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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I think only parts the whole Burley column have been posted so far so for the benefit of those without yersterday's Sunday Mail, here it is...

Warning: ensure that all sharp objects are hidden away.

HAS it really come to this? The future of Scottish football placed in the hands of a few nonentities from the lower divisions. Muppets in charge of clubs that draw embarrassing crowds of 200 people suddenly standing as judge and jury over a decision that could cost the country millions of pounds in lost revenue. Chairmen of part-time teams who are nothing more than afterthoughts in the psyche of our national obsession, yet suddenly they have been handed the most important decision in the history of Scottish football. Does the SFL do the sensible thing and accept the Rangers newco into the First Division or cut off their nose to spite everyone else's face by condemning them to starting again from the Third Division?

That they even have to think twice about this decision chills me to the core because it's a clear sign that the knuckle-draggers – always the ones who make the most noise – have succeeded in making their voice heard. And I'm not just talking about supporters, there are plenty of backward idiots in board rooms too and their petty witch hunt dressed up as "sporting integrity" could cost us all. What price your integrity if there's no sport left after you've slaughtered its biggest cash cow? Those opposing Rangers being parachuted into the First Division cannot see the wood for the trees. I've heard comments from clubs like Cowdenbeath, Peterhead insisting they must start from scratch in the Third – who are these people and how are they qualified to make a decision that will affect clubs 10 times their size?

Let's be honest here, if their clubs were to go missing nobody would bat an eyelid but if they abuse their newfound power to banish Rangers then the whole game is gone. It is THAT serious because without the revenue they generate through TV deals and travelling supporters, many other clubs will shut. I know SFA chief executive Stewart Regan was criticised for warning that Scottish football faces a slow painful death if the Ibrox club are tossed to the bottom, but I agree. There is no point telling people everything's hunky dory when it is clearly not. People must wake up to Regan's alarming message before it's too late. Most of all the SPL because the time is now to take decisive action. You may have read Raith Rovers' vice chairman Turnbull Hutton accusing the SPL of bullying and railroading the lower league clubs to vote Rangers into the First. There's long been veiled threats to set up a breakaway SPL 2, including Rangers, if the top flight don't get what they want, leaving those who defy them well and truly out in the cold. Well my feeling is why rely on a veiled threat when you can turn it into a concrete promise that can be used as a foundation to rebuild our game on a more stable platform? Just do it, guys.

This is the time where SPL chief executive Neil Doncaster must stand strong and make the big decisions and grab the power back for the big clubs who know how to handle it. Start the breakaway now, give us a fresh product of two top divisions with promotion and relegation play-offs and sell the package to Sky and ESPN as a fresh exciting new dawn for our game. TV will buy into it, fans will be re-energised and hopefully start clicking through the turnstiles again. Hey, maybe even the punters who blackmailed their clubs to vote Rangers out of the SPL in the first place might actually start attending games – because I don't believe for a second that they were all loyal season ticket holders.

You just need to look at Dunfermline closing a stand last season and matches at Pittodrie resembling a closed-doors friendly any time the Old Firm weren't visiting as evidence that these fans who protested so loudly must now put their money where mouths are. So what of the rest you may ask. What about the clubs left behind by the new set-up? No doubt some of them will fold while others continue plodding along as they are just now – part-time community clubs with very little relevance beyond the borders of their town. It might sound brutal but there are too many teams in our senior game who are going nowhere.

So better to trim the dead wood than give them the power to kill off one of the two clubs that matters most. In short, it's better them than Rangers when it comes down to a stark choice of who should go. I can almost hear the outraged screams from Forfar to Annan already but hard nosed as it sounds the alternative, which is football Armageddon, is too much for the rest of us to bear. Maybe the Neanderthals who are only interested in revenge and petty points scoring after decades of Old Firm dominance will stop and think about the consequences before they call for more punishment. The time has come to end this sorry episode and start fresh with a positive new beginning for all of Scottish football. We can't stand by and allow small clubs with their ridiculous tiny supports to gather on Friday the 13th and chase millions of pounds out of our game. The time for action has come and Doncaster and his SPL member clubs cannot afford to hesitate a moment longer.


So better to trim the dead wood than give them the power to kill off one of the two clubs that matters most. In short, it's better them than Rangers when it comes down to a stark choice of who should go.

Hang the c*** out to dry for this one alone. Let's let the cheating, vile, bigoted team that was Rangers live on while all of the other rule abiding community sides should be killed off?! Only an idiotic Neanderthal muppet could come out with such a statement.

Edited by Hedgecutter
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Good morning.

This is off-topic but interesting to all pc users.

I was reading a BBC news report about cyber crime.

They printed this link to check for a particular virus.

It only takes a couple of seconds.

