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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Reading between the lines, I think they wanted to keep their word about not revealing exactly what was said whilst making it clear than threats had been issued. Reading Regan's statement I think he knows the game's up. The comments made by both Clyde and Longmuir about the unity amongst the first division clubs speaks volumes. SPL2 was never a goer, this has just confirmed it.

Could be Regan wants to walk away from the job at the right time as opposed to be seen to be getting pushed; doesn't look so bad on his CV.

Think your right fwiw. If they couldn't win either vote spl two is an even harder sell. Regan and doncaster are like adolf and Braun in the Bunker ...time to eat some lead before the diddies over run Berlin..hampden! All that said who outside of Burger king would employ either of them??

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So when are the non-league seniors going to have a proper pop at the lack of fair application process then?

The first one through the slightly open SFL door with a completed application form ,while Sevco loiter outside getting their arse felt by Regan. If you're not fast you're last! :lol:

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^^fucking this^^

The millisecond the buns realise that the nation they so roundly despise have in fact done them an enormous favour by elevating them from nowhere to a division well beyond the reach of all other embryonic clubs will be a true watershed moment. Perhaps at this incredibible eureka moment real reconcilliation and cultural bridge building can begin and this tawdry bigot fest will be consigned to the annals of history. I am not holding my breath however.

By the way the last time I heard the words 'dischrge on vinyl' my wife was dressed as an SS officer and Max Molesly was shoving a pool ball into my mouth. Alledgedly. Just saying like.

yep,,just hope the right thing is done now, and we,ll see who the real fans of the scottish game are.. just hope theSFA dont f5ck everything up by doing something dumb.. we cannot afford to look any more amature . PS thjink youve been watching too much porn :lol:

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Since this afternoon I have had a superiority complex and it is not wearing off. A stroll up Ayr High Street, wearing an Ayr top, awaits tomorrow morning.


Make it lunchtime in Smiths....i'll have SMFC or West Ham colours..........then head for Somerset ;)

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Put a tenner on Dundee.

The longer this drags on the more I think Falkirk done the dirtiest of dirty poos in the ballot box. Not a hint of an update on our website today except a preview of our preseason vs Fraserburgh tomorrow. Business as usual?

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So who were the 5 yeses today then? Sorry, I've missed about 40 pages I think and there's no prospect I'll be able to catch up?

I see Albion Rovers, Brechin, Dumbarton and Stenny voted no to res 2. Accies and Queens have come forward and said they voted yes. Who does that leave 'undeclared'? Montrose, Forfar, Shire, Queen's Park, Thistle... Likely to be 3 from those?

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Been out the country for a fortnight and have taken hours catching up. Watched Raiths chairman on TV tonight and have to ask the question. Why can't every club have an articulate man in charge like him? He spoke with passion and integrity, unlike most SPL Quislings! The end game is being played out at last, with The Rangers(no history, no trophies etc) in Division 3 where they should be. Why has it taken 6 months to reach the inevitable conclusion that 90% on here agreed should be the rightful result? Fan power looks like it has won the day.

As an aside, I noticed on SSN tonight that 2 of the reasons they couldn't accept this were 1: The grounds are too small in Div3 and 2: The press boxes are also too small! Unbelievable :blink:

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OK, let's take Alex T at his word. Monday comes, and the usual supects overrule today's democratic decision. What happens - punter reaction, general public (non-footie), sponsors etc, ? Given the current banking rotten-to-the-core image, is this now likely to happen? Thoughts please ..

Social Unrest.

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I have a mate who argues that McCann transferred Celtic to a NewCo in 1994. Can anyone shed light on this? It's a point, pretty much the only one which I have to concede as I know nothing about it.

I've heard loads of Rangers fans claim this. Usually they think that a private company changing to a PLC means it's a new company whereas really it's just a change in corporate structure.

It's easily debunked by a quick shoofty on the Companies House website.


Date of Incorporation: 12/04/1897

Previous Names: THE CELTIC FOOTBALL AND ATHLETIC COMPANY LIMITED (changed on 15/12/1994)

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OK, let's take Alex T at his word. Monday comes, and the usual supects overrule today's democratic decision. What happens - punter reaction, general public (non-footie), sponsors etc, ? Given the current banking rotten-to-the-core image, is this now likely to happen? Thoughts please ..

Social Unrest.

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What I find one of the most laughable things about this is the Thistle fans were probably the most vociferous of all the 30 SFL clubs about a no vote, yet it seems the club has voted yes.

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