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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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In the same vein as why should someone who votes BNP be classed as a racist because he follows a certain political party?

And in the same vein why should you be upset by me calling you a bigot either ?.

You clearly display all the worst qualities of being a bigot on here at times.

If I paid money to watch a St Mirren game at St Mirren park you have clearly stated I'm not welcome by you ! WHY ?.

You won't find me spouting sectarian pish at St Mirren park but I'd find you shouting sectarian pish at me ! so who's the sectarian bigot in this situation Cap'n ?.:rolleyes:

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I can't speak for Thistle, but I for one wouldn't welcome a single one of your disgusting bigots darkening our doorstep, never mind giving out patronising lectures on 'helping the wee diddy teams out'.


Fortunately not all Morton fans are as blinkered as you, I have a mate who supports them and is a normal person. As for your 'helping the wee diddy teams out' pish the whole plan came about because a Thistle fan went on KDS and asked folks to come along, not all of them are blinkered either.

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Fortunately not all Morton fans are as blinkered as you, I have a mate who supports them and is a normal person.

Seems legit.

Amazing what 'mates' conveniently happen to turn up in the event of an online argument, isn't it? Among actual fans, you're still not welcome.

Edited by vikingTON
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Please don't.

]It has nothing to do with whether I approve it or not. Being a fan, or supporter, implies you stick with that entity through to, use a cliche, "thick and thin". If you so readily abandon the club due to influences outwith their control then you are not a fan. People said they would abandon Scottish football even if their chairman voted the way they wanted them to vote. These people are not fans. Or even if I didn't agree with how Stewart Gilmour had voted, so what? I'm not a Stewart Gilmour fan, St. Mirren transcends him and every other individual on the board. It's bigger than them and my support does not rely on me agreeing with their actions.Oh and as recently as 2008 we were ranked the 10th best nation in Europe. That's an astonishing achievement for a tiny country like Scotland.

The 2008 ranking was a statistical anamolly based on expunging terrible vogts results and some good back to back wins against a highly rated but in decline French side..plus of boosting coefficient due to not having to qualify from first Cl rounds.your definition of a real fan sticking with club through thick n thin fits with battered wife syndrome.at some point you take a moral stand . I do hope that your definition of a good wife is nowhere near as narrow and old fashioned as your definition of a fan

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Why? Because the club's f**ked? It certainly wasn't for any ethical considerations, else you'd have been alienated long before now.

No shit, Sherlock.

So why the sudden handwringing now? Convenience.

If Rangers had been saved with a full "war chest", you and all the other w**kers would still be going to Ibrox belting out all the same hate, bile and "we are the master race" crap that so publicly manifested itself for all the world to see in Manchester, while telling selected audiences outside the ground (especially your "Catholic friends" - isn't it amazing how this sort always have "Catholic friends"? How did they know they were Catholic, unless they made a point of finding out, and if so why?) how you "don't approve of that sort of stuff in this day and age" (yet were happy to help bankroll it). Admit it.

You people are pathetic - anyone familiar with the fall of any corrupt and rancid enterprise, from the Third Reich (& before anyone invokes Godwin's Law, all Godwin's are invariably c**ts so it doesn't count) or Communist Rumania to Northern Rock will be familiar with those seeking to extricate themselves from the aftermath and say how they "never approved of what was going on, but..." Albert Speer managed to make an entire career out of it. Doubtless in time plenty at Ibrox will try the same.

The only "regrets" you have sunbeam is that its all over. The only applause you lot deserve is the slow handclap of derision.


Well, thank you for those kind words. You perhaps represent the new spirit of sporting integrity? I can see Scottish football is now safe with informed people like yourself on the moral high ground. I'm just surprised you didn't mention the aliens who are actually in league with Green, Northern Rock, Speer and the other Nazis at their moon base. It is fascinating stuff. I'm wondering though, is it true that there's an alien spaceship actually buried beneath Ibrox? You sound like the type of person who would know.

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@rangersmeltdown: Let's dig up dirt on Rangers and spread malicious lies through the Celtic minded media from the Daily Record to the BBC and then Radio Clyde

I think I see a fatal flaw with that cunning plan Baldrick...

Well, thank you for those kind words. You perhaps represent the new spirit of sporting integrity? I can see Scottish football is now safe with informed people like yourself on the moral high ground. I'm just surprised you didn't mention the aliens who are actually in league with Green, Northern Rock, Speer and the other Nazis at their moon base. It is fascinating stuff. I'm wondering though, is it true that there's an alien spaceship actually buried beneath Ibrox? You sound like the type of person who would know.

Dare I suggest anyone like you that comes out with that childish lie about "not knowing about the sectarian and other dark stuff about Rangers until I was in my teens" is a more likely candidate for believing your proposed conspiracy.

After all, it's what you warped f**kers have been coming out with for months to kid yourselves on that it all wasn't true, that Whyte really was a billionaire with "off-the-radar" wealth and Sir Jake The Peg really hadn't paid taken tax advice from a porn star.


Edited by WaffenThinMint
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Seems legit.

Amazing what 'mates' conveniently happen to turn up in the event of an online argument, isn't it? Among actual fans, you're still not welcome.

He is an actual fan as you put it, lives in Carradale now and only gets to half a dozen games a season but he goes every time he can. I'm happy enough to be welcome in his company thank you, won't shed any tears for not being welcome in yours.

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My link

The Sun is an embarrassment.

The referee had to warn an Airdrie player for a comment about Rangers being a 'Third Division team' but they held on to win.

Read and got down to the bottom of the article ! listed the newco's team but not Airdries :o !.Read like the newco just held onto it's lead near the end.

This is not the side that will play it's first competitive game either seeing as all the first team have been given the nod to leave by Green.

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I don't know if this should have a thread of its own on Pie and Bovril, or even a sponsorship link up with my own blog, but if you have not yet read it, please pop over for the full story of:-


Guess how much profit Duff and Phelps made from food and beverages in 4 1/2 months? Go on, have a guess...


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I asked this last night ! what strength of team did Airdrie field last night ? strong,best,injury stricken or did they throw all the youngsters on because it was a 3rd division team they were playing :lol: ?.

What strip did sevco wear? unsure.gif

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Fortunately not all Morton fans are as blinkered as you, I have a mate who supports them and is a normal person. As for your 'helping the wee diddy teams out' pish the whole plan came about because a Thistle fan went on KDS and asked folks to come along, not all of them are blinkered either.

To be honest I would be quite happy if any new fans came along to Firhill.

As long as the fans leave their associations at the other grounds.

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He is an actual fan as you put it, lives in Carradale now and only gets to half a dozen games a season but he goes every time he can. I'm happy enough to be welcome in his company thank you, won't shed any tears for not being welcome in yours.

:lol: :lol: :lol: poor fecker..............

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He is an actual fan as you put it, lives in Carradale now and only gets to half a dozen games a season but he goes every time he can. I'm happy enough to be welcome in his company thank you, won't shed any tears for not being welcome in yours.

Again: seems legit.

I'm really convinced by now that this 'mate' of yours is a Morton fan, who exists. Oh and you're still not welcome.

Edited by vikingTON
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