This is the BBC news link http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-18735228

This is the virus checker http://www.dns-ok.lu/

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Rangers Football Club is getting liquidated, i.e. not just the company but the whole f***ing club. Orcs have been living in denial for years though so I doubt this will change any time soon.

I'm convinced that no matter WHAT happens the entity of Rangers Football Club will never be expunged from Scottish Football. It's been referred to as Zombie Rangers a few times for different reasons - but like a zombie I'm not sure that it is actually killable!

Yes, the "Company" is being liquidated, the assets sold to a different company, a new team trying to enter the league - BUT - it will STILL be called Rangers, It will still play at Ibrox, in Bue, with "Ready" on the crest and a predominance of non-Scottish flags in the crowd!!

In a staement from the Rangers Supporters Trust they say “Rangers Football Club has existed and prospered for 140 years. We are in the middle of a very difficult period in our history but are resolute in the knowledge our club will be here for another 140 years and beyond."

"In the middle of a very difficult period in our history"???? ffs - they are at the end of it!!

I might actually be swayed to feel better about them in the 1st Division IF they were forced to drop this pretence of identity continuity!! Tell just them it's a CONDITION that they call themselves Govan Athletic, play in Green, and have a crest with "Contrite to the End"!!

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I think only parts the whole Burley column have been posted so far so for the benefit of those without yersterday's Sunday Mail, here it is...

As no-one in their right mind could seriously mean this, I can only presume that he is trying for a mass vote against entry into the SFL at all.

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Well, if that is the case, then the alternative is so dire our chairman had to take such a drastic step. Which is of course assuming they concocted this whole thing - which I do severely doubt. People say things with such conviction and suddenly they become true, where is the evidence any SPL board was complicit, never mind instrumental, in the construction of this plan.

I don't know what people expect to happen here anyway. Rangers down in the third, this somehow passed on as the fair solution despite the fact it blatantly breaks the rules in their favour, and everyone lives happily ever after with fans desperate to go and see the new integrity driven Scottish football. The fans are far too mobilised here, far too demanding and far too quick to make extreme threats.

Let's boycott sponsors, lets boycott clubs who vote against what we want or abstain. FFS you sound exactly like Rangers fans.

People hate Rangers, I fully understand that and am very much of that mindset myself. The reason them going into the SPL was untenebale was because it wasn't an adequate deterrent, but people are reveling in this far too much and don't fully appreciate the damage it could still do.

What do I think will happen? Third division is still the most likely scenario, but I've already stated I'm not greatly opposed to them going into the first. The financial figures are being exaggerated, there is no doubt about that, chairman are extenuating the negative because they don't want to lose anything - and the sum they will lose will still be fairly significant. Clubs like Kilmarnock and Hearts will be very vunerable but as for the least of us? Time will tell. Can't help but feel this entire scenario will bring far more mourning than laughter for everyone involved.

You probably won't get a lot of disagreement with your basic premise.

Remember the initial idea was simply to put a new club called Rangers-is-us

straight back into the SPL.

No non-hvns wanted that. From then on we have been at the mercy of high level machinations.

We can only do our best and hope for the best..

And this is what I think of 'hope'

In reality, hope is the worst of all evils, because it prolongs man's torments. ~Friedrich Nietzsche,

ETA split infinitive, Star Trek stylee

Edited by cyderspaceman
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Well, if that is the case, then the alternative is so dire our chairman had to take such a drastic step. Which is of course assuming they concocted this whole thing - which I do severely doubt. People say things with such conviction and suddenly they become true, where is the evidence any SPL board was complicit, never mind instrumental, in the construction of this plan.

I don't know what people expect to happen here anyway. Rangers down in the third, this somehow passed on as the fair solution despite the fact it blatantly breaks the rules in their favour, and everyone lives happily ever after with fans desperate to go and see the new integrity driven Scottish football. The fans are far too mobilised here, far too demanding and far too quick to make extreme threats.

Let's boycott sponsors, lets boycott clubs who vote against what we want or abstain. FFS you sound exactly like Rangers fans.

People hate Rangers, I fully understand that and am very much of that mindset myself. The reason them going into the SPL was untenebale was because it wasn't an adequate deterrent, but people are reveling in this far too much and don't fully appreciate the damage it could still do.

What do I think will happen? Third division is still the most likely scenario, but I've already stated I'm not greatly opposed to them going into the first. The financial figures are being exaggerated, there is no doubt about that, chairman are extenuating the negative because they don't want to lose anything - and the sum they will lose will still be fairly significant. Clubs like Kilmarnock and Hearts will be very vunerable but as for the least of us? Time will tell. Can't help but feel this entire scenario will bring far more mourning than laughter for everyone involved.

Cracking post

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What is this nonsense about fifa etc getting involved. What rules have been broken? Have they got involved previously when clubs in other countries have newcoed in at levels above the bottom tier? People are getting far too carried away here.

