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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Can understand that the owner of a newco applying for admission to the league might be given a chance to say his piece before the SFL clubs vote but McCoist????

Like you say, WTF?

Can only guess that McCoist's contribution will be to belt out a few verses of the Bangers and Mash or something similar.

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I genuinely hate Jim Traynor.

"They are little more than unambitious social clubs within their communities and while nothing much will change for them it could be desperate at the other end."


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Can understand that the owner of a newco applying for admission to the league might be given a chance to say his piece before the SFL clubs vote but McCoist????

Like you say, WTF?

Presumably Sevco chose who their representatives are. No doubt trying to use his "cheeky chappy, we're all old pals, eh" appeal. Hopefully Turnbull Hutton has a word or six with him about the damage his "who are these people?" shite could have caused.

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That might be slightly illegal and is the dutiful right only of old firm fans 8)

Sorry. very true.....just an overflow of emotion there.

I like every other fan within Scottish football has an awful lot riding on this......

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Having had a few moments to think...

Maybe Green and Sally are there to provide all the info about Sevco that Doncaster and Regan werre unable to provide (as per the Clyde FC statement).

Hope they get asked some really awkward questions..

Do you think the same guy did the PowerPoint?


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I was at Hampden for half an hour or so before and after 11. There was about 20 fans outside, including five Rangers fans and four Inverness fans. One Rangers fan was this wee bauchle of a woman, about 4ft 5 in a Rangers tracksuit. The first words I heard her utter was to call someone a "fucking bawbag". You can't buy class. Then I listened as a Rangers fan in his 50s was interviewed by a guy from 5Live. The poison and bitterness just seeped out of this guy. Wearing an Arthur Daley style jacket but in dark blue, he looked a bit like Joe the neighbour from The Royle Family with closely cropped hair. "The other clubs will pay for this...Dundee Utd, Aberdeen... these minnows today are deciding our future...we're the most successful club in the world". I was praying this wasn't going out live. If only the guy had asked him who he blamed for Rangers' liquidation. I went over to the journo after he'd finished and asked if he'd like a view from an SFL club fan, so I got about two minutes to say my piece, mentioned Clyde's statement and the zero information on Sevco and whether they should be admitted to the league at all, never mind the First. Wanted to say more but his device ran out of space, taken up by that bitter fuckwit no doubt.

It's as well more fans didn't turn up as there wouldn't have been enough room for even a hundred or so given all the Olympic preparation work that's going on and the volume of parked cars.

In case anyone hasn't mentioned it, the Daily Express is excellent today, the total opposite of the Record, which I scanned in Sainsbury. Interviews with the relevant officials from Raith, Clyde, Elgin and Alloa and no journalists opinion dominating matters.

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I genuinely hate Jim Traynor.

"They are little more than unambitious social clubs within their communities and while nothing much will change for them it could be desperate at the other end."

Perhaps without busloads of gloryhunting fuckwits leaving their own "communities" every saturday, Scottish football would be in much better nick. Traynor's days are numbered.

Alex Thomson has showed him what being a journalist is all about. In fact, Traynor shouldn't appear anywhere near that word.


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I genuinely hate Jim Traynor.

"They are little more than unambitious social clubs within their communities and while nothing much will change for them it could be desperate at the other end."

when this bollocks is over, fans of all clubs should remember this fucking scandalous statement.i hope that fat c**t loses his job, locks himself in his study and decides to put a bullet through his nut.

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So, all those fans making repeated threats to never come back to any game ever if Rangers are put in the first....will that also mean you never post on this or any thread ever again?

For some the threats to abandon Scottish Football if Sevco are elevated to the first division may be empty posturing, but for others it's a matter of principle. Don't underestimate how strongly many people feel about this issue. If Sevco are put straight into the first division or a newly-created SPL2 then the game is up. For decades we've known that the Scottish game has been run for the benefit of the Old Firm and that those running the game are merely Old Firm sycophants and errand boys. The idea of an independent Scottish footballing authority is an oxymoron - there is no autonomy and precious little independence. They are in the pockets of the Old Firm and like bargain basement pimps with a third rate portfolio they spend all their time promoting their most marketable girls (the gruesome twosome) and hiding the rest away in the shadows. One of the gruesome twosome comes down with AIDS and expires so they spend all their time trying to tart up the carcass in the hope that that nice Rupert Murdoch fellow won't notice rather than, God forbid, talk up the others.

