which is the only possible way of getting them into Division 3.

Please don't reply. I'm getting tired.

& im sure they said this rolleyes.gif

the whole week ahead of us is going to be a massive PR exercise by the clubs with very similar statements

this time next week we will be getting told they did what we asked of them

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Wow strong words !! well said more power to your elbow !!!!!! this might be our last chance !!! Save scottish football and get rid of Doncaster and the rest !! again much respect to the hibees !!

While I agree with almost everyting in the Hibs statement - its easy to make these comments froma position where your club has abdicated responsibility of that tough decision and delegated it to the SFL.

It therefore doesn't really matter what supporters organisiations of the SPL clubs think - its up to the SFL supporters to stand firm, canvass our clubs, and work for the long term future of our game. Not a short term kneejerk hvn saving scheme.

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I don't have a lot of time for Neil Lennon, but here's a question.

If Neil Lennon had made the comments about 'Rangers supporters and social unrest' that Regan had what would have been the response? How serious a charge would he have been on from the SFA? What would have been the level of condemnation in the press?

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