Boycott this, boycott that. We actually have people cancelling their sky subscriptions because sky don't treat the spl as a charity case ffs

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I hope as many people as possible can make it along to Stark's Park on Tuesday, to demonstrate support for Turnbull Hutton. We need to show that those with integrity will be rewarded financially.


Come on, ICT central belters. Support Raith and watch County (hopefully) get a kicking at the same time. A bargain for £10.

Just been thinking about this again.

If anyone DOES think it's a good idea to attend this match to protest, just do it without further publicity or organisation.

An "ambush" protest would have more effect .

A few chants of "We are Turnbull Hutton" would not go amiss.

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Now, i'm not advocating Sevco being placed into SFL1 (don't boycott my posts!) but in theory it could be a good move. Let me expand, they would probably win Div3 and Div2 at a canter and by the time they enter Div1 their finances will have grown to the extent they can effectively buy the league. Then, the following season they enter the SPL much stronger than many current SPL sides. If, however, they enter Div1 next season in their current state I honestly couldn't see them making second place.

ETA: I will be at Starks Park tomorrow night, popping some funds into Turnbull's Raith. Would be great to see a full house.

Edited by Stagmaster
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Who gives a toss what Burley thinks - like the majority of his colleagues he's an old firm fan, working in an industry that relies on the status quo to pay his wages. This rant against the SFL clubs is quite moronic and his call for 'action' falls short of actually stating what the 'action' should be - in other words he hasn't a clue. His assertion that the SPL clubs should grab back the power because they know what to do with it is laughable - they're the one's who f*cked up big style. No doubt he'll be joining the ranks of hacks hoping and praying that Scottish football goes down the pan so he can point and moan that he told you so.


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What is this nonsense about fifa etc getting involved. What rules have been broken? Have they got involved previously when clubs in other countries have newcoed in at levels above the bottom tier? People are getting far too carried away here.

Boycott this, boycott that. We actually have people cancelling their sky subscriptions because sky don't treat the spl as a charity case ffs

Wullie, I know you have posted in this vein before.

Would you please post a quick summary of what you would

like to see happening and how it could best be attained?

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Now, i'm not advocating Sevco being placed into SFL1 (don't boycott my posts!) but in theory it could be a good move. Let me expand, they would probably win Div3 and Div2 at a canter and by the time they enter Div1 their finances will have grown to the extent they can effectively buy the league. Then, the following season they enter the SPL much stronger than many current SPL sides. If, however, they enter Div1 next season in their current state I honestly couldn't see them making second place.

If you were looking to do this as a 'punishment' in order to disadvantage them, then this may be a fair strategy. However if you're looking to implement a procedure that is in line with sporting integrity then it is a nonsense. Rangers newco should be treated exactly the same as any other club who find thenselves in this position.

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Now, i'm not advocating Sevco being placed into SFL1 (don't boycott my posts!) but in theory it could be a good move. Let me expand, they would probably win Div3 and Div2 at a canter and by the time they enter Div1 their finances will have grown to the extent they can effectively buy the league. Then, the following season they enter the SPL much stronger than many current SPL sides. If, however, they enter Div1 next season in their current state I honestly couldn't see them making second place.

ETA: I will be at Starks Park tomorrow night, popping some funds into Turnbull's Raith. Would be great to see a full house.

You forget that the SPL teams will be loaning them a whole team to make sure they get back up.

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Having spent time catching up on this thread, one thing seesm to have slipped under the radar. Mr Green's "offer" to allow a fan involvement by share purchase looks like scam to raise operating funds in place of the mission millions from ST sales. By any definition, that ain't investment, that's working capital. And he values the company at £55m, he's offering shares to the fans to the value of half the company value, so he's hoping to get in excess of £25m when SDM got what?, £5m? Dream on. As I've said before, I just can't see them lasting 6 months with the obviously very poor cash flows they seem to be "generating". Putting them into Div 1 would be causing more chaos when Sevco go into admin in February 2013.

Edited by Happy Buddie
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What is this nonsense about fifa etc getting involved. What rules have been broken? Have they got involved previously when clubs in other countries have newcoed in at levels above the bottom tier? People are getting far too carried away here.

Boycott this, boycott that. We actually have people cancelling their sky subscriptions because sky don't treat the spl as a charity case ffs

While I agree with some of what you are saying, the issue for a lot of people isn't the Newco being parachuted in, it's the fact that taking such a step would be against the precedents set in the past. Every club has to be treated the same way.

If the SFL rules said that newcos could enter at the 2nd tier, and it had happened before then we'd all say it was a bit shit and get on with it. But that isn't what happened with Airdrie or Gretna, the only two recent SFL clubs to form newcos.

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