If Sevco are elevated to the second tier next season then it's not because the "authorities" want them in the first division, it's because they want them back in the SPL within a season at worst and one season of "exile" below the top tier is considered more than enough of a sop to the fans and those pesky idealists who cling to such spurious and commercially indefensible concepts as "sporting integrity." So what happens if Sevco are in Div 1 next season and they don't get promoted? The "authorities" have already shown that they are prepared to bend, manipulate, finesse, or however you wish to describe their relationship with, the rules to get the club formerly known as Rangers FC back into the top division as quickly as possible so you can rest assured that the playoffs, the league size, everything will be fair game as the rule book will be ripped up to welcome Sevco "back" to the top table in 2013-14.

The SPL was formed to maximise the revenue from as many Old Firm encounters per season as possible and the drawbridge was pulled up with idiotic criteria regarding building seats that clubs couldn't afford for fans that didn't exist implemented in true Catch 22 style. The SPL has never had one thin dime from me since it's inception and not just because my club has never been in it. Suddenly we're meant to believe that the SPL are coming over all expansive and meritocratic when they were formerly restrictive and a closed shop. Oh, it's for the "good of the game" of course that 16 team leagues that were "commercial suicide" before are now the prospective panacea. No, it's not altruism, forward-thinking or a vision of a Brave New World, it's just the same old myopic, duopolistic thinking that has hamstrung Scottish football for generations. It's a blatant attempt to drag the carcass of the club formerly known as Rangers FC back to the summit of Scottish football by any means necessary. And when they finally get them back there you can be pretty sure the drawbridge will be lowered again soon enough to keep the riff-raff out.

So, if the authorities are blatantly willing to abandon policies that they formerly held to be axiomatic, completely disregard precedent, embrace changes that they formerly labelled suicidal, rip up the rule book and start again for the benefit of one club (and you can guarantee that they would do all this for precisely two clubs in the Scottish game) then you can be sure of absolutely nothing when it comes to fixing, rigging or generally corrupting the game for the benefit of the untouchable duo. Perhaps we could rely on referees, the last bastions of fair play? Presumably they'd be unimpeachable beacons of integrity in a morally bankrupt world, the last virtuous men in Sodom? There will be no point in going to Scottish football anymore. It would be a game played with loaded dice being supervised by craven sycophants and enablers of the Old Firm. A sordid pantomime masquerading as a sport prostituted for a few shekels from the execrable Rupert Murdoch.

It wouldn't just be a few giving up Scottish football as it is presently constituted, it would be many, myself included.

On the somewhat illogical point that those giving up going to Scottish games should refrain from posting on a football forum:

I'd still follow football, I'd still watch EPL, La Liga, Serie A, international football etc, it would merely be Scottish football as it's presently constituted and run that I'd parted company with. It would still be possible to criticise from without, to lobby for change within the Scottish game. The present "authorities" are merely the temporary custodians of the game in Scotland, why should we allow them to annex the game that we love? Force them out, Doncaster, Regan et al or begin again. It's hard to believe that there wouldn't be a breakaway soon enough if Sevco are accorded special treatment. Starve the charlatans out and start again from the bottom up with a fair, meritocratic system instead of a structure dictated from above by slavish adherents of an outdated duopolistic model rooted in bigotry and sectarianism. The public appetite is for change, there is no point in going back to the despised ways of l'Ancien Regime, the old regime has lost it's legitimacy. Vive la Revolution!

Edited by Frankie S
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Anybody know the two guys "protesting" in the photo? And what team scarf that is? That should be the Diddy Collective team scarf, if for no other reason than respect to these guys for turning up.

They are hardline Rangers fans wanting the master race to go into Division 3 to "teach the diddies a lesson". Didn't you notice the black and red scarves?

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Can only guess that McCoist's contribution will be to belt out a few verses of the Bangers and Mash or something similar.

I've actually got a mental picture of this, with McCoist starting it up, Regan, Doncaster and Longmuir joining in and Donald Findlay marching in at the head of a flute band.

Still laughing now.

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I've been away on the lovely Isle of Arran this week so i'm a bit out of touch. I presume us diddies are getting shafted and today's vote is neither here nor there as Regan will overrule it. Is this the case?

I know Hearts fans would agree and you were chronic last year (not as bad as the Pars...) but Hibs are a diddy team?? :blink:

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