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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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It's well known that Boutros Boutros Galli wasn't appointed as UN general secretary until they got a rubber-stamping nod behind the scenes from Souness. Gorbachev, Major, George Bush snr? Pah. Mere details compared with the moustachioed midfield hardnut-turned global political fixer. A mere shiver of disapproval from his perm was enough to end the political career of presidents and prime ministers across the world.

It's funny that you would never see Souness and Barry Chuckle, (the smaller and, if I may venture, more talented of the glorious Brothers Chuckle) in the same room at the same time.

Hmmmmm! Makes you think, though.

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Yay, successfully blackmailed own club!

And I'll be telling my grand children how I made public threats to abandon it every few days during a crazy monjth. It's the foundation of a successful relationship, if something is happening that you don't like threaten to leave and keep doing it. Cause it works, right? Wouldn't be surprised if Granny Danger and the like start threatening to abandon their club when pie prices increase next year, they've got a taste for it now. It's the Egyptian Revolution all over again.

Yawn that's like saying Neville Chamberlain was a better politician than Churchill. Simply being passive as fans is precisely why Scottish football has rotted or twenty year. The battered wife syndrome has gone on too long . To try to denigrate fans for pushing the issues of basic integrity is risible. By your model of fan nothing would ever change for the better and clubs could treat the fans as profit centres. Its high time the boards know they are answerable and accountable.

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No oldcos costs were not a million a month their LOSSES were over a million a month even with full houses at spl and Cl prices Cl and spl TV money and huge sponsorship deals. Losing some players will not obviate the several million pounds of fixed costs per month including business rates utilities tax ni vat maintenance etc. Even the fantasy attendances of twenty k wont come close to break even

Unless some benefactor steps forward and bankrolls them they'll be well and truly dead before the seasons out, that's if they even start in the first place :lol:

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Its because they are the people. Its their supremacist attitude that they have to control everything.

They are now claiming that they "chose" to play in Division 3! :lol:

Indeed, they only started that pish when they realised that's where they were getting put, and now claim they wanted to be there just to save face,

they would have been wetting their union jack knickers if they had been voted to either the SPL or 1st division,,,

stupid cnuts laugh.giflaugh.gif

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