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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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OK, let's take Alex T at his word. Monday comes, and the usual supects overrule today's democratic decision. What happens - punter reaction, general public (non-footie), sponsors etc, ? Given the current banking rotten-to-the-core image, is this now likely to happen? Thoughts please ..

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You manage to get Damian Casalinuovo for Queen's Park, impressive

must have been the fact i was bottom of the league

or maybye it was the wages

f**k knows i took a gamble and just offered him a deal biggrin.gif

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More excellent stuff from Clyde.

But I'm a bit confused about what they're anticipating will now happen - on the one hand they don't seem to believe this is over and are expecting the SFA to pull some stunt. On the other hand they're praising the first division teams for making it clear they would stand fast and have nothing to do with such a stunt. That being the case, what sort of wheeze could the SFA possibly come up with?

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thimk this has been a BERLIN WALL DOON type day for scottish football BUT remember , the clubs really gave sevco a leg up and NOT a punishment... anyhow , ive a feeling a lot of lessons have been learned today and i hope its for the better... no club is bigger than the rest of any league..fan power is everything... away to listen to discharge on vinyl __ tomorrow belongs to us :)

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Anywhere that can tell us how each team voted? I'm concerned Thistle voted yes and are shyting it to say so.

I saw that on wearehistle but the board did release that statement saying Newco in the 1st was unacceptable.

Surely they won't go back on that.

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Clyde again sailing the Zeitgeist excellent again from the most surprising saviours of Scottish football. Re spl two its time for regan etc to stop trying to fight battles they can't win...fans wont have it most clubs won't and if you lost the fans you lose the sponsors. Quit while your behind! Let newco die its death resign with an atom or two of dignity and let Scottish football rebuild free of institutional prejudice. I've had enough pinot bed for me well done everyone and lets keep the wind in the sails

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Right, in my local now and a guy, very prominent with my local junior side has just said to me and my dad (whilst hoping to sell their lotto tickets), Falkirk have a shite stadium, shite fans and are rotten to the core. He then went on about previous crowd attendances (lift me over Mr). All while hoping we parted with our cash.

My Dad replied, "If you want to take the moral high ground, look at yer big team".

The guy took the huff and fooked aff.

Sometimes it pays to be a diddy.

In other words, GIFRFUY

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More excellent stuff from Clyde.

But I'm a bit confused about what they're anticipating will now happen - on the one hand they don't seem to believe this is over and are expecting the SFA to pull some stunt. On the other hand they're praising the first division teams for making it clear they would stand fast and have nothing to do with such a stunt. That being the case, what sort of wheeze could the SFA possibly come up with?

Reading between the lines, I think they wanted to keep their word about not revealing exactly what was said whilst making it clear than threats had been issued. Reading Regan's statement I think he knows the game's up. The comments made by both Clyde and Longmuir about the unity amongst the first division clubs speaks volumes. SPL2 was never a goer, this has just confirmed it.

Could be Regan wants to walk away from the job at the right time as opposed to be seen to be getting pushed; doesn't look so bad on his CV.

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thimk this has been a BERLIN WALL DOON type day for scottish football BUT remember , the clubs really gave sevco a leg up and NOT a punishment... anyhow , ive a feeling a lot of lessons have been learned today and i hope its for the better... no club is bigger than the rest of any league..fan power is everything... away to listen to discharge on vinyl __ tomorrow belongs to us :)

^^fucking this^^

The millisecond the buns realise that the nation they so roundly despise have in fact done them an enormous favour by elevating them from nowhere to a division well beyond the reach of all other embryonic clubs will be a true watershed moment. Perhaps at this incredibible eureka moment real reconcilliation and cultural bridge building can begin and this tawdry bigot fest will be consigned to the annals of history. I am not holding my breath however.

By the way the last time I heard the words 'dischrge on vinyl' my wife was dressed as an SS officer and Max Molesly was shoving a pool ball into my mouth. Alledgedly. Just saying like.

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Stenny and Brechin's websites confirm they voted no.

All we know is Hamilton and QotS.

I have PTFC as yes unless we confirm otherwise. Our report earlier today suggests people are too scared to say they dropped a yes vote in the box.

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