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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Well done to Thommo for his dig at that clown McGowan from the mail.

That's an interesting point, to which I'd say "not a chance". Not even 1000 will turn up at Hampden tomorrow.

However if as I suspect we wake up to SPL 2 come Monday, *then* we might start to see a real backlash finally.

Tbh, the Celtic fans in this have been pretty anonymous - if we are supposed to get 100K at Hampden, surely Celtic should be providing 50K of them? For the side that is supposed to despise the sevco more than any other, they don't seem to be very vocal compared to us diddies. Makes you wonder how much they *really* want to see the demise of the blue scum. I mean, really.

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Tbh, the Celtic fans in this have been pretty anonymous - if we are supposed to get 100K at Hampden, surely Celtic should be providing 50K of them? For the side that is supposed to despise the sevco more than any other, they don't seem to be very vocal compared to us diddies. Makes you wonder how much they *really* want to see the demise of the blue scum. I mean, really.

Sevco have nothing to do with Celtic.

It's a new club with no history, they have absolutely no relationship with Celtic at all.

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Well hopefully today will put an end to it all,not holding my breath though.

Heres hoping this is how the SFL chairman treat Regan,Cockwomble and co at the meeting though.Get John Alexander as the spokesperson.


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Unfortunately for all the talk of integrity it looks as though Sevco/Rangers Mk2/Zombie Rangers will be slipped into the SFL tomorrow at the bottom level without having to apply in the usual manner and without three years audited accounts. So much for precedent. Whether we like it or not the SFL are going to allow a financially unproven club into the league which has outgoings far greater than its available income stream. I think we'll rue the day these clubs failed to strangle this monstrosity at birth.

Edited by jester
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I hope that pigshit-for-brains Craig Burley has been keeping tabs on the statements coming out of diddy clubs over the last couple of days. You know, the clubs run by "muppets", "afterthoughts","nonentities" and "backward idiots". The clubs supported by "knuckledraggers" and "neanderthals".

You backed the wrong nag, Craig and I'm sure your comments won't be forgotten if you're ever invited back on Off The Ball.

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I caught up on Scotland Tonight a little late, but after spending a few months lurking and more recently posting on P&B, I think I finally begin to comprehend the full extent of the disconnect between the MSM and Scottish footballing reality.

It's crazy that perhaps the main voice of sense in all of this is a Channel 4 journalist with no prior connection to the Scottish game. Spence, English, and Cosgrove come out of this with credit, Daily appears to have disappeared since his last TV show (which I thought was amateur in presentation, and contained far too much in the way of implication for my liking). However, here we stand in the midst of one of the biggest stories in all of Scottish Footballing history, and why does this list not contain more names? Why have none of the questions raised by clubs like Clyde been given any airtime by the MSM?. On the eve of this vote, what does any of us know of Sevco? And why does the Scottish media not care to find out? (This last part is somewhat rhetorical, seeing as they are of course dependent on the cash cow...)

Archie mentioned that bad governance was present before Doncaster and Regan. I wonder if that was a veiled dig at the man sitting to his left? For a man previously in charge of the SFA, Smith's contribution to the show was nothing short of reprehensible. What truly worries me is that the same people who appointed Smith are the same people who appointed Regan, and they will be the same people to appoint his successor. The problem of governance is not confined to the figure at the helm.

However, the thing that undoubtedly struck me the most about Scotland Tonight was the general acceptance (I exclude Thomson) of this idea that SPL 2 is inevitable, the fans will be ignored, and somehow that's okay and we'll all build a bridge and get over it.

Perhaps I'm being naive; perhaps, indeed almost certainly, I've been overexposed to this thread, but it seems to me that any such move would spark an exodus of supporters from the game - and that's something we would truly never recover from.

Sadly, I'm going to miss this weekend's watershed events unfold - I'm flying out in the morning to a beer festival for the weekend. I look forward to catching up on the inevitable 500 pages of posts on my return.

re fan exodus

I think the MSM and those in charge don't really care as long as the SKY $'s keep on rolling in

In fact, it was mentioned tonight that we DONT NEED the wee diddy teams (by archie mcpherson I think it was) I am aghast that no one else picked up on that

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I don't understand the question.

Let me set it out in stages. You are doing a dramatic "never setting foot in a Scottish ground again" thing right?

Given this, it would make your membership of this Scottish football forum somewhat...uh...bizarre. So, if the big vote goes against your way you are never going to post here again, right? Not that this is abandoning your clubs, toys out the pram material or anything like that, right?

I'll promise to resign and never go to Bayview ever again - just no point. It's a personal choice wankbag of how you view the arrangement of the game solely for Sevco. The authorities had been thinking aboots changes for 2 years but suddenly this came up this week - aye sure. In April Cockwomble said we'd lose £20m from the game if didn't have 10 team SPL - now we're losing £16m by punting Sevco away - I'll take yer £4m cock

The authorities have acted disgracefully, nobody is disputing that. What I question is all the issues I outlined in the post you quoted. I previously used the parable of the Egyptian revolution and now I'm using Animal Farm, Rangers were the farmer and this thread now represents the pigs.

Oh and anyone without the exact same views as us gets ridiculous abuse and gets shouted out of the thread. This is how every revolution goes.

Anyway, whilst I greatly question some of the statements and arguments made by the governing body let's look at their motives:

1) Big Rangers fans? Regan and Doncaster certainly aren't.

2) Horrific human beings more suited to the Nazi party? Again, we do know for sure, but probably not - but the language on this thread suggests otherwise.

3) Protecting the financial interests of the clubs they represent? Er, yes.

Now you could say that protecting the overall sporting integrity of the game is more important than solely protecting financial interests. You could say that they are over playing the financial armageddon theory because they are trying to minimize losses - not because they really believe it. I would agree with both those statements. I think sending Rangers down to the Third Division is an incredibly bold and historic step. No nation has ever done this to an establishment club on the scale of Rangers. In the long term it is undoubtedly the best option for Scottish football and will protect our brand as the most passionate footballing nation on earth. It will be a positive message sent around the world regarding Scottish football.

In the short run it could well devastate our clubs, although I'm skeptical about what sponsors would walk away.

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The channel 4 man was on top form, never raised his voice or came away with any pish. Maybe the fact that hes english made a world of difference to his thinking as he doesn't stand to loose if there is no old firm news dominating the sports headlines next season. the reason in my experience the scots "journalists" have been so far up rangers ring they've not seen daylight for many a year.

Best quote of it all " if sky money is more important than the game and the fans then we may aswell turn ibrox and celtic park into a giant car park"

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East Fife are voting "no" to proposition (i) - any newco who appear need to apply for any vacancy that comes up in the bottom tier - it's the rules. NO FRIGGING PARACHUTE EVEN TO DIV 3

Mon the Spartans

That should be the way every club should vote.

Tell the SFA/SPL consortium to feck off and stop trying to bully the SFL teams.

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Yeah Archie wants to cut away that deadwood, two leagues of 16... f**k everyone else.

Archie is the deadwood. He should just be led off to Sunshine Meadows or Golden Pastures or whatever they call these joints that reek permanently of pish.

Was a bit disappointed that the auld yap was on Off The Ball last week. He's not been relevant for at least 15 years.

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Archie is the deadwood. He should just be led off to Sunshine Meadows or Golden Pastures or whatever they call these joints that reek permanently of pish.

Was a bit disappointed that the auld yap was on Off The Ball last week. He's not been relevant for at least 15 years.

Switzerland would possibly serve a better locationph34r.gif

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Rangers FC are dead.

This is about admitting Sevco Scotland Ltd. into the 3rd over and above clubs which deserve to be there, outside of the normal rules of the game.

Yeah, well, according to Scotland Tonight there is no rule saying they have to start in the third.

I maintain my original post.

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re fan exodus

I think the MSM and those in charge don't really care as long as the SKY s keep on rolling in

In fact, it was mentioned tonight that we DONT NEED the wee diddy teams (by archie mcpherson I think it was) I am aghast that no one else picked up on that

I agree with that :ph34r:

Let's start with the teams that have no history, no place in any league set up and have never played a game :lol:

All the rest can stay 8)

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Let me set it out in stages. You are doing a dramatic "never setting foot in a Scottish ground again" thing right?

Given this, it would make your membership of this Scottish football forum somewhat...uh...bizarre. So, if the big vote goes against your way you are never going to post here again, right? Not that this is abandoning your clubs, toys out the pram material or anything like that, right?

The authorities have acted disgracefully, nobody is disputing that. What I question is all the issues I outlined in the post you quoted. I previously used the parable of the Egyptian revolution and now I'm using Animal Farm, Rangers were the farmer and this thread now represents the pigs.

Oh and anyone without the exact same views as us gets ridiculous abuse and gets shouted out of the thread. This is how every revolution goes.

Anyway, whilst I greatly question some of the statements and arguments made by the governing body let's look at their motives:

1) Big Rangers fans? Regan and Doncaster certainly aren't.

2) Horrific human beings more suited to the Nazi party? Again, we do know for sure, but probably not - but the language on this thread suggests otherwise.

3) Protecting the financial interests of the clubs they represent? Er, yes.

Now you could say that protecting the overall sporting integrity of the game is more important than solely protecting financial interests. You could say that they are over playing the financial armageddon theory because they are trying to minimize losses - not because they really believe it. I would agree with both those statements. I think sending Rangers down to the Third Division is an incredibly bold and historic step. No nation has ever done this to an establishment club on the scale of Rangers. In the long term it is undoubtedly the best option for Scottish football and will protect our brand as the most passionate footballing nation on earth. It will be a positive message sent around the world regarding Scottish football.

In the short run it could well devastate our clubs, although I'm skeptical about what sponsors would walk away.

Good post - I respect what you say. I was at Bayview on Wednesday to see us get humped, but I'll never be in that place ever again if Sevco get placed in the 1st with 4 moving up just to make sure. It is a personal choice thingy and bad for EFFC who are with Clyde on the matter - Sevco have not demonstrated a worthy application to join the SFL yet at it's bottom tier.

Just my view and quite angry of things so sorry if I was abusive.

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Archie is the deadwood. He should just be led off to Sunshine Meadows or Golden Pastures or whatever they call these joints that reek permanently of pish.

Was a bit disappointed that the auld yap was on Off The Ball last week. He's not been relevant for at least 15 years.

He was an embarrassment on OTB. Always looking to fight with Cosgrove and had the cheek to attribute the "social unrest" quote to Cosgrove too. mad.gif

Archie said a whole lot of nothing. Went on about armageddon and how bad of a state the game was in without offering any suggestions. The glass is either half full or half empty. He is certainly a half empty kinda guy, along with too many pundits/journos who get a microphone, pen or pc to air their views in Scotland